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单词 用语
释义 〔parlance〕A particular manner of speaking; idiom:说法,用语:一种讲话的特定形式;习惯用语〔appendicitis〕Even though the wordappendicitis was in use in 1885, the year in which theOxford English Dictionary published the section "Anta-Battening" that would have contained the word, the editor, James Murray, omitted this "crack-jaw medical and surgical word" on the advice of Oxford's Regius Professor of Medicine, Sir Henry Wentworth Acland.As K.M. Elisabeth Murray, the granddaughter and biographer of James Murray, points out,"The problem of what scientific words to include was a continuing one, and James Murray was always under pressure—from his advisers . . . who thought the emphasis should be on words from good literature and from those in the [Oxford University] Press who wanted to save cost and time—not to include scientific words of recent origin.”In 1902 no less a person than Edward VII had his appendix removed,and his coronation was postponed because of the operation.Appendicitis hence came into widespread use and has remained so, thereby pointing up the lexicographer's difficult task of selecting the new words that people will look for in their dictionaries.尽管appendicitis 这个词于1885年就已使用, 在这一年出版的牛津英语词典 的“安塔族-增长论”这一分册应包括有这个词, 但在牛津皇家医学院教授亨利·温特华斯·阿克兰的建议下,主编詹姆斯·莫雷删掉了这个“拗口的医学和外科用词”。正如詹姆斯·莫雷的孙女和传记作者K·M·伊莉莎白·莫雷指出的那样, “应包括什么科学用语是一个长期以来的问题,詹姆斯·莫雷经常遇到来自他的顾问的压力…他们认为重点应放到从好文学作品中收来的词汇上,还受到来自出版社的压力,他们为了节约成本和时间而不愿收录新近的科学词汇”。1902年恰恰正是爱德华七世割除了阑尾,他的加冕典礼也因为这次手术而延迟。Appendicitis 一词因此得到了普遍的使用并保持至今, 这也表明了词典编纂者在选择人们要查找的新单词时所面临的艰难任务〔Aryan〕In Nazism, of or relating to a Caucasian Gentile.说印-欧语言的人的与说印欧语言的人有关的:在纳粹用语中,指非犹太教徒的白种人的或与非犹太教徒的白种人相关的〔phrase〕A characteristic way or mode of expression.用语,说法:具有特点的方法或方式的表达〔Shelta〕A secret jargon used by Gypsies in Great Britain and Ireland, based on systematic inversion or alteration of the initial consonants of Gaelic words.舍尔塔语:大不列颠及爱尔兰的吉普赛人使用的一种秘密用语,起源于盖尔单词初始辅音的系统化倒置或改变〔factor〕A gene. No longer in technical usage.基因:基因。不再用于专业用语〔darky〕Used as a disparaging term for a Black person.黑鬼:用作对黑人的轻蔑用语〔quote〕As a transitive verbquote is appropriately used to describe the use of an exact wording drawn from another source. When the original source is paraphrased or alluded to,the more general termcite is usually preferable. · The nounquote is well established as a truncation of quotation, though many critics regard it as unduly journalistic or breezy.As such, it is best avoided in formal literary discussions.The use of the noun was acceptable to only 38 percent of the Usage Panel in the sentenceHe began the chapter with a quote from the Bible. But the usage is less objectionable in informal contexts or in reference to less august sources;the word was acceptable to 53 percent of the Panel in the sentenceHe lightened up his talk by throwing in quotes from Marx Brothers movies. · The nounquote is sometimes used as a synonym for "dictum, saying,” as inHis career is just one more validation of Andy Warhol's quote that "in the future, everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes.” This example was unacceptable to 76 percent of the Usage Panel.