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单词 纽约时报
释义 〔program〕"Working parents rely on the center's after-school latchkey program"(New York Times)“工作的父母都依赖这间中心看管孩童的服务”(纽约时报)〔complected〕"A white-haired and ruddy-complected priest stood on the deck of one of the trawlers"(New York Times)"Fewer still could fit the original job description of a raven-haired, smooth-complected, red-lipped innocent"(Los Angeles Times)“一个白头发、脸色红润的牧师站在一只拖网渔船的甲板上”(纽约时报)“没几个人会仍然相信对当初那个黑头发、光皮肤、红嘴唇的幼稚孩童的描述”(洛杉矶时报)〔sledding〕"The bill . . . faces tough sledding in Congressional conference"(New York Times)“那个议案…面临议会会议的巨大阻挠”(纽约时报)〔chutzpah〕"has the chutzpah to claim a lock on God and morality"(New York Times)“厚颜无耻地宣称拥有上帝和美德的秘密”(纽约时报)〔neocon〕"The neocons and hard-liners have long felt that no Soviet leader could be trusted"(New York Times)“新保守主义者和顽固分子们一直感到没有一个苏联领导人可信”(纽约时报)〔Realtor〕"None of the realtors who worked on the deal would comment"(Los Angeles Times)"The economic aftershocks are already rippling through the area's non-defense businesses, from realtors to pizzerias"(New York Times)"Since virtually every other industry publicizes its top performers, the Realtors should be proud of theirs, too"(Chicago Tribune)“在这场交易中的房地产经纪人都不愿作评论”(洛杉矶时报)“在这一地区经济的余震,它在房地产经纪商至比萨饼店这样未保护的行业中已引起了波动”(纽约时报)“因为实际上任何一个其它行业都把它们的最优秀的人员广而告之,所以房地产经纪人们也应该为他们的优秀者感到骄傲”(芝加哥论坛报)〔sign〕"Retired politicians often sign on with top-dollar law firms"(New York Times)“退休的政客经常受雇于一些有钱的法律事务所”(纽约时报)〔motley〕"Most Ivy League freshman classes are chosen from a motley collection of constituencies . . . and a bare majority of entering students can honestly be called scholars"(New York Times)See Synonyms at miscellaneous “常春藤联合会的大部分新成员选自于五花八门的候选人集合体…而且有过半数的新生简直可以被称作学者”(纽约时报) 参见 miscellaneous〔fat〕"would drain the appropriation's fat without cutting into education's muscle"(New York Times)“可能删减多余的拨款,而同时不损害教育的品质”(纽约时报)〔centrist〕"The deep pool of centrist opinion in the country, that essential guarantee against violent political upheavals, is being dangerously shaken"(New York Times)“这个国家根深蒂固的温和派立场、那种反对剧烈政治动荡的根本保障现在正危险地发生动摇”(纽约时报)〔deaccession〕"He also denied that . . . friends of the museum were permitted to buy . . . pieces that were deaccessioned"(New York Times)“他也否认…博物馆的朋友允许购买…禁止出售的几件艺术品”(纽约时报)〔criticality〕"The challenge of our future food supply is approaching criticality"(New York Times)“我们未来食物供应的挑战已接近临界状态”(纽约时报)〔Sheetrock〕"We're going to sheetrock the ceiling"(New York Times)“我们将要为天花板吊顶”(纽约时报)〔androgynous〕"The diet and exercise cult was born of a desire to develop androgynous bodies that are more muscular than softly curved"(New York Times)“对饮食和运动的重视,是希望使两性的身体更强健有力,而不是柔软灵活”(纽约时报)〔anent〕"This question remains a vital consideration anent the debate over the possibility of limiting nuclear war to military objectives"(New York Times)“这个关于把核战争限制为军事目的可能性的讨论,仍然引起人们的深切关注”(纽约时报)〔outlay〕"huge new outlays for the military"(New York Times)“大量新支出的军事费用”(纽约时报)〔fantasticate〕“[his] splendidly baroque style adorns and fantasticates his thought" (New York Times)“ 辉煌的巴洛克式的艺术风格使他的思想变得荒谬” (纽约时报)〔malaise〕"One year after the crash, the markets remain mired in a deep malaise"(New York Times)“股市崩盘一年后,市场仍是萎靡不振”(纽约时报)〔slap〕"thought[he] was getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down" (New York Times)“觉得[他] 正变得骄傲自大需要加以纠正” (纽约时报)〔root〕"declared that waste and fraud will be vigorously rooted out of Government"(New York Times)“宣称要强有力地铲除政府中的挥霍和欺诈现象”(纽约时报)〔reinvent〕"Call it reinventing the wheel or recasting old ideas, but these contemporary versions have a spirit and style all their own"(New York Times)“称它是重新从头做也好,重新表达老主意也好,但是这些当代的版本有它们自己的精神和风格”(纽约时报)〔berried〕"an off-dry, berried flavor"(New York Times)“一种干透的浆果的味道”(纽约时报)〔Laundromat〕"pointed to a laundromat and a restaurant as viable businesses"(Alaska Business Monthly)"A car veered out of control and hit him and his mother as they left a Brooklyn laundromat"(New York Times)“认为自助洗衣业和餐饮业是可望成功的行业”(阿拉斯加商业月刊)“当他和母亲离开布鲁克林一家自助洗衣店时被一辆失去控制的汽车撞伤了”(纽约时报)〔conjuration〕"a theatrical magician who knows how to make a dance program an evening of fantastic conjurations"(New York