单词 | 相邻 |
释义 | 〔Serb〕A member of a southern Slavic people that is the principal ethnic group of Serbia and adjacent regions of Yugoslavia.塞尔维亚人:南部斯拉夫民族的一支,它是塞尔维亚和南斯拉夫相邻地区的主要民族〔supercluster〕A group of neighboring clusters of galaxies.超星系团:一群相邻的星系团〔hyrax〕Any of several herbivorous mammals of the family Procaviidae within the order Hyraoidea of Africa and adjacent Asia, resembling woodchucks or similar rodents but more closely related to the hoofed mammals. Also called coney 1dassie 非洲蹄兔:非洲和相邻亚洲部分的蹄兔目的蹄兔科的几种食草哺乳动物的任何一种,类似土拨鼠或相似的啮齿动物,但是更与有蹄的哺乳动物接近 也作 coney1dassie〔purty〕Purty is probably the most common American example of metathesis, a linguistic process in which two adjacent sounds are reversed in order.Metathesis in English often involves the consonantr and a vowel, since the phonetic properties ofr are so vowellike. For example,the wordthird used to be thrid, and bird, brid. By the same process,Englishpretty often came to be realized as purty in regional speech. Most such words stabilized because of the influence of printing and the resultant standardized spelling,butpurty for pretty has survived in regional American dialects. Purty 可能是美国换位词最普遍的一个例子, 换位是两个相邻的音在顺序上调换位置的语法过程。英语中的换位经常包括辅音r 和一个元音, 因为r 的语音属性是非常像元音的。 举个例子来说,单词third 过去曾是 thrid 及 bird和brid。 具有同样的过程,英语单词pretty 在区域性语言中常被渐渐地认作 purty。 大部分这样的单词固定下来是因为印刷的影响以及由此而产生的标准化拼写,但是代替pretty 的 purty 却在美国区域性的方言中存在下来了 〔Nogales〕A city of southern Arizona south of Tucson on the Mexican border adjacent toNogales, Mexico. Both cities are ports of entry and tourist centers. Nogales, Arizona, has a population of 19,489; Nogales, Mexico, has 14,254 inhabitants. 诺加莱斯:美国亚利桑那州南部一城市,位于图森南部,与墨西哥的诺加莱斯 相邻的墨西哥边境。两城市都是河口港和旅游中心。亚利桑那州的诺加莱斯人口为19,489;墨西哥的诺加莱斯人口为14,254 〔adjacency〕The state of being adjacent; contiguity.邻近:相邻的状态;毗连〔Texarkana〕A city of southwest Arkansas on the Texas border southwest of Little Rock. Population, 22,631. It is adjacent toTexarkana, Texas, in the northeast part of that state. Population, 31,656. The twin cities form a trade and transportation center for the surrounding region. 苔克斯卡那:美国阿肯色西南城市,位于得克萨斯边界小石城西南。人口22,631,它的东北部与得克斯卡那 ,得克萨斯二城市相邻。人口31,656,这一对城市构成了周边地区的贸易和运输中心 〔Serbian〕Serbo-Croatian as spoken in Serbia and adjacent regions of Yugoslavia, written in a Cyrillic alphabet.塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语:在塞尔维亚和南斯拉夫的相邻地区说的,用西里尔字母写的塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语〔cholesteric〕Of or relating to the mesomorphic phase of a liquid crystal in which the molecules are closely aligned within a distinct series of layers, with the axes of the molecules lying parallel to the plane of the layers and with the orientation of molecules in adjacent layers rotated slightly.胆固醇晶态的:属于或关于液晶的液态和晶态中间阶段,其中分子在不同层面里紧密地排成一行,分子的轴与层面平行且相邻层面的分子会有一点倾向旋转〔marginal〕Being adjacent geographically:毗连的:地理上相邻的:〔Paiute〕A group occupying southern Utah and Nevada, northern Arizona, and adjacent areas of southeast California. Also called Southern Paiute 派尤特族:居住在犹他州和内华达州南部、亚利桑那州北部以及加利福尼亚州东南部相邻地区的人群 也作 Southern Paiute〔field〕A defined area of a storage medium, such as a set of bit locations or a set of adjacent columns on a punch card, used to record a type of information consistently.字段,区段:存储器介质上规定的区域,如穿孔卡片上一组位的位置或一组相邻的列,用来持续记录一类信息〔vicinity〕from vīcīnus [neighboring] 源自 vīcīnus [相邻的] 〔Serpens〕A constellation in the equatorial region of the northern sky, made up of two parts,Serpens Cauda, the "tail,” and Serpens Caput, the "head,” both near Hercules and Ophiuchus. 巨蛇座:北部天空赤道带的星座,由两部分组成,巨蛇尾 是“尾部”, 巨蛇头 是“头部”,与武仙座和蛇夫座相邻 〔plywood〕A structural material made of layers of wood glued together, usually with the grains of adjoining layers at right angles to each other.