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单词 驱使
释义 〔put〕To urge or force to an action:驱使,迫使:煽动或迫使…采取行动:〔lash〕To drive or goad; sting:激起:驱使或刺激,激励:〔protagonist〕agōnistēs [actor, combatant] from agōnizesthai [to contend] from agōnia [contest] from agōn from agein [to drive, lead] * see ag- agōnistēs [演员,战斗者] 源自 agōnizesthai [竞争] 源自 agōnia [竞赛] 源自 agōn 源自 agein [驱使,领导] * 参见 ag- 〔essay〕Latin agere [to drive] * see ag- 拉丁语 agere [驱使] * 参见 ag- 〔intumesce〕To bubble up, especially from the effect of heating.沸腾:往上冒泡,尤指在加热的驱使〔concupiscible〕Driven by or filled with strong sexual desire; concupiscent.强烈性欲的:被强烈性欲所驱使或占据的;好色的〔lash〕words that lashed them into action.驱使他们采取行动的言辞〔cogent〕agere [to drive] * see ag- agere [驱使] * 参见 ag- 〔elater〕from elaunein [to drive] 源自 elaunein [驱使,促使] 〔agitate〕Latin agitāre agitāt- [frequentative of] agere [to drive, do] * see ag- 拉丁语 agitāre agitāt- agere的重复动词 [驱使,做] * 参见 ag- 〔driven〕Motivated by or having a compulsive quality or need:有紧迫感的:具有或被某种强迫的本质或需要驱使〔actin〕Latin āctus [motion] from agere āct- [to drive, do] * see act 拉丁语 āctus [运动] 源自 agere āct- [驱使,做] * 参见 act〔propulsion〕The process of driving or propelling.推进:驱使或推进的过程〔cynic〕A person who believes all people are motivated by selfishness.讽世者,愤世嫉俗者:一个认为人类行为由自私自利驱使的人〔transact〕agere [to drive, do] * see ag- agere [驱使,做] * 参见 ag- 〔jetfoil〕A passenger-carrying hydrofoil that is propelled by a jet engine.喷流水翼船:由喷气动力装置驱使的载客水艇〔crud〕possibly from Old English *cruden [past participle of] crūdan [to press, drive] 可能源自 古英语 *cruden crūdan的过去分词 [压,驱使] 〔dispel〕pellere [to drive] * see pel- 5pellere [驱使,驱散] * 参见 pel- 5〔impulse〕An impelling force; an impetus.动力:驱使性的力量;动力〔actuate〕from agere āct- [to drive, do] * see act 源自 agere āct- [驱使,做] * 参见 act〔overdrive〕To drive (a vehicle) too far or too long.驱使过度:驱使车辆过远或过久〔actual〕from agere āct- [to drive, do] * see act 源自 agere āct- [驱使,做] * 参见 act〔agile〕from agere [to drive, do] * see ag- 源自 agere [驱使,做] * 参见 ag- 〔desperate〕Suffering or driven by great need or distress:急切的,极度渴望的:被强烈的需要或苦恼驱使的:〔impulse〕Latin impulsus [from past participle of] impellere [to impel] * see impel 拉丁语 impulsus 源自impellere的过去分词 [驱使,迫使] * 参见 impel〔drove〕from drīfan [to drive] * see dhreibh- 源自 drīfan [驱使] * 参见 dhreibh- 〔elater〕Greek elatēr [driver] 希腊语 elatēr [驱使] 〔impulsive〕Having force or power to impel or incite; forceful.驱动的,推进的:有力量或权力驱使或煽动的;有力的〔propel〕pellere [to drive] * see pel- 5pellere [驱使] * 参见 pel- 5〔impel〕To urge to action through moral pressure; drive:驱使,迫使:用道德的压力迫使行动;驱动:〔imagination〕"The poet is in command of his fantasy, while it is exactly the mark of the neurotic that he is possessed by his fantasy" (Lionel Trilling).“该诗是在他幻想的驱使下作出来的,但同时也表明他确实是被幻想控制住的神经怪异的人” (莱昂内尔·特里林)〔weary〕Expressive of or prompted by fatigue:困乏的:表露出疲倦或为疲倦所驱使的:〔whip〕To drive, force, or compel by flogging, lashing, or other means.迫使:通过鞭笞、抽打或其它方式驱使、迫使或强迫〔impulsion〕"I do not move . . . unless it be under the impulsion of a third party"(Samuel Beckett)“我不会动摇…除非在第三个党派的驱使下”(塞缪尔·贝克特)〔Crassus〕Roman politician and general who joined Julius Caesar and Pompey in the first triumvirate to challenge the senate's power (60). Hungry for military glory, he invaded Parthia and was killed in battle.克拉苏,马库斯·李锡尼:(115?-53) 罗马政治家和将军。他与尤里乌斯·凯撒和庞培组成了前三头政治,以对抗元老院的权力(60年)。在贪术战功的欲念驱使下,他进犯安息帝国,结果在战场上被杀死〔urge〕 Prick suggests driving as if with a spur: Prick 暗指似用刺激物来驱使〔dominate〕Ambition dominated their lives.他们的生活受野心驱使〔actuate〕To move to action:激励,驱使驱使行动:〔hamza〕from hamaza [to urge on, goad] 源自 hamaza [驱使,刺激] 〔ride〕To move by way of an intangible force or impetus; move as if on water:航进,飘游:被无形的力量驱使或推进;就好象在水面上移动:




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