Times)“戏院魔术师知道怎样把一个舞蹈节目变成晚会中的奇妙梦幻”(纽约时报)〔pander〕"He refused to pander to nostalgia and escapism"(New York Times)“他拒绝迎合怀旧心理和逃避主义”(纽约时报)〔interface〕"Theatergoers were lured out of their seats and interfaced with the scenery"(New York Times)“戏迷们被吸引出座位而与舞台布景交相呼应”(纽约时报)〔consequential〕"The year's only really consequential legislation was the reform of Social Security"(New York Times)“这一年中唯一真正重大的立法是对社会保险制度的改革”(纽约时报)〔pluperfect〕"He has won a reputation as[a] pluperfect bureaucrat" (New York Times)“他赢得了 超级官僚的名声” (纽约时报)〔pileup〕"the pile-up of unsold autos"(New York Times)“未售车辆的堆积”(纽约时报)〔Kerr〕American playwright, writer, and drama critic for theNew York Herald-Tribune (1951-1966) and the New York Times (1983-1996). In 1978 he won a Pulitzer Prize for criticism. 克尔,沃尔特:美国《纽约前锋论坛报》 (1951年-1956年)和 《纽约时报》 (1983年-1996年)的剧作家和戏剧评论家。1978年因评论文章获普利策奖 〔brave〕"a sympathetic and detailed biography that sees Hemingway as a valiant and moral man" (New York Times). “一本富有同情心和情节详细的传记,它说明海明威是一个勇敢的和有道德的人” (纽约时报)。〔vortex〕"As happened with so many theater actors, he was swept up in the vortex of Hollywood"(New York Times)“象发生在许多戏剧演员身上的一样,他被卷入了好莱坞的旋涡”(纽约时报)〔Xerox〕A trademark used for a photocopying process or machine employing xerography. This trademark often occurs in print in uppercase or lowercase as a verb, an adjective, and a noun:"Juicy stories circulated . . . in a book proposal that was Xeroxed and read as an alternate beach book in the Hamptons" (Washington Post). "Letters you send should be xeroxed after you sign them" (Progressive Architecture). "To walk around the . . . campus during the strike was to be confronted with their fact sheets, their xeroxed research summaries and news clips" (San Francisco Chronicle). "The group's teacher . . . asked the children how they would feel if they received a Xeroxed thank-you card" (New York Times). "He reaches inside his windbreaker to his shirt pocket. He has four or five sheets of foolscap, xeroxes, I see, of court documents" (Scott Turow). The trademark sometimes occurs in print in figurative contexts: 施乐:商标名,用于采用静电复印术的影印过程或机器。该商标常印刷为大写体或小写体,可作为动词、形容词和名词来使用:“在汉普顿斯,低俗的故事被印出后当作另一种消遣读物,夹在推荐书目中传阅” (华盛顿邮报)。 “您发出的信件应当在您签字后复印” (现代建筑)。 “在他们罢课期间只要围着校园走一走就会看到许多揭露真相的传单、复印的调查摘要和新闻简要(在游行中绕着营地走走就会面对许多事实传单,复印的研究略要和小道消息)” (旧金山年鉴)。 “老师问孩子们,当他们收到一张复印的致谢卡时有什么感觉” (纽约时报)。 “他伸到风衣里面去找衬衣口袋,我知道他有四五张复印的大页纸,我想,是法庭文件” (斯科特·丢诺)。这个商标有时用于比喻意义中: 〔uppity〕"was getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down"(New York Times)“正变得有点傲慢,并需要他人煞一煞其气势”(纽约时报)〔bulldoze〕"intends to bulldoze ahead with plans for extensive reconstruction"(New York Times)“打算尽力实现广泛重建计划”(纽约时报)〔Spackle〕A trademark used for a powder to be mixed with water or a ready-to-use plastic paste designed to fill cracks and holes in plaster before painting or papering. This trademark often occurs in lowercase in print:"In the Sierra . . . the snow generally is the consistency of spackle" (San Francisco Chronicle). It also occurs as a verb in various contexts: "Two young men quietly spackled and whitewashed the walls . . . for an exhibition" (New York Times). "Support compensates, underpins, retrofits, translates, spackles, patches and reinforces" (Computerworld). The trademark has also generated a derivative noun: 斯百克填料:一种涂料粉的商标,用水或即用石膏泥与粉末合成,用以在作画或裱纸前填补石膏上的裂缝或洞眼。该商标印刷时通常以小写字母排印:“在塞拉…雪花通常都是斯百克填料组成的” (旧金山年鉴)。该词同时也在各种文本中以动词出现: “两个年轻人静静地抹墙并把墙刷白…为了展览” (纽约时报)。 “支持可以补偿、巩固、翻新、转化、填补、修补和加强” (计算机世界)。此商标还派生出一名词: 〔busker〕"A sun-warmed busker fiddles some Vivaldi near the subway exit north of the White House"(New York Times)“在白宫北面的地铁口附近,一位沐浴在阳光下的街头艺人用提琴演奏一首维瓦尔第的曲子”(纽约时报)〔embourgeoisement〕"The Soviet party, despite a new appearance of embourgeoisement, remained tightly faithful to Soviet discipline"(New York Times)“苏维埃党,尽管有资产阶级化的新表现,仍旧坚信苏维埃的纪律”(纽约时报)〔fly〕"However sophisticated the reasoning, this particular notion may not fly"(New York Times)“不管原因多么错综复杂,这个特定的观念都不能得到赞许”(纽约时报)〔Ochs〕American newspaper publisher who published theNew York Times (1896-1935) and directed the Associated Press (1900-1935). 奥克斯,阿道夫·西蒙:(1858-1935) 美国报纸出版商,出版了《纽约时报》 (1896-1935年)并担任管理美联社的工作(1900-1935年)




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