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单词 通常
释义 〔resolve〕To bring to a usually successful conclusion:解决:达到通常成功的结果:〔orgasm〕The highest point of sexual excitement, characterized by strong feelings of pleasure and marked normally by ejaculation of semen by the male and by vaginal contractions in the female. Also called climax 性高潮:性兴奋的最高点,以极度快感为特点并通常以男性射精和女性阴道收缩为标志 也作 climax〔tire〕 Weary, liketire, is applicable to diminution of strength or endurance but often carries a stronger implication of dissatisfaction,as that resulting from what is irksome or boring: Weary 和tire 一样,可以指力量或忍耐力的消退, 但通常带有一种很强的不满的含义,如由于让人讨厌或厌烦的事所导致: 〔rote〕A memorizing process using routine or repetition, often without full attention or comprehension:死记硬背:靠常规或重复来熟记的过程,通常对所记的东西没有充分理解:〔vorlage〕A posture assumed in skiing in which the skier leans forward from the ankles, usually without lifting the heels.前倾:滑雪中的一种姿式,滑雪者从踝部向前倾,通常不提脚跟〔stead〕The place, position, or function properly or customarily occupied by another.替代:通常成习惯性地被别人占据的地方、位置或别人所起的作用〔vichyssoise〕A thick, creamy potato soup flavored with leeks and onions, usually served cold.维希冷汤:一种用韭葱和洋葱调味的粘稠的奶油土豆汤,通常冷食〔chifforobe〕A tall piece of furniture typically having drawers on one side and space for hanging clothes on the other.两用衣橱:一件通常一边有抽屉、另一边有挂衣服的地方的高家具〔troffer〕An inverted, usually metal trough suspended from a ceiling as a fixture for fluorescent lighting tubes.槽形支架:一种通常是金属制成的,从天花板上垂下用作普通荧光照明管的支架的反转槽〔boring〕Irksome describes what is demanding of time and effort and yet is dull and often unrewarding: Irksome 指需要时间和努力,然而是单调而且通常是没有回报的: 〔defect〕To abandon a position or an association, often to join an opposing group:背叛:抛弃职位或联盟,通常是为了加入敌对的组织:〔inside〕They usually return the manuscript inside of (or inside ) a month. 他们通常在(或 inside ) 一个月内归还手稿 〔summit〕 Peak usually refers to the uppermost point: Peak 通常指最高点: 〔flatware〕Tableware that is fairly flat and fashioned usually of a single piece, as plates.扁平餐具:如盘等比较扁平的、通常做成单个的餐具〔cartoon〕A drawing representing current public figures or issues symbolically and often satirically:漫画:通常讽刺性地形象表现当前公众人物或事件的画:〔poster〕An artistic work, often a reproduction of an original painting or photograph, printed on a large sheet of paper.招贴画:印于一大张纸上的艺术作品,通常是原创画或相片的复制品〔loosestrife〕Any of various plants of the genusLysimachia, having usually yellow flowers. 珍珠菜属植物:一种珍珠草 属植物,通常开黄花 〔joke〕All jests aside, we're in big trouble. Awitticism is a witty, usually cleverly phrased remark: 玩笑归玩笑,我们遇到了大麻烦。 witticism 指一句风趣的,通常措辞巧妙的语句: 〔jackplane〕A bench plane for rough surfacing, usually slightly over one foot in length.粗刨,大刨:在粗糙表面上使用的大刨,通常有一英尺多长〔sarsaparilla〕Any of several tropical American plants of the genusSmilax, having fragrant roots used as a flavoring. 墨西哥菝葜:任一种菝葜属 的热带美洲植物,生有通常被用作调料的芳香根茎 〔automobile〕A self-propelled passenger vehicle that usually has four wheels and an internal-combustion engine, used for land transport. Also called motorcar 汽车,机动车:一种自我驱动的客运车,通常有四轮和一个内燃机,用于陆地运输 也作 motorcar〔stalagmite〕A conical mineral deposit, usually calcite or aragonite, built up on the floor of a cavern, formed from the dripping of mineral-rich water.