单词 | 其它 |
释义 | 〔plain〕Not mixed with other substances; pure:纯净的:不含其它杂质的;纯净的:〔singularity〕A trait marking one as distinct from others; a peculiarity.特点:一个使一件事物区分于其它事物的特征;物质〔Frigidaire〕A trademark used for electric refrigerators and other household appliances.电冰箱:用在电冰箱或其它家用电器上的商标名〔absolute〕Something regarded as independent of and unrelated to anything else.独立:被认为是独立的或和其它事物没有联系的事物〔uncrowned〕Having the power or influence of a monarch or other prominent figure but not the title:无君主之号但有王权的:虽无头衔但具有君王或其它卓越人物的权力或影响的:〔salter〕One that treats meat, fish, or other foods with salt.用盐腌肉、鱼或其它食物的人〔blubber〕The thick layer of fat between the skin and the muscle layers of whales and other marine mammals, from which an oil is obtained.鲸脂:鲸和其它海洋哺乳动物的表皮层肌肉层之间的厚层,含有油脂〔dragonfly〕Regional terms for the dragonfly are numerous, providing good evidence for dialect boundaries in the United States.The greatest variety of terms is to be found in the South,where the most widespread term issnake doctor (a name based on a folk belief that dragonflies take care of snakes).The Midland equivalent issnake feeder. Speakers from the Lower South, on the other hand, are more likely to refer to the same insect as amosquito hawk or, in the South Atlantic states, askeeter hawk. The imagery outside the South alludes more to the insect's shape than to its behavior or diet:Upper Northern speakers call it adarning needle or a devil's darning needle ; those in Coastal New Jersey, aspindle ; and Northern Californians, anear sewer. 各地对蜻蜓的许多不同叫法为美国的方言边界提供了很好的依据。对蜻蜓叫法最多的是南部,在那里最常用的是snake doctor (因民间认为蜻蜓照看蛇而得名)。中部有与此相应的叫法:snake feeder。 而南部较南端的人则通常把蜻蜓叫作mosquito hawk , 南大西洋诸州又把它称为skeeter hawk。 南部以外的其它地方更多地根据蜻蜓的外形而非行为或食物为之命名:北部较北端的人把它叫作darning needle 或 devil's darning needle ; 新泽西州海岸一带叫spindle ; 而北加利福尼亚人则叫ear sewer 〔sialagogue〕A drug or other agent that increases the flow of saliva.催诞剂:增加唾液分泌的药物或其它药剂〔shopworn〕Tarnished, frayed, faded, or otherwise defective from being on display in a store.在商店中陈列旧了的:商店中陈列而失去光泽的、磨损的、褪色的或者有其它毛病的〔curtain〕Material that hangs in a window or other opening as a decoration, shade, or screen.窗帘,门帘:挂在窗户或其它开口处作为装饰物、遮光物或遮蔽物的织物〔ressentiment〕A generalized feeling of resentment and often hostility harbored by one individual or group against another, especially chronically and with no means of direct expression.无名怨恨,愤慨:个人或集团对其它个人或集团怀有的怨恨和常隐藏的带敌意的感情,尤指长期、无法直接表达的怨恨〔jess〕A short strap fastened around the leg of a hawk or other bird used in falconry, to which a leash may be fastened.皮带扣:一种扣在鹰或其它鸟类腿上用于猎鹰训练的短皮带扣,用它可以扣紧皮带〔luxury〕caviar, smoked salmon, and other culinary frills. necessity 鱼子酱、熏鲑鱼和其它精细加工过的菜 necessity〔flunitrazepam〕A powerful sedative drug, C16H 12FN 3O 3, that is illegal in the United States but is used elsewhere as a hypnotic and in anesthesia. It is popularly known as the "date rape" drug because its ability to cause semiconsciousness and memory blackouts has led to its association with unwanted sexual encounters. 弗尼拉塞半,氟硝安定:在美国禁止使用的强效镇静剂,C16H 12FN 3O 3,但在其它地区用作催眠药或用于感觉缺失。氟硝安定就是广为人知的"约会强奸药",它能令人陷入半昏迷状态或暂时失去知觉,并由此同被迫的性行为联系起来 〔amino〕Relating to an amine or other chemical compound containing an NH2 group combined with a nonacid organic radical. 胺基的:关于含有与一个非酸性有机基化合的NH2基的胺或其它化合物的 〔alternate〕from alter [other] * see al- 1源自 alter [其它的] * 参见 al- 1〔makeshift〕The central meaning shared by these nouns is "something used as a substitute when other means fail or are not available": 这些名词有一个中心意思是“当其它方式失败或不可行时,用来代替的东西”: 〔foley〕A technical process by which sounds are created or altered for use in a film, video, or other electronically produced work.福雷录音:用于电影、影像或其它电子作品的音效创造与修改的专业过程〔pneumonia〕An acute or chronic disease marked by inflammation of the lungs and caused by viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms and sometimes by physical and chemical irritants.肺炎:一种急性或慢性疾病,特征是肺部发炎,由病毒、细菌或其它微生物引起,有时由物理和化学的刺激物引起〔trademark〕Abbr. TMA name, symbol, or other device identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer.