单词 | 爆炸 |
释义 | 〔explosion〕The loud, sharp sound made as a result of either of these actions.爆炸声,爆裂声:因爆炸或爆裂而产生的高而尖的声音〔blackdamp〕A noncombustible gas that consists of a mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, found in mines after fires or explosions and incapable of supporting life. Also called chokedamp 窒息空气:一种由二氧化碳和氮混合组成的不燃气体,在火灾或爆炸后的矿井内出现,不能维持生命 也作 chokedamp〔responsible〕In recent years,many people have objected to the use of the phraseclaim responsibility with reference to the authors of terrorist acts, as inA small separatist group claimed responsibility for the explosion, in which 30 passengers were killed. It is true that the phrase is not entirely felicitous,in as much as it does not convey the speaker's conviction that the action is deplorable.But alternatives such asadmit or take the blame cannot be recommended either, since they would imply misleadingly that the instigators had themselves acknowledged that the action was wrongful.近年来,许多人反对使用与恐怖主义活动制造者相关的词组claim responsibility , 如一小撮分离主义者声称对那次致使30位旅客丧生的爆炸负责 。 这个词组确实是不得体的,因为它没有表达说话者对悲惨行为的谴责。但也不能推荐如admit 和 take the blame 等替代词, 因为它们可能使人误导以为煽动者自己也承认行动是错误的〔intense〕intensive bombing, training, marketing. 强烈的爆炸,强烈的训练,紧张的营销。 〔firedamp〕The explosive mixture of firedamp and air.甲烷和空气的爆炸混合物〔skyrocket〕A firework that ascends high into the air where it explodes in a brilliant cascade of flares and starlike sparks.冲天火箭:一种鞭炮,能够高高地冲入空中,并在那里爆炸,发出炫目的闪光和星状的火花〔blast〕To knock down or shatter by or as if by explosion; smash.击毁:通过爆炸或好象经过爆炸一样击落或击毁;摧毁〔burst〕burst the balloon.See Synonyms at break 汽球爆炸 参见 break〔burst〕The result of bursting, especially the explosion of a projectile or bomb on impact or in the air.爆炸:爆炸的结果,尤其指导弹或炸弹击中目标或在空中爆炸〔blow〕To demolish by the force of an explosion:炸毁:通过爆炸的力量造成破坏:〔firestorm〕the firestorm that leveled Hiroshima after the atomic blast.原子弹爆炸后,把广岛夷为平地的风暴性大火〔promethium〕A radioactive rare-earth element prepared by fission of uranium or by neutron bombardment of neodymium, having 14 isotopes with mass numbers ranging from 141 to 154 and used as a source of beta rays. Atomic number 61; melting point 1,168°C; boiling point 2,460°C; valence 3. See table at element 钜:放射性稀土元素,由铀分裂或钛的中子爆炸而成,有十四个拥有从141到154的质量数的同位素,用作β射线源。原子序数61;熔点1,168°C;沸点2,460°C;原子价为3 参见 element〔afterdamp〕An asphyxiating mixture of gases, primarily nitrogen and carbon dioxide, left in a mine after a fire or an explosion.爆后废气:火灾或爆炸后,残留在矿井中的一种令人窒息的混合气体,主要含氮气和二氧化碳〔killersat〕An artificial satellite intended to destroy enemy satellites, especially one that contains explosives to be detonated when the satellite is maneuvered into the target's orbit. Also called killer satellite 作战卫星:一种为了摧毁敌人卫星的人造卫星,尤指装有炸药,当卫星移动进入目标的轨道时爆炸的人造卫星 也作 killer satellite〔fulminant〕Exploding or detonating.爆炸的或爆发的〔break〕An exploding gas main shattered the tiles in the courtyard.爆炸的煤气主要管线把院子里的瓦片都震碎了。〔burst〕A sudden outbreak or outburst; an explosion.爆炸,爆裂:突然的炸开或裂开;爆炸〔stampede〕The Spanish wordestampida, meaning "explosion, bang, crash, uproar,” seems very fitting to describe a rush of animals, such as buffaloes, horses, or cattle,and was so used first in American Spanish.From this use came our wordstampede (actually from the Spanishestampido, a masculine noun corresponding to the feminine estampida, first recorded in 1828). Thusstampede, now a general English word, is an Americanism, that is, a word or expression that originated in the United States.Later the United States was to see stampedes of miners who rushed westward to find gold.Not surprisingly, an early instance of this word to describe a stampede of human beings is found in theSan Francisco Herald in 1851. 