作为一个及物动词,用quote 一词来指从另一出处中抄取完全一样的用语是很恰当的。 当原文出处被意译或是间接提及时,一个意义更广泛的词cite 更可取。 quote 这名词形式是由 quatation 削减而来,也已被普遍接受, 虽然许多批评家认为这个词染有不恰当的记者文风或不太正式。因此,在正式的文学讨论中最好避免使用。在用法专题使用小组的调查中,只有38%的人认为这个名词在这章的开始他引用了《圣经》中的一段 文字 这个句子中的用法是可行的。 但在不正式的语境下或提及的出处不很严肃时,对于这种用法的反对意见要少一些。在他插入了一段引自马克斯兄弟电影中的 话 来活跃谈话气氛 这个句子中, 53%的小组成员认为这个词可以接受。 Quote 这个名词有时也可用作“格言、名言”的同义词, 如在他的一生再一次证实了安迪·霍尔的 格言 “将来,每个人都将享有十五分钟的知名度” 这个句子中, 用法专题使用小组中76%的成员认为这个例句无法接受〔spendthrift〕thrift [accumulated wealth (obsolete)] thrift[积聚起来的财富(过时用语)] 〔placeholder〕In a mathematical or logical expression, a symbol that may be replaced by the name of any element of a set.占位符号:数学或逻辑用语,可以用其它元素的名称代替的符号〔quorum〕from Latin quōrum [of whom, from the wording of a commission naming certain persons as members of a body] [genitive pl. of] quī [who] * see k wo- 源自 拉丁语 quōrum [谁的…,源自委员会用语,任命某些人为一团体成员] quī的所有格复数 [谁] * 参见 k wo- 〔refinement〕A keen or precise phrasing; a subtle distinction.精细:精妙的用语;细微的差别〔Atticism〕atticism An expression characterized by conciseness and elegance. atticism 高雅严谨的用语,文雅的言词:简明高雅的表达方式〔joke〕It is hard to imagine the English language without the wordjoke , butjoke is only first recorded in 1670. Sincejoke was originally considered a slang or informal usage, it was not suitable to all contexts.The change in status ofjoke from then to now provides us with an excellent example of how usage changes. Joke has a decent enough heritage at any rate, coming from Latiniocus, "jest, sport, laughingstock, trifle.”Iocus in turn can be traced back to the Indo-European root yek-, meaning "to speak,” from which also comes the Umbrian wordiuka, "prayers,” and the Welsh wordiaith, "speech.” 我们很难想象英语中如果没有joke 这个词会怎样, 但是joke 在1670年才首次有文字记载。 因为joke 起初被认为是俚语或非正式用语, 以前它并不是在所有的文章中都适用的。从那时到现在joke 地位上的变化给我们提供了一个关于语言用法如何变化的极好的例子。 不管怎样joke 的词源算得上很体面, 它来自于拉丁语中iocus 一词, 表示“玩笑,游戏,笑柄,琐事”。Iocus 反过来又可追溯到印欧语系中的词根 yek- 表示“说话”, 从这个词根还派生出翁布里亚语中iuka 一词,即“祈祷”, 以及威尔士语中iaith 一词,即“讲话,演说” 〔cunt〕Used as a disparaging term for a person one dislikes or finds extremely disagreeable.王八蛋,灰孙子:用于指某人不喜欢或极其讨厌的人的贬义用语〔Hebraism〕A linguistic feature typical of Hebrew occurring especially in another language.希伯来用语:希伯来语的典型语言特性,尤指出现在另一种语言中时〔lieutenant〕What is the connection between a lieutenant governor and a lieutenant in the army?In the etymology of the wordlieutenant, at least, the connection lies in their holding a place;that is, the wordlieutenant is from an Old French compound made up of lieu, "place,” and tenant, "holding,” the present participle of the verb tenir, "to hold.” The word in Old French and the borrowed Middle English wordlieutenant, first recorded near the end of the 14th century, referred to a person who acted for another as a deputy.This usage has survived,for example, in our termlieutenant governor, the deputy of the governor and the one who replaces the governor if need be. In military parlancelieutenant appears by itself as well as in compounds such asfirst lieutenant and second lieutenant, which muddy the water a bit,but the original notion of the word in military usage was that the officer it referred to ranked below the next one upand could replace him if need be.A lieutenant in the U.S. Army could thus step into the shoes of a captain.