单词 | 那个时代 |
释义 | 〔day〕That writer has had his day. In grandmother's day, skirts were long.那位作家曾辉煌一时。在祖母那个时代,裙子都很长〔Schwarzkopf〕German soprano. The foremost female interpreter of lieder of her time, she is also known for her performances in the operas of Strauss and Mozart.史瓦兹柯夫,唐·依莉萨白:德国女高音。她是她那个时代抒情曲首席女解析者,同时也因其在斯特劳斯和莫扎特歌剧中的表演而闻名〔sunbeam〕The period of European history from the 5th to the 11th century,although often called the Dark Ages,in fact did much to preserve and extend the light of civilization.One of the relatively minor contributions of the time, albeit a fortunate one for us, is the addition of the wordsunbeam to the English language. The word is believed to have entered English in the 9th century through the work of the English king Alfred the Great. A scholar as well as a king, Alfred undertook a number of translations of great Latin writings,rendering them into the English of his time, now known as Old English.Among the works translated during Alfred's reign was a store of narratives and information about England's earliest connections with the Church,called theHistoria Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, or The Ecclesiastical History of the English People, a work composed by the Venerable Bede. Several times in his book Bede uses the Latin phrasecolumna lucis, which we would today translate as "a column of light.”Since the Old English translator did not have the wordcolumn in his vocabulary, he substituted the word beam, which meant "a tree" or "a building post made from a tree.”Columna lucis thus became sunnebeām, or "sun post,” which survives as our sunbeam. Ifsunbeam is perhaps a less stately expression than "column of light,” it has nevertheless served us well. From it the wordbeam alone came to mean "a ray or rays of light"; it subsequently became a verb meaning "to radiate.”It now allows us not only to beam with pride or happinessbut also to beam our broadcasts to other countries and ourselves, as some would have it, through space.Column would never do. 欧洲历史上从5世纪到11世纪这段时期,尽管经常成为黑暗的年代,但为保存和发展文明之光做了很多努力。这个时期相对不太重要的贡献之一,但对我们来说 十分幸运的就是阳光光束 这个单词加进了英语语言中。 人们相信这个词是通过英格兰国王阿尔费雷德大帝的努力于9世纪进入英语的。阿尔费雷德不仅是位国王,他还是位学者,他着手翻译了许多部重要的拉丁文作品,他将它们译成他那个时代的英文,即现在所说的古英语。在阿尔费雷德统治时期翻译的作品中,有一部有关于英格兰与教会的最早联系的丰富叙述和信息,书名是Historia Ecclesiastic Gentis Anglorum 或 The Ecclesiastical History of the English People (英国人民的基督教历史),作者是尊敬的比德。 在这本书中,比德数次使用了拉丁文短语columna hucis , 今天我们将其译为“一束阳光”。因为古英语翻译家在他所掌握的词汇中还没有column (柱子)这个词,所以他用 beam 这个词代替, 当时的意思是“树”或“用树做成的建筑物的支柱”。Columna lucis 就这样成了 sunnebeam 或“光束”, 它以 sunbeam 的形式存在。 或许sunbeam(阳光光束) 这种表达方法不如“光柱”这么堂皇,但是它很合我们用。 由此,beam 这个词单独也可作“一束光或多束光”讲, 而且它逐渐地变成了动词,意思是“发射,发光”。现在我们不仅可以说因骄傲或幸福而散发光彩,还可以说通过大气向其它国家和我们自己广播,如果他们进行的话。Column 可不行 〔Astor〕German-born American fur trader and capitalist who became the wealthiest man of his time in the United States.阿斯特,约翰·雅各:(1763-1848) 德裔美国皮毛商和资本家,成为他那个时代美国最富有的人〔Beethoven〕German composer. The greatest composer of his day, he began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was deaf by 1819. His music, which formed a transition from classical to romantic composition, includes 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, a violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, several other sonatas, 2 Masses, and an opera.贝多芬,路德维希·范:(1770-1827) 德国作曲家,是他那个时代最伟大的作曲家。1801年他开始失去听力,到1819年完全耷了。他的音乐有了从经典到浪漫作品的转变,包括9个交响乐、5个钢琴协奏曲、一个小提琴协奏曲、32个钢琴奏鸣曲和几个其它奏鸣曲、2部弥撒曲及一部歌剧〔contemporary〕Whencontemporary is used in reference to something in the past, its meaning is not always clear.Contemporary critics of Shakespeare may mean critics in his time or critics in our time. When the context does not make the meaning clear,misunderstanding can be avoided by using phrases such ascritics in Shakespeare's time or modern critics. 当comtemporary 被用来指过去的事情时, 它的含义有时是很模糊的。Contemporary critics of Shakespeare 可以表示与莎士比亚同时代的评论家们或者我们当代的评论家们。 如果上下文不能说清楚意思,可以用诸如critics in Shakespeare's time(莎士比亚那个时代的评价家们) 或 modern critics(当代评论家们) 之类的短语以避免产生误解 〔Battani〕Arab astronomer and mathematician. Considered the greatest astronomer of his time, he proved the possibility of annular eclipses and introduced an organized table of sines.巴塔尼:(1901-1973) 阿拉伯的天文学家和数学家。被公认是他那个时代最伟大的天文学家,他编制过星表和更为精确的日月运行表,改进了托勒密的天文计算法〔Dana〕American scientist whose textbooks established him as the foremost geologist of his time.达纳,詹姆斯·德怀特:(1813-1895) 美国科学家,他的教科书为他成为那个时代一流的地质学家奠定了基础〔Homeric〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of Homer, his works, or the legends and age of which he wrote.荷马的:与荷马及其作品或他笔下那个时代的传奇有关的;或以此为特点的〔Bernhardt〕French actress. Considered the romantic and tragic actress of her day, she first achieved fame for her performance inPhèdre (1874). 贝纳尔,撒拉:(1844-1923) 法国女演员。被认为是那个时代的浪漫和悲剧演员,因其在《菲德拉》 (1874年)中的表现而首获声誉 〔tin〕The history of the wordtin may take us back to a time before Europe had been settled by speakers of Indo-European languages, such as the Germanic and Celtic languages. Related words for this metal are found in almost all Germanic languages,such as GermanZinn, Swedish tenn, and Old English tin (as in Modern English), but no other Indo-European language family has such a word.The word may have been borrowed into the Germanic languages from a pre-Indo-European language of Western Europe.Such borrowing is supported by the factthat during the Bronze Age the Near East imported most of its tin and copper from Europe, where the metals were produced and metal objects were manufactured.Lest we be too amazed by this accomplishment,we might remember another remarkable achievement of pre-Indo-European society, the construction of huge megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge.单词tin 的历史可以把我们带回讲印欧语系语言(如日耳曼和凯尔特语)的民族在欧洲定居以前的那个时代。 在几乎所有的日耳曼语言中都可以找到指称这种金属的相关词,如德语中的zinn ,瑞典语中的 tenn 以及古代英语中的 tin (与现代英语一样), 但是其它印欧语系语言中都没有这样的一个词。这个词可能是从西欧的前印欧语系语言借入日耳曼语的。这种转借是有据可依的,因为在青铜时代近东地区的大多数锡和铜都是从生产金属和金属器具的欧洲输入的。我们可能对当时欧洲的这种成就感到惊异,但是如果我们想到前印欧语系社会的另一个杰出成就——大型巨石纪念碑,如巨石阵的建造,我们就不会感到那么奇怪了 |
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