

词汇 put



动词变化: "to put"

一般过去式: put
过去分词: put

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

put yourself through [sth] v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." (college, etc.: fund your studies)为自己支付上学的费用
 James worked at a burger restaurant two days a week to put himself through college.
put-up job nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. informal (scam, con)阴谋
yīn móu
kuāng piàn
zhà piàn
piàn jú
nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.
(baseball play) (棒球)出局 n
chū jú
shot put nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (sport: throwing event)推铅球
stay put viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." informal (remain in same place) (非正式用语)原地不动
yuán dì bú dòng
 Stay put, don't move - I'll be right back.
take out the trash (US),
put the dustbin out,
put the rubbish out (UK)
v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end."
(take refuse can outdoors)把垃圾桶拉出去
 Remember to put the dustbin out tonight; the rubbish is collected early tomorrow morning.
put things v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." (express [sth] in particular way)表达某事
 Sam put things very differently.

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

put [put]
(pt, pp put)
1 (=place)
[+ thing] 放 fàng
  • I put her suitcase on the table.
    我把她的手提箱放在桌上。 Wǒ bǎ tā de shǒutíxiāng fàng zài zhuō shang.

[+ person]
(in institution) 安置 ānzhì
  • They had to put him in an asylum.
    他们(們)只得把他安置在收容所里(裡)。 Tāmen zhǐdé bǎ tā ānzhì zài shōuróngsuǒ li.
  • He'd been put in jail.
    他被投入了监牢。 Tā bèi tóurùle jiānláo.

[+ confidence, trust, faith]
(in person, thing) 投入 tóurù
  • Are we right to put our confidence in computers?
    我们(們)是否应(應)该(該)对(對)计(計)算机(機)有信心? Wǒmen shìfǒu yīnggāi duì jìsuànjī yǒu xìnxīn?
2 (=cause to be)
[+ person, thing]
(in state, situation) 使处(處)于(於) shǐ chǔyú
  • It puts me in a rather difficult position.
    这(這)使我处(處)于(於)一个(個)非常为(為)难(難)的处(處)境。 Zhè shǐ wǒ chǔyú yī gè fēicháng wéinán de chǔjìng.
3 (=express)
[+ idea, remark] 表述 biǎoshù
  • He didn't put it quite as crudely as that.
    他表述得并(並)没(沒)那么(麼)直白。 Tā biǎoshù de bìng méi nàme zhíbái.
4 (=present) to put sth (to sb) [+ case, view, suggestion] (向某人)陈(陳)述某事 (xiàng mǒurén) chénshù mǒushì
  • He should have known how to put his case.
    他早该(該)知道如何陈(陳)述他的情况(況)。 Tā zǎo gāi zhīdào rúhé chénshù tā de qíngkuàng.
5 (=classify) 看作 kànzuò
  • I wouldn't put him in the same class as Verdi.
    我没(沒)把他看作是与(與)威尔第一个(個)级(級)别(別)的。 Wǒ méi bǎ tā kànzuò shì yǔ Wēi'ěrdi yī gè jíbié de.
6 (=write, type)
[+ word, information] 写(寫) xiě
  • to put a lot of time/energy/effort into sth/into doing sth
    投入大量的时(時)间(間)/精力/努力于(於)某事/做某事 tóurù dàliàng de shíjiān/jīnglì/nǔlì yú mǒushì/zuò mǒushì
  • to put money on a horse
    赌(賭)马(馬) dǔmǎ
  • to stay put
    留在原处(處) liú zài yuánchù
  • how shall I put it?
    我该(該)怎么(麼)说(說)呢? wǒ gāi zěnme shuō ne?
  • let me put it this way
    让(讓)我这(這)么(麼)说(說)吧 ràng wǒ zhème shuō ba
  • to put a question (to sb)
    (向某人)提问(問) (xiàng mǒurén) tíwèn
  • I put it to you that…
    (Brit) (frm)我认(認)为(為)… wǒ rènwéi…
  • the cost is now put at 20 million pounds
    现(現)在成本估计(計)为(為)20亿(億)英镑(鎊) xiànzài chéngběn gūjì wéi èrshí yì yīngbàng
put about
I vt (Brit) [+ rumour] 散布(佈) sànbù
II vi (Naut) 改变(變)方向 gǎibiàn fāngxiàng

