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单词 品味
释义 〔tacky〕Lacking style or good taste; tawdry:缺乏风度或良好品味的;俗艳的:〔vulgar〕Deficient in taste, delicacy, or refinement.不优雅的,粗鲁的:品味、格调或教养不高的〔indiscriminate〕an indiscriminate shopper; indiscriminate taste in music.无选择的购物者;在音乐上无特殊品味〔preciosity〕Extreme meticulousness or overrefinement, as in language, taste, or style.造作:在语言、品味或风格方面的极端讲究或过分文雅〔snob〕One who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect.自命不凡者:在品味或智力方面,作出一派自鸣得意,自以为了不起从而使人十分厌恶之人〔tasteless〕Not having or showing good taste.不雅致的,庸俗的:不具有或未表现出良好品味〔alike〕The twins are as alike as two peas in a pod. Friends are generally alike in background and tastes.这对双胞胎长得象一个豆荚里的两颗豆子。一般来说朋友的经历和品味都是相象的〔fussy〕Paying great or excessive attention to personal tastes and appearance; fastidious:过分装饰的:对个人品味或外表付以过大或过分注意的;过分讲究的:〔eclectic〕an eclectic taste in music; an eclectic approach to managing the economy.对音乐有所选择的品味;以综合各派的方式来处理经济事务〔culture〕A high degree of taste and refinement formed by aesthetic and intellectual training.修养,教养:通过美学和智力训练而形成的高品味和文雅〔indecorous〕Lacking propriety or good taste.See Synonyms at improper 失礼的,不雅的:缺乏礼节或品味的 参见 improper〔unseemly〕Not in accord with accepted standards of good taste; grossly improper.See Synonyms at improper 不适当的:与普遍接受的良好品味之标准不符的;极为不适当的 参见 improper〔seemly〕Conforming to standards of conduct and good taste; suitable:合适的,适宜的,得体的:符合行为或良好品味的标准的;合适的:〔moderne〕Striving to be modern in appearance or style but lacking taste or refinement; pretentious.做作地追求现代的:力求具有现代样式或外观但不雅观或缺少品味的;自命不凡的〔fulsome〕Offensive to the taste or sensibilities.品味或感觉令人厌恶的〔civilized〕Marked by refinement in taste and manners; cultured; polished.高尚的,有教养的:品味和举止优雅的;有文化的;有修养的〔indecent〕Offensive to good taste; unseemly.没品味的; 不适当的:与好的品味相悖的;不合礼节的〔understated〕Exhibiting restrained good taste:朴素的,不惹眼的:展示不浮华的良好品味的:〔remark〕remarked on her good taste.评论她良好的品味〔louche〕Of questionable taste or morality:声名狼藉的:品味或道德观有问题的:〔gracious〕Characterized by elegance and good taste:有品味的;高雅的:以优雅和高品味为特征的:〔pretend〕pretends to gourmet tastes.自命有美食家的品味〔culture〕"These questions of taste, of feeling, of inheritance, need no settlement.Every one carries his own inch-rule of taste" (Henry Adams). “这些关于品味、感觉、遗传的问题,无需得到解决。每个人都有各自衡量审美力的标准” (亨利·亚当斯)〔longhair〕One whose taste in the arts is considered to be overrefined.文人:对艺术的品味被认为过分讲究的人〔aesthetic〕Of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste:审美的:属于或关于美的欣赏或有良好品味的:〔barbaric〕Marked by crudeness or lack of restraint in taste, style, or manner.粗鄙的,不雅的:以在品味、风格或举止方面粗俗的或不加节制为标志的〔taste〕A manner indicative of the quality of such discernment:品味:表现出这样一种鉴别能力的方式:〔meticulous〕 Fastidious implies concern, often excessive, for the requirements of taste: Fastidious 表示的是出于品味要求的,通常是过分的关心: 〔aristocrat〕A person having the tastes, manners, or other characteristics of the aristocracy:有贵族气质的人:一个有贵族品味,举止或其它特征的人:〔indecorum〕Lack of propriety or good taste; impropriety.不得体,无礼:礼节或品味的缺乏;不适宜〔byword〕"Polyester got its déclassé reputation in the 1970s after cheap, poorly made double-knit leisure suits became a byword for bad taste"(Fortune)"20世纪70年代,在经过粗制滥造的双面针织休闲服后,涤纶地位下降,变成低品味的代名词”(财富)〔unhandsome〕Not courteous or in good taste; ungracious.没有礼貌的或没有好品味的;粗野的〔improper〕language unbecoming to a gentleman. What isunseemly or indelicate is in gross violation of good taste; 和绅士身份不符的言语。 Unseemly 或者 indelicate 是指对良好品味的粗俗破坏: 〔trashy〕In very poor taste or of very poor quality:质量低劣的:品味很低的或质量很差的:〔vulgarity〕Something, such as an act or expression, that offends good taste or propriety.庸俗行为,粗俗语:破坏好的品味或规矩的事,如行为或语言〔barbarism〕There is a significant difference in meaning betweenbarbarism and barbarity. Both denote some absence of civilization,but the wordcivilization itself has several different senses, one the opposite ofbarbarism, the other the opposite of barbarity. On the one handcivilization may refer to the scientific, artistic, and cultural attainments of advanced societies; and it is this sense that figures in the meaning ofbarbarism. The English wordbarbarism originally referred to incorrect use of language, but it is now used more generally to refer to ignorance or crudity in matters of taste, including verbal expression:The New Yorker would never tolerate such barbarisms. On the other hand,civilization may refer to the basic social order that allows people to resolve their differences peaceably, and it is this sense—that is, civilization as opposed to savagery—that figures in the meaning ofbarbarity, which refers to savage brutality or cruelty in actions,as inThe accounts of the emperor's barbarity shocked the world. 在barbarism 与 barbarity 之间意义有明显的区别。 虽然两者都包含不文明的意思,但civilization 一词本身有好几种意思, 一种与barbarism 相反,另一种与 barbarity 相反。 一方面civilization 可以指在发达社会中科学、艺术、文化方面取得的成就, 这层意义能在barbarism 中得到体现。 英语词barbarism 最先指语音不正确的使用, 现在却更多地用来指品味方面的无知与鄙俗,包括动词表示法,例如:这个 纽约人 从不会容忍这些低级趣味。 另一方面,civilization 还可以指允许人们和平地彼此同化的社会基本规则。 在这个意义上,“文明”作为“残暴”的反义词,在barbarity 中得以体现, 指残酷的暴行或行为方面的残忍,例如句子这个皇帝的暴行被报道之后震惊了全世界 〔Zeitgeist〕The spirit of the time; the taste and outlook characteristic of a period or generation:时代精神:时代精神;具有某时期或某代人特征的品味和观点:〔embourgeoisement〕Conversion to bourgeois values, loyalties, or tastes:资产阶级化:向资产阶级的价值观、忠诚或品味的转化:〔indelicate〕Marked by a lack of good taste; coarse.See Synonyms at coarse 粗野的:以缺少高雅品味为特征的;粗鄙的 参见 coarse〔virtu〕A knowledge or love of or taste for fine objects of art.艺术品爱好:对好的艺术品的知识、爱好或品味




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