单词 | 过时 |
释义 | 〔outmoded〕Not in fashion; unfashionable:过时的:不再时髦的;老式的:〔dated〕Old-fashioned; out-of-date.过时的;陈旧的〔obsolete〕an obsolete locomotive.一个过时的火车机车〔fashion〕a gown that is out of style), butstyle, like mode, often stresses adherence to standards of elegance: 一件过时的衣服), 但是style 象 mode 一样通常强调坚持风雅的水准: 〔navvy〕Short for navigator [canal laborer (obsolete)] navigator的简写[运河工人(过时的)] 〔archaic〕No longer current or applicable; antiquated:过时的,陈旧的:不再流行或使用的;过时的:〔superannuated〕Outmoded; obsolete:陈旧的;过时的:〔aloof〕luff [windward part of a ship (obsolete)] luff[船的迎风部位(过时的用法)] 〔troglodyte〕A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish.稳居者,遁世者:被认为是离群索居、反动的,过时的或野蛮的人〔superannuate〕To set aside or discard as old-fashioned or obsolete.废弃:放到一边或抛弃过时物〔trump〕The history of the wordtrump gives meaning to this seemingly nonsensical word and also relates to the history of the game of bridge.Trump is an alteration of the word triumph used in special senses that are now obsolete. These senses, first recorded in a sermon of 1529 by the English prelate Hugh Latimer, are "a card game" and "trump" as it is used in card games.In the same 1529 textone may find the first instances oftrump, used in the same two senses as triumph. Fromtrump and other games came the card game whist, which in turn developed into bridge.The termtrump survived even though the game of trump did not. trump 一词的历史赋予这一看似荒唐的词以意义, 同时它也与桥牌的历史相联系。在triump 的一些现已过时的特殊意义中 trump 可与之换用。 这些意义便是牌戏中所用的“牌戏”和“王牌”,它们首次记载于英格兰高级教士拉蒂默1529年的一篇布道中。在1529年的同一篇文章中,我们可找到trump 被用于 triump 的这两个意义的例子。 从trump 和其它游戏产生了牌戏, 而后又发展成为桥牌。尽管特拉普这一牌戏已不复存在,但trump 一词留存至今 〔obsolete〕Outmoded in design, style, or construction:过时的:在设计、样式或构造上已陈旧过时的:〔punt〕from obsolete pont [past participle of] pondre [to put (obsolete), to lay an egg] 源自 废语 pont pondre的过去分词 [放(过时的用法),下蛋] 〔brush〕To touch lightly in passing; graze against.经过时轻触;轻擦〔vintage〕Old or outmoded.老式的,过时的:老的或不时兴的〔antediluvian〕Extremely old and antiquated.See Synonyms at old 极其古老的,过时的 参见 old〔graylag〕lag 1[lingering behind (obsolete), from its being the last of the geese to leave England on its annual migration] lag1[逗留在后面(过时的),因其为每年迁徙中最后离开英国的雁而得名] 〔moribund〕On the verge of becoming obsolete:逐渐废弃的:处于过时边缘的:〔each〕An exception is made wheneach follows the verb with a first-person plural subject: one may say eitherWe boys have each our own room or We boys have each his own room, though the latter form is somewhat stilted in modern use. ·The expressioneach and every is likewise followed by a singular verb and singular pronoun in formal style: 一个例外是当each 前面动词带有第一人称复数形式的主语时: 既可以说我们男孩子们每人都有各自的一间房 或者也可以说 我们男孩子们每人都有他各自房间 , 虽然后一形式在现代用法中有些过时。这种表达each and every , 在正式文体中的后面也同样地使用单数动词和单数的代词: 〔old〕Antiquated describes what is out of date, no longer fashionable, or discredited: Antiquated 用于描绘过时的,不再时髦的或不再使人相信的事物: 〔spendthrift〕thrift [accumulated wealth (obsolete)] thrift[积聚起来的财富(过时用语)] 〔quiz〕Although we do not know the origin of the wordquiz, just as we may not know the answers to all the questions on a quiz,we can say that its first recorded sense has to do with people,not tests.The term, first recorded in 1782,meant "an odd or eccentric person.”From the noun in this sense came a verbmeaning "to make sport or fun of" and "to regard mockingly.”In English dialects and probably in American Englishthe verbquiz acquired senses relating to interrogation and questioning. This presumably occurredbecausequiz was associated with question, inquisitive, or perhaps the English dialect verb quiset, "to question" (probably itself short for obsoleteinquisite, "to investigate"). From this new area of meaning came the noun and verb senses all too familiar to students.The second recorded instance of the noun sense occurs in the writings of no less an educator than William James,who in a December 26, 1867, letter proffers the hopethat "perhaps giving ‘quizzes’ in anatomy and physiology . . . may help along.”虽然我们不知道quiz 这个词的来源, 正象我们可能并不清楚测试中所有问题的答案一样,但我们可以肯定的是这个词最初被记录时的意义与人有关,而不是测试,这个词第一次被记录下来是在1782年,意思为“一个古怪或行为怪诞的人”。从这种意义的名词派生出一个动词,意思为“嘲笑或戏弄…”和“以嘲讽的态度对待”。在英语并且很可能是在美国英语中,quiz 这个动词形成了有关审问或提问的意思, 据猜测,这一现象的发生是因为quiz 使人联想起 question , inquisitive 或者可能 quiset 这个英国方言中的动词, 意思为“提问”(很可能是inquisite 这个过时用语的缩写形式,意思为“调查”)。 从这个意思中派生出学生们再熟悉不 过的名词和动词意思。记录下这个名词意义的第二个例子恰好出现在教育家威廉·詹姆斯的笔下。在1867年12月26日写的一封信中,他提出一条希望:或许在解剖学和物理学方面进行测试…可能有些独特的帮助。”〔fusty〕Old-fashioned; antique.过时的;陈旧的〔gormandize〕From gourmandise [gluttony (obsolete)] 源自 gourmandise[贪食(过时的)] 〔back〕Of a past date; not current:过时的,不流行的:属于过去的日子的;不是现时的:〔dowdy〕Old-fashioned; antiquated.老式的;过时的〔antiquated〕Too old to be fashionable, suitable, or useful; outmoded.See Synonyms at old 过时的:陈旧不时髦的,不合适的或无用的;过时的 参见 old〔old〕Antediluvian applies to what is so old and outdated that it seems to belong to the period preceding the biblical Flood: Antediluvian 用于指某物是如此的过时以至于它看来像是属于圣经所载的洪水时代以前的: 〔mite〕A coin of very small value, especially an obsolete British coin worth half a farthing.小币:有很小价值的一个货币,尤指一个过时的英国硬币,值半个法郎〔strip〕Bystanders bared their heads as the funeral procession passed. 当送葬队经过时旁观者脱去了帽子 〔dowdy〕a dowdy gray outfit.过时的灰色装束〔oldfangled〕Old-fashioned.老式的,过时的〔musty〕Out of date; antiquated.过时的:过时的;已废弃的〔out〕No longer fashionable.过时的:不再时髦的〔out〕Into disuse or an unfashionable status:过时地,落伍地:进入不再使用或不再时髦的状态:〔outdated〕Out-of-date; old-fashioned.过时的:过时的;老式的〔old〕He was convicted under an archaic statute that had never been repealed.他被一个过时且未被取消的法令定罪。〔wave〕waved as she drove by.她开车而过时挥手示意〔misgive〕give [to suggest (obsolete)] give[暗示(过时的)] 〔naff〕Unstylish, clichéd, or outmoded.不时髦的、陈词滥调或过时的 |
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