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单词 给予
释义 〔aplenty〕"There were warning signs aplenty for their candidates as well"(Michael Gelb)“对他们的候选人同样也给予足够多的警告信号”(迈克尔·盖尔布)〔security〕Something that gives or assures safety, as:安全设施:给予或保证安全的设施,如:〔stereotype〕To give a fixed, unvarying form to.典型化:给予一个固定不变的模式〔hold〕To continue to be in supply or service; last:继续给予或提供;持续:〔tacit〕Management has given its tacit approval to the plan.管理部门已暗中对该计划给予了支持〔distribute〕Dole, often followed byout, implies careful, usually sparing measurement of portions; it can refer to the distribution of charity ( Dole, 其后常跟out 指细致地,通常是节省所应分发的份额的测量; 可指给予施舍( 〔overweight〕To give too much emphasis, importance, or consideration to.过于重视,过于关注:给予…太多的强调,重要性或太多的考虑〔character〕A formal written statement as to competency and dependability, given by an employer to a former employee; a recommendation.推荐信:由雇主给予以前的雇员的有关其能力或可信任性的正式书面陈述;推荐信〔overwhelm〕They overwhelmed us with expensive gifts.他们给予我们大量的昂贵礼物〔preference〕The granting of precedence or advantage to one country or group of countries in levying duties or in other matters of international trade.优惠:在关税或其它国际贸易的事宜上给予一个国家或国家集团的优先权或优势〔Anthony〕American feminist leader and suffragist who was instrumental in the passage of legislation that gave married women legal rights over their children, property, and wages. In 1869 she cofounded the National Woman Suffrage Association.安东尼,苏珊·布朗内尔:(1820-1906) 美国女权主义领导者和妇女参政主义者,在通过关于给予已婚妇女对子女、财产和工资的合法权益的法案中起了很大作用。1869年她参与建立了全美妇女选举权协会〔rendition〕The act of rendering.给予给予的行为〔well〕In a manner affording benefit or gain; advantageously:有利地:以可给予好处或利益的方式;有利地:〔impart〕impart a subtle flavor; impart some advice.加少许调料;给予一些建议〔pay〕To give recompense for; requite:回报:给予报酬;报答:〔dignify〕To confer dignity or honor on; give distinction to:授…以荣誉:授与高位或荣誉的;给予荣誉称号:〔wallop〕The ability to strike a powerful blow:猛击力:能够给予有力的打击的能力:〔renovate〕To impart new vigor to; revive.恢复(精神):给予新的活力;恢复生机〔scarcity〕"Having looked to Government for bread, on the first scarcity they will turn and bite the hand that fed them"(Edmund Burke)“他们依靠政府给予面包,稍有不足他们将转身撕咬那只曾抚养他们的手”(埃德蒙·伯克)〔see〕To provide unstinting support, cooperation, or management in good times and bad:帮助…度过(困难):在顺利或艰难时期给予慷慨的支持、合作与安排:〔accord〕accorded the President the proper deference.See Synonyms at grant 给予总统恰当的尊重 参见 grant〔trust〕The new President said he would try to justify the trust the electorate had placed in him.新总统说他将尽力证明选民们所给予他的信任。〔vouch〕To give personal assurances; give a guarantee:担保,保证:给予个人担保;给予保证:〔dative〕from datus [past participle of] dare [to give] * see dō- 源自 datus dare的过去分词 [给予] * 参见 dō- 〔lagniappe〕Lagniappe derives from New World Spanish la ñapa, "the gift,” and perhaps ultimately from Quechua yapay, "to give more.” The word came into the rich Creole dialect mixture of New Orleans and there acquired a French spelling. It is still used chiefly in southern Louisiana to denote a little bonus that a friendly shopkeeper might add to a purchase. By extension, it may mean "an extra or unexpected gift or benefit.” Lagniappe 源于新大陆西班牙语中的 la~napa (“礼物”),而且也许最终来自盖丘亚语中的 yapay (“给得更多”)。这个词进入了新奥尔良富有的克里奥耳人的对话用语并因此具有了法语的拼法。直至今日它还是主要用于路易斯安那州的南部,用来形容那些友好的店主们可能会在你所购物之外给予额外的东西。根据它的延伸意,该词可以指“额外的或意料不到的礼物或收益。” 〔lay〕To place or give (importance):注重:授予或给予(重要性):〔elaborate〕Planned or executed with painstaking attention to numerous parts or details.精心制作的:对众多部分或细节给予精心注意的计划或制作的〔laudatory〕a laudatory review of the new play.对这出新戏给予表扬〔feminize〕To give a feminine appearance or character to.使女性化:给予…女性的外表或性格〔smite〕To deal a blow with or as if with the hand or a hand-held weapon.重打,重击:用或好象用手或手持的武器给予重重的一击〔sanctify〕To give religious sanction to, as with an oath or a vow:给予认可:给予宗教上的认可,如通过发誓或誓约:〔bribery〕The act or practice of offering, giving, or taking a bribe.行贿,受贿:提供、给予或取得贿赂的行为或实践〔exchange〕To give something in return for something received; make an exchange.交换;交流:为换取某物而给予某物;交换〔prescriptive〕Making or giving injunctions, directions, laws, or rules.规定的,指定的:做出或给予命令,指示,法律或规定的〔promise〕To afford a basis for expecting:保证,一定:给予预期的基础:〔gratuity〕A favor or gift, usually in the form of money, given in return for service.See Synonyms at bonus 赏钱,小费:当得到服务所给的恩惠或礼物,通常以钱的形式给予 参见 bonus〔foreshadow〕To present an indication or a suggestion of beforehand; presage.预示,预兆:预先给予暗示;预示〔Saxony〕A historical region of northern Germany. The original home of the Saxons, it was conquered by Charlemagne in the 8th century and became a duchy after his death. Its borders were eventually extended southeastward as the region was subdivided and redivided. The dukes of Saxony became electors of the Holy Roman Empire in 1356, and in 1806 the elector was elevated to kingship but lost half his territory to Prussia in 1815. A later kingdom of Saxony was part of the German Empire (1871-1918).撒克逊:德国北部的一个历史地区,原来是撒克逊人的家园,8世纪被查理曼征服,并在他死后成为一公国。由于分裂和重新划分,这一地区的边界最终向东南方向拓展,1356年撒克森大公成为神圣罗马帝国的诸侯,1860年撒克森大公加冕称帝,但是将他的一半领地给予普鲁士(1815年),后来的撒克逊王国成为德意志帝国(1871-1918年)的一部分〔stingy〕Giving or spending reluctantly.吝啬的:非常不情愿地给予或花费的〔motor〕Something, such as a machine or an engine, that produces or imparts motion.发动机:可以引起或给予动力的物体,如机械或引擎等




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