单词 | 蛋白质 |
释义 | 〔puromycin〕An antibiotic, C22H 29N 7O 5, obtained from the soil bacterium Streptomyces alboniger, that is used experimentally as an inhibitor of protein synthesis. 嘌呤霉素:一种抗生素,C22H 29N 7O 5,从 放线菌 中获取,实验性地用作蛋白质合成的抑制剂 〔apolipoprotein〕Any of various proteins that combine with a lipid to form a lipoprotein and are a constituent of chylomicrons, HDL, LDL, and VLDL.阿朴脂蛋白,藻胆色素蛋白:同脂质结合形成脂蛋白的各种蛋白质,是乳糜微粒、高密度脂蛋白、低密度脂蛋白和超低密度脂蛋白的成分〔yolk〕A corresponding portion of the egg of other animals, consisting of protein and fat which serve as the primary source of nourishment for the early embryo and protoplasmic substances from which the embryo develops.卵黄:其它动物蛋内的相应部分,由蛋白质和脂肪组成,用作早期胚胎的主要营养来源和胚胎由此发育的原生物质〔renin〕A protein-digesting enzyme that is released by the kidney and acts to raise blood pressure by activating angiotensin.高血压蛋白原酶:一种由肾脏分泌的蛋白质消化酶,通过使血管紧张肽原酶活化而使血压升高〔corticosterone〕A corticosteroid, C21H 30O 4, that functions in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. 皮质甾酮:一种类皮质激素,C21H 30O 4,其作用于碳水化合物和蛋白质的新陈代谢 〔myosin〕The commonest protein in muscle cells, responsible for the elastic and contractile properties of muscle. It combines with actin to form actomyosin.肌球蛋白:在肌肉细胞中最普通的蛋白质,对肌肉的弹性和收缩性的特性很重要,它与肌动朊结合形成肌动球朊〔floater〕floaters Specks or small threads in the visual field, usually perceived to be moving, that are caused by minute aggregations of cells or proteins in the vitreous humor of the eye. floaters 眼中线状物:视野中常被视作移动着的斑点或小的线状物,由眼睛玻璃状液中的细胞或蛋白质的聚合引起〔leucine〕An essential amino acid, C4H 9CH(NH 2)COOH, derived from the hydrolysis of protein by pancreatic enzymes during digestion and necessary for optimal growth in infants and children and for the maintenance of nitrogen balance in adults. 亮氨酸:一种重要的氨基酸,C4H 9CH(NH 2)COOH,由胰酶在消化过程中从蛋白质的水解作用中分离出来,对婴幼儿良好的生长发育及成人保持氮平衡十分必要 〔anticodon〕A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides in transfer RNA designating a specific amino acid that binds to a corresponding codon in messenger RNA during protein synthesis.反密码子:在蛋白质合成过程中,传送者RNA中的相关密码子与某种氨基酸结合,在传送RNA过程中出现的三个相邻的核苷酸序列〔calmodulin〕A calcium-binding protein found in all nucleated cells that affects the activity of many calcium-sensitive enzymes, including those involved in muscular contraction.钙调蛋白,钙调素,携钙素:存在于真核细胞的含钙蛋白质,能影响许多钙调控酶的作用,其中包括和肌肉收缩有关的酶〔phenylalanine〕An essential amino acid, C6H 5CH 2CH(NH 2)COOH, that occurs as a constituent of many proteins and is normally converted to tyrosine in the human body. It is necessary for growth in infants and for nitrogen equilibrium in adults. 苯丙氨酸:一种基本的氨基酸,C6H 5CH 2CH(NH 2)COOH,是许多蛋白质的组成成分,通常在人体内常转变为酪氨酸。它是婴儿成长和成人的氮平衡所必需的 〔pellagra〕A disease caused by a deficiency of niacin and protein in the diet and characterized by skin eruptions, digestive and nervous system disturbances, and eventual mental deterioration.