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单词 石首鱼
释义 〔sciaenoid〕Of or belonging to the Sciaenidae, a family of fishes that includes the drums and croakers.石首鱼科的:属于或关于石首鱼科的,即包括石首鱼在内的鱼的家族〔weakfish〕A marine food and game fish(Cynoscion regalis) of North American Atlantic waters. Also called squeteague 犬牙石首鱼:北美大西洋水域产的一种食用海鱼和垂钓用鱼(犬牙石首鱼 犬牙石首鱼属) 也作 squeteague〔hardhead〕pl. hardhead or hard.heads Any of several fishes having a bony head, especially the Atlantic croaker.【复数】 hardhead 或 hard.heads 硬头鳟:尤指大西洋石首鱼等头上多骨的几种鱼中的任意一种〔yellowtail〕Any of several other fishes having a yellowish tail, as the silver perch.石首鱼:其他几种有黄色尾巴的鱼类,如石首鱼〔redfish〕Any of several fishes that are reddish in color, as the red drum and the rosefish.眼斑拟石首鱼,鲈鮋:一种红色的鱼,如眼斑拟石首鱼和鲈鮋〔corbina〕A food and game fish(Menticirrhus undulatus) of North American Pacific waters and especially coastal California. 无鳔石首鱼:一种食用和垂钓鱼(波纹无鳔石首鱼) ,产于北美大西洋水域,尤其是加利福尼亚沿岸的水域中 〔kingfish〕Any of several food and game fishes of the drum family, especially of the genusMenticirrhus, indigenous to warm Atlantic waters. 无鳔石首鱼石首鱼的食用和猎用鱼类,尤其无鳔石首鱼 属的鱼类,其只产于温暖的大西洋海域 〔corbina〕Any of several related marine fishes of the family Sciaenidae.石首鱼:一种相关的石首鱼科的海生鱼〔rosefish〕A bright red marine food fish(Sebastes marinus) of North Atlantic waters. Also called ocean perch 平鮋,鲈鮋,眼斑拟石首鱼:一种生活在北大西洋海域中的色泽明亮的食用海鱼(平鮋) 也作 ocean perch〔kingfish〕Any of several similar or related fishes, indigenous to the Pacific Ocean.无鳔石首鱼,月鱼:太平洋产的几种相似或有亲缘关系的鱼之一〔squeteague〕Any of several fishes related to the weakfish.犬牙石首鱼:与灰鳟有亲缘关系的一种鱼〔whiting〕Any of several marine food fishes of the generaMenticirrhus and Merluccius, including the corbina and the silver hake, of North American coastal waters. 银无须鳕,小鳍鳕:任一种无鳔石首鱼属 和 无须鳕属 的海产食用鱼,包括无鳔石首鱼和银无须鳕 〔croaker〕Any of various fishes, chiefly of the family Sciaenidae, that make croaking or grunting sounds.石首鱼:任一种主要属于石首鱼科的鱼类,能发出呱呱声或咕哝声〔sheepshead〕A freshwater drum(Aplodinotus grunniens) commonly found from the Great Lakes to Texas. 淡水石首鱼:从五大湖区到得克萨斯地区都很常见的一种淡水石首鱼(淡水石首鱼〔drum〕Any of various marine and freshwater fishes of the family Sciaenidae that make a drumming sound.石首鱼:一种石首鱼科海洋鱼或淡水鱼,能发出击鼓声




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