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单词 东北偏东
释义 〔Iwo〕A city of southwest Nigeria east-northeast of Ibadan. It was the capital of a Yoruba kingdom from the 17th to the 19th century. Population, 255,100.伊沃:尼日利亚西南一城市,位于伊巴丹东北偏东。17世纪到19世纪曾是约鲁巴族王国的首都。人口255,100〔Jiamusi〕A city of extreme northeast China east-northeast of Harbin. It is an industrial center and a river port. Population, 350,000.佳木斯:中国最东北的城市,位于哈尔滨东北偏东。是一个工业中心和河港。人口350,000〔Annecy〕A city of southern France in the Alps onLake Annecy east-northeast of Lyon. It is a popular resort and tourist center. Population, 49,965. 安纳西:法国南部一城市,位于里昂东北偏东安纳西湖 畔的阿尔卑斯山,是著名的风景区和旅游中心。人口49,965 〔Samoa〕An island group of the southern Pacific Ocean east-northeast of Fiji, divided betweenAmerican Samoa and Western Samoa. The islands were originally populated by Polynesians perhaps as early as 1000 b.c. and were first sighted by European explorers in 1722. Dual administration of the archipelago was established by treaty in 1899. 萨摩亚:南太平洋上斐济东北偏东的一个岛群,被分为美属萨摩亚 和 西萨摩亚, 可能早在 公元前 一千年波利尼西亚人最初居住在此,1722年欧洲探险家首先发出此岛,1899年开始建立了合约规定的群岛双重管理 〔Mendoza〕A city of western Argentina east-northeast of Santiago, Chile. Founded c. 1560, it was part of Chile until 1776. Population, 118,427.门多萨:阿根廷西部一城市,位于智利圣地亚哥的东北偏东处。此城建于公元1560年,1773年前一直是智利的领土。人口118,427〔Oshawa〕A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on Lake Ontario east-northeast of Toronto. Founded on the site of a French trading post, it is a manufacturing center. Population, 117,519.奥沙瓦:加拿大安大略省东南部城市,位于多伦多东北偏东,安大略湖畔。建于法国一个贸易驿站的站址上,现为制造业中心。人口117,519〔Coro〕A city of northwest Venezuela near the Caribbean Sea east-northeast of Maracaibo. It was founded in 1527 by the Spanish, who mortgaged it to a German banking house from 1528 to 1546. Population, 95,000.科罗:委内瑞拉西北部的一个城市,位于加勒比海附近马拉开波东北偏东处,1527年由西班牙人建立,1528年到1546年抵押给德国一家银行。人口95,000〔Herne〕A city of west-central Germany in the Ruhr district east-northeast of Essen. It is an industrial center in a mining area. Population, 173,226.赫恩:德国中西部的一城市,位于埃森东北偏东的鲁尔区。它是采矿区的工业中心。人口173,226〔Marlborough〕A city of east-central Massachusetts east-northeast of Worcester. Settled in 1657, it was nearly destroyed in 1676 during King Philip's War. Population, 31,813.莫尔伯勒:美国马萨诸塞州中东部一城市,位于伍斯特市东北偏东方向。1657年开始有人定居,1676年菲利普国王战争中险遭毁灭。人口31,813〔Lakeland〕A city of central Florida east-northeast of Tampa. It is a winter resort and processing center in a citrus-growing region. Population, 50,455.累克兰:美国佛罗里达州中部的一座城市,位于坦帕市东北偏东方向。它是一个冬季游览胜地和柑橘植物生长区内的加工业中心。人口50,455〔Placentia〕A city of southern California east-northeast of Long Beach. It is a residential community with light industries. Population, 41,259.布雷森莎:美国加利福尼亚州南部的一座城市,位于长滩的东北偏东。为带有轻工业的居住社区。人口41,259〔Kent〕A city of northeast Ohio east-northeast of Akron. Kent State University (founded 1910) is in the city and was the site of a 1970 demonstration against the Vietnam War in which four students were killed by members of the National Guard. Population, 28,835.肯特市:美国俄亥俄州东北部城市,位于亚克朗东北偏东方向。肯特州立大学(建于1910年)位于此城,在1970年举行的反越南战争的游行中,四名学生被国民警卫队成员枪杀。人口28,835〔Hinckley〕An urban district of central England east-northeast of Birmingham. Hosiery and shoes are among its manufactures. Population, 55,600.辛克利:英格兰中部的一个城区,位于伯明翰东北偏东。制袜和制鞋是其主要制造业。