单词 | 构想 |
释义 | 〔More〕English politician, humanist scholar, and writer who refused to comply with the Act of Supremacy, by which English subjects were enjoined to recognize Henry VIII's authority over the pope, and was imprisoned in the Tower of London and beheaded for treason. His political essayUtopia (1516), speculates about life under an ideal government. More was canonized in 1935. 莫尔,托马斯:(1478-1535) 英国政治家、人文主义学者和作家,拒绝遵守行为至上的法令,这一法令强迫英国臣民承认亨利八世的权威在教皇之上,后来他被囚禁在伦敦塔内直至以叛国罪为名被斩首。他的政治论文《乌托邦》 (1516年)构想了一种理想政府之下的生活。莫尔在1935年被封为圣徒 〔Socinus〕Italian theologian who based his anti-Trinitarian teachings on the doctrine formulated by his uncleLaelius Socinus (1525-1562), originally Lelio Francesco Maria Sozzini. Their system of Socinianism greatly influenced the development of Unitarian theology. 索齐尼,福斯图斯:(1539-1604) 意大利神学家,他反对三位一体论,其教义以他的叔叔利力尔斯·索齐尼 (1525-1562年),原名莱利奥·弗朗西斯科·马利亚·索齐尼所构想的教义为基础。他们的索齐尼斯主义体系极大地影响了唯一神教派神学的发展 〔plot〕To conceive and arrange the action and incidents of:构想:预想和安排…的行动和事件:〔gestate〕To conceive and develop in the mind.构思:在脑子里构想并逐步发展〔knock〕knocking off someone else's ideas.抄袭别人的构想〔gestation〕The conception and development of a plan or an idea in the mind.构思:一个计划或主意在心中的构想和发展〔fanciful〕Showing invention or whimsy in design; imaginative.See Synonyms at fantastic 幻想奇特的:在构想中表现出创造能力或幻想的;想象的 参见 fantastic〔design〕To create or contrive for a particular purpose or effect:发明:为了某个特定的目的或效果进行创造或构想:〔conceptus〕Latin [something conceived] * see concept 拉丁语 [构想的产物] * 参见 concept〔correct〕Rectify stresses the idea of bringing something into conformity with a standard of what is right: Rectify 强调某物达到与正确的标准相一致的构想: 〔envisage〕To conceive an image or a picture of, especially as a future possibility:想象:构想一个形象或图画,特别是一种未来的可能性:〔picture〕To form a mental image of; visualize.构想,想象:使…形成视觉形象〔think〕To bring a thought to mind by imagination or invention:构想:通过想象或虚构产生一个想法:〔concept〕from Latin [past participle of] concipere [to conceive] * see conceive 源自 拉丁语 concipere的过去分词 [构想] * 参见 conceive〔think〕To visualize; imagine:构想:设想;猜想:〔ghastly〕macabre stories about tortures conceived by a madman.关于由一个疯子构想出来的可怕故事。〔kibosh〕had to put the kibosh on a poorly conceived plan.不得不使一个构想不全面的计划无法实行〔draft〕A representation of something to be constructed.代表:所构想的某种东西的表现〔conception〕Something conceived in the mind; a concept, plan, design, idea, or thought.See Synonyms at idea 设想:在脑海中构想的事物;概念、计划、设计或思想 参见 idea〔trace〕To form (letters) with special concentration or care.精心塑造:特别专心或小心地构想(文字)〔existential〕Of or as conceived by existentialism or existentialists:经验主义的:由经验主义或经验主义者所构想的: |
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