

词汇 interesting



动词变化: "to interest"

Present Participle: interesting
本页中: interesting, interest

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

interesting adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (arousing interest)有趣的
yǒu qù de
yǐn qǐ xìng qù de
 That's an interesting subject. I want to talk more about it later.
interesting adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (holding attention)有趣的
yǒu qù de
yǒu xī yǐn lì de
 The movie was interesting for the entire three hours.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

interest nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (curiosity, concern)兴趣
xìng qù
ài hào
 Some people have an interest in other cultures while others do not.
interest nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (concern)关心
guān xīn
guān zhù
 My interest in the dispute is based on care for both people.
interest nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (finance: earnings) (金融)利息
lì xī
 This bank account gives 3% interest per year.
interest nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (hobby)业余爱好
yè yú ài hào
 His interests include biking and studying languages.
interest nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (finance: ownership) (金融)股份,权益
 He has a financial interest in this company and may lose all his money.
interest nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (personal benefit)个人利益
gè rén lì yì
 He did what was in his interest and didn't care for the feelings of the others.
interest nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (finance: loan) (金融:贷款)利息
lì xī
 He pays 7% interest on their car loan.
interest nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (participation in sthg)(参与…的)兴趣
cān yù de xìng qù
 She always takes an interest in the village fair.
interest⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (engage attention)引起…的兴趣
yǐn qǐ … de xìng qù
shǐ guān zhù
 Yes, other cultures really interest me.
interest vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (induce participation by [sb])使…对…产生兴趣
shǐ duì chǎn shēng xìng qù
 Can I interest you in some ice cream?

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

interesting ['IntrIstI[ng]] adj [+ idea, place, person] 有趣的 yǒuqù de
  • it is interesting that…
    令人关(關)注的是… lìng rén guānzhù de shì…
  • it will be interesting to see how he reacts
    看他怎么(麼)反应(應)会(會)是很有趣的 kàn tā zěnme fǎnyìng shì hěn yǒuqù de
interest ['IntrIst]
I n
1 [u/s] (in subject, idea, person) 兴(興)趣 xìngqù
  • There has been a lively interest in the elections.
    大家对(對)选(選)举(舉)兴(興)致颇(頗)高。 Dàjiā duì xuǎnjǔ xìngzhì pō gāo.
2 [c] (=pastime, hobby) 爱(愛)好 àihào [个 ]
  • His interests include cooking and photography.
    他的爱(愛)好包括烹调(調)和摄(攝)影。 Tā de àihào bāokuò pēngtiáo hé shèyǐng.
3 [c] (=advantage, profit) 利益 lìyì
  • They would protect the interests of their members.
    他们(們)将(將)保护(護)成员(員)的利益。 Tāmen jiāng bǎohù chéngyuán de lìyì.
4 [u] (on loan, savings) 利息 lìxī
  • Does your current account pay interest?
    你的活期存款账(賬)户(戶)付利息吗(嗎)? Nǐ de huóqī cúnkuǎn zhànghù fù lìxī ma?
  • the interest you pay on your mortgage
    你付贷(貸)款的利息 nǐ fù dàikuǎn de lìxī
interests n pl (Comm) (in a company) 股权(權) gǔquán
  • Her business interests include a theme park.
    她的公司股权(權)包括一个(個)主题(題)公园(園)。 Tā de gōngsī gǔquán bāokuò yī gè zhǔtí gōngyuán.
III vt [work, subject, idea] 使感兴(興)趣 shǐ gǎn xìngqù
  • These are the stories that interest me.
    这(這)些是使我感兴(興)趣的故事。 Zhèxiē shì shǐ wǒ gǎn xìngqù de gùshi.

  • to take an interest in sth/sb
    对(對)某事/某人感兴(興)趣 duì mǒushì/mǒurén gǎn xìngqù
  • to show an interest in sth/sb
    显(顯)露对(對)某事/某人的兴(興)趣 xiǎnlù duì mǒushì/mǒurén de xìngqù
  • to lose interest (in sth/sb)
    对(對)(某事/某人)失去兴(興)趣 duì (mǒushì/mǒurén) shīqù xìngqù
  • controlling interest
    (Comm) 控股权(權)益 kònggǔ quányì
  • to be in sb's interests
    对(對)某人有益 duì mǒurén yǒuyì
  • in the interests of stability/security
    为(為)稳(穩)定/安全起见(見) wèi wěndìng/ānquán qǐjiàn
  • to interest sb in sth
    使某人对(對)某事发(發)生兴(興)趣 shǐ mǒurén duì mǒushì fāshēng xìngqù
absorbing - attraction - compelling - curiosity - engaging - entertaining - exciting - fascinating - fascination - good story - history - hold sb's interest - hold the attention - interestingly - intriguing - neat - new - novelty - of interest - point of interest - really boring - sexy - stimulating
有意思 - 有趣 - 趣




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