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单词 贩卖
释义 〔colporteur〕from comporter [to conduct, peddle] * see comport 源自 comporter [指导,贩卖] * 参见 comport〔floor〕The part of a retail store in which merchandise is displayed and sales are made.展示贩卖货物的地方:零售商店中商品陈列和销售的部分〔hawker〕from hōken [to peddle, bend, bear on the back] 源自 hōken [贩卖,弯腰,背在身上] 〔iceman〕A man who cuts, sells, or delivers ice.送(卖)冰人:分解、贩卖或运送冰的人〔vend〕To sell by means of a vending machine.贩卖:用售货机出售〔newsdealer〕One who sells newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals.报刊经销人:贩卖报纸、杂志与其它期刊的人〔distributor〕One that markets or sells merchandise, especially a wholesaler.销售者;批发商:贩卖或出售商品的人,尤指批发商〔Chipewyan〕A Native American people made up of numerous autonomous bands inhabiting a large area of northern Canada north of the Churchill River. Formerly nomadic caribou hunters, the Chipewyan became settled fur traders during the 18th century.奇佩维安部落:一支由许多独立自治的团体组成美洲土著部落,居住在加拿大北部丘吉尔河以北的广大地域上,奇佩维安人原为捕猎北美驯鹿的游牧猎人,18世纪时定居下来并成为贩卖毛皮的人〔Irangate〕A scandal occurring during the Reagan administration in which members of the executive branch sold weapons to Iran and illegally used the profits to continue funding an army of rebels in Nicaragua.伊朗军火丑闻:里根主政时期所发生的丑闻,负责执行的分支机构成员贩卖军火给伊朗并非法以贩卖所得的收益持续资助位于尼加拉瓜的反叛军队〔saddler〕One that makes, repairs, or sells equipment for horses.制造或贩卖马具的人:制造、修理或销售马具的人〔bootleg〕To engage in the bootlegging of alcoholic liquor or another product.违法偷运私酒:从事于非法酿造、贩卖或偷送酒精类酒或其他产品〔pass〕To offer, sell, or put into circulation (an imitation) as genuine:使用,贩卖:把(仿制品)当作真品提供、出售或流通:〔resell〕To sell (a product or service) to the public or to an end user, especially as an authorized dealer.转售:贩卖(产品或服务)给大众或直接用户,尤指以授权商人的身份〔colportage〕The work of a colporteur.宗教书刊贩卖贩卖《圣经》等宗教书籍小贩的工作〔posse〕A Jamaican gang involved in crimes such as running guns and illegal narcotics trafficking.牙买加犯罪团伙:牙买加犯罪团伙,从事武器贩卖和非法毒品贩卖〔ephedra〕A stimulant, often sold as pills or tablets, derived from a plant of this genus.麻黄:从麻黄树提炼,以药丸或药片形式贩卖的兴奋剂〔bootleg〕To produce, distribute, or sell without permission or illegally:偷制和贩卖:未经许可或非法地制造、分送或贩卖〔colporteur〕A peddler of devotional literature.书贩:贩卖宗教书籍的小贩〔tipster〕One who sells tips or information, as to bettors or speculators.告密者:向赌徒或投机者等贩卖内部情报或消息的人〔petnapping〕The stealing of a pet, such as a dog or cat, usually for sale to experimental laboratories or for ransom.偷窃玩赏动物,偷盗宠物:偷窃宠物,如猫或狗,通常为贩卖给实验室或敲诈赎金〔bootleg〕To make, sell, or transport (alcoholic liquor) for sale illegally.偷制和卖酒:酿造、贩卖或运输(酒精类液体)以非法出售




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