单词 | 联邦军 |
释义 | 〔Carson〕American frontiersman who was the renowned guide of John C. Frémont's western expeditions in the 1840's, an agent for the Ute (1853-1861), and a Union general in the Civil War.卡森,克里斯托夫:(1809-1868) 美国边疆开拓者,1840年间约翰·C·弗来门的西部远征队的著名向导,犹特人的一个代理人(1853-1861年),内战期间担任联邦军队的将军〔Hampton〕An independent city of southeast Virginia opposite Norfolk onHampton Roads, the outlet of three rivers into Chesapeake Bay. Settled by colonists from Jamestown in 1610, the city was sacked by the British in the War of 1812 and was almost burned to the ground by Confederates in 1861 to prevent its occupation by Union troops. Population, 133,793. 汉普顿:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部的一个独立城市,隔汉普顿大道 与诺福克相望,在那儿有三条河相汇并注入切萨皮克湾。该市于1610 年为詹姆斯敦的殖民者所建,在1812年战争中被英军洗劫,并在1861年几乎被南方联邦军队烧为平地,以免落入北方军队之手。人口133,793 〔butternut〕butternuts Clothing dyed with butternut extract, especially the uniforms of Confederate soldiers in the Civil War. butternuts 一种制服:用灰胡桃提炼物染制的衣服,特别指南北战争时南联邦军队的制服〔Shiloh〕A locality in southwest Tennessee east of Memphis. The Civil War Battle of Shiloh (April 6-7, 1862) ended in the withdrawal of Confederate troops but claimed more than 10,000 casualties on both the Union and Confederate sides.希洛:田纳西州西南部,孟菲斯以东一个地方,内战中的希洛战役(1862年4月6-7日)以南方邦联部队的撤退而告终,但北方联邦军和南部邦联军的伤亡都超过一万〔Slocum〕American army officer and politician who commanded part of the Union line at Gettysburg (1863) and later served as a U.S. representative from New York (1869-1873 and 1883-1885).斯洛克姆,亨利·沃纳:(1827-1894) 美国陆军军官,政治家,在葛底斯堡战役中(1863年),指挥联邦军的一段战线,后来担任纽约市的美国国会众议员(1869-1873和1883-1885年)〔Grant〕The 18th President of the United States (1869-1877) and a Civil War general. After his victorious Vicksburg campaign (1862-1863), he was made commander in chief of the Union Army (1864) and accepted the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee at Appomattox (1865). Grant's two-term presidency was marred by widespread graft and corruption.格兰特,尤利西斯·辛普森:(1822-1885) 美国第十八任总统(1869-1877年)和内战时期的将领。 在威克斯堡战役( 1862-1863年)中获胜后,他被任命为联邦军队总司令(1864年)并接受了罗伯特·李将军在阿波马托克斯的投降(1865年)。其两届总统任期因普遍的贪污和腐化而遭到非议〔Smalls〕American Union soldier and politician. After being forced to serve in the Confederate Navy, he took command of a ship and delivered it to Union forces. Smalls subsequently became a captain (1863-1866) and the highest-ranking Black officer in the Union Navy. He later served as a U.S. representative from South Carolina (1875-1879 and 1881-1887).斯默思,罗伯特:(1839-1915) 美国北方联邦战士和政治家。在被迫参加南方邦联海军后,指挥了一条船并把它交给北方联邦军队。斯默思后来成为一名上尉(1863-1866年)和北方联邦海军中职位最高的黑人军官。他后来成为南卡罗来纳州的代表进入众议院(1875-1879和1881-1887年)〔Halleck〕American Union general who served as general in chief (1862-1864) but was replaced by Gen. Ulysses S. Grant.哈勒克,亨利·瓦格:(1815-1872) 美国南北战争时期的联邦军官,在1862年至1864年任总司令,但后被尤利西斯·S ·格兰特取代〔Porter〕American naval officer who was court-martialed for unauthorized military activities in Puerto Rico. He later commanded the Mexican navy (1826-1829). His sonDavid Dixon Porter (1813-1891) was a Union naval officer during the Civil War. 波特,戴维:(1780-1843) 美国海军军官,因在波多黎各擅自采取军事行动而受到军事法庭的审判。后来他成为墨西哥海军司令(1826-1829年),他的儿子大卫·迪克森·波特 (1813-1891年)在内战期间是联邦军海军军官 〔Work〕American songwriter noted for his Union compositions during the Civil War, including "Babylon Is Fallen" (1863).