人口55,600〔Glendora〕A city of southern California at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains east-northeast of Los Angeles. The city grew as a fruit-shipping center but is now mainly residential. Population, 38,500.格伦多拉:美国加利福尼亚州南部一城市,地处圣加布里埃尔山脚下,洛杉矶东北偏东。因水果运输而建立但是现在为主要住宅区。人口38,500〔Kandy〕A city of central Sri Lanka east-northeast of Colombo. The last capital of the ancient kings of Ceylon, it is a resort and religious center. Population, 97,872.康提:斯里兰卡中部一城市,位于科伦坡东北偏东。该市曾为古代锡兰国王的最后一个首都,现为旅游胜地和宗教中心。人口97,872〔Newton〕A city of south-central Iowa east-northeast of Des Moines. It is an industrial center. Population, 15,292.牛顿:美国衣阿华州中南部城市,位于得梅因的东北偏东。是一个工业中心。人口15,292〔Deventer〕A city of east-central Netherlands on the Ijssel River east-northeast of Utrecht. A member of the Hanseatic League, it was a noted center of piety and learning during the Middle Ages. Population, 64,823.迪温特:荷兰中东部的一个城市,位于乌得勒支市东北偏东,埃塞尔河上。汉撒同盟成员之一,在中世纪是著名的学术中心。人口64,823〔Xiamen〕A city of eastern China east-northeast of Guangzhou. It is a major harbor and a manufacturing center. Population, 350,000.厦门:中国东部一城市,位于广州东北偏东,是主要的港口和制造业中心。人口350,000〔Salinas〕A city of western California east-northeast of Monterey on theSalinas River, about 241 km (150 mi) long, near its outlet on Monterey Bay. The city is a processing center and the birthplace of John Steinbeck, who based many of his stories on the migratory farm workers of the Salinas Valley. Population, 108,777. 萨利纳斯:美国加利福尼亚州西部一城市,位于蒙特雷东北偏东萨利纳斯河 畔,该河长约241公里(150英里),该城位于蒙特雷湾出海口附近,是加工业中心,是约翰·斯坦贝克的出生地,他的许多小说以萨利纳斯山谷中的迁徙农场工人为背景。人口108,777 〔Kalgoorlie〕A town of southwest Australia east-northeast of Perth. Gold was discovered in the area in the late 1800's. Population, 10,100.卡尔古利:澳大利亚西南部一城镇,位于帕斯东北偏东。19世纪晚期,该地区发现了黄金。人口10,100〔Freiberg〕A city of east-central Germany east-northeast of Karl-Marx-Stadt. It was founded in the 12th century as a silver-mining camp. Population, 51,290.弗赖贝格:德国中东部一城市,位于卡尔·马克思城的东北偏东。在12世纪建立为一银矿区。人口51,290〔Guiyang〕A city of southwest China east-northeast of Kunming. The capital of Guizhou province, it is a major transportation and industrial center. Population, 871,000.贵阳:中国西南部一城市,位于昆明东北偏东。贵州省省会,为一重要交通运输及工业中心。人口871,000〔Moradabad〕A city of north-central India east-northeast of Delhi. Founded in 1625, it is an important agricultural market and manufacturing center. Population, 330,051.莫拉达巴德:印度中北部的一座城市,位于德里东北偏东方。它建于1625年,是一个重要的农业市场和制造中心。人口330,051〔Chatham〕A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on the Thames River east-northeast of Windsor. It is an industrial center in an agricultural region. Population, 40,952.查塔姆:加拿大安大略省东南部城市,位于温泽东北偏东的泰晤士河上。是处于农业区的工业中心。人口40,952〔Torbay〕A borough of southwest England east-northeast of Plymouth. It is in a popular seaside resort area. Population, 112,400.托培:英格兰西南部普利茅斯东北偏东地区的一个行政区域。为海滨著名的旅游胜地。人口112,400.〔Cesena〕A city of north-central Italy east-northeast of Florence. It flourished under the Malatesta family (1379)-1465), who founded its Renaissance-style library. Population, 67,600.切塞纳:意大利中北部一城市,位于佛罗伦萨东北偏东。在马拉特斯塔家族统治时期(1379-1465年)极为繁荣,该家族曾创建了文艺复兴风格图书馆。人口67,600〔Gath〕An ancient city of Palestine east-northeast of Gaza. It was one of the five Philistine city-kingdoms and the home of Goliath.