胶合板:由粘合在一起的若干层木头制成的一种建筑材料,通常其相邻木层的木纹相互成直角〔courtyard〕An open space surrounded by walls or buildings, adjoining or within a building such as a large house or housing complex.院子,庭院,天井:墙或建筑物围绕的空间,与一个大房子或套房相邻或在其内部〔story〕A complete horizontal division of a building, constituting the area between two adjacent levels.楼层:建筑物的水平方向上的完整分层,构成两个相邻的水平面间的空间〔idioblast〕A plant cell that differs noticeably in form from neighboring cells.异细胞,生原体:与相邻的细胞截然不同的细胞〔byte〕A sequence of adjacent bits operated on as a unit by a computer.字节:计算机中作为一个单位处理的一系列相邻的位〔frontline〕"leaders of the six black ‘front-line states’ bordering South Africa"(Boston Globe)“与南非相邻的六个黑人‘前线国家’的首脑们”(波士顿环球)〔vicinal〕from vīcīnus [neighboring] * see vicinity 源自 vīcīnus [相邻的] * 参见 vicinity〔Fon〕A people of Benin and neighboring parts of Nigeria.丰族:贝宁的一个民族,与尼日利亚的部分相邻〔precinct〕precincts The neighborhood or surrounding area; the environs. precincts 附近:相邻或周围地区;附近地区〔vicinage〕from vesin [neighboring] 源自 vesin [相邻的] 〔syntagmatic〕Of or relating to the relationship between linguistic units in a construction or sequence, as between the (n) and adjacent sounds innot, ant, and ton. The identity of a linguistic unit within a language is described by a combination of its syntagmatic and its paradigmatic relations. 结构段的,语段的:语言单位在句法结构或顺序上有关系的或与其相关的,如not, ant 和 ton 中的(n)与相邻发音。语言中语言单位特性可描述为其句法结构与词形变化关系的组合 〔chlorohydrin〕An aliphatic organic chemical compound that is both an alkyl chloride and an alcohol, frequently containing a single chlorine atom and a single hydroxyl group on adjacent carbon atoms.氯醇:一种烃基氯化物和酒精的脂肪族有机化合物,通常包括相邻碳原子上的单氯原子和单氢氧基化合物〔minor〕Less in distance by a half step than the corresponding major interval.半音的,短音程的:比相邻两个大调音阶之间的音程少半阶的〔vicinity〕The state of being near in space or relationship; proximity:附近,邻近:空间或者关系上相邻;邻近:〔slip〕The relative displacement of formerly adjacent points on opposite sides of a fault.位移:以前相邻的两个点在一个断层的两侧的相对错位〔Paiute〕A group occupying eastern Oregon, western Nevada, and adjacent areas of northeast California. Also called Northern Paiute 派尤特族:居住在俄勒冈州东部、内华达州西部以及加利福尼亚州东北部相邻地区的人群 也作 Northern Paiute〔antinode〕For a standing wave, the region or point of maximum amplitude between adjacent nodes.波腹,腹点:一个连续波中,相邻波节中最大振幅的位置或点〔codon〕A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides constituting the genetic code that specifies the insertion of an amino acid in a specific structural position in a polypeptide chain during protein synthesis.密码子:组成基因密码的三个相邻核苷酸的顺序,在蛋白质合成时它指定在多肽规定结构位置引入氨基酸〔adjacency〕A thing that is adjacent.邻接物:相邻的物体〔synalepha〕The blending into one syllable of two successive vowels of adjacent syllables, especially to fit a poetic meter; for example,th' elite for the elite. 元音溶合:相邻的音节中两个相连的元音合为一个音节,尤指为使之符合诗歌音步者,如the elite 变为 th' elite 〔adduct〕To draw inward toward the median axis of the body or toward an adjacent part or limb.使内收,使并拢:内收至身体的中枢或至相邻部位、四肢〔centrosome〕A small region of cytoplasm adjacent to the nucleus that contains the centrioles and serves to organize microtubules.中心体:细胞质与细胞核相邻的一块含有中心粒的区域,用来组成微管〔churchyard〕A yard adjacent to a church, especially a cemetery.教堂墓地:教堂相邻的院子,特指墓地〔marginal〕states marginal to Canada.和加拿大相邻的各州〔pantry〕A small room or closet, usually off a kitchen, where food, tableware, linens, and similar items are stored.食品储藏室:一个小房间或柜橱,通常与厨房相邻,用来储藏食物、餐具、亚麻纸或相类似的东西〔Azeri〕A member of a traditionally Shiite Muslim people of Azerbaijan and adjacent areas of Armenia and northern Iran; an Azerbaijani.阿塞拜疆人:阿塞拜疆以及亚美尼亚和伊朗北部相邻地区传统什叶派回教徒中一员;阿塞拜疆人 |
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