单词 | 其子 |
释义 | 〔Buckner〕American army officer who served in the Mexican War, then became a Confederate general in the Civil War. His sonSimon Bolivar Buckner, Jr. (1886-1945), commanded U.S. forces in Alaska and the Pacific sector during World War II and was killed in action during the assault on Okinawa. 巴克纳,西蒙·玻利瓦尔:(1823-1914) 美国陆军军官。曾参加墨西哥战争,内战中为南部同盟军将领。其子小西蒙·勃利瓦·巴克纳 (1886-1945年),在第二次世界大战中率美军在阿拉斯加和太平洋战区作战,在冲绳岛战役中阵亡 〔Teniers〕Flemish painter of religious subjects. His sonDavid (1610-1690), known as "the Younger,” painted landscapes, religious subjects, and genre scenes, such as Company at Table (1634). 坦尼尔斯,戴维:(1582-1649) 法兰德斯宗教画家。其子大卫 (1610-1690年),即“小坦尼尔斯”,作品有风景画、宗教题材画和风俗画,如 《桌边的聚会》 (1634年) 〔Scaliger〕Italian physician and scholar noted for his scientific and philosophical writings. His sonJoseph Justus Scaliger (1540-1609), a French scholar, pioneered the modern study of classical texts. 斯卡利哲,尤里乌斯·凯撒:(1484-1558) 意大利医生和学者,以其科普和哲学著作出名。其子约瑟夫·尤斯图斯·斯卡利哲 (1540-1609年)是法国学者,为对古典文本作现代研究的先驱 〔Guggenheim〕Family of American industrialists and philanthropists, includingMeyer (1828-1905), who amassed the family fortune in the copper industry. His sons Daniel (1856-1930) and Simon (1867-1941) and his granddaughter Marguerite (1898-1979), known as "Peggy,” were patrons of the arts. The family endowed the Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art in New York City (1959). 古根海姆:美国一工业家及慈善家家族,包括梅尔 (1828-1905年),他经营铜业,大大增加了家族财富。其子 丹尼尔 (1856-1930年)和 西蒙 (1867-1941年)及其孙女,被称为“伯蒂”的 玛格丽特 (1898-1979年),都是艺术事业的赞助者。该家族在纽约捐助建立了古根海姆现代艺术博物馆(1959年) 〔Bennett〕American journalist and publisher who founded and edited (1835-1867) theNew York Herald. His son James Gordon Bennett (1841-1918) succeeded him as editor (1867), founded the Paris edition of the Herald, and funded expeditions and sporting events. 贝内特,詹姆斯·戈登:(1795-1872) 美国记者和出版商,1835至1867年创立和编辑《纽约先锋报》 。其子 詹姆斯·戈登·贝内特 (1841-1918年)接替其父继任编辑(1867年),创立 《先锋报》 的巴黎版,并为探险及体育活动提供资金 〔Menninger〕Family of American psychiatrists, includingCharles Frederick (1862-1953) and his sons Karl Augustus (1893-1990) and William Claire (1899-1966). The family founded the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas (1920), and the Menninger Foundation (1941), both dedicated to psychiatric treatment, research, training, and public education. 门宁格:美国精神病医生之家,包括查尔斯·弗雷德里克 (1862-1953年)及其子 卡尔·奥古斯塔斯 (1893-1990年)和 威廉·克莱尔 (1899-1966年)。这个家庭在堪萨斯的托皮卡建立了门宁格诊所(1920年)以及门宁格基金会(1941年)。两者都致力于精神病的治疗、研究、训练及公众教育 〔Cooperstown〕A residential village of east-central New York west-southwest of Schenectady. It was founded in 1787 by William Cooper, the father of James Fenimore Cooper, who used the region as the setting for hisLeatherstocking Tales. The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum is here. Population, 2,342. 库珀斯敦:美国纽约州中东部的一个住宅区村庄,位于斯克内克塔迪西南偏西方。1787年由威廉·库珀创建,其子詹姆斯·菲尼莫尔·库珀以这个地区作为他的《皮袜子故事集》 一书的背景。全国棒球荣誉博物馆就位于这里。人口2,342 〔Vanderbilt〕American transportation promoter and financier who amassed a great fortune through railroad and shipping interests. His heirs included his sonWilliam Henry (1821-1885), a financier and philanthropist, and William Henry's sons Cornelius (1843-1899), a railroad director; William Kissam (1849-1920), a railroad executive and philanthropist; Frederick William (1856-1938), a railroad manager; and George Washington (1862-1914), who commissioned Biltmore, located in Asheville, North Carolina, the largest private home in America. 