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单词 热带的
释义 〔ramie〕A tropical Asian perennial herb(Boehmeria nivea) having broad leaves and densely branched panicles of small, unisexual, apetalous flowers. 苎麻:一种亚洲热带的多年生草本植物(苎麻属 微绿苎麻) ,有宽阔的叶片,簇生分枝的圆锥花序,单性、无花瓣的小花 〔citronella〕A tropical Asian grass(Cymbopogon nardus) having bluish-green, lemon-scented leaves and an essential oil. 亚香茅:亚洲热带的一种草(亚香茅 香茅属) ,长有蓝绿色、柠檬香味的叶子和香精油 〔mojarra〕Any of several species of small, silvery, mainly tropical American marine fishes of the family Gerridae, having extremely protrusile mouths.银鲈:几种银鲈鱼科的小银鱼,主要是热带的美洲海产鱼,有极为突出的嘴〔jabiru〕A large tropical American stork(Jabiru mycteria) having white plumage with a pink band at the neck and a naked head. 裸颈鹳:一种美洲热带的大鹳(裸颈鹳) ,具有白色的羽毛,脖子上有一圈淡红色条带,头裸露 〔palmetto〕Any of several small, mostly tropical palms having fan-shaped leaves, especially one of the genusSabal, such as S. palmetto of the southeast United States. Also called sabal 小棕榈:几种小的,大多是热带的棕榈,带有扇形叶子,尤指沙巴 属的一种,如产于美国东南部的 沙巴棕树 也作 sabal〔teiid〕Of or belonging to the Teiidae, a large family of mainly tropical American lizards characterized by a long forked tongue and the absence of bony plates beneath the scales.臼齿蜥科的:属于或关于臼齿蜥(一种主要生长在热带的大型美洲蜥蜴) 科的,其特征为有一条长而分叉的舌头,在鳞片内没有骨片〔subsolar〕Located between the tropics; equatorial.赤道的:位于两回归线之间的;热带的〔tuna〕Any of several flat-jointed tropical American cacti of the genusOpuntia, which includes the prickly pears, especially O. tuna of Jamaica, having yellow flowers and edible red fruit. 霸王树:产于热带的一种仙人掌 属扁平生节的美洲仙人掌,包括具皮刺的梨,尤指产于牙买加的 霸王树 ,有黄色的花和可食用的红色果实 〔filefish〕Any of various chiefly tropical marine fishes of the family Balistidae, related to and resembling the triggerfishes, with a flat body and rough, spiny scales.魨:一种鳞魨科的主要生于热带的海洋鱼类,同鳞魨相关且类似,具有扁平的身体和粗糙的刺状鳞〔leadwort〕Any of various chiefly tropical plants of the genusPlumbago, having clusters of variously colored flowers. 欧洲蓝茉莉:任一种生长于热带的白花丹 属植物,开成串的色彩各异的花朵 〔weaverbird〕Any of various chiefly tropical Old World birds of the family Ploceidae, similar to the finches and characterized by the ability to build complex communal nests of intricately woven vegetation. Also called weaver finch 织布鸟:东半球的织布鸟科的各种主要生活在热带的鸟,类似雀科的鸣鸟,其特征为有用植被精细的织布建造复杂的公共巢穴的能力 也作 weaver finch〔lancewood〕Any of several tropical American trees, especiallyCalycophyllum candidissimum, having hard, durable, uniformly grained wood. 枪木树:任一种热带的美洲树种,尤指枪木 ,它有坚硬、耐久、纹理一致的木质 〔banyan〕A tropical Indian fig tree(Ficus benghalensis), often widely spreading because of the many aerial roots that descend from the branches and develop into additional trunks. It is planted for ornament and shade. 孟加拉榕:一种热带的印度无花果树(孟加拉榕 榕属) 因其枝上生有气根,垂入土中并长成另外的树干,所以覆盖面积很大。因装饰性和树荫而被种植 〔liana〕Any climbing, woody, usually tropical vine.藤本植物:一种通常生长在热带的攀爬藤本植物〔gesneriad〕Any of numerous, mostly tropical herbs or shrubs of the family Gesneriaceae, including African violets, the Cape primrose, and gloxinia.