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单词 过早
释义 〔thoughtful〕Having or showing heed for the well-being or happiness of others and a propensity for anticipating their needs or wishes.体贴的:有或表现出关照别人的幸福或快乐并有和表现对过早考虑别人的需要和希望的兴趣的〔backfire〕An explosion of prematurely ignited fuel or of unburned exhaust gases in an internal-combustion engine.回火:过早点燃的燃料的爆炸或内燃机中未燃的废气的爆炸〔inconvenient〕An early departure date is inconvenient for us.过早的动身日期对我们来说不合适〔jump〕To move or start prematurely before:在…之前过早行动或开始:〔precocious〕Manifesting or characterized by unusually early development or maturity, especially in mental aptitude.早熟的:表明或以不寻常的过早发展或成熟为特点的,尤指智力〔jump〕To form an opinion or a judgment hastily:过早下判断:仓促地得出见解或作出判断:〔forward〕Exceptionally advanced; precocious.早熟的;过早〔dogie〕In the language of the American West,a motherless calf is known as adogie. InWestern Words Ramon F. Adams gives one possible etymology for dogie, whose origin is unknown.During the 1880's,when a series of harsh winters left large numbers of orphaned calves,the little calves, weaned too early, were unable to digest coarse range grass,and their swollen bellies "very much resembled a batch of sourdough carried in a sack.”Such a calf was referred to asdough-guts. The term, altered todogie according to Adams, "has been used ever since throughout cattleland to refer to a pot-gutted orphan calf.” Another possibility is thatdogie is an alteration of Spanish dogal, "lariat.” 在美国西部英语中,无母犊牛被称为dogie 。 莱蒙·F·亚当斯为dogie 在 西部语汇 中找到一个词源, 但该词源的出处也是未知的。19世纪80年代,连年酷寒的冬季造成了大量孤犊,尚不能消化粗糙的牧草小牛犊过早断奶,肚子鼓胀“就象装在袋子里的发酵面团”。这样的小牛被称作dongh-guts 。 据亚当斯称,该称呼后来变作dogie ,“整个牧牛区从此用来称呼大肚子的孤犊。” 另外一种可能性是dogie 为西班牙语 dogal 的变体,意即“套索” 〔precipitate〕To cause to happen, especially suddenly or prematurely.See Synonyms at speed 使提前或突然发生:使发生,尤指突然或过早地发生 参见 speed〔nibble〕"If you start compromising too early . . . they nibble you to death"(People)“如果你过早妥协,他们会一点一点地把你吞噬”(民族)〔expect〕anticipate trouble. Tohope is to look forward with desire and usually with a measure of confidence in the likelihood of gaining what is desired: 过早陷入麻烦。 Hope 意思是热切期望并对获得所期待之物的可能性方面有一定的信心: 〔abort〕To interfere with the development of; conclude prematurely:干涉,使夭折:干涉…的进程;过早下结论:〔thoughtful〕These adjectives mean having or showing concern for the well-being of others.Althoughthoughtful and considerate are often used interchangeably, thoughtful implies a tendency to anticipate needs or wishes, whereasconsiderate stresses sensitivity to another's feelings: 这些形容词的意思是对别人的幸福表现出关切。尽管thoughtful 和 considerate 经常通用, 但thoughtful 指过早考虑需求和希望的倾向, 而considerate 强调对他人情感的敏感性: 〔extrasystole〕A premature contraction of the heart, resulting in momentary cardiac arrhythmia.期外收缩:心脏房室的过早心搏,导致短暂的心律不齐〔abort〕To cause to terminate pregnancy prematurely, before the embryo or fetus is viable.使败育:在胚胎或胎儿成活之前导致其过早停止怀孕




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