范德比尔特,科尔内留斯:(1794-1877) 美国运输促进者和投资者,从铁路运输和航运中积累了大量资金。他的后代, 包括其子金融家和慈善家威廉·亨利 (1821-1885年),以及威廉·亨利的儿子们,铁路局长 科尼利厄斯 (1843-1899年),铁路行政长官和慈善家 威廉·基萨姆 (1849-1920年);铁路经济人 弗里德里克·威廉 (1856-1938年);以及 乔治·华盛顿 (1862-1914年),他在北卡罗来纳州的阿什维尔建起比尔特摩,美国最大的私宅 〔Brunel〕French-born British engineer who invented a tunneling shield and successfully used it in his construction of the Thames Tunnel (1825-1843). His sonIsambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) designed the first transatlantic steamship, the Great Western (1838). 布鲁内尔,马克·埃萨莫德:(1769-1849) 法裔的英国工程师,发明了隧道掘进铠框,在建泰晤士隧道时(1825-1843年),成功地运用了此项发明。其子伊萨姆巴德·金德姆·布鲁内尔 (1806-1859年)设计了第一艘横渡大西洋的轮船, 伟大的西方 (1838年) 〔Clark〕American astronomer and lens manufacturer who with his sonAlvan Graham Clark (1832-1897) made the objective lenses of the world's two largest refracting telescopes, one at Lick Observatory in California (1888) and one at Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin (1897). 克拉克,阿尔凡:(1804-1887) 美国天文学家及透镜制造者,和其子埃尔文·格拉汉姆·克拉克 (1832-1897年)制造了世界上两个最大的折射望远镜的物镜,一个置于加利福尼亚的里克观测台(1888年),另一个置于威斯康星的耶基斯观测台(1897年) 〔Calvert〕Family of English colonists in America, includingGeorge (1580?-1632), First Baron Baltimore; his son Cecilius (1605-1675), Second Baron and recipient of the Maryland charter; another son, Leonard (1606-1647), first governor of Maryland (1634-1647); and Cecilius's son Charles (1637-1715), Third Baron and governor (1661-1675) and proprietor (1675-1689) of Maryland. 卡尔弗特:在美洲的英国殖民者家族,包括乔治 (1580?至1632年),一等伯爵巴蒂莫尔;其子 塞西莉厄斯 (1605至1675年),是二等伯爵与马里兰宪章领受人;另一个儿子 伦纳德 (1606至1647年),马里兰的第一任总督(1634至1647年);塞西莉厄斯之子 查尔斯 (1637至1715年),是三等伯爵和马里兰总督(1661到1675年)以及马里兰州的所有者(1675至1689年) 〔Clytemnestra〕The wife of Agamemnon who, with the assistance of her lover Aegisthus, murdered him on his return from the Trojan War and was later murdered by her son Orestes.克莱登妮丝特拉:亚格门农的妻子,在情人埃癸斯托斯的帮助下,在其从特洛伊战争返回中将其谋杀,之后她自己也为其子奥瑞提斯所杀〔Baldwin〕American engineer who built (1794-1804) the Middlesex Canal in Massachusetts and developed the Baldwin apple. His sonLoammi (1780-1838) designed canals and the Bunker Hill Monument. 鲍德温,洛米:(1745-1807) 美国工程师,于1794-1804年开凿了“马萨诸塞州米德尔塞克斯运河”,并改进了鲍德温炸弹。其子洛米 (1780-1838年)设计了运河和邦克山纪念碑 〔Rockefeller〕American family, includingJohn Davison (1839-1937), an oil magnate who amassed great wealth through the Standard Oil Company and spent about half of his fortune on philanthropic works. His son John Davison, Jr. (1874-1960), continued his father's work and had five sons, including Nelson Aldrich (1908-1979), who was governor of New York (1959-1973) and Vice President of the United States (1974-1977) under Gerald Ford. 洛克菲勒:美国的一个家族,包括石油大王约翰·戴维森 (1839-1937年),他通过标准石油公司聚积了大笔财富,并把其财富的一半用于慈善事业。其子 小约翰·戴维森 (1874-1960年)继承了父业并生有五子,其中包括曾任纽约州州长(1959-1973年)和杰拉德·福特任总统时的美国副总统(1974-1977年) 的内尔森·艾尔德利奇 (1908-1979年) 〔Dumas〕French writer of swashbuckling historical romances, such asThe Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers (both 1844). His son Alexandre (1824-1895), known as "Dumas fils, ” was a dramatist whose works include La Dame aux Camélias (1852). 