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单词 穗状
释义 〔agrimony〕Any of various perennial herbaceous plants of the genusAgrimonia, having pinnately compound leaves and spikelike clusters of small yellow flowers. 龙芽草,仙鹤草:一种龙芽草属 多年生草本植物,有羽状复叶和穗状的小黄花花簇 〔glume〕One of the two chaffy basal bracts of a grass spikelet.颖片:禾草类的小穗状花的两个禾壳状的基部苞片之一〔limbo〕Our use of the wordlimbo to refer to states of oblivion, confinement, or transition is derived from the theological sense ofLimbo as a place where souls remain that cannot enter heaven, for example, unbaptized infants.Limbo in Roman Catholic theology is located on the border of Hell, which explains the name chosen for it.The Latin wordlimbus, having meanings such as "an ornamental border to a fringe" and "a band or girdle,” was chosen by Christian theologians of the Middle Ages to denote this border region.English borrowed the wordlimbus directly, but the formlimbo that caught on in English, first recorded in a work composed around 1378,is from the ablative form oflimbus, the form that would be used in expressions such asin limbō, "in Limbo.” 我们用limbo 这个词指被忘却、监禁或过渡的状态, 此用法源于Limbo 的神学含义, 指那些不能升入天堂的灵魂(如未受洗的儿童)所在地。Limbo 在罗马天主教的教义中指位于地狱的边境, 这也是为什么选这个词指地狱的边境的原因。拉丁词limbus 有诸如“流苏或穗状的装饰性花边“和”嵌条或腰带”的意思, 中世纪的基督教神学家选用这个词来指这种边界地区。英语直接借用了limbus 这个词, 但出现于英语中的limbo 这种形式, 首次记载于1378年左右完成的作品中,它源自limbus 的夺格形式, 这种用法是在短语in limbo 中出现的,意思是“在地狱的边界地区” 〔spicate〕Borne in or forming a spike.穗状的,形成穗状〔sedge〕Any of numerous grasslike plants of the family Cyperaceae, having solid stems, leaves in three vertical rows, and spikelets of inconspicuous flowers, with each flower subtended by a scalelike bract.莎草,苔:任一种莎草科草状的植物,有结实的茎,叶子呈垂直三行排列,开不显眼的为被鱼鳞状苞叶所衬托的小穗状花朵〔passionflower〕Any of various climbing, tendril-bearing, chiefly tropical American vines of the genusPassiflora, having large, showy flowers with a fringelike crown and a conspicuous stalk that bears the stamens and pistil. 西番莲:几种蔓生,长有卷须,属于西番莲属 的藤本植物中的任一种,长有大而华丽的花朵,穗状花冠,长着雄蕊和雌蕊的花梗十分显眼 〔cubeb〕A tropical southeast Asian shrubby vine(Piper cubeba) having spicy, berrylike fruits, heart-shaped leaves, and small flowers in cylindrical spikes. 荜澄茄:一种产于东南亚的热带灌木状藤本植物(胡椒属 毕澄茄) ,结有辛辣的、浆果状的果实,生有心形的叶子并开柱形穗状小花序 〔galax〕A stemless, evergreen, perennial plant(Galax urceolata) of the eastern United States, having a rosette of glossy, heart-shaped leaves and small, white flowers in spikelike clusters. Also called beetleweed ,coltsfoot ,wandflower 加莱草:一种产于美国东部的多年生的无茎常绿植物(加腊克斯 加腊克斯属) ,具有带光泽的心形叶子的蔷薇叶丛和穗状小白花 也作 beetleweed,coltsfoot,wandflower〔galingale〕Any of various sedges of the genusCyperus, especially C. longus of Europe, having rough-edged leaves, reddish spikelets, and aromatic roots. 香根莎草:一种莎草 属莎草,尤指欧洲的 长莎草 ,具有粗糙边缘的叶子、红色的小穗状花和芳香的根部 〔fimbria〕A fringelike part or structure, as at the opening of the fallopian tubes.穗缘,伞毛:一种穗状部分或结构,如在输卵管入口处〔catechu〕A spiny Asian tree(Acacia catechu) having bipinnately compound leaves, spikes of yellow flowers, and dark heartwood. 儿茶树:一种亚洲生多刺木(儿茶 金合欢属) ,有两羽状复叶、穗状黄花和深色心材 〔felwort〕An annual gentian(Gentianella amarella) having small, lilac to creamy white flowers with fringed corollas. 龙胆草:一年生龙胆属植物(龙胆属 苦龙胆) ,长有小的、介于紫色和乳白色之间的带有穗状花冠的花朵




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