单词 | 的话 |
释义 | 〔jolt〕"Now and then he jolted a nodding reader awake by inserting a witty paragraph"(Walter Blair)“他不时地插入一段风趣幽默的话,让打瞌睡的读者提起精神”(沃尔特·布莱尔)〔intrude〕"He wouldn't obtrude his assistance, if it were declined" (John Lothrop Motley). “如果他的援助被谢绝的话,他不会将此强加于别人的” (约翰·洛斯鲁普·莫特利)。 〔josh〕A teasing or joking remark.玩笑话:逗趣或开玩笑的话〔convince〕 If the distinction is accepted, thenconvince should not be used with an infinitive: 如果这一区别被接受的话,那么convince 就不应和不定式连用: 〔doubt〕That is also the usual choice when the truth of the clause following doubt is assumed, as in negative sentences and questions. ThusI never doubted for a minute that I would be rescued implies "I was certain that I would be rescued.” By the same token,Do you doubt that you will be paid? seems to pose a rhetorical question ("Surely you believe that you will be paid"), whereasDo you doubt whether you will be paid? may express a genuine request for information and might be followed bybecause if you do, you should make the client post a bond. In other cases, however, this distinction betweenwhether and that is not always observed, andthat is frequently used as a substitute for whether. If may also be used as a substitute forwhether but is more informal in tone. ·In informal speech the clause followingdoubt is sometimes introduced with but: I don't doubt but (or but what ) he will come. Reputable precedent exists for this construction,as in"I do not doubt but England is at present as polite a Nation as any in the World" (Richard Steele),but modern critics sometimes object to its use in formal writing.See Usage Note at but ,if 在否定句及疑问句中当doubt 后的从句所作陈述被认为是真时,用 that 。 所以我从不怀疑我会被救起 意思就是“我确信我会得救”。 同样你怀疑人家会赖帐吗? 似乎就成了一个反问句(“你当然相信人家不会赖帐了”), 而你怀疑人家是否付款吗? 就表示一个真诚的询问, 可能接下来会说因为如果你怀疑的话,你就该让顾客付保证金 。 在其它情况下,whether 和 that 的区别并不很明显, 而且that 经常用来替代 whether。 If 也经常用来代替whether , 但是语气不很正式。在非正式语气中doubt 后面的从句有时由 but引导:I don't doubt but (或 but what ) he will come。 这种结构有其先例且属规范用法,如“我不怀疑目前的英格兰象世界上其他国家一样是礼义之邦” (理查德·斯蒂尔),但现代评论家有时反对在正式文体中这样使用 参见 but,if〔should〕If he had known that, he would (not should ) have answered differently. 如果他知道那个情况的话,就(不能用 should ) 不会那么回答了。 〔lingo〕Language that is unintelligible or unfamiliar.奇怪而难懂的话〔menu〕An enormous menu might be considered an oxymoronif one were to restrict the word etymologically.Menu can be traced back to the Latin word minūtus, meaning "small in size, amount, or degree"and also "possessing or involving minute knowledge.”Latinminūtus became Old French menut and Modern French menu, "small, fine, trifling, minute.” The French adjective came to be used as a nounwith the sense of "detail, details collectively,” and "detailed list.”As such, it was used in the phrasemenu de repas, "list of items of a meal,” which was shortened tomenu. This word was borrowed into English,being first recorded in 1837.The French word had been borrowed before,perhaps only briefly,as a shortening of the French phrasemenu peuple, "the common people.” This usage, however, is recorded in only one text, in 1658.“一个庞大的菜单”这一说法可能会被看成是一种矛盾的修辞法,如果人们从语源学角度对这个词进行限制的话。Menu 这个词的词源可上溯到拉丁词 minutus, 意为“尺寸、数量或程度小的”,或者“具备或涉及到精细知识的。”这个拉丁词minutus 而后又成为古法语单词 menut 和现代法语单词 menu, 意为“小的、精巧的、琐碎的、详细的。” 这个法语形容词逐渐被用作名词,意为“细节、诸多细节”及“详细的名单”。就这样,它被用于词组menu de repas, 意为“一张菜肴明细单”, 后来这个词组又被简略为menu。 这个简略词被引入英语中,最早出现于1837年。这个法语单词以前也曾被英语借用过,但也许只用了很短一段时间,而且是作为意为“普通民众”的法语词组menu peuple 的简略词。 然而这一用法仅在1658年的一篇文章中出现过〔Quaker〕From quake [from an early leader's admonishment to "tremble at the word of the Lord.”] 源自 quake [从一个早期领导人的号诫到“听到上帝的话而发抖”] 〔ironic〕though some Panelists noted that this particular usage might be acceptable if Susie had in fact moved to California in order to find a husband,in which case the story could be taken as exemplifying the folly of supposing that we can know what fate has in store for us).By contrast,73 percent accepted the sentence 虽然一些成员注意到如果苏茜搬到加利福尼亚的目的确是为寻找一位丈夫的话,那么这一句的用法还是可以接受的,因为这个故事可视为代表了这样一种愚行,认为我们能够知道命运为我们保留着什么)。与此形成对照的是,百分之七十三的成员接受了下面这句话 〔point〕remarks that were to the point; rambled and would not speak to the point.和本题相关的话;随便地乱讲却不讲与本题相关的〔unpleasantry〕A disagreeable remark, situation, or act.