糙皮病:一种由于食用缺乏烟碱酸和蛋白质的食物而引起的疾病,症状为皮肤出疹子、消化和神经系统紊乱及最终心智退化〔mucoprotein〕Any of a group of organic compounds, such as the mucins, that consist of a complex of proteins and glycosaminoglycons and are found in body tissues and fluids.粘蛋白:一组含有蛋白质与粘多糖的综合体的有机化合物,如粘蛋白,见于体液及组织中〔cathepsin〕Any of various proteolytic enzymes found in animal tissue that catalyze the hydrolysis of proteins into polypeptides.组织蛋白酶:一种见于动物组织中的起蛋白水解作用的酶,能催化蛋白质水解转化为多肽〔urea〕A water-soluble compound, CO(NH2) 2, that is the major nitrogenous end product of protein metabolism and is the chief nitrogenous component of the urine in mammals and other organisms. Also called carbamide 脲,尿素:可溶水的化合物,CO(NH2) 2,是蛋白质新陈代谢的主要氮成品,并且是哺乳动物和其他生物尿液中的主要含氮成分 也作 carbamide〔superhelix〕A molecular structure, as of a protein or DNA, in which a helix is itself coiled into a helix.超螺旋:如蛋白质或DNA的一种分子结构,在这种结构中一个螺旋线交缠在另一个螺旋线中〔anaphylaxis〕Hypersensitivity especially in animals to a substance, such as foreign protein or a drug, that is induced by a small preliminary or sensitizing injection of or exposure to the substance.过敏性反应:在小剂量预防注射、敏化注射或暴露于某种物质,如蛋白质或药物时,动物所具有的高度敏感性〔chemotaxonomy〕Classification of organisms based on differences at the biochemical level, especially in the amino acid sequences of common proteins. Also called chemosystematics 化学分类学:基于生化层次上的差异对生物的分类,尤指按照在普通蛋白质的氨基酸顺序上的差异 也作 chemosystematics〔protamine〕Any of a group of simple proteins found in fish sperm that are strongly basic, are soluble in water, are not coagulated by heat, and yield chiefly arginine upon hydrolysis. In purified form, they are used in a long-acting formulation of insulin and to neutralize the anticoagulant effects of heparin.鱼精蛋白:任一种在鱼精中发现的一组简单蛋白质,有很强的碱性,溶于水,遇热时不凝固,在水解作用时主要产生精氨酸。在纯净的形态下,它们被用在胰岛素的长期组织化以及中和肝鳞脂的防凝因效应中〔euglobulin〕A simple protein that is soluble in dilute salt solutions and insoluble in distilled water.优球蛋白,真球蛋白:一种简单的蛋白质,溶解于稀释的盐水中,不溶于蒸馏水〔ribosome〕A minute, round particle composed of RNA and protein found in the cytoplasm of living cells and active in the synthesis of proteins.核糖体:一种微小圆形的由RNA及蛋白质构成的微粒,发现于活细胞的细胞质中,且活跃于蛋白质的合成中〔proteinase〕A protease that begins the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins usually by splitting them into polypeptide chains.蛋白酶:一种蛋白酶,通过把蛋白质分裂成多肽链后开始蛋白质水解〔pepsin〕A digestive enzyme found in gastric juice that catalyzes the breakdown of protein to peptides.胃蛋白酶:胃液中一种消化酶,加速将蛋白质分解成肽〔VLDL〕A lipoprotein containing a very large proportion of lipids to protein and carrying most cholesterol from the liver to the tissues.极低密度脂蛋白:一种脂蛋白,含有大量脂质到蛋白质,并带有从肝脏到组织的大部分胆固醇〔proteinuria〕The presence of excessive amounts of protein in the urine.蛋白尿症:尿液中蛋白质过多〔papain〕An enzyme capable of digesting protein, obtained from the unripe fruit of the papaya and used as a meat tenderizer and in medicine as a digestive aid.