沃克,亨利·克莱:(1832-1884) 美国歌曲作家,以其在美国内战中的创作的联邦军歌曲而著名,包括《巴比伦被推翻》(1863年)〔Zouave〕A member of a group patterned after the French Zouaves, especially a member of such a unit of the Union Army in the U.S. Civil War.仿效佐阿夫兵的军队,特指美国内战中的联邦军队〔Appomattox〕A town of south-central Virginia east of Lynchburg. Confederate general Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union general Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865, ending the Civil War. The site is now a national historical park. Population, 1,345.阿波马托克斯:美国弗吉尼亚州中南部一城镇,位于林奇伯格东部。1865年4月9日南部联邦将军罗伯特·E·李在阿波马托克斯县城向联邦军尤利西斯·S·格兰特将军投降,美国南北战争就此结束。该址现为国家历史公园。人口1,345〔Chattanooga〕A city of southeast Tennessee on the Georgia border southeast of Nashville. A port of entry on the Tennessee River, it was strategically important during the Civil War and was finally taken by Union forces in November 1863. Population, 152,466.查塔努加:美国田纳西州东南部城市,位于乔治亚州边界及纳什维尔东南部。田纳西河入口港口,在南北战争中具有战略性的地方并于最终于1863年被联邦军队攻占。人口152,466〔Pope〕American Union general in the Civil War who was defeated by Gen. Robert E. Lee at the Second Battle of Bull Run (1862).波普,约翰:(1822-1892) 美国内战时期联邦军少将,在第二次节尔溪战役中(1862年)被罗伯特·E·李将军击败〔Richmond〕The capital of Virginia, in the east-central part of the state on the James River north of Petersburg. Settled in the 17th century, it became the capital of Virginia in 1779 and was strategically important in the American Revolution and the Civil War, during which it was the capital of the Confederacy. The evacuation of Richmond by Confederate troops on April 3, 1865, led to Gen. Robert E. Lee's surrender to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant on April 9. Population, 203,056.里士满:弗吉尼亚州首府,位于该州的中东部,彼得斯堡以北的詹姆斯河畔。建于17世纪,1779年成为弗吉尼亚首府,在美国革命及国内战争中具有战略重要性,内战中它是南方联邦的首都。1865年4月3日南联邦军队从里士满的撤退导致了4月9日罗伯特E·李将军向尤利塞斯S·格兰特将军的投降。人口203,056〔Chickamauga〕A city of extreme northwest Georgia south of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Confederate troops led by Braxton Bragg defeated Union forces here on September 19-20, 1863. Population, 2,232.奇克莫加:美国乔治亚州最西北端的城市,位于田纳西州的查塔努加以南。1963年9月19至20日布拉克斯顿·布雷格率领的南方联盟军在此打败了北方联邦军。人口2,232〔Sharpsburg〕A town of northern Maryland west of Frederick. It is the site of the Civil War Battle of Antietam (September 16-17, 1862), in which Union forces repulsed Gen. Robert E. Lee's troops. The engagement, also known as the Battle of Sharpsburg, was one of the bloodiest of the war, with heavy losses on both sides.夏普斯堡:美国马里兰州北部的一个城镇,位于弗雷德里克以西。它是国内战争安蒂他姆战役(1862年9月16-17日)的发生地,在此联邦军队击退了罗伯特·E·李将军的军队,该战役也被称为夏斯堡战役,它是内战中流血最多的战役之一,双方均有惨重损失〔Meade〕American Union general who commanded the costly victory at Gettysburg (1863).米德,乔治·戈登:(1815-1872) 美国南北战争时期联邦军队将军,曾指挥葛底斯堡战役并取得关键性胜利(1863年)〔Fredericksburg〕An independent city of northeast Virginia north of Richmond. In the Battle of Fredericksburg (December 1862) Ambrose Burnside's Union forces were defeated by Robert E. Lee's smaller Confederate army in one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War. Population, 19,027.弗雷德里克斯堡:美国弗吉尼亚州东北部一独立城市,在里士满以北。弗雷德里克斯堡战役中(1862年12月)安布罗斯·伯恩赛德率领的联邦军被数量上占劣势的罗伯特·艾·李率领的邦联军战败,这次战役是内战中最为血腥残酷的战役之一。人口19,027〔Lamar〕American politician and jurist who served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War and later became an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1888-1893).