缩写 TM商标,牌号:标明产品的名字、符号或其它设计,经过正式注册,并只合法地限于其拥有者或制造商使用〔alone〕Considered separately from all others of the same class.与众不同的:与同类中其它事物隔开单独考虑的〔callaloo〕A soup or stew made of these leaves or other greens, okra, crabmeat, and seasonings.卡拉罗叶汤:加入此种叶菜或其它蔬菜、秋葵、蟹肉以及调味料的汤或炖菜〔apple〕Any of several other plants, especially those with fruits suggestive of the apple, such as the crab apple or custard apple.苹果属植物:其它几种这样的植物,尤指苹果状果实的,如酸苹果树或番荔枝树〔operculum〕A lid or flap covering an aperture, such as the gill cover in some fishes or the horny shell cover in snails or other mollusks.鳃盖:覆盖在一孔或缝隙上的盖,如一些鱼类的鳃或覆盖在蛇或其它软体动物身上的角质壳〔Burgundy〕Any of various similar wines produced elsewhere.和勃艮第相似的酒:一种由其它地方出产的类似勃艮第的葡萄酒〔woolgrower〕One that raises sheep or other animals for the production of wool.产毛业者:为了生产毛而饲养羊或其它动物的人〔another〕other [other] * see other other [另一个,其它] * 参见 other〔achromatin〕The part of a cell nucleus that remains less colored than the rest of the nucleus when stained or dyed.非染色质:在染色时,细胞核中比核其它部分染色少的部分〔witenagemot〕An Anglo-Saxon advisory council to the king, composed of about 100 nobles, prelates, and other officials, convened at intervals to discuss administrative and judicial affairs.盎格鲁-撒克逊时代的国会:一种盎格鲁-撒克逊时代国王的顾问委员会,大约由100个贵族、高级教士和其它官员组成,间歇性地开会讨论行政和司法事务〔back〕A player who takes a position behind the front line of other players in certain games, such as football.后卫:在某种比赛项目中,如足球,处在其它运动员前线位置之后的运动员〔plate〕A print of a woodcut, lithograph, or other engraved material, especially when reproduced in a book.铅版:木刻,平版或其它雕刻材料的印模,尤指在书中复制时的印版〔want〕To wish to join a project, business, or other undertaking.需要:希望加入某项工程、业务或其它事情〔Vancouver〕A city of southwest Washington on the Columbia River opposite Portland, Oregon. Founded as Fort Vancouver by the Hudson's Bay Company in the 1820's, it is a deep-water port with shipyards, lumber mills, and other processing facilities. Population, 46,380.温哥华:华盛顿州西南部城市,位于哥伦比亚海岸,与俄勒冈的波特兰相望。由哈得孙湾公司于19世纪20年代以福特温哥华港为名建立,该港是有造船厂、制材厂和其它加工工业的深水港。人口46,380〔Italic〕A branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Latin, Faliscan, Oscan, Umbrian, and other languages or dialects.意大利语族的:印欧语系的一个分支,包括拉丁语、法利希语、奥斯坎语、翁布里亚语和其它语言或方言〔beignet〕New Orleans, Louisiana, has been a rich contributor of French loan words and local expressions to American English.One variety of speech in this city is so distinctive that it has a name:yat. Many of the words, such asbeignet, café au lait, faubourg, lagniappe, and krewe, reflect the New World French cuisine and culture characterizing this city and much of southern Louisiana. Other words reflect distinctive physical characteristics of the city:banquette, a raised sidewalk, and camelback and shotgun, distinctive architectural styles found among New Orleans houses. 路易斯安娜州的新奥尔良对法语词汇和当地表达方式溶入美式英语起了很大贡献。这个城市里的语言是如此独特以致人们叫它yat。 许多词如beignet,cafè au lait,faubourg,lagniappe 和 krewe 反映了该城和南路易丝安娜州大部地区的新大陆上法式的烹饪和文化特色。 其它词反映了该城独特的外貌和特征:banquette 高起的人行道, camelback 和 shotgun 新奥尔良房屋的独特建筑形式 〔blowhole〕A vent to permit the escape of air or other gas.气孔:空气或其它气体通出的通道〔ichnology〕The branch of paleontology dealing with the study of fossilized footprints, tracks, burrows, or other traces as evidence of the activities of the organisms that produced them.足迹化石学:古生物学的分支,以研究足迹化石、痕迹化石、洞穴化石、或其它有机物所产生活动证据的痕迹〔farm〕To send (work, for example) from a central point to be done elsewhere.租出:将(如工作)由中心点送出其它地方去做〔although〕As conjunctions,although and though are generally interchangeable: Although (or though ) she smiled, she was angry. Although is usually placed at the beginning of its clause (as in the preceding example), whereasthough may occur elsewhere and is the more common term when used to link words or phrases, as inwiser though poorer, or in constructions such as Fond though (not although ) I am of opera, I'd rather not sit through the Ring cycle this weekend. 作为连词although 和 though 通常可以互换使用: Although (或 though ) 尽管她微笑着,她却在生气。 Although常放在从句的开头(如前面例句), 而though 可以出现在其它位置,当用来连接词语或短语时更为常用, 如尽管穷一些却更有头脑 或在下面这种结构中 尽管 (不用 although ) 我很喜欢歌剧,我也不愿这个周末一直坐等到 打铃 散场。 |
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