单词 | 圆锥花序 |
释义 | 〔panicle〕A branched cluster of flowers in which the branches are racemes.圆锥花序,复总状花序:每个分枝都是总状花序的分枝花序〔tarragon〕An aromatic Eurasian herb(Artemisia dracunculus) having linear to lance-shaped leaves and small, whitish-green flower heads arranged in loose, spreading panicles. 龙蒿:一种产于欧亚大陆的有香味的草本植物(龙蒿 蒿属) ,生有线状至矛状的叶片,以疏散和伸展的圆锥花序排列起来的浅白绿色小花冠 〔gmelina〕A deciduous tree(Gmelina arborea) native to southeast Asia, having large opposite leaves, brownish-yellow flowers grouped in cymose panicles, and yellow drupes. 石梓树:一种(云南石梓 石梓属) 落叶树,原产于东南亚,具有大单叶,黄褐色花,圆锥花序和黄色核果 〔panocha〕probably from Spanish panoja, panocha [ear of grain, panicle] 可能源自 西班牙语 panoja, panocha [谷穗,圆锥花序] 〔paniculate〕Growing or arranged in a panicle.圆锥花序的:具圆锥花序的或按圆锥状花序排列的〔pigweed〕A coarse cosmopolitan weed(Amaranthus retroflexus) having hairy leaves and stout, terminal panicles with dense, lateral spikes of green flowers. Also called redroot 藜:一种分布于世界各地的粗糙野草(反枝苋 苋属) ,长有毛茸茸的叶子,绿色花朵中有簇集的顶生圆锥花序和侧生的穗状花序 也作 redroot〔poisonwood〕A poisonous dioecious tree(Metopium toxiferum) of southern Florida and the West Indies, having pinnately compound leaves, yellow-green flowers clustered in axillary panicles, and yellow-orange drupes. It causes a rash on contact. 毒漆树:一种有毒的雌雄异株的树木(毒漆树 毒漆树属) ,产于美国佛罗里达南部和西印度群岛,有羽状复叶、构成腋生圆锥花序的黄绿色花簇和黄橙色的核果。它在接触皮肤后能诱发皮疹 〔thyrse〕A dense, paniclelike flower cluster, as of the lilac, in which the lateral branches terminate in cymes.聚伞圆锥花序:一种像圆锥的侧面枝杈呈伞状的稠密花序,如百合花的花序〔toyon〕An evergreen Californian shrub(Heteromeles arbutifolia), having leathery leaves, small white flowers in large panicles, and red, fleshy, berrylike fruit. Also called Christmas berry 柳叶石楠:美国加利福尼亚州的常绿灌木(柳叶石楠) ,具有坚韧的叶子、由白色小花构成的大圆锥花序以及红色、肉质、浆果状的果实 也作 Christmas berry〔ramie〕A tropical Asian perennial herb(Boehmeria nivea) having broad leaves and densely branched panicles of small, unisexual, apetalous flowers. 苎麻:一种亚洲热带的多年生草本植物(苎麻属 微绿苎麻) ,有宽阔的叶片,簇生分枝的圆锥花序,单性、无花瓣的小花 〔horseradish〕A coarse Eurasian plant(Armoracia rusticana) in the mustard family, having a thick, whitish, pungent root, large basal leaves, and white flowers in a terminal panicle. 辣根:一种十字花科的粗糙植物(辣根 辣根属) ,产于欧亚大陆,其根很厚实,略带白色,有刺鼻气味,叶子底部大,白色花呈顶生的圆锥花序 〔buckeye〕Any of various North American trees or shrubs of the genusAesculus, having palmately compound, opposite leaves, erect panicles of white to red or yellow flowers, and large, shiny seeds with a large attachment scar. All parts of the plant are poisonous. 七叶树:一种北美洲的七叶树 属的树或灌木,有掌状对生复叶,直立的白色、红色或黄色圆锥花序,种子硕大而亮丽,附有一个巨大的瘢痕。这种植物的每一部分都有毒 〔astilbe〕Any of various chiefly eastern Asian perennial herbs of the genusAstilbe, having compound basal leaves and showy panicles of tiny colorful flowers. Also called spirea 红升麻属,落新妇属植物:一种主要产于东亚的多年生草本植物,虎耳草科, 有大的复合基叶和由艳丽的圆锥花序组成的小而鲜艳的花 也作 spirea〔arrowhead〕Any of various aquatic or wetland perennial plants of the genusSagittaria, having arrowhead-shaped leaves and panicles of white, unisexual flowers. 慈菇:一种慈菇属 水生或沼泽地生长的多年生植物,有箭头状叶子和白色的雌雄异花的圆锥花序 〔ti〕An eastern Asian tropical shrub(Cordyline terminalis) having a terminal tuft of long narrow leaves and panicles of white, yellowish, or reddish flowers. 朱蕉:亚洲东部的一种热带灌木(朱蕉 朱蕉属) ,生有成簇细长的顶生叶和白色、黄色或红色的圆锥花序 〔reed〕Any of various tall perennial grasses, especially of the generaPhragmites or Arundo, having hollow stems, broad leaves, and large plumelike terminal panicles. 芦苇:多年生高大禾本科植物中任一种,尤指芦苇属禾本科 和 芦苇属 的植物,有中空的茎、宽阔的叶片、羽状顶生大圆锥花序 〔jacaranda〕Any of several tropical American trees or shrubs of the genusJacaranda, having pinnately compound, opposite leaves and panicles of pale purple flowers with funnel-shaped corollas. 蓝花楹:生长在热带美洲的几种蓝花楹 属的树木或灌木,有羽状对生复叶和淡紫色的圆锥花序的花,其花冠呈漏斗状 〔rampion〕A biennial Eurasian plant(Campanula rapunculus) having rosette leaves with winged stalks, panicles of lilac-colored flowers, and an edible root used in salads. 匍匐风铃草,牧根草:一种两年生欧亚植物(匍匐风铃草 风铃草属) ,叶成莲座型,翼状的茎,有圆锥花序丁香紫色的花朵,根可食,用于沙拉 〔sourwood〕A deciduous tree(Oxydendrum arboreum) of the eastern United States, having drooping terminal panicles of small, white, urn-shaped flowers. Also called sorrel tree 酸树:一种每年落叶的乔木(酸叶树 杜鹃花科) ,生长于美国东部,开白色 小花,内有下垂的顶生圆锥花序 也作 sorrel tree〔horseweed〕A weedy North American plant(Erigeron canadensis) having narrow leaves and numerous small white or greenish flower heads grouped in panicles. 加拿大飞蓬:一种(加拿大飞蓬 飞蓬属) 属的细瘦的北美植物,叶子狭窄,开无数白色或淡绿色小花,呈圆锥花序 〔thyrsoid〕Shaped like or similar to a thyrse.是或类似呈聚伞圆锥花序的 |
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