西班牙语estampida 的意思是“爆炸,巨响,击碎,吼叫”, 似乎很适合形容兽群如野牛、马群或牛的惊跑,并且首先被使用于美国西班牙语中。由此就出现了我们的stampede (事实上源于与西班牙语estampida 相对应的 estampido ,于1828年首次被记录下来)。 因此,stampede ,一个目前很普遍的英语词,是一种美国英语, 也就是说来源于美国的一个单词或词组。后来,美国目睹了成千上万向西淘金的人群。1851年在旧金山的先驱 中出现了形容大批人群蜂拥而至的这个字就不足为怪了 〔agitate〕an explosion that shook the ground. 惊天动地的爆炸 〔incendiary〕Of or containing chemicals that produce intensely hot fire when exploded:燃烧的:含有爆炸时可产生烈火的化学物质的或与其有关的:〔chuff〕To produce or move with noisy puffing or explosive sounds:噗噗地前进:带着喘息声或爆炸的声音生产或移动:〔blowout〕A sudden rupture or bursting, as of an automobile tire.爆裂:突然的爆炸,如汽车轮胎的爆炸〔explosive〕Relating to or having the nature of an explosion.爆炸的:有爆炸的性质的,与其有关的〔collision〕the concussion caused by an explosion;爆炸引起的冲击;〔explode〕To release mechanical, chemical, or nuclear energy by the sudden production of gases in a confined space:爆炸:通过气体在受限制的空间里突然膨胀而释放机械能、化学能或核能:〔sofar〕A system for determining the position of survivors lost at sea by which an explosion is set off underwater, the time needed for the waves to reach three different locations is calculated, and the position of the explosion is ascertained by triangulation.声发,测音装置:用来测定在海上失事的幸存者的地点的方法,在水下进行爆炸,计算波浪到达三个不同的地点所需的时间,用三角测量法来确定发生爆炸地点〔dynamite〕Any of a class of powerful explosives composed of nitroglycerin or ammonium nitrate dispersed in an absorbent medium with a combustible dope, such as wood pulp, and an antacid, such as calcium carbonate, used in blasting and mining.黄色炸药:任一种强有力的炸药,由硝化甘油或硝酸氨与可爆剂量的易吸收的媒体如木浆及抗酸剂,如碳酸钙混合而成。用于爆炸和采矿中〔fragmentation〕The scattering of the fragments of an exploding bomb or other projectile.破碎物:爆炸的炸弹或其它投射弹等的碎片的散飞〔firecracker〕A small explosive charge and a fuse in a heavy paper casing, exploded to make noise, as at celebrations.爆竹,鞭炮:一种包在厚厚纸层里的少量炸药和导线,爆炸后发出响声,用于庆祝活动中〔sneeze〕To expel air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the nasal mucous membrane.打喷嚏:以一种不受控制、爆炸、痉挛式的行动从嘴巴或鼻子中用力排出空气,主要由于鼻腔黏膜受到侵扰而发生〔blast〕A violent explosion, as of dynamite or a bomb.爆炸:爆炸,如炸药或炸弹的爆炸气浪或冲击波〔supernova〕A rare celestial phenomenon involving the explosion of most of the material in a star, resulting in an extremely bright, short-lived object that emits vast amounts of energy.超新星:一种罕见的天文现象,表现为一恒星中的绝大部分物质爆炸后,产生能放射极大能量的极为明亮而存在时间极短的物体〔torpedo〕An explosive fired in an oil or gas well to begin or increase the flow.井底爆炸器:在油井或气井中引爆的爆炸物,用来引起或抬高油或气的流动〔implosion〕The inward collapse of a building that is being demolished in a controlled fashion by the weakening and breaking of structural members by explosives.内爆拆除:用爆炸的方法削弱或弄断结构支架,从而按控制好的方式拆除的房子向内崩塌〔go〕To undergo detonation; explode.爆炸:经历爆破;爆炸〔blow〕To burst suddenly:爆裂:突然爆炸:〔alarm〕sirens signaling a bomb alert;爆炸警告信号;〔dynamite〕To blow up, shatter, or otherwise destroy with or as if with dynamite.破坏:用或象是用炸弹破坏、爆炸或其他形式的破坏〔blast〕The violent effect of such an explosion, consisting of a wave of increased atmospheric pressure followed immediately by a wave of decreased pressure.震动:爆炸引起的强烈效果,包括一股被升高的气压,紧接一股低气压〔acetylene〕A colorless, highly flammable or explosive gas, C2H 2, used for metal welding and cutting and as an illuminant. 乙炔,电石气:一无色,极易燃烧或爆炸的气体,C2H 2,用于金属熔接和切割技术和光源 |
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