不快:让人不快的话,情况或行动〔rent〕When young people talk about theirrents, that is, their parents, they are using a slang term that is of interest to language historians, if not necessarily thrilling for parents themselves. The term is a prime example of one of the fundamental characteristics of slang, which continually creates novel ways of expressing what are often rather ordinary things (if parents may be considered ordinary things). Slang has recently produced two expressions for "parents" that have gained wide currency— rents and parental units. Both expressions demonstrate slang's use of unusual or creative linguistic means to achieve novelty of expression. While there are many slang terms, such as bod for body or rad for radical, that result from the clipping of unstressed syllables, rents is a clipping that drops a stressed syllable, much like the similar term za, "pizza.” The desire to coin new ways of referring to things also leads speakers of slang to use circumlocutions like knuckle sandwich for "punch.” Parental units falls into this category. It plays on the jargon of bureaucrats and social science, in which the world is viewed as so much data waiting to be quantified. The appearance of terms such as rents and parental units also shows that all available styles and levels of language can be grist for slang's mill—so long as the material is perceived as irreverent, funny, or just plain cool. 年轻人谈论他们的rents (即父母)时,即使肯定不会令他们的父母感到兴奋,他们却使用了一个令语言历史学家很感兴趣的俚语。Rents是俚语一个基本特色的典范,这一基本特色就是不断创造新颖词汇来表示通常极为普通的事物(如果父母会被认为是普通事物的话)。最近俚语中产生了两个"父(母)亲"的词语并被普遍使用── rents 和 parental units 。这两个词语表明俚语用不同寻常的或创造性的语言工具来获取表达上的新颖。虽然因省略非重读音节产生了许多俚语词汇,如用 bod 指body、用 rad 指radical,但 rents 却是省略重读音节后的部分,非常类似相近词汇 za "pizza(比萨饼)"。期望创造指代事物的新词也使得满口俚语的人运用赘语,如用 knuckle sandwich 指"punch(用拳击)"。 Parental units 也属于赘语的范围。它用作官僚主义者的行话以及科学术语,因为对于官僚主义者和科学工作者来讲世界就是等待量化的大量数据。诸如 rents 和 parental units 这些俚语的出现也表明语言现有的全部风格和水平都是俚语的有益补充──只要认为内容是不敬的、有趣的或者纯粹扮酷的 〔garrulous〕Given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative.See Synonyms at talkative 爱说话的,絮聒的:喜欢谈话的,通常是有关琐屑或漫无目的的话题;健谈得让人厌恶 参见 talkative〔urgent〕the urgent words "Hurry! Hurry!”急切的话“赶快!赶快! “〔slaver〕Senseless and effusive talk; drivel.胡言乱语:无意义而滔滔不绝的话;胡扯〔hogwash〕Worthless, false, or ridiculous speech or writing; nonsense.废话:无聊、错误或荒谬的话或文章;废话〔mouthful〕An important or perceptive remark:重要的话或有洞察力的话:〔give〕His remark gave offense. Music gives her pleasure.他的话引起了反击;音乐带给她快乐〔slush〕Maudlin speech or writing; sentimental drivel.无聊伤感的话或文章:感伤的演讲或文字;多愁善感的喋喋不休〔strength〕"The same energy of character which renders a man a daring villain would have rendered him useful to society, had that society been well organized" (Mary Wollstonecraft).“要是社会秩序良好的话,同样的使一个人成为无所不为的恶棍的性格中的潜力说不定会使他成为一个对社会有用的人” (玛丽·伍尔斯通克拉芙特)。〔expound〕The professor was expounding on a favorite topic.教授正在对一个令人喜欢的话题详加陈述〔sideswipe〕An incidental critical remark; a gibe.附带批评的话;嘲笑〔cant〕Hypocritically pious language.伪善的话:虚伪的虔诚语言〔adamantine〕"If there is one dominant trait that emerges from this account, it is adamantine willpower"(Eugene Linden)“如果这篇报道体现了什么主要特征的话,那就是坚强的意志力”(尤金·林登)〔scurrility〕A vulgar, coarse, or abusive remark or passage.粗鄙的话,脏话:粗俗的、下流的、辱骂的评论或一段话〔scandal〕Talk that is damaging to one's character; malicious gossip.恶意诽谤:讲对某人品质有损的话;恶意的流言蜚语〔real〕"It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true" (Bertrand Russell).“如果一个陈述没有任何理由说明它是真实的话,让人很难心甘情愿地相信它” (伯特兰德·罗素)。〔indecency〕Something indecent.无礼的言行,猥亵的话〔suggest〕He hinted that he would accept an invitation if it were extended.他暗示如果邀请扩大的话他将会接受。〔agitate〕To arouse interest in (a cause, for example) by use of the written or spoken word; debate.热烈讨论,辩论:用书面或口头的话激起兴趣(如对于一项事业);争论〔football〕The issue of tax reform became a political football.税制改革这一问题成为备受人们争论的话题〔confirm〕 Corroborate refers to strengthening or supporting something, such as a statement, by means of the evidence of another: Corroborate 指用另一个证据来加强或支持某事,例如通过引用别人的话来做证据: 〔critique〕Critique has been used as a verb meaning "to review or discuss critically" since the 18th century, but lately this usage has gained much wider currency,in part because the verbcriticize, once neutral between praise and censure, is now mainly used in a negative sense. (One is not likely to say, for example,She criticized the bill approvingly. ) But this use ofcritique is still regarded by many as pretentious jargon; 69 percent of the Usage Panel rejects the sentence Critique 这一词自从18世纪以来作为动词的意思是“批判性地评论或讨论”, 然而近来这一用法变得更为通用,部分由于动词criticize 这一原先介于赞扬和苛评之间的词现主要用于否定意义中。 (人们不太可能说,比如她赞成地批判这个法案。 ) 但是critique 的这一用法仍被许多人认为是做作难懂的话; 用法专题使用小组69%的成员否认这种句子 〔stob〕The Southern wordstob means a short, straight stick of wood: "Jim Rozier's skill with a piece of iron and a hardwood stob sets up a vibration in the earth that Sopchoppy