单词 | 阿肯色河 |
释义 | 〔Hutchinson〕A city of south-central Kansas on the Arkansas River northwest of Wichita. It is a commercial and industrial center in an agricultural and oil-producing area. Population, 39,308.哈钦森:美国堪萨斯州中部偏南城市,临阿肯色河,位于威奇托市西北。为一农业和产油区内的工商业中心。人口39,308〔Verdigris〕A river, about 451 km (280 mi) long, of southeast Kansas and northeast Oklahoma flowing generally southward to the Arkansas River.佛地格里斯:美国堪萨斯州东南部以及俄克拉荷马州东北部的一条河流,长约451公里(280英里),大致向南流入阿肯色河〔Pike〕American army officer and explorer noted for his expedition up the Arkansas River to the Rocky Mountains (1806-1807). Pikes Peak is named for him.派克,泽布伦·蒙哥马利:(1779-1813) 美国陆军军官和探险者,因征服从阿肯色河到落基山脉地区(1806-1807年)而闻名。派克斯峰是为纪念他而命名〔Neosho〕A river rising in east-central Kansas and flowing about 740 km (460 mi) southeast and south to the Arkansas River in eastern Oklahoma.尼欧肖河:发源于堪萨斯中东部的一条河流,流程约740公里(460英里),向东南和南方注入俄克拉荷马州东部的阿肯色河〔Muskogee〕A city of eastern Oklahoma on the Arkansas River southeast of Tulsa. Founded in 1872, it is a trade and industrial center. Population, 37,708.马斯科吉:美国俄克拉荷马州东部一城市,位于塔尔萨东南部,临阿肯色河。建立于1872年,是一个商业和工业中心。人口37,708〔Cimarron〕A river rising in northeast New Mexico and flowing about 1,123 km (698 mi) eastward across southwest Kansas to the Arkansas River in northern Oklahoma.西马隆河:发源于美国新墨西哥州东北的一条河流,向东流经堪萨斯州西南,在俄克拉荷马州北部汇入阿肯色河,流程约1,123公里(698英里)〔Purgatoire〕A river, about 299 km (186 mi) long, of southeast Colorado flowing northeast to the Arkansas River.普尔加托尔:美国科罗拉多州东南部一条流程约299公里(186英里)的河流,向东北汇入阿肯色河〔Wichita〕A city of south-central Kansas on the Arkansas River southwest of Kansas City. It was founded in the 1860's on the site of an earlier Wichita Village and boomed as a cow town after the coming of the railroad in 1872. Population, 304,011.威奇托市:美国堪萨斯州中南部的城市,位于阿肯色河上、堪萨斯市的西南部。19世纪60年代建在旧时威奇托村的位置,1872年修了铁路后成为养牛区小镇并繁荣。人口304,011〔Tulsa〕A city of northeast Oklahoma on the Arkansas River northeast of Oklahoma City. A port and manufacturing center, it grew rapidly after the discovery of oil nearby in the early 20th century. Population, 367,302.塔尔萨:美国俄克拉荷马州东北部一城市,位于阿肯色河上,俄克拉荷马城东北,是港口和制造业中心,20世纪早期在附近发现石油后发展迅速。人口367,302〔Jolliet〕French-Canadian explorer of the upper Mississippi Valley who with Jacques Marquette sighted the Mississippi River on June 17, 1673, and descended it to the mouth of the Arkansas River.若利埃,路易斯:(1645-1700) 法裔加拿大探险家,在密西西比河上游河谷探险,于1673年6月17日在雅克·马奎特发现密西西比河,并顺流而下到达阿肯色河河口〔Quapaw〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of Arkansas along the Arkansas River, with a present-day population in Oklahoma.瓜坡族:一支美洲土著人,原居住在阿肯色州的阿肯色河流域的部分地区,现居住在俄克拉荷马州 |
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