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释义 〔Briand〕French politician who became prime minister for the first of 11 times in 1909. As foreign minister he was the chief architect of the Locarno Pact (1925), which guaranteed the borders of Belgium, France, and Germany. He also drew up the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) and shared the 1926 Nobel Peace Prize.白里安,阿里斯蒂德:(1862-1932) 法国政治家,从1909年起11次联任总理。任外交部长时是洛迦诺条约的主要筹划者(1925年)。这一条约保证了比利时、法国和德国边境的和平。他也起草了凯洛格-白里安公约(1928年),并获1926年诺贝尔和平奖〔protest〕A formal statement drawn up by a notary for a creditor declaring that the debtor has refused to accept or honor a bill.拒付证书:由公证人起草的正式声明,告知负债人债权人拒绝接受或承兑的票据〔Wade〕American politician who served as a U.S. senator from Ohio (1851-1869) and jointly authored the Wade-Davis Manifesto (1864), which declared the primacy of Congress in matters of the Reconstruction.韦德,本杰明·富兰克林:(1800-1878) 美国政治家,曾任美国俄亥俄州参议员(1851-1869年),并参与起草韦德-戴维斯宣言(1864年),主张南方的重建问题而与国会冲突〔write〕To draw up in legal form; draft:起草:按法律形式写;草拟:〔Hymans〕Belgian diplomat and politician. As Belgium's representative to the Paris Peace Conference he helped draft the covenant of the League of Nations (1919).海曼斯,保罗:(1865-1941) 比利时的外交家和政治家。作为比利时派往巴黎和会的代表,他帮助起草了国际联盟的协定(1919年)〔herald〕An official formerly charged with making royal proclamations and bearing messages of state between sovereigns.传令官:从前负责起草皇家公告并公布君主间的国事通讯的官员〔memorialist〕A person who writes or signs a memorial.请愿书起草或署名人〔decemvir〕One of a body of ten Roman magistrates, especially a member of one of two such bodies appointed in 451 and 450b.c. to draw up a code of laws. 十大执政官之一:作为古罗马国家首脑的十大执政官之一,尤指公元前 451年和450年被指定起草法典的其中一二人 〔Paul〕American feminist who founded (1916) the separatist National Woman's Party and wrote (1923) the first equal rights amendment to be considered by the U.S. Congress.保罗,艾丽斯:(1885-1977) 美国女权主义者,她于1916年创建了独立国家妇女政党,起草了第一个平等权利修正议案,被美国国会所重视〔indent〕To draw up (a document) in duplicate or triplicate.一式两份或三份地起草(文件)〔Jefferson〕The third President of the United States (1801-1809). A member of the second Continental Congress, he drafted the Declaration of Independence (1776). His presidency was marked by the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France (1803) and the Tripolitan War (1801-1805). A political philosopher, educator, and architect, Jefferson designed his own estate, Monticello, and buildings for the University of Virginia.杰斐逊,托马斯:(1743-1826) 第三届美国总统(1801-1809年)。他是第二次大陆会议的成员并起草了《独立宣言》(1776年)。他因在总统任职期间从法国购买了路易斯安那地区(1803年)和的黎波里战争(1801-1805年)而著名。他是一位政治理论家、教育家和建筑师,自行设计了蒙提萨罗庄园,并创办了弗吉尼亚大学〔Knox〕Scottish religious reformer and founder of Scottish Presbyterianism. While living in exile (1553-1559) during the reign of Mary Queen of Scots, a Catholic, he came under the influence of John Calvin. Returning to Scotland (1559), Knox led the struggle for religious reform. With the drafting of the Confessions of Faith (1560), Protestantism became the established religion in Scotland.诺克斯,约翰:(1514?-1572) 苏格兰宗教改革家和苏格兰长老会的创建人。在天主教徒玛丽女王统治苏格兰时,他被流放。他在流放中(1553-1559年)受到了约翰·加尔文的影响。回到苏格兰以后(1559年),他领导了宗教改革斗争。随着《信仰声明》的起草(1560年),新教成为苏格兰的国教〔Franklin〕American public official, writer, scientist, and printer. After the success of hisPoor Richard's Almanac (1732-1757), he entered politics and played a major part in the American Revolution. Franklin negotiated French support for the colonists, signed the Treaty of Paris (1783), and helped draft the Constitution (1787-1789). His numerous scientific and practical innovations include the lightning rod, bifocal spectacles, and a stove. 富兰克林,本杰明:(1706-1790) 美国政府官员、作家、科学家和印刷业者。当他的作品《穷理查的历书》 成功之后(1732-1757年),他进入了政界并在美国革命中起了重要作用。富兰克林通过谈判说服法国支持殖民地、签署了巴黎和约(1783年)并帮助起草了宪法(1787-1789年)。他的众多的科学发明包括避雷针、双焦点的眼镜和暖炉 〔draft〕To draw up a preliminary version of or plan for.起草:为…制定草案或计划〔Livingston〕American Revolutionary leader and diplomat who served in the Continental Congress (1775-1781) and as minister to France (1801-1804). He helped draft the Declaration of Independence, administered the presidential oath to George Washington, and with James Madison purchased the Louisiana Territory (1803).