单词 | 金黄色 |
释义 | 〔Burnett〕British-born American writer famous for her popular children's books, especiallyLittle Lord Fauntleroy (1886), whose priggish title character dressed in black velvet with ruffled lace collars and sported long golden curls. 伯内特,弗朗西丝·伊丽莎·霍奇森:(1849-1924) 英裔美国作家,以她的流行儿童作品而出名,特别是《方特勒罗伊小爵爷》 (1886年),其中描写的自命不凡的主角穿着带皱边领子的黑天鹅绒服装,留着炫耀的金黄色的长卷发 〔kumquat〕kêm [gold] kêm [金黄色] 〔fair〕Light in color, especially blond:金色的:淡色的,尤指金黄色的:〔Technicolor〕"Trees in autumnal technicolor of crimson and gold turned suddenly white after a storm"(Washington Post)"In these garish, Technicolor vistas, in which the underlying rootlessness of Sargent's art is undiluted, he seems more neophyte tourist than lifelong traveler"(Newsweek)“经过一场风暴之后,具有深红色和金黄色的秋季色彩的树木突然变白了”(华盛顿邮报)“潜伏于萨尔金特纯粹的艺术品中,就象过分修饰的全彩色景色,使他看起来更象一名刚开始旅行的人,而不是一名终生的旅行者”(新闻周刊)〔goldeneye〕[From their golden-yellow eyes] [因他们金黄色的眼睛得名] 〔dahabeah〕from Dahabīy [golden, the Golden One, name of the gilded barge of the Moslem rulers of Egypt] 源自 Dahabīy [金黄色的,金黄色号,埃及穆斯林王公乘坐的镀金大游艇的名字] 〔Medea〕A princess and sorceress of Colchis who helped Jason obtain the Golden Fleece, lived as his consort, and killed their children as revenge for his infidelity.美狄亚:科尔喀斯国的公主及女巫,她帮助伊阿宋取得了金黄色的羊毛织物,做了伊阿宋的妻子,又因伊阿宋的不忠诚而杀了他们的子女以图报复〔dahabeah〕from Dahab [gold] 源自 Dahab [金黄色的] 〔Byzantine〕Of the painting and decorative style developed in the Byzantine Empire, characterized by formality of design, frontal stylized presentation of figures, rich use of color, especially gold, and generally religious subject matter.属于拜占庭风格的:属于拜占庭帝国发展起来的绘画和装饰风格的,主要特征有:在设计上注重形式,其形状多为正面的,大量使用颜料,尤其是金黄色,通常以宗教为主题〔turn〕Autumn turns the green leaves golden.秋天使绿叶变成了金黄色〔palomino〕A horse with a golden or tan coat and a white or cream-colored mane and tail, thought to have been developed from Arabian stock.鸠形马:一种全身金黄色或淡棕色的马,鬃和尾是白色或奶油色,被认为是从阿拉伯系发展来的 |
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