put across, put over vt [+ ideas, argument] 讲(講)清 jiǎngqīngput aside vt
1 [+ work, object] 放在一边(邊) fàng zài yībiān
  • My aunt put aside her sewing and picked up her book.
    我舅妈(媽)把针(針)线(線)活放在一边(邊)开(開)始看书(書)。 Wǒ jiùmā bǎ zhēnxianhuó fàng zài yībiān kāishǐ kàn shū.
2 (=disregard)
[+ idea, problem, remark] 置之不理 zhì zhī bù lǐ
  • It's a problem which they usually put aside.
    这(這)是他们(們)通常置之不理的问(問)题(題)。 Zhè shì tāmen tōngcháng zhì zhī bù lǐ de wèntí.
3 (=save)
[+ sum of money] 存 cún
  • She put aside a small sum every week to pay for her annual holiday.
    她每星期存一点(點)钱(錢)用于(於)每年的度假。 Tā měi xīngqī cún yīdiǎn qián yòng yú měi nián de dùjià.
put away vt
1 (=store, unpack) 把…收起 bǎ…shōuqǐ
  • I put away the shopping.
    我把买(買)的东(東)西收起来(來)了。 Wǒ bǎ mǎi de dōngxi shōu qǐlái le.
2 (inf: imprison) 把…关(關)起 bǎ…guānqǐ
  • They put him away for ten years.
    他们(們)把他关(關)了10年。 Tāmen bǎ tā guānle shí nián.
3 (=save)
[+ money] 存 cún
  • I've got a thousand pounds put away for a rainy day.
    我存了1000镑(鎊)以备(備)不时(時)之需。 Wǒ cúnle yīqiān bàng yǐ bèi bùshí zhī xū.
4 (inf: consume)
(food, drink) 吃喝掉 chīhēdiào
put back vt
1 (=replace) 放回 fànghuí
  • I put the book back on the shelf.
    我把书(書)放回书(書)架。 Wǒ bǎ shū fànghuí shūjià.
2 (=postpone) 推迟(遲) tuīchí
3 (=delay) 使延误(誤) shǐ yánwù
4 [+ watch, clock] 倒拨(撥) dàobō
put by vt [+ money, supplies] 存储(儲)…备(備)用 cúnchǔ…bèiyòngput down vt
1 (on floor, table) 放下 fàngxià
2 (in writing) 写(寫)下 xiěxià
3 [+ money, deposit] 支付 zhīfù
4 (=quell)
[+ riot, rebellion] 镇(鎮)压(壓) zhènyā
5 (inf: humiliate)
[+ person] 羞辱 xiūrǔ
6 (=put to sleep)
[+ animal] 宰杀(殺) zǎishā
put down to vt (=attribute) to put sth down to sth 把某事归(歸)因于(於)某事 bǎ mǒushì guīyīn yú mǒushì
  • I put it down to arthritis.
    我把它归(歸)因于(於)关(關)节(節)炎。 Wǒ bǎ tā guīyīn yú guānjiéyán.
put forward vt
1 [+ ideas, proposal, name] 提出 tíchū
  • These were the arguments which Jenny put forward.
    这(這)些是詹妮提出的论(論)点(點)。 Zhèxiē shì Zhānní tíchū de lùndiǎn.
2 [+ watch, clock] 向前拨(撥) xiàng qián bō
put in
I vt
1 (=make)
[+ request, complaint, application] 提出 tíchū
2 (=dedicate)
[+ time, effort, work] 投入 tóurù
3 (=install)
[+ gas, electricity, sink] 安装(裝) ānzhuāng
II vi (Naut) to put in (at) 进(進)港 jìngǎng
put in for vt fus 不可拆分 [+ promotion, leave] 申请(請) shēnqǐngput off vt
1 [+ event]
(=delay) 推迟(遲) tuīchí
2 [+ person]
(=ask to wait) 使等待 shǐ děngdài
  • They wanted to come this evening but I put them off until tomorrow.
    他们(們)今晚想来(來),但我让(讓)他们(們)等到明天。 Tāmen jīnwǎn xiǎng lái,dàn wǒ ràng tāmen děngdào míngtiān.

(Brit) (=distract) 使分心 shǐ fēnxīn
  • Every time Peter served, a man in the crowd coughed and put him off.
    每次轮(輪)到彼得时(時),人群中就有人咳嗽让(讓)他分心。 Měi cì lúndào Bǐdé shí,rénqún zhōng jiù yǒu rén késou ràng tā fēnxīn.

(=discourage) 使失去兴(興)趣 shǐ shīqù xìngqù
  • His personal habits put her off.
    他的个(個)人习(習)惯(慣)使她失去了兴(興)趣。 Tā de gèrén xíguàn shǐ tā shīqùle xìngqù.