副州长和陆军中尉之间有什么联系?就lieutenant 这个单词的词源来说, 至少,联系在于他们都拥有一个位置;也就是说,lieutenant 这个词源于一个古法语复合词,这个词由 lieu (“场所”)和 tenant (“拥有”)及动词 tenir (“持有,拥有”)的现在分词组成。 古法语的这个词和借用的中古英语词lieutenant 的最早记录出现在14世纪末, 该词指的是代理别人做某事的人。这种用法至今仍使用,例如,我们的短语lieutenant governor(副州长) 州长的副职和必要时代替州长的人。 在军事用语中,lieutenant 单独出现, 也在复合词如first lieutenant 及 second lieutenants 中出现, 这把情况搞复杂了一些,但这个词在军事用语中的原始意义是它所指的军官低于上一级军官,在必要时可以取代他。因此,美国陆军中的一名中尉可以取代上尉〔agin〕The spelling ofagin reflects both the raised vowel before a nasal consonant, typical of Southern dialects, and a reduced final consonant cluster, typical of several regional varieties.Agin has a wide spectrum of senses in the regional speech of those who pronounce it this way. Indeed, these regional senses are tied to the pronunciation,for standard Englishagainst does not quite capture the full implication of the assertion "I'm agin him" — that is, "opposed to him and all that he stands for.”Another regional sense recalls the original literal Old English sense of "facing; next to" (see the first four senses ofagainst in the Oxford English Dictionary), where standard English would haveby: Their house is agin the mountain.Agin may be used figuratively with regard to time chiefly in South Midland dialects,meaning "by or before (a specified time)”: "I'll be there agin daylight" (North Carolina informant in DARE).词汇agin 的拼写既反映了典型的南部方言──鼻辅音前的元音的提高, 又反映了压缩的后辅音群──几种典型的地方变体的特征。Agin 在它被如此发音的地方方言有广泛的意思。 确实,这些地域意义是和读音联系在一起的,因为标准英语中against 没有完全表达 "I'm agin him" 所隐含的意义── 即“反对他及他所代表的一切。”另外一个地域意义使人想起古英语中最初的文学用语“面对;紧靠着”(参阅《牛津英语词典》中against 的前四个释义), 而在标准英语中应该用by: 傍山而建的房屋。Agin 主要在中南部方言中可以比喻地用来表示时间,意思是“到或在…(特定时间)前”: “天亮前我可到达” (美国区域英语词典的北卡罗来纳提供资料者)〔SL〕Salvage loss.(保险业用语)海滩损失〔verbiage〕The manner in which something is expressed in words:措词,用语:用词语表达某物的方式:〔term〕from Late Latin [mathematical or logical term] 源自 后期拉丁语 [数学或逻辑用语] 〔dialect〕The language peculiar to an occupational group or a particular social class; jargon:某一职业(或集团)人员的用语:一个专业集团或特定的社会阶级特有的语言;行话:〔level〕Plane is principally a mathematical termand refers to a surface containing all the straight lines connecting any two points on it: Plane 主要是一个数学用语,指的是包含所有连接平面上任意两点的直线的平面: 〔fizzle〕In Philemon Holland's 1601 translation of Pliny'sNatural History, we are surprised by the use of the wordfizzle in the statement that if asses eat a certain plant,"they will fall a fizling and farting.” Fizzle was first used in English to mean,in the decorous parlance of theOxford English Dictionary, "to break wind without noise.” During the 19th centuryfizzle took on a related but more respectable sense, "to hiss, as does a piece of fireworks,”illustrated by a quotation from the November 7, 1881, issue of theLondon Daily News: "unambitious rockets which fizzle doggedly downwards.”In the same centuryfizzle also took on figurative senses, one of which seems to have been popular at Yale.TheYale Literary Magazine for 1849 helpfully defines the word as follows: “Fizzle, to rise with modest reluctance, to hesitate often, to decline finally; generally, to misunderstand the question.”The figurative sense offizzle that has caught on is the one with which we are most familiar today, "to fail or die out.”