利文斯通,罗伯特R.:(1746-1813) 美国独立革命领导人及外交家,曾任职于大陆会议(1775-1781年)并任驻法外交使节(1801-1804年)。他帮助起草了《独立宣言》,主持了乔治·华盛顿的总统就职宣誓,并与詹姆斯麦迪逊共同购买了路易斯安那地区(1803年)〔drafter〕One that drafts, especially a person who drafts plans or designs or a person who composes a document.起草人:起草的人,尤指起草计划、方案或草拟文件的人〔Norris〕American politician. A U.S. representative (1903-1913) and senator (1913-1943) from Nebraska, he was instrumental in the founding of the Tennessee Valley Authority (1933) and drafted the 20th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which limits the President to two full terms.诺利斯,乔治·威廉:(1861-1944) 美国政治家。他曾任美国众议院议员(1903-1913年)和内布拉斯加州参议员(1913-1943年),1933年在田纳西河流域管理局的建立中起过作用,并起草了美国宪法第二十次修正案,将总统任期限制为两个任期〔Cecil〕British public official who helped draft the League of Nations Covenant and was president of the League of Nations Union (1923-1945). He won the 1937 Nobel Peace Prize.塞西尔,(埃德加·阿尔杰诺恩)罗伯特:(1864-1958) 英国公务员,参与起草了国际联盟协定并担任国际联盟主席(1923—1945年)。1937年获诺贝尔和平奖〔Stanton〕American feminist and social reformer. She helped organize the first women's rights convention, held in Seneca Falls, New York (1848), for which she wrote a Declaration of Sentiments calling for the reform of discriminatory practices that perpetuated sexual inequality.斯坦顿,伊丽莎白·卡迪:(1815-1902) 美国女权主义者和社会改革家,在纽约州的塞讷卡瀑布,她曾帮助组织并召开了第一次妇女权利大会(1848年),为此她起草了《感情宣言》,号召改革那些长久存在的不平等的性别歧视行为〔Sherman〕American politician. A U.S. senator from Ohio (1861-1877 and 1881-1897), he wrote and sponsored the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890).谢尔曼,约翰:(1823-1900) 美国政治家,他是来自俄亥俄州的参议员(1861-1877和1881-1897年),他起草并建议了谢尔曼反托拉斯法(1890年)〔Adams〕The first Vice President (1789-1797) and second President (1797-1801) of the United States. He was a major figure during the American Revolution, the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, and the shaping of the Constitution.亚当斯,约翰:(1735-1826) 美国首任副总统(1789-1797年)及第二任总统(1797-1801年)。美国独立战争期间的主要人物,《独立宣言》的起草撰写者及宪法的设计完成者〔capitulate〕Medieval Latin capitulāre capitulāt- [to draw up in chapters] 中世纪拉丁语 capitulāre capitulāt- [制订起草章节] 〔Bourgeois〕French statesman who was a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague (1903-1925) and helped draft the Covenant of the League of Nations (1919). He won the 1920 Nobel Peace Prize.乔尔乔亚,莱昂·维克托·奥古斯特:(1851-1925) 法国政治家,海牙常设仲裁法院成员(1903-1925年),协助起草国际联盟盟约(1919年)。获1920年诺贝尔和平奖〔Potsdam〕A city of northeast Germany on the Havel River near Berlin. First mentioned in the 10th century, it became in the 18th century a favorite residence of Frederick the Great, who built the rococo palace of Sans Souci here (1745-1747). The city was the site of the Potsdam Conference (July-August 1945), at which American, British, and Soviet leaders drew up preliminary plans for the postwar administration of Germany and assigned various captured territories to Poland. Population, 135,922.波茨坦:德国东北部城市,临哈威尔河,靠近柏林。有关此市的最早记载出现于十世,到18世纪时建成为腓特列大帝最喜爱的居所,他曾在此建造洛可可式宫(1745-1747年)。该市是波茨坦会议(1945年7月8月)的会址所在地。在波茨坦会议上,美国、英国及苏联的领导人共同起草了有关战后管理德国的初步计划书,并将被占土地归还给了波兰。人口135,922〔Mason〕American Revolutionary politician from Virginia. A member of the Constitutional Convention (1787), he voiced criticism that resulted in the drafting of the Bill of Rights. His grandsonJames Murray Mason (1798-1871) was a Confederate diplomat to Great Britain and France. 梅森,乔治:(1725-1792) 来自弗吉尼亚州的美国革命政治家。作为立宪会议(1787年)的成员,他提出的批评使权利法案得以起草。他的孙子詹姆斯·莫瑞·梅森 (1798-1871年)是邦联派往大不列颠和法国的外交官 〔Tardieu〕French politician and journalist who helped draft the Versailles Treaty of 1919 and served as premier of France (1929-1930 and 1932).塔尔第欧,安德鲁·皮尔·加布里埃尔·阿梅黛:(1876-1945) 法国政治家和新闻记者,曾帮助起草1919年凡尔赛和约并担任过法国总理(1929-1930年和1932年)〔Ito〕Japanese politician who helped draft the constitution of 1889 and served as prime minister (1885-1888, 1892-1896, 1898, and 1900-1901).伊藤,博文:(1841-1909) 日本政治家,曾帮助起草1889年的宪法,并担任过首相(1885-1888, 1892-1896, 1898, 和 1900-1901年)




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