  • to put off doing sth
    (=postpone) 推迟(遲)做某事 tuīchí zuò mǒushì
  • to put sb off sth/sb
    (=alienate from) 使某人摆(擺)脱(脫)某事/某人 shǐ mǒurén bǎituō mǒushì/mǒurén
  • to put sb off doing sth
    使不再喜欢(歡)做某事 shǐ bùzài xǐhuan zuò mǒushì
put on vt
1 [+ clothes, make-up, glasses] 穿戴 chuāndài
2 (=switch on)
[+ light, TV, radio, oven] 开(開) kāi
[+ CD, video] 放 fàng
[+ dinner] 做 zuò
[+ kettle] 用…烧(燒)水 yòng…shāo shuǐ
3 (=organize)
[+ play, exhibition] 举(舉)行 jǔxíng
[+ extra bus, train] 安排 ānpái
4 (=adopt)
[+ look, accent, act] 假装(裝) jiǎzhuāng
  • to put on weight/three kilos, etc.
    增重/增加了3公斤等 zēngzhòng/zēngjiāle sān gōngjīn děng
  • you're putting it on
    (=pretending) 你是假装(裝)的 nǐ shì jiǎzhuāng de
put onto vt to put sb onto sb/sth 向某人引荐(薦)某人/某物 xiàng mǒurén yǐnjiàn mǒurén/mǒuwùput out
I vt
1 (=extinguish)
[+ candle, cigarette] 熄灭(滅) xīmiè
[+ fire, blaze] 扑(撲)灭(滅) pūmiè
2 (=switch off)
[+ electric light] 关(關) guān
3 (=lay out) 摆(擺)放 bǎifàng
4 (=take outside)
[+ rubbish, cat] 放出 fàngchū
5 [+ one's hand]
(to greet, touch, for help, protection) 伸出 shēnchū
6 (=make public)
[+ story, statement] 公布(佈) gōngbù
7 (Brit) (=dislocate)
[+ back, shoulder] 使…脱(脫)臼 shǐ…tuōjiù
8 (inf: inconvenience)
[+ person] 麻烦(煩) máfan
II vi (Naut) to put out to sea 出海 chūhǎi
  • to put out from Plymouth
    从(從)普利茅斯起航 cóng Pǔlìmáosī qǐháng
  • to put out one's tongue
    伸出舌头(頭) shēnchū shétou
  • to put o.s. out
    难(難)为(為)自己 nánwei zìjǐ
put over vt = put acrossput through vt
1 (Tel) [+ person, phone call] 接通 jiētōng
  • "Data Room, please.""I'll put you through."
    "请(請)接资(資)料室。""我给(給)你接通。" "Qǐng jiē zīliàoshì.""Wǒ gěi nǐ jiētōng."
2 (=cause to experience) to put sb through sth 使某人经(經)受某事 shǐ mǒurén jīngshòu mǒushì
3 (=carry out)
[+ plan, agreement] 完成 wánchéng
  • put me through to Miss Blair
    请(請)帮(幫)我接布莱(萊)尔(爾)小姐 qīng bāng wǒ jiē Bùlái'ěr xiǎojiě
put together vt [+ furniture, machine] 装(裝)配 zhuāngpèi
[+ team, collection] 组(組)成 zǔchéng
[+ plan, campaign] 组(組)织(織) zǔzhī
  • more than the rest of them put together
    比其他所有人的总(總)和都多 bǐ qítā suǒyǒurén de zǒnghé dōu duō
put up vt
1 [+ fence, building, tent] 建造 jiànzào
[+ poster, sign] 张(張)贴(貼) zhāngtiē
2 [+ umbrella, hood] 撑(撐)起 chēngqǐ
3 (=provide)
[+ money] 提供 tígōng
4 (=increase)
[+ price, cost] 增加 zēngjiā
5 (=accommodate) 为(為)…提供住宿 wèi…tígōng zhùsù
  • to put up one's hand
    举(舉)手 jǔshǒu
  • to put up resistance/a fight
    进(進)行抵抗/战(戰)斗(鬥) jìnxíng dǐkàng/zhàndòu
  • to put sb up to sth/to doing sth
    (=incite) 唆使某人做某事 suōshǐ mǒurén zuò mǒushì
  • to put sth up for sale
    出售某物 chūshòu mǒuwù
put upon vt fus 不可拆分 to be put upon 被利用 bèi lìyòngput up with vt fus 不可拆分 容忍 róngrěn




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