在腓利门荷兰1601年对普林尼的博物志 中, 我们对fizzle 一词的用法感到很惊讶, 它说如果驴吃了某种植物,“他们就会放屁。” Fizzle 首先在英语中指“无声地放屁,”是在牛津英语字典 的高雅用语中出现的。 在19世纪,fizzle 有了一个相关的但更文雅的含义, “发嘶嘶声,如同烟火那样,”这个词义是通过1881年11月7日的伦敦每日新闻 的引文说明的: “抱负不大的火箭,它们顽固地嘶嘶下坠。”同一世纪,fizzle 还赋与了比喻义, 其中的一个比喻义似乎在耶鲁大学很流行。1849年的耶鲁文学杂志 给这个词下了一个有益的定义: “Fizzle, 不十分情愿地上升,常犹豫不决,最终放弃; 通常是弄错问题。”人们已接受的fizzle 的比喻义, 即今天我们最为熟悉的“失败或消失”〔shivaree〕Shivaree is the most common American regional form of charivari, a French word meaning "a noisy mock serenade for newlyweds"and probably deriving in turn from a Late Latin word meaning "headache.”The term, most likely borrowed from French traders and settlers along the Mississippi River,was well established in the United States by 1805;an account dating from that year describes a shivaree in New Orleans: "The house is mobbed by thousands of the people of the town, vociferating and shouting with loud acclaim . . . many[are] in disguises and masks; and all have some kind of discordant and noisy music, such as old kettles, and shovels, and tongs. . . . All civil authority and rule seems laid aside" (John F. Watson).The wordshivaree is especially common along and west of the Mississippi River, giving it an unusual north-south dialect boundary (most dialect boundaries run east-west in the United States).Alva L. Davis and Raven I. McDavid, Jr., callshivaree "one of the most widely distributed folk terms borrowed by American English from any European language.” Some regional equivalents arebelling, used in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio; horning, from upstate New York, Rhode Island, and western New England; andserenade, a term used chiefly in the South Atlantic states. Shivaree 是 charivari 这个词在美国的最普通的地方形式, charivari是个法语词,意思是“一种为新婚夫妇演奏的喧闹的嘲弄式小夜曲”,这个词本身可能是从一个意思为“头痛”的后期拉丁文演变而来。这个词极有可能是从密西西比河沿岸的法国商人和拓居者那儿借用而来,到了1805年这个词已经在美国深深地扎根了;一份可以追溯到这一年的记录描写了新奥良的演奏这种小夜曲的情况: “房子里挤满了成千从镇上来的人,喧嚷着,叫喊着,大声欢呼…许多人 化了装,带了面具,所有的人都搞出某种不和协、喧闹的音响,比如用旧水壶,铲子,钳子…一切世俗的权威和规则好象已经被放到了一边” (约翰F·华生) 。shivaree 这个词在密西西比河沿岸和该河以西尤为常见, 这样密西西比河就成了一个不寻常的方言区的南北分界线(而在美国大多数方言区的分界线都是东西向的)。阿尔瓦·L·戴维斯和小拉文·I·麦克戴维把shivaree 这个词称为“美国英语从欧洲语言中借来的民间用语中流传最广的一个”。 其它地方方言中相当于这个词的词有belling 在宾夕法尼亚州、弗吉尼亚西部和俄亥俄州流传; 纽约州上半部份,罗德岛州,新英格兰西部的horning , 而大西洋沿岸南部各州主要用serenade 这个词 〔lagniappe〕Lagniappe derives from New World Spanish la ñapa, "the gift,” and perhaps ultimately from Quechua yapay, "to give more.” The word came into the rich Creole dialect mixture of New Orleans and there acquired a French spelling. It is still used chiefly in southern Louisiana to denote a little bonus that a friendly shopkeeper might add to a purchase. By extension, it may mean "an extra or unexpected gift or benefit.” Lagniappe 源于新大陆西班牙语中的 la~napa (“礼物”),而且也许最终来自盖丘亚语中的 yapay (“给得更多”)。这个词进入了新奥尔良富有的克里奥耳人的对话用语并因此具有了法语的拼法。