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单词 钱财
释义 〔disgorge〕To surrender (stolen goods or money, for example) unwillingly.被迫交出:不情愿地放弃(如所偷的东西或钱财〔underage〕An amount, as of money or goods actually on hand, that falls short of the listed amount in records or books of account.亏空:手头钱财或商品数量少于记录或帐本上所载数量〔thriftless〕Careless in handling money; wasteful.不节俭的:在管理钱财上粗心的;浪费的〔thrift〕Wise economy in the management of money and other resources; frugality.节俭:在理钱财和其它财物上的经济;节省〔ransom〕The release of property or a person in return for payment of a demanded price.释放:获取所要求的钱财后释放人员或物品〔find〕found the money by economizing.通过节约得到了钱财〔coroner〕Coroner comes from Anglo-Norman corouner, a word derived fromcoroune, "crown.” Corouner was the term used for the royal judicial officer who was called in Latin custos placitorum coronae, or "guardian of the crown's pleas.” The person holding the office of coroner, a position dating from the 12th century, was charged with keeping local records of legal proceedings in which the crown had jurisdiction.He helped raise money for the crown by funneling the property of executed criminals into the king's treasury.The coroner also investigated any suspicious deaths among the Normans,who as the ruling class wanted to be sure that their deaths were not taken lightly. At one time in England all criminal proceedings were included in the coroner's responsibilities.Over the years these responsibilities decreased markedly,but coroners have continued to display morbid curiosity.In the United States, where there is no longer the crown, a coroner's main duty is the investigation of any sudden, violent, or unexpected death that may not have had a natural cause.Coroner 一词来源于盎格鲁-诺曼底语中的 corouner , 是从coroune “王冠”变来的。 Corouner 是皇家司法官,在拉丁语叫 custos placitorum coronae 或“国王请求的保护者。” 起源于12世纪的这一职位,当时负责记录当地的国王具有裁判权的法律程序。持这一职位者通过收集死刑犯的财产入国库来为国王聚殓钱财。他也负责调查诺曼底人中任何可疑的死亡。因诺曼底人是统治阶级,他们希望确知他们的死没有被轻看。在英国曾由验尸官一度负责罪犯的全部事务。随着时间推移。这些责任明显减少,但仍继续显示对死亡的调查的兴趣。在美国,已不再有国王,验尸官的主要任务是调查任何突发的、剧烈的或预料不到的,大概无自然原因的死亡〔benefactress〕A woman who gives aid, especially financial aid.女捐助人:提供帮助,尤其是钱财帮助的女人〔ransom〕To obtain the release of by paying a certain price.赎出,赎回:支付一定钱财来获得释放〔bleed〕To obtain money from, especially by improper means.榨取:从…取得钱财,尤指通过不正当手段榨取钱财〔bleed〕To pay out money, especially an exorbitant amount.被榨取:支付钱,尤指过高数目的钱财〔fraud〕A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain.欺骗行为:为弄到不公平或不合法的钱财而实行的诈骗〔fisc〕from Latin fiscus [money basket, treasury] 源自 拉丁语 fiscus [国库,钱财] 〔dowry〕Money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage. Also called dower 嫁妆:结婚时新娘带给其夫的钱财 也作 dower〔canny〕Cautious in spending money; frugal.节俭的:使用钱财时谨慎的;节俭的〔graft〕Money or an advantage gained or yielded by unscrupulous means.赃款;赃物:用无耻手段获得或产生的钱财或好处〔swindle〕To cheat or defraud of money or property.诈骗:骗走钱财或财产〔lucre〕When William Tyndale translatedaiskhron kerdos, "shameful gain" (Titus 1:11), as filthy lucre in his edition of the Bible, he was tarring the wordlucre for the rest of its existence. But we cannot lay the pejorative sense oflucre completely at Tyndale's door. He was merely a link,albeit a strong one,in a process that had begun long before with respect to the ancestor of our word,the Latin wordlucrum, "material gain, profit.” This process was probably controlled by the inevitable conjunction of profit, especially monetary profit, with evils such as greed.In Latinlucrum also meant "avarice,” and in Middle Englishlucre, besides meaning "monetary gain, profit,” meant "illicit gain.”Furthermore, many of the contexts in which the neutral sense of the word appeared were not that neutral,as in "It is a wofull thyng . . . ffor lucre of goode . . . A man to fals his othe [it is a sad thing for a man to betray his oath for monetary gain].”Tyndale thus merely helped the process along when he gave us the phrasefilthy lucre. 当威廉·廷代尔在他的《圣经》版本里把aiskhon kerdos (“可耻的收获”)翻译成 filthy lucre 时, 他就把lucre 这个词当作贬义了, 这个词以后也就这样解释了。但是我们不能把lucre 这个词的贬义全部归于廷代尔名下。 他只是整个过程的一个环节,尽管是个有力的环节,这个过程早在我们这个词的祖先,拉丁字lucrum (意为“物质获得,利润”)就开始了。 这个过程很可能与带有类似贪婪这样的罪恶利润,尤其是钱财利润不可避免地联系在一起。在拉丁文里,lucrum 也有“贪婪”的意思。 在中世纪英语中,lucre 除了有“钱财收入,利润”的意思之外, 还意味着“不正当的所得”。更进一步说,即使这个词意思是中性的,但上下文却不是那么的中性,比如“一个人为了钱财背弃自己的誓言。”廷代尔在给我们短语filthy lucre 时,仅仅有助于把这个过程延续下来 〔busker〕A street musician or public entertainer, especially one who solicits money during a performance:街头艺人:街头的音乐家或公共场所表演者,尤指在表演中乞求钱财的人:〔blackmail〕Extortion of money or something else of value from a person by the threat of exposing a criminal act or discreditable information.黑函,敲诈函:通过揭露犯罪行为或提供不可信资料等手段威胁强索某人钱财或值钱之物〔after〕seek after fame; go after big money.追逐名誉;追求钱财〔blind〕Thieves in the bazaar robbed us blind.集市上的小偷洗劫了我们的钱财〔budget〕The total sum of money allocated for a particular purpose or period of time:专款:为某一特定用途或某段时间拨发的钱财总数:〔grift〕Money made dishonestly, as in a swindle.不义之财:用不诚实手段如诈骗得到的钱财〔ransom〕The price or payment demanded or paid for such release.赎金:用来获得这种释放的钱财或价格〔moneymaking〕Acquisition of money or other wealth.赚钱:获取钱财或其他财富〔tribute〕Any payment exacted for protection.勒索的钱财:强逼某人支付的保护费




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