苦苣苔类:一种大量的、主要长于热带的苦苣苔科草本植物和灌木,包括非洲紫罗兰、好望角樱草和大岩桐〔gloxinia〕Any of several tropical South American plants of the genusSinningia, especially S. speciosa, cultivated as a houseplant for its showy, variously colored flowers. 大岩桐:一种南美热带的大岩桐 属植物,尤指 蓝紫大岩桐 ,种植来作室内观赏用,具有不同种颜色的花 〔genipap〕A tropical American evergreen tree(Genipa americana) having yellowish-white flowers and edible fruits used in preserves or drinks. The fruits yield dark blue dye that is used extensively as a body paint by Indians of tropical America. 美洲格尼帕树:一种热带美洲的常绿树(格尼帕属 美洲格尼帕) ,有黄白花和可食用果实,可用来储藏或饮用。其果实产生的深蓝染料,被美洲热带的印第安人大量地用来当作身体颜料 〔rafflesia〕Any of various parasitic plants of the genusRafflesia of tropical Asia, having small, brownish, scalelike leaves and fleshy, apetalous, foul-smelling flowers of various sizes. The species R. arnoldii has the largest flowers among all flowering plants, often measuring up to 1 meter (40 inches) in diameter. 大花草:一种生于亚洲热带的大花草 属寄生植物,叶小、呈棕色、鳞状,有大小各异、肉质、单(花)被的、味道很难闻的花 大王花 的花在所有开花品种中是最大的,直径通常可达1米(40英寸) 〔boa〕Any of various large, nonvenomous, chiefly tropical snakes of the family Boidae, which includes the python, anaconda, boa constrictor, and other snakes that coil around and suffocate their prey.蟒,蟒蛇:莽蛇科的大型、无毒,主要生活在热带的蛇,包括蟒蛇、蚺蛇、王蛇及其它用缠绕而使猎物窒息的蛇类〔unaccommodated〕new arrivals who were unaccommodated to the heat of the tropics.新来者不适应热带的炎热〔sappanwood〕A tree(Caesalpina sappan) of tropical Asia, having wood that yields a red dye. 苏木:一种产于亚洲热带的树木(苏木 云实属) ,从中能提取一种红色染料 〔wrasse〕Any of numerous chiefly tropical, often brightly colored marine fishes of the family Labridae, having spiny fins, thick lips, and powerful jaws, and often valued for food.隆头鱼:一种主要生长于热带的隆头鱼科海鱼,颜色经常是亮丽的,有刺状的鳍、厚嘴唇和有力的下腭,常用作珍贵食用鱼〔kaffir〕A tropical African variety of sorghum(Sorghum bicolor) grown in dry regions and in the Great Plains for grain and forage. Also called kaffir corn 非洲高梁:一种非洲热带的高梁品种(两色蜀黍 蜀黍属) ,种植在干旱地区和生产谷物和饲草的大平原 也作 kaffir corn〔toon〕A tall tree(Cedrela toona) of tropical Asia and Australia, having dark red, aromatic wood. 红椿,马兰香椿:一种产于亚洲和澳大利亚热带的高大乔木(红椿 洋椿属) ,树干黑红色,有芬芳的香味 〔harden〕is becoming acclimated to the tropical heat;对热带的高度逐渐适应;〔bulbul〕Any of various passerine, chiefly tropical Old World songbirds of the family Pycnonotidae, having grayish or brownish plumage.鹎:一种雀形目鸟类,主要指东半球热带的鹎科的鸣鸟,有灰色的或褐色的羽衣〔tropical〕Of, occurring in, or characteristic of the Tropics.热带的热带的,发生于热带的,有热带特性的〔babul〕A tropical African tree(Acacia nilotica) that yields a gum similar to gum arabic and has a bark used in tanning. 阿拉伯相思树:一种热带的非洲树(阿拉伯胶金合欢 金合欢属) ,产生类似于阿拉伯树胶的胶体,树皮用于制革 〔semitropical〕Partly tropical; subtropical.亚热带的:部分热带的;亚热带的〔triton〕Any of various chiefly tropical marine gastropod mollusks of the family Cymatiidae, having a pointed, spirally twisted, often colorfully marked shell.棱尾螺:一种嵌线螺科的大多产于热带的腹足类海洋软体动物,有螺旋形的、顶部很尖的、色彩斑斓的壳〔subtropical〕Of, relating to, or being the geographic areas adjacent to the Tropics.副热带的,亚热带的:属于,关于或是临近热带的地区的




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