直至今日它还是主要用于路易斯安那州的南部,用来形容那些友好的店主们可能会在你所购物之外给予额外的东西。根据它的延伸意,该词可以指“额外的或意料不到的礼物或收益。” 〔gringa〕Used as a disparaging term for a foreign woman in Latin America, especially an American or English woman.外国姥:被用作为描述在拉丁美洲外国妇女的轻蔑用语,尤其是指美国或英国的妇女〔abracadabra〕"Abracadabra,” says the magician, unaware that at one time the thing to do with the word was wear it, not say it. Abracadabra was a magic word,the letters of which were arranged in an inverted pyramidand worn as an amulet around the neck to protect the wearer against disease or trouble.One fewer letter appeared in each line of the pyramid,until onlya remained to form the vertex of the triangle. As the letters disappeared, so supposedly did the disease or trouble.While magicians still useabracadabra in their performances, the word itself has acquired another sense, "foolish or unintelligible talk.”巫师没意识他所说的"Abracadabra"一词曾一度只是被用来佩带,而不是谈及。 Abracadabra 是一巫术用语,其字母可被排成倒金字塔形,当作护身符戴在脖子上可保护佩戴者免除疾病和灾难。金字塔形的每一行少一个字母,直到三角形顶端只剩a 一个字母。 当字母消失时,疾病和灾难也被认为是消失了。但现在的巫术师在表演时仍使用abracadabra , 于是这个词就带上了另一种意义,“愚蠢或无意义的话语”〔frighten〕 Frighten and the less formalscare are the most widely applicable terms: Frighten 和不太正式用语scare 是最常用的词: 〔hosey〕Children in New England, especially in the Boston area,use the expressionI hosey when they are choosing sides for a game. TheBoston Globe asked readers about it in late 1987 and received responses from Boston; Belmont, Massachusetts; New Hampshire; and Maine.Its users agree that it is a children's expressionbut are unsure of its origin—some think that it derives from a pronunciation ofchoose with a heavy Irish brogue. Another possible origin of the expression is French-Canadianchoisir, "to choose.” 新英格兰,特别是波士顿地区的孩子们在进行一种游戏时,用我加入 表示选择加入哪一边来分组。 波士顿环球 杂志在1987年后半年时就此用语向其读者进行征询, 得到了波士顿地区、马萨诸塞州贝尔蒙特地区、新罕布什尔州及缅因州的读者的响应。此语使用者同意此语为孩童用语这一说法,但都不能确定其来源。有些读者认为其来自choose 这一词的带有浓重爱尔兰土腔的发音。 另一可能的词源是加拿大法语中choisir 一词“选择” 〔all〕The constructionall that is used informally in questions and negative sentences to mean "to the degree expected,” as inI know it won an Oscar, but the film is not all that exciting. In an earlier survey, the Usage Panel rejected the use of this construction in formal writing. · Sentences of the formAll X's are not Y may be ambiguous. All of the departments did not file a report may mean that some departments did not file, or that none did. If the first meaning is intended,it can be unambiguously expressed by the sentenceNot all of the departments filed a report. If the second meaning is intended, a paraphrase such asNone of the departments filed a report or All of the departments failed to file a report can be used. Note that the same problem can arise with other universal terms likeevery in negated sentences, as in the ambiguousEvery department did not file a report. See Usage Note at every all that 这种句法作为非正式用语用于问句和否定句中,意思为“达到所期望的程度地”, 如我知道这部影片获了奥斯卡奖,但它并不那么激动人心 一句中。 在早先的一次调查中,用法使用小组不同意在正式书面语中用这一短语。All X's are not Y 类型的句子可能会造成歧义。 All of the departrnents did not file a report 可以指一些部门没有提出,也可以指没有一个部门提出。 如果指的是第一个意思,它可以通过以下这句话明确地表达出来,Not all of the departments file a report。 