单词 | 迫害 |
释义 | 〔abolish〕Entire peoples were exterminated in the concentration camps.在集中营整个民族被迫害而灭亡。〔Dukhobor〕A member of an 18th-century Russian Christian group, many of whom migrated to Canada in the 1890's to escape persecution for their views, which included rejection of ecclesiastical and state authority.杜科波尔派:18世纪俄国一基督教团体的成员,他们中许多人在19世纪90年代移民加拿大,以逃避因他们的观点所受的迫害,他们主张抛弃教会与政府的权威〔persecution〕The act or practice of persecuting on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, or beliefs that differ from those of the persecutor.虐待,残害,迫害:因在种族、宗教、性的倾向或信仰上与迫害者不同而遭迫害的行为或做法〔confessor〕One who confesses faith in Christianity in the face of persecution but does not suffer martyrdom.基督教信徒:指在迫害面前声称信仰基督教但并未殉道者〔persecution〕The condition of being persecuted.迫害,虐待:受迫害(虐待、困扰)的状况〔persecute〕To oppress or harass with ill-treatment, especially because of race, religion, sexual orientation, or beliefs.虐待,残害;迫害:虐待地压迫或折磨,特别是因为种族、宗教、性的倾向或信仰〔Polycarp〕Christian martyr. A student of the Apostle John, he was burned at the stake during a period of persecution of Christians in Smyrna.圣·波利卡普:基督教殉道者。阿波斯尔·约翰的学生,在士每拿地方对基督徒的迫害期间被焚死〔Gratian〕Emperor of Rome (367-383) who ruled jointly (from 379) with Theodosius I. Unpopular for his persecution of pagans and heretics and his weakness for frivolity, he was murdered by followers of the usurper Maximus (died 383).格拉提安:罗马皇帝(367-383年),与狄奥多西一世联合统治(从379年开始)。因其对异教徒和持异议者的迫害和对琐事的嗜好而不得人心,后为篡权者马克西姆斯的支持者谋杀(死于383年)〔arbitrary〕the butt of whimsical persecution. 异想天开迫害的对象。 〔Cyprian〕Christian prelate and martyr who led Christians in North Africa during persecution by the Roman emperors Decius and Valerian.圣西普里安:基督教主教和殉教者,在受罗马皇帝德西乌斯和卫莱拉迫害期间,他曾在北非领导基督教徒〔persecute〕from persecūtus [past participle of] persequī [to persecute] 源自 persecūtus persequī的过去分词 [迫害,困扰] 〔predatory〕Living by or given to victimizing or destroying others for one's own gain.掠夺成性的:以掠夺他者为生的或为自身利益迫害或毁坏他人的〔Zweig〕German-born writer. A Zionist, he wrote about Judaism, the persecution of the Jews, and war. His works include the novelThe Case of Sergeant Grischa (1927). 茨韦格,阿诺德:(1887-1968) 德裔作家,犹太复国主义者,他写了关于犹太人所受的迫害和战争的小说,他的作品有小说《格里沙中士案件》 (1927年) 〔Converso〕A Spanish or Portuguese Jew who converted outwardly to Christianity in the late Middle Ages so as to avoid persecution or expulsion, though often continuing to practice Judaism in secret.康法索:西班牙或葡萄牙的犹太人,他在中世纪时外在上改信基督教来逃避迫害或驱除,但仍常常秘密地在继续奉行犹太教〔Fawkes〕English conspirator executed for his role in the Gunpowder Plot, an attempt to kill James I and blow up Parliament on November 5, 1605, to avenge the persecution of Roman Catholics in England.福克斯,盖伊:(1570-1606) 英国阴谋家,因参与黑色火药阴谋而被处死,此阴谋计划在1605年11月5日刺杀詹姆斯一世并使议会崩溃,以报复英国罗马天主教的迫害〔Sephardi〕A descendant of the Jews who lived in Spain and Portugal during the Middle Ages until persecution culminating in expulsion in 1492 forced them to leave.西班牙系犹太人:犹太人后裔,中世纪时居住在西班牙和葡萄牙,直到1492年驱除中的迫害高潮迫使他们离开〔Galerius〕Emperor of Rome (305-311). Despite a ruthless reign characterized by the persecution of Christians, he issued an edict of religious toleration shortly before his death.加莱里乌斯:罗马皇帝,虽实行以迫害基督教徒为特征的残酷统治,却在临死前发布了一个宗教信仰自由的敕令〔pogrom〕An organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews.集体迫害:对少数群体有组织的、常是受到官方鼓励的大屠杀或迫害,尤指针对犹太人的集体迫害或屠杀〔abuse〕The army of occupation had orders not to ill-treat the local citizenry.占领军被命令不得迫害当地居民。〔abscond〕To leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, often to avoid arrest or prosecution.潜逃,逃亡:秘密而迅速地离开且隐藏自己,常为躲避逮捕或迫害〔traditor〕One of the early Christians who betrayed fellow Christians during the Roman persecutions.叛教者:在罗马人迫害期间出卖基督教徒的早期基督徒之一〔dragoon〕To subjugate or persecute by the imposition of troops.用军队镇压或迫害〔Decius〕Emperor of Rome (249-251) who was proclaimed emperor by his soldiers against his will. His reign was marked by severe persecution of Christians.德西乌斯:罗马帝国皇帝(249-251年),由部下拥立称帝。在位期间残酷迫害基督教徒〔liberalism〕A political theory founded on the natural goodness of human beings and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority.自由主义:一种政治理论,它以人性本善为基础,提倡个人自治,强调公民和政治的自由,主张用被统治者所同意的方法进行统治,提倡保护个人使其免受专断权威的迫害〔fail〕"We must . . . hold . . . those horrors up to the light of justice. Otherwise we would fail our inescapable obligation to the victims of Nazism: to remember"(Anthony Lewis)“记住:我们必须将那些惨事交付法庭审判。否则,对遭受法西斯主义迫害的人,我们将无法尽到应尽的责任”(安东尼·刘易斯)〔Diocletian〕Emperor of Rome (284-305) who divided the empire into east and west (286) in an attempt to rule the territory more effectively. His desire to revive the old religion of Rome led to the last major persecution of the Christians (303).戴克里先:罗马皇帝(284-305年),为试图更有效地控制帝国将其分为东西两个帝国(286年)。其恢复罗马宗教的愿望导致了最后对基督教徒的严重迫害(303年)〔pogrom〕gromit' [to outrage, wreak havoc] from grom [thunder] gromit' [迫害;降灾] 源自 grom [雷声] |
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