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单词 纳粹德国
释义 〔lebensraum〕Additional territory deemed necessary to a nation, especially Nazi Germany, for its continued existence or economic well-being.生存空间:被认为对一民族,尤指纳粹德国的继续生存或经济富足所必需的额外领土〔Lang〕Austrian-born American filmmaker. He madeMetropolis (1927), M (1931), and a number of other expressionist films before fleeing to Hollywood from Nazi Germany. His American films include Fury (1936) and The Ministry of Fear (1944). 兰,弗里兹:(1890-1976) 奥地利裔美国电影制作人,从纳粹德国逃往好莱坞之前他创作了《大都会》 (1927年)、 《M》 以及许多其他表现主义电影作品。他所创作的美国影片有 《狂怒》 (1936年)和 《恐惧内阁》 (1944年) 〔Luftwaffe〕The German air force before and during World War II.纳粹德国空军:在第二次世界大战之前和期间的德国空军〔Thompson〕American journalist whose radio broadcasts and widely syndicated column "On the Record" (1936-1941) informed Americans of the impending threat of Nazi Germany.汤姆逊,多罗斯:(1894-1961) 美国新闻记者,他在广播播出和在报业辛迪加的报纸上广泛发表的专稿“迫在眉捷”(1936-1941年)告诫美国人纳粹德国即将来临的威胁〔Halifax〕British public official who was viceroy of India (1926-1931) and foreign secretary (1938-1940), implemented Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement toward Nazi Germany, and served as ambassador to the United States (1941-1946).哈利法克斯:英国政府官员,1926-1931年曾任印度总督,1938-1940年及外交大臣,对纳粹德国奉行内维尔·张伯伦首相的绥靖政策,1941-1946年任驻美大使〔Anschluss〕A political union, especially the one unifying Nazi Germany and Austria in 1938.联合,合并:政治联合,尤指1938年纳粹德国对奥地利的并吞〔Frank〕German Jewish diarist who fled from Nazi Germany to Amsterdam with her family (1933) and kept a diary during her years in hiding (1942-1944). She and her family were captured (August 1944) and sent to concentration camps. Anne died of typhus in the camp at Belsen. Her diary was published in 1947.弗兰克,安妮:(1929-1945) 德国犹太人,日记作者,随其家人(1933年)从纳粹德国飞往阿姆斯特丹,那段岁月里她一直藏着她的日记(1942-1944年)。她及家人被捕(1944年8月)并被送往集中营。安妮在贝尔森的集中营里死于斑疹伤寒。她的日记在1947年被出版




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