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单词 南北
释义 〔contraband〕An escaped slave during the Civil War who fled to or was taken behind Union lines.偷入北军的黑奴:美国南北战争期间逃到或被带到北军战线后方的逃奴〔shivaree〕Shivaree is the most common American regional form of charivari, a French word meaning "a noisy mock serenade for newlyweds"and probably deriving in turn from a Late Latin word meaning "headache.”The term, most likely borrowed from French traders and settlers along the Mississippi River,was well established in the United States by 1805;an account dating from that year describes a shivaree in New Orleans: "The house is mobbed by thousands of the people of the town, vociferating and shouting with loud acclaim . . . many[are] in disguises and masks; and all have some kind of discordant and noisy music, such as old kettles, and shovels, and tongs. . . . All civil authority and rule seems laid aside" (John F. Watson).The wordshivaree is especially common along and west of the Mississippi River, giving it an unusual north-south dialect boundary (most dialect boundaries run east-west in the United States).Alva L. Davis and Raven I. McDavid, Jr., callshivaree "one of the most widely distributed folk terms borrowed by American English from any European language.” Some regional equivalents arebelling, used in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio; horning, from upstate New York, Rhode Island, and western New England; andserenade, a term used chiefly in the South Atlantic states. Shivaree 是 charivari 这个词在美国的最普通的地方形式, charivari是个法语词,意思是“一种为新婚夫妇演奏的喧闹的嘲弄式小夜曲”,这个词本身可能是从一个意思为“头痛”的后期拉丁文演变而来。这个词极有可能是从密西西比河沿岸的法国商人和拓居者那儿借用而来,到了1805年这个词已经在美国深深地扎根了;一份可以追溯到这一年的记录描写了新奥良的演奏这种小夜曲的情况: “房子里挤满了成千从镇上来的人,喧嚷着,叫喊着,大声欢呼…许多人 化了装,带了面具,所有的人都搞出某种不和协、喧闹的音响,比如用旧水壶,铲子,钳子…一切世俗的权威和规则好象已经被放到了一边” (约翰F·华生) 。shivaree 这个词在密西西比河沿岸和该河以西尤为常见, 这样密西西比河就成了一个不寻常的方言区的南北分界线(而在美国大多数方言区的分界线都是东西向的)。阿尔瓦·L·戴维斯和小拉文·I·麦克戴维把shivaree 这个词称为“美国英语从欧洲语言中借来的民间用语中流传最广的一个”。 其它地方方言中相当于这个词的词有belling 在宾夕法尼亚州、弗吉尼亚西部和俄亥俄州流传; 纽约州上半部份,罗德岛州,新英格兰西部的horning , 而大西洋沿岸南部各州主要用serenade 这个词 〔Forrest〕American Confederate general who was active at the battles of Shiloh (1862) and Chickamauga (1863). He was a founder and the first leader (1866-1869) of the Ku Klux Klan.福雷斯特,内森·贝德福德:(1821-1877) 美国南北战争时期南方邦联将领,在希洛战役(1862年)和奇克莫加河战役(1863年)中表现出色。创建了“三K党”并成为其第一位领导人〔Johnston〕American Confederate general in the Civil War. He was defeated by Ulysses S. Grant at Shiloh (1862).约翰斯顿,阿尔贝特·西德尼:(1803-1862) 美国南北战争时期的邦联军将领。他在希洛战役中(1862年)被尤利西斯·S·格兰特打败〔Lamar〕American politician and jurist who served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War and later became an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1888-1893).拉马尔,卢西乌斯·昆图斯·辛辛纳图斯:(1825-1893) 美国政治家和法理学家,曾于南北战争期间在南联邦军中服务,后来成为美国最高法院助理法官(1888-1893年)〔Jiangxi〕A province of southeast China. In early times it served as a corridor for north-south migration and communications. Nanchang is the capital. Population, 34,600,000.江西:中国东南部省。早期它是南北移民和联系的通道。省会为南昌。人口34,600,000〔McClellan〕American general and commander of the Union Army (1861-1862) whose overcautious tactics prompted President Abraham Lincoln to relieve him of duty.