番木瓜酶:可消化蛋白质的酶,从番木瓜的鲜果汁可得到,用作肉的柔嫩剂,在医药中用于助消化〔scleroprotein〕Any of a class of generally insoluble proteins, such as collagen, found in skeletal and connective tissue. Also called albuminoid 硬蛋白:一般指在骨骼和连接组织中的不溶性蛋白质,如胶原蛋白等 也作 albuminoid〔homocysteine〕An amino acid used normally by the body in cellular metabolism and the manufacture of proteins. Elevated concentrations in the blood are thought to increase the risk for heart disease by damaging the lining of blood vessels and enhancing blood clotting.高半胱氨酸:通常为人体细胞新陈代谢及制造蛋白质所需的胺基酸,提高血液的浓度被认为会增加心脏疾病发生的危险,因为如此一来会损伤血管内壁并促进血液凝固而导致危险发生〔Klug〕South African-born British biochemist. He won a 1982 Nobel Prize for research on the structure of viruses and particles of proteins and nucleic acids.克卢格,艾伦:(生于 1926) 南非裔英国生物化学家,他因为研究病毒结构以及蛋白质和核酸的微粒结构而获1982年诺贝尔奖〔proteid〕A protein. No longer in scientific use.蛋白质,已不再作科学术语使用〔GMP〕A nucleotide composed of guanine, ribose, and one phosphate group that is formed during protein synthesis. Also called guanylic acid GMP:一种核苷酸,由鸟嘌呤、核糖和蛋白质合成过程中产生的磷酸盐类构成 也作 guanylic acid〔subtilisin〕An extracellular enzyme produced by certain strains of a soil bacterium(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) that breaks down proteins into polypeptides and resembles trypsin in its action. 枯草杆菌蛋白酶:由一种土壤细菌(解淀粉芽孢杆菌) 产生的细胞外蛋白酶,能够将蛋白质分解成多肽,其作用过程类似胰蛋白酶 〔nucleocapsid〕The basic structure of a virus, consisting of a core of nucleic acid enclosed in a protein coat.核壳体,病毒粒子:病毒的基本结构,由有蛋白质壳包围的核酸的核组成〔cytokine〕Any of several regulatory proteins, such as the interleukins and lymphokines, that are released by cells of the immune system and act as intercellular mediators in the generation of an immune response.细胞因子:任一种由免疫系统细胞释放的调节蛋白质,如细胞白介素和淋巴因子,在产生免疫应答时起细胞间介质的作用〔ptomaine〕A basic nitrogenous organic compound produced by bacterial putrefaction of protein.尸碱:一种含氮的有机化合物,由蛋白质被细菌感染导致腐烂而产生〔proenzyme〕The inactive or nearly inactive precursor of an enzyme, converted into an active enzyme by proteolysis. Also called zymogen 酶原:酶的非活性或近似非活性的前体,通过蛋白质水解过程转变成活性酶 也作 zymogen〔electrophoresis〕A method of separating substances, especially proteins, and analyzing molecular structure based on the rate of movement of each component in a colloidal suspension while under the influence of an electric field.电泳分离法:分离物质,尤指分离蛋白质的方法, 以及基于在电场作用下处于胶粒悬浮状态的各个成分的运动速度基础上进行的分子结构分析方法〔virion〕A complete viral particle, consisting of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein shell and constituting the infective form of a virus.病毒粒子:一整个病毒粒子,由被蛋白质外壳包围的核糖核酸或脱氧核糖核酸组成,并构成一个病毒的传染形式〔mucoid〕Any of various glycoproteins, especially a mucoprotein, similar to the mucins.类粘蛋白:类似于粘蛋白的糖原蛋白质,尤指粘蛋白〔tofu〕A protein-rich food coagulated from an extract of soybeans and used in salads and various cooked foods.豆腐:一种由大豆提炼而成的凝结物,是富含蛋白质的食物,用于作色拉或各种烹调食物 |
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