石笋:一种锥状矿物沉积,通常为钙或霰石,由含矿物丰富的水下滴而在洞穴的地上形成〔adore〕To regard with deep, often rapturous love.See Synonyms at revere 1爱慕:付以深切的,通常是痴迷的爱 参见 revere1〔maker〕Maker God. Often used withthe or a possessive adjective. Maker 上帝。通常与定冠词the 或与所有格形容词连用 〔memory〕 Remembrance most often denotes the process or act of recalling: Remembrance 最通常的含义是指回忆的过程或行动: 〔hebephrenia〕A type of schizophrenia, usually starting at puberty, characterized by foolish mannerisms, senseless laughter, delusions, hallucinations, and regressive behavior.青春期痴呆:一种精神分裂症,通常始发于青春期,其特征为举止痴呆、傻笑、妄想、幻觉以及退化的举止〔emulsion〕A photosensitive coating, usually of silver halide grains in a thin gelatin layer, on photographic film, paper, or glass.感光乳剂:一种感光覆盖层,通常是银的卤化物颗粒在感光胶片、纸或玻璃上的一薄层胶体〔street〕Street A district, such as Wall Street in New York City, that is identified with a specific profession. Often used withthe. Street 某一大街:被视为与某一特殊职业等同的地区;如纽约市的华尔街,通常与the 连用 〔geezer〕A relationship with a word we know well is disguised in the wordgeezer. A clue to this relationship is found in British dialect.TheEnglish Dialect Dictionary defines geezer as "a queer character, a strangely-acting person,” and refers the reader toguiser, "a mummer, masquerader.” The citations forguiser refer to practices such as the following: "People, usually children . . . go about on Christmas Eve, singing, wearing masks, or otherwise disguised,”the last word of this passage being the one to whichgeezer is related. 我们非常了解的与一个单词的联系即在于单词geezer 。 这种联系的线索发现于英国方言中。英语方言辞典 定义 geezer 为“一个奇怪的人,一个行为怪异的人”, 并且让读者参考guiser, “化妆舞会,假面舞会”。 guiser 的例句指出了一些活动, 例如:“大人,通常是孩子…戴着面具或以其他化妆方式在圣诞前夜走出去唱歌。”这段文章的最后一个单词即是geezer 与之有关的那一个 〔pot〕Any of various usually domestic containers made of pottery, metal, or glass, as:罐,壶:各种通常由陶瓷、金属或玻璃制成的家用容器,如:〔repress〕To put down by force, usually before total control has been lost; quell:镇压:通常在失去整体控制前用武力取缔;镇压:〔packer〕One whose occupation is the processing and packing of wholesale goods, usually meat products:打包工人:职业是加工处理和包装批发货物的人,通常指肉类产品:〔Mithraeum〕An often subterranean or semisubterranean temple dedicated to the worship of Mithras.米索拉斯神殿:通常在地下或半地下的用以供奉太阳神的庙宇〔opposite〕Democrats and Republicans often hold contrary opinions.民主党和共和党人士通常持有相反的意见。〔satiate〕 Satiate andsate, which are generally interchangeable, can mean merely to satisfy fully,but usually both imply satisfaction beyond natural desire: Satiate 和Sate 一般可互换使用, 仅仅指充分满足,但通常暗示超出自然欲望的满足: 〔elf〕A usually sprightly or mischievous or sometimes spiteful person.恶作剧的人,狡诈的人,恶毒的人:通常活泼的或恶作剧的或怀有恶意的人〔correct〕Redress refers to setting right something considered immoral or unethical and usually involves making reparation: Redress 指使被认为不道德或不正义的事变正确,通常包括做一些补救: 〔readout〕Presentation of data, usually in digital form, from calculations or storage.读出:计算得出或从存储器中取出,通常是以数字形式表现的数据〔Gongorism〕A florid, ornate literary style, often employing elaborate puns and conceits.龚果拉主义:文字华美瑰丽的风格,通常借用精巧的双关和联想手法〔cutter〕A small sleigh, usually seating one person and drawn by a single horse.轻便雪橇:一种小型雪橇,通常能坐一人并由单匹马拉着




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