麦克莱伦,乔治·布利顿:(1826-1885) 美国将军,美国南北战争初期的联邦军队总司令(1861-1862年),因过于谨慎而坐失战机被亚伯拉罕·林肯总统撤职〔copperhead〕Copperhead A Northerner who sympathized with the South during the Civil War. Copperhead 铜头蛇:美国南北战争期间同情南方的北方人〔Hancock〕American Civil War general who defeated Robert E. Lee and George Pickett in the Gettysburg Campaign (1863).汉考克,温菲尔德·斯科特:(1824-1886) 美国南北战争时期的将军,1863年在葛底斯堡战役中打败了罗伯特·E·李和乔治·皮克特〔Buchanan〕The 15th President of the United States (1857-1861). He tried to maintain a balance between proslavery and antislavery factions, but his moderate views angered radicals in both North and South, and he was unable to forestall the secession of South Carolina on December 20, 1860.布坎南,詹姆斯:(1791-1868) 美国第15任总统(1857-1861年),曾试图在赞成奴隶制和反对奴隶制的双方中维持平衡状态,但其折衷的观点激怒了南北两方。他企图抢先一步制止南卡罗来纳州于1860年2月20日发动的内战,以失败告终〔Andersonville〕A village of southwest-central Georgia north-northeast of Americus. Its notorious Confederate prison, where more than 12,000 soldiers died during the Civil War, is now a national historic site.安德森维尔:位于乔治亚洲中部偏西南阿梅里克斯东北偏北的一个村庄。南北战争期间12,000多名士兵死在这里臭名昭著的邦联监狱里,现已成为国家历史遗址〔Hampton〕American Confederate general in the Civil War who later served as governor (1876-1879) and U.S. senator (1879-1891) for South Carolina.汉普顿,韦德:(1818-1902) 美国南北战争期间南方邦联的将领,后来于1876-1879年担任总督, 于1879-1891年代表南卡罗来纳任美国参议员〔range〕A north-south strip of townships, each six miles square, numbered east and west from a specified meridian in a U.S. public land survey.六英里城镇分区:美国公地测量中以某条特定子午线为起点,从东向西标号,占地六平方公里的一系列南北条状城镇〔McDowell〕American general who commanded Union troops in the first and second Battles of Bull Run (1861 and 1862).麦克道尔,伊尔文:(1818-1885) 美国将军,南北战争期间曾先后两次指挥布尔溪战役(1861和1862年)〔Johnston〕American Confederate general in the Civil War who surrendered to William Tecumseh Sherman in 1865.约翰斯顿,约瑟夫·埃格尔斯顿:(1807-1891) 美国南北战争时期邦联军将领,1865年向威廉·特康姆赛谢尔曼投降〔east〕The region of the United States east of the Allegheny Mountains and north of the Mason-Dixon Line.美国东部各州:美国阿勒格尼山的东面及梅森-狄克森南北分界线以北的地域〔Sana〕The capital of Yemen, in the western part of the country. Settled in ancient times, it became the capital of North Yemen in 1962 and the capital of united North Yemen and Southern Yemen in 1990. Population, 277,800.萨那:也门首都,位于该国家西部,古代即有人居住,1962年成为北也门首都,1990年成为南北也门统一后的首都。人口277,800〔disunionist〕An advocate of disunion, especially a secessionist during the U.S. Civil War.主张分裂的人:主张分裂的人,尤指美国南北战争时期主张脱离联邦的脱离主义者〔anticyclone〕An extensive system of winds spiraling outward from a high-pressure center, circling clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.反气旋,高气压:从高压中心向外形成的大范围旋风系统,在北半球按顺时针方向旋转,在南北球按逆时针方向旋转〔Halleck〕American Union general who served as general in chief (1862-1864) but was replaced by Gen. Ulysses S. Grant.哈勒克,亨利·瓦格:(1815-1872) 美国南北战争时期的联邦军官,在1862年至1864年任总司令,但后被尤利西斯·S ·格兰特取代〔Meade〕American Union general who commanded the costly victory at Gettysburg (1863).米德,乔治·戈登:(1815-1872) 美国南北战争时期联邦军队将军,曾指挥葛底斯堡战役并取得关键性胜利(1863年)〔Greenhow〕American Confederate spy. A prominent Washington, D.C., socialite, she obtained and disseminated information on Union troop movements (1861-1862). Exiled to the South, she continued her activities and ultimately drowned while attempting to evade the Union blockade of Wilmington, North Carolina.葛琳皓,罗斯·奥尼尔:(1815?-1864) 美南北战争时期南方著名的间谍,华盛顿特区的社交界名人。她获取并传递了关于北方军队行动的情报(1861-1862年)。被驱逐回南方后她继续从事谍报活动。 在企图逃离被北方围困的北卡罗来纳州的威明顿时被抓获并淹死




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