单词 | 危害 |
释义 | 〔terrorism〕The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.恐怖主义:对武力或暴力的非法使用或威胁使用,一个人或一个有组织的集团以威胁或胁迫社会或政府为目的而危害人类或财产常带有意识形态或政治原因〔Carson〕American environmentalist and writer whose best-known work,Silent Spring (1962), condemns the use of pesticides hazardous to wildlife. 卡森,拉歇尔·路易丝:(1907-1964) 美国环境主义者和作家,其最著名的作品《沉默的春天》 (1962年),对使用危害野生动物的杀虫剂进行了谴责 〔enemy〕Something destructive or injurious in its effects:有害物,加害物:危害或伤害人的事物:〔jointworm〕The larva of certain wasps of the family Eurytomidae, especially ofHarmolita tritici, that infest grains and cause hard swellings near the first joint of the stems. 广肩小蜂幼虫,禾节虫:广肩小蜂科,尤指广肩小蜂的一些小蜂的幼虫 危害谷物并且使茎部第一节附近膨大变硬 〔greenfly〕A green aphid commonly occurring as a destructive pest of various cultivated plants.蚜虫,桃蚜:一种常见的、危害各种作物的绿色蚜虫〔weirdo〕A deranged, potentially dangerous person.精神病患者:精神错乱、有可能产生危害的人〔dangerous〕Being able or likely to do harm.能或可能受危害的〔mischievous〕Causing harm, injury, or damage:有害的,危害的:〔danger〕Exposure or vulnerability to harm or risk.危险:受危害或危险的影响的,或易受伤害或危险的〔exposure〕The condition of being exposed, especially to severe weather or other forces of nature:无掩蔽,无保护:暴露的状况,尤指暴露于恶劣天气或其它自然界的危害:〔political〕Relating to or involving acts regarded as damaging to a government or state:对国家有害的:关于或涉及被认为危害政府或国家的行为的:〔reparation〕 Reparation implies recompense given to one who has suffered injury, harm, or wrong at the hands of another: Reparation 指的是给予受到他人的伤害、危害或冤屈的人的补偿: 〔jactitation〕A false boasting or claim, especially one detrimental to the interests of another.虚张声势:虚假的夸大或声明,尤其指对他人利益构成危害的夸大或声明〔innocent〕Not dangerous or harmful; innocuous:无害的:没有危害或危险的;无害的:〔disadvantage〕To put at a disadvantage; hinder or harm.使处于不利地位;损害,危害〔warn〕To make aware in advance of actual or potential harm, danger, or evil.警告:在真实或可能的危害、危险或邪恶到来之前使知晓〔gapeworm〕A nematode worm(Syngamus trachea) that infects the tracheas of certain birds and causes gapes. 呵欠虫:一种危害某些鸟类的气官并引起张口病的线虫(气管比翼线虫 比翼属) 〔epizootic〕Affecting a large number of animals at the same time within a particular region or geographic area. Used of a disease.动物流行病的:同时在一特定区域发生,能危害大量动物的。用于疾病〔grave〕Fraught with danger or harm:危害的:充满危险或损害的:〔baleful〕a baleful look.Baneful is said most often of that which is actually harmful or destructive: 邪恶的一瞥。Baneful 一词常指真正有害的或危害的: 〔compromise〕A concession to something detrimental or pejorative:危害:对于一些有害或恶劣情况的让步:〔injustice〕 Wrong in a legal sense refers to what violates the rights of an individual or adversely affects the public welfare;in a more general sense, however,the word is similar in meaning to but more emphatic thaninjustice: Wrong 在法律上讲指侵犯了个人权利或危害公共利益;但从更广泛的意义上讲,这个词语气和injustice很相似但更重一些: 〔destructive〕a destructive act; a policy that is destructive to the economy.破坏性行为;危害经济的政策〔mischief〕Damage, destruction, or injury caused by a specific person or thing:危害:由一个特定的人或物导致的损害、破坏或伤害:〔mealybug〕Any of various homopterous insects, especially of the family Pseudococcidae, some of which are destructive to citrus trees and other plants.粉蚧,水腊虫:粉蚧科同翅类昆虫中的一种,其中有些对柑橘属果树和其他植物有毁灭性危害〔insidious〕Working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner:阴险的,暗中危害的:以一种难以捉摸或隐密的方式危害的: |
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