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单词 确实存在
释义 〔real〕"Is this place for real? A wolf in a . . . leisure suit and a cow in a print dress wait patiently on the couch in the lobby"(Teresa Carson)“这样的地方确实存在吗?一只穿着便装的狼和一头穿着印花服的奶牛耐心地坐在客厅的沙发上等待着”(特雷萨·卡森)〔tangerine〕The nametangerine is like the skin of an orange, which when peeled off reveals something of interest.The name reflects the geographic source of the fruit, Tangier, Morocco,from which port the first tangerines were shipped to Europe in 1841.The wordtangerine, from Tangier or Tanger, was already an English word (first recorded in 1710), meaning "of or pertaining to Tangier.”This word had been formed with the suffix-ine, as in Florentine. The fruit was first called atangerine orange, later reduced simply totangerine. Confusion exists between the nametangerine and the name mandarin, and with good reason.The tangerine is a type of mandarin orange,so in fact the oranges shipped from Tangier could have been calledmandarins. However, although both names can be used interchangeably in a general sense,there does now exist a particular type of orange calledtangerine as distinguished from another type called specifically mandarin. The mandarin orange, which is native to China,is thought probably to have received its namebecause of its resemblance in color to the robes of a mandarin.单词tangerine 这个名称就好象桔子的皮, 当我们把它剥下来时就会发现有趣的东西。这个名称反映了它所指的水果的地理来源,即摩洛哥的丹吉尔;第一批柑橘就是在1841年从该港口用船运往欧洲的。源于Tangier 或 Tanger 的 tangerine 一词在这时已经是一个英语词汇(它第一次见于文献是在1710年), 意为“属于或关于丹吉尔的”。这个词是用加后缀-ine 的方法构成的,就象 Florentine 一词的构词法一样。 丹吉尔所产的这种水果一开始被称作tangerine orange , 后来被简化成tangerine。 在tangerine 和 mandarion 之间一直存在着混淆, 而这种混淆是有原因的。丹吉尔柑橘确为一种中国柑桔种类,所以事实上从丹吉尔运出的那批桔子在当时可能就被称为mandarin 。 然而,尽管这两个名称在一般的使用中是可以互换的,但世界上确实存在着与另一种被称为manderin 的类型不同的一种被称作 tangerine 的桔类。 中国柑桔原产于中国,它之所以被这样命名,可能是因为它的颜色类似清朝的高官所穿的官服的颜色〔religious〕"To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists . . . is at the center of true religiousness.In this sense, and in this sense only, I belong to the ranks of the devoutly religious men" (Albert Einstein).“认识到我们所不能理解的事物确实存在…是真正宗教性的中心。在这个意义上,也只有在这个意义上来说,我属于虔诚地信教徒的行列” (阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦)。〔life〕Something that actually exists regarded as a subject for an artist:活体模型:作为艺术家的主题的确实存在的东西:〔present〕Now being considered; actually here or involved:当前的:现在正在被考虑的;确实存在或牵连其中的:




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