仲马,亚历山大:(1802-1870) 法国作家,写作离奇的历史浪漫小说,如《基度山伯爵》 与 《三个火枪手》 (都作在1844年)。其子 亚历山大 (1824-1895年),被称为“ 《小》 仲马”是剧作家,作品包括 《茶花女》 (1852年) 〔Adler〕Russian-born actor active in Yiddish theater. His childrenStella (born 1902) and Luther (1903-1984) became prominent American actors. 阿德勒,雅格布:(1855-1926) 活跃于犹太剧院的俄裔演员。其子斯特拉 (生于1902年)以及 路德 (1903-1984年)成为美国著名的演员 〔Bragg〕British physicist. He shared a 1915 Nobel Prize with his son SirWilliam Lawrence Bragg (1890-1971) for an analysis of x-ray spectra and the structure of crystals. 布雷格,威廉·亨利:(1862-1942) 英国物理学家,因进行X射线光谱和晶体结构分析而与其子威廉·劳伦斯·布拉格 爵士(1890-1971年)同获1915年诺贝尔奖 〔Nehru〕Indian nationalist politician who was an associate of Mahatma Gandhi and an influential leader in the years leading to India's independence. His sonJawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964), also greatly involved in the movement for self-governance, was the political heir to Gandhi and the first prime minister of independent India (1947-1964). 尼赫鲁,莫蒂莱尔:(1861-1931) 印度国家主义者、政治家,他是马哈特马·甘地的助手,在领导印度独立的年代是位很有影响的领导人,其子贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁 (1889-1964年)也努力投身自治运动,是甘地的政治继承人,印度独立后的第一位总理(1947-1964年) 〔Dudley〕English colonial administrator in America who served as governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony (1634, 1640, 1645, and 1650) and as one of Harvard College's first overseers. His sonJoseph (1647-1720) was also governor of Massachusetts (1702-1715). 达德利,托马斯:(1576-1653) 英国驻美国的殖民长官,曾任马萨诸塞湾殖民地总督(1634年,1640年,1645年,1650年),哈佛学院的创办发起人之一,其子约瑟夫 (1647年-1720年)亦为马萨诸塞总督(1702年-1715年) 〔Mather〕American clergyman and writer. He and his sonCotton (1663-1728) exerted great theological and political influence on the colony of Massachusetts through their staunch Puritanism and prolific writing. 马瑟,英克里斯:(1639-1723) 美国神职人员、作家。他与其子科顿 (1663-1728年)共同的坚定的宗教信仰和他们的大量文章对马萨诸塞殖民地在神学和政治上产生极大的影响 〔Macedon〕An ancient kingdom of northern Greece originally occupying territory north of Thessaly and northwest of the Aegean Sea. It was the center of a powerful empire under Philip II and his son Alexander the Great and contributed significantly to the spread of Hellenistic civilization. It became the first Roman province in 146b.c. 马其顿:原为居住地的希腊北部古王国,位于塞萨利以北和爱琴海西北。马其顿在腓力二世及其子亚历山大大帝统治时期是强大帝国的中心,对希腊文明的传播贡献巨大。公元前 146年成为罗马第一个省 〔Forbes〕American publisher and businessman who founded and edited (1916-1954)Forbes magazine. His son Malcolm Stevenson Forbes (1919-1990), who assumed the editorship in 1957, was an avid collector and set six world records in hot-air ballooning in 1973. 福布斯,贝(尔蒂尔)·查(尔斯):(1880-1954) 美国的出版家和商人,他创立并编辑了(1916-1954年)《福布斯》 。其子 马尔科姆·史帝芬生·福布斯 (1919-1990年)1957年继承了他的事业,是个热心的收藏家,1973年在热气球飞行中创下了六个世界记录 〔Brueghel〕Flemish painter noted for his landscapes and his lively genre scenes, includingPeasant Wedding (c. 1567). His son Pieter (1564-1638?), known as "the Younger,” is primarily remembered for his copies of his father's works, while another son, Jan (1568-1625), is frequently called "the Flower Brueghel" or "the Velvet Brueghel" for the silky detail of his still-life paintings. 勃鲁盖尔,彼得:(1525?-1569) 佛兰德斯画家,擅画风景画,其《农民的婚礼》 (1567年)场面活泼。其子 皮埃特 (1564-1638?),被称为“小勃鲁盖尔”,因临摹其父的作品给人们留下深刻印象,另一子 让 (1568-1625年),常被称为“花的勃鲁盖尔”或“天鹅绒勃鲁盖尔”,因为他擅长静物画 |
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