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单词 不平等
释义 〔redistribution〕An economic theory or policy that advocates reducing inequalities in the distribution of wealth.财产重新分配:一种提倡减少财产分配上的不平等的经济理论或政策〔short〕The worst side of an unequal deal.处于劣势的:一不平等事物的最坏的一面〔shoe〕The circumstances have been reversed; an unequal relationship has been inverted.情况已经逆转;一种不平等的关系已经被倒过来了〔Spender〕British writer whose poetry reflects personal emotional responses to social and political injustices. His works include the collectionThe Still Center (1939) and Generous Days (1971). 斯彭德,斯蒂芬·哈罗德:(生于 1909) 英国作家,他的诗反映了他个人对于社会及政治不平等的反感情绪。他的作品包括诗集《静止的中心》 (1939年)以及 《慷慨的日子》 (1971年) 〔unequal〕Not the same as another in rank or social position.不平等的:在级别和社会地位上与别人不相同的〔materialize〕"Inequality has the natural and necessary effect . . . of materializing our upper class, vulgarizing our middle class, and brutalizing our lower class"(Matthew Arnold)“不平等具有一种自然的、必要的效力…使人们的上层阶级物质化,使我们的中层阶级世俗化,使我们的低层阶级残暴化”(马修·阿诺德)〔Lee〕American writer. Her novelTo Kill a Mockingbird (1960), dealing with racial injustice in the South, won a Pulitzer Prize. 李,(内勒)哈珀:(生于 1926) 美国作家。他的小说《谋杀知更鸟》 (1960年),揭露南方种族不平等,获普利策奖 〔inequality〕Social or economic disparity:差异:社会或经济上的不平等〔imparity〕from Latin impār [not equal] 源自 拉丁语 impār [不平等的] 〔leveler〕One who advocates the abolition of social inequities.平等主义者:提倡消灭社会不平等现象的人〔Fugard〕South African playwright and director whose works, includingMaster Harold . . . and the Boys (1982), explore racial tension and inequality in South Africa, especially during apartheid. 富加德,阿索:南非剧作家和导演,作品包括《赫罗德主人与男孩们》 (1982年),尤其在种族隔离政策期间,探索南非的种族间紧张状态和不平等现状 〔inequality〕Lack of equality, as of opportunity, treatment, or status.不平等:在如机会、待遇或地位上的不平等〔inegalitarian〕Marked by or accepting of social, economic, or political inequality.不平等的:具有或接受社会的、经济的或政治不平等性的〔disparity〕The condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank, or degree; difference:不等,差距:不平等的状况或事实,如在年龄、级别、程度等方面;相异:〔Stanton〕American feminist and social reformer. She helped organize the first women's rights convention, held in Seneca Falls, New York (1848), for which she wrote a Declaration of Sentiments calling for the reform of discriminatory practices that perpetuated sexual inequality.斯坦顿,伊丽莎白·卡迪:(1815-1902) 美国女权主义者和社会改革家,在纽约州的塞讷卡瀑布,她曾帮助组织并召开了第一次妇女权利大会(1848年),为此她起草了《感情宣言》,号召改革那些长久存在的不平等的性别歧视行为




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