如果指的是第二个意思,如None of the departments file a report 或者 All of the departments failed to file a report 都可以把意思表达清楚。 注意这种情况在其他整体词如every 用在否定句时也会碰到, 如下面这个有歧义的句子Every department did not file a report 参见 every〔Mongolic〕Of or relating to the Mongoloid racial division. No longer in scientific use.蒙古族的:蒙古族的或与之有关的。科学用语中已不再使用〔lady〕Used as a form of address for a marchioness, countess, viscountess, baroness, or baronetess.对有贵族爵位之贵妇的尊称:用来称呼女侯爵、女伯爵、女子爵和男爵或女准男爵的用语〔igg〕Igg, a shortened form of ignore, seems to have come into American speech from jive, the special jargon of Black jazz musicians in the 1930's. Its use has spread from the musicians' exclusive jargon into the Black communities of Northern U.S. cities. The reduction of a word to its initial syllable is a common source of slang or informal words, especially among groups of speakers who for reasons of exclusivity like to remain avant garde in their speech. Often such words come into general use, as in mike for microphone. Igg 一词作为 ignore 一词的简略语,可能是从20世纪30年代黑人爵士乐乐师的专业术语中进入美国语言的。该词从乐师独有的术语传入美国北部城市的黑人聚居区。将一个字缩短到它开头的几个字母是俚语和非正式用语的一个主要来源,有些语言圈的人为保持其独特性而尽量在语言上保持特殊,他们就常用这种方法。这种词语在生活中 经常使用,就象用 mike 代表 microphone 这个词 〔Aryan〕In Nazism, a Caucasian Gentile, especially of Nordic type.北欧人:在纳粹用语中,指非犹太教徒的白种人,尤指北欧人〔tutti〕All. Used chiefly as a direction to indicate that all performers are to take part.全体齐奏的,全体齐唱的:全体的。主要用作指示合唱或齐奏的指示用语〔fractious〕From fraction [discord (obsolete)] 源自 fraction[不一致(过时用语)] 〔phrasing〕The act of making phrases.用语:制造短语的行为〔shiksa〕Used as a disparaging term for a non-Jewish girl or woman.非犹太姑娘:用来指非犹太姑娘或女性的贬义用语〔quiz〕Although we do not know the origin of the wordquiz, just as we may not know the answers to all the questions on a quiz,we can say that its first recorded sense has to do with people,not tests.The term, first recorded in 1782,meant "an odd or eccentric person.”From the noun in this sense came a verbmeaning "to make sport or fun of" and "to regard mockingly.”In English dialects and probably in American Englishthe verbquiz acquired senses relating to interrogation and questioning. This presumably occurredbecausequiz was associated with question, inquisitive, or perhaps the English dialect verb quiset, "to question" (probably itself short for obsoleteinquisite, "to investigate"). From this new area of meaning came the noun and verb senses all too familiar to students.The second recorded instance of the noun sense occurs in the writings of no less an educator than William James,who in a December 26, 1867, letter proffers the hopethat "perhaps giving ‘quizzes’ in anatomy and physiology . . . may help along.”虽然我们不知道quiz 这个词的来源, 正象我们可能并不清楚测试中所有问题的答案一样,但我们可以肯定的是这个词最初被记录时的意义与人有关,而不是测试,这个词第一次被记录下来是在1782年,意思为“一个古怪或行为怪诞的人”。从这种意义的名词派生出一个动词,意思为“嘲笑或戏弄…”和“以嘲讽的态度对待”。在英语并且很可能是在美国英语中,quiz 这个动词形成了有关审问或提问的意思, 据猜测,这一现象的发生是因为quiz 使人联想起 question , inquisitive 或者可能 quiset 这个英国方言中的动词, 意思为“提问”(很可能是inquisite 这个过时用语的缩写形式,意思为“调查”)。 从这个意思中派生出学生们再熟悉不 过的名词和动词意思。记录下这个名词意义的第二个例子恰好出现在教育家威廉·詹姆斯的笔下。在1867年12月26日写的一封信中,他提出一条希望:或许在解剖学和物理学方面进行测试…可能有些独特的帮助。”




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