拉马尔,卢西乌斯·昆图斯·辛辛纳图斯:(1825-1893) 美国政治家和法理学家,曾于南北战争期间在南联邦军中服务,后来成为美国最高法院助理法官(1888-1893年)〔Gettysburg〕A town of southern Pennsylvania east-southeast of Chambersburg. It was the site of a major Union victory in the Civil War (July 1-3, 1863), which checked Robert E. Lee's invasion of the North. The battle and Abraham Lincoln's famous Gettysburg Address (delivered at the dedication of a cemetery here on November 19, 1863) are commemorated by a national park. President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farm, a national historic site, is also in Gettysburg. Population, 7,194.葛底斯堡:宾夕法尼亚南部钱伯斯堡东南偏东的一城镇。是美国内战(1863年7月1日-3日)中一次较重要的联邦军胜利遗址,这次胜利抑制了罗伯特·E·李对北方的入侵。建立了一座国家公园以纪念这次战役和阿伯罕姆·林肯的葛底斯堡演讲(发表于1863年11月19日在此举行的公墓落成典礼的献辞上)。德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔总统的农场,一个具有历史意义的遗址也在葛底斯堡。人口7,194〔Hayes〕The 19th President of the United States (1877-1881). Winning the controversial election of 1876 by one electoral vote, he pacified the South by removing federal troops (1877), vetoed a bill restricting Chinese immigration (1879), and stemmed a congressional attempt to weaken the presidency.海斯,卢瑟福·彼尔查德:(1822-1893) 美国第十九任总统(1877-1881年),1876年通过一次选举拉票获得了有争议的胜利,1877年撤走联邦军队以安抚南方,1879年否决了一项限制中国移民的提案并遏止了国会削弱总统权力的企图〔McClellan〕American general and commander of the Union Army (1861-1862) whose overcautious tactics prompted President Abraham Lincoln to relieve him of duty.麦克莱伦,乔治·布利顿:(1826-1885) 美国将军,美国南北战争初期的联邦军队总司令(1861-1862年),因过于谨慎而坐失战机被亚伯拉罕·林肯总统撤职〔Burnside〕American general and politician known more for his side-whiskers (or sideburns) than for his career in the Union Army, which included defeats at Fredericksburg (1862) and Petersburg (1864).伯恩赛德,安布罗斯·埃弗里特:(1824-1881) 美国将军和政治家,其络腮胡子(或大鬓角)比他在联邦军队中的军事生涯更出名,其军事生涯包括在弗雷德里克斯堡(1862年)和彼得斯堡(1864年)的败仗〔Thomas〕American Union general who fought at the Battle of Shiloh (1862) and was renowned for his stalwart defense during the Union defeat at Chickamauga (1863).托马斯,乔治·亨利:(1816-1870) 希洛战争(1862年)时美国联军将军,在联邦军大败的奇克莫加战役中以其顽强的防守而著称〔Chancellorsville〕A former town of northeast Virginia west of Fredericksburg. It was the site of a major Civil War battle (May 2-4, 1863) in which the Confederates under Robert E. Lee defeated the Union forces commanded by Joseph Hooker. Stonewall Jackson was mortally wounded in the battle.钱瑟勒斯维尔:弗吉尼亚州东北部的一个旧城镇,位于弗雷德里克斯堡以西。 内战时的一次重大战役在此展开(1863年5月2-4日)。罗伯特·李率领的南部盟军击败了约瑟夫·胡克指挥的联邦军队。斯通沃尔·杰克逊在战斗中受了致命伤〔Early〕American Confederate general whose forces threatened Washington, D.C. (1864) but were ultimately defeated by Union troops led by Philip H. Sheridan (1865).厄尔利,朱巴尔·安德森:(1816-1894) 美国南北战争中南方邦联的将领,1864年率兵逼近华盛顿特区,但于1865年最终被菲利浦·沙利登所率领的联邦军队彻底打败〔Yankee〕A native or inhabitant of a northern U.S. state, especially a Union soldier during the Civil War.北方佬:美国北方的土著人或居民,尤指内战期间的联邦军队的士兵〔Alexandria〕A city of central Louisiana on the Red River northwest of Baton Rouge. The original city was destroyed by Union troops in May 1864 during the Civil War. Population, 49,188.亚历山大:美国路易斯安那州中部城市,位于巴吞鲁日的西北部的红河沿岸。原城市于1864年在内战中被联邦军队所毁。人口49,188〔Morgan〕American Confederate soldier who led cavalry raids behind Union lines in Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio.摩根,约翰·亨特:(1825-1864) 美国邦联战士,曾在田纳西、肯塔基、印第安和俄亥俄州带领骑兵突袭联邦军后防 |
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