迦特:加沙东北偏东巴勒斯坦一古城,是巴勒斯坦五个城市王国之一,是巨人歌利亚的故乡〔Aurangabad〕A town of western India east-northeast of Bombay. Founded in 1610, it is near the site of a mausoleum erected by Aurangzeb in honor of his empress. Population, 284,607.奥兰加巴德:位于印度西部、孟买东北偏东一城镇。建于1610年,位于奥朗则布为纪念他的皇后而建的陵墓遗址附近。人口284,607〔Kirov〕A city of east-central European U.S.S.R. east-northeast of Moscow. Founded c. 1174, it became the center of a medieval principality that was conquered by Ivan III in 1489. Population, 411,000.基洛夫:苏联欧洲部分中东部一城市,位于莫斯科东北偏东,建于公元1174年,1489年被伊凡三世占领后成为中世纪公国的中心。人口411,000〔Manchester〕A borough of northwest England east-northeast of Liverpool. Founded on the site of Celtic and Roman settlements, it was first chartered in 1301. Greater Manchester is densely populated and highly industrialized. TheManchester Ship Canal (completed in 1894) affords access for oceangoing vessels. Population, 464,200. 曼彻斯特市:英格兰西北部的一座具有自治特权的城市,位于利物浦东北偏东方向。建于凯尔特人和罗马人的定居点上,1301年开始设市。大曼彻斯特区是人口密集的工业发达地区。大曼彻斯特船运河 (1894年竣工)使海船可直达此市。人口464,200 〔Trenton〕A town of southeast Ontario, Canada, on an inlet of Lake Ontario east-northeast of Toronto. It is a processing and industrial center. Population, 15,085.特伦顿:加拿大安大略省东南部一城市,位于安大略湖湖畔,多伦多东北偏东。它是一个加工业和工业中心。人口15,085〔Swindon〕A municipal borough of south-central England east-northeast of Bristol. It has an important locomotive industry. Population, 151,600.斯温顿:英格兰中南部的自治市,位于布里斯托尔东北偏东。有重要的机车工业。人口151,600〔Albemarle〕A city of central North Carolina in the Piedmont east-northeast of Charlotte. It is a trade and processing center. Population, 15,110.阿尔伯马尔:美国北卡罗来纳州中部城市,位于夏洛特东北偏东部的皮埃蒙特山麓高原上。是贸易和制造业中心。人口15,110〔Oita〕A city of northeast Kyushu, Japan, east-northeast of Nagasaki. It was a castle town in the 16th century and traded extensively with the Portuguese. Population, 390,105.大分:位于日本九州岛东北部,长崎东北偏东的一个城市。它在16世纪是个城堡,并与葡萄牙人有频繁的商贸来往。人口390,105〔Angers〕A city of western France east-northeast of Nantes. Of pre-Roman origin, Angers was the historical capital of Anjou. Population, 136,038.翁热:法国西部一城市,位于南次东北偏东。建立在罗马时代以前,曾是安茹的历史都城。人口136,038〔Gniezno〕A city of central Poland east-northeast of Pozna÷. Polish kings were crowned here from 1025 to 1320. The city passed to Prussia in 1793 and was restored to Poland in 1919. Population, 67,400.格涅兹诺:波兰中部一城市,位于波兹南东北偏东。从1025年到1320年波兰国王在此加冕。它在1793年割让给普鲁士,1919年重新归入荷兰。人口67,400〔Linares〕A city of southern Spain east-northeast of Córdoba. It is a center for lead and silver mining. Population, 51,800.利纳雷斯:西班牙南部一城市,位于科尔多瓦东北偏东部。是铅矿和银矿中心。人口51,800〔Anniston〕A city of northeast Alabama in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains east-northeast of Birmingham. It was founded in 1872 as an iron-manufacturing company town and opened to noncompany settlers in 1883. Population, 26,623.安尼斯顿:美国亚拉巴马州东北部一城市,位于伯明翰东北偏东阿拉巴契亚山脚下。这座城市于1872年因钢铁制造公司城而建立,并于1883年向非公司员工的居民开放。人口26,623〔Placerville〕A city of east-central California east-northeast of Sacramento. It grew with the discovery of gold nearby in 1848 and is still a mining center. Population, 6,739.普莱斯弗:美国加利福尼亚中东部的一座城市,位于萨克利门托的东北偏东部。1848年随金矿的发现而发展,至今仍是一个采矿中心。人口6,739〔Morristown〕A city of northeast Tennessee east-northeast of Knoxville. Settled in 1783, it is a manufacturing and processing center. Population, 21,385.莫里森市:美国田纳西州东北部-城市,位于诺克思维尔东北偏东方。建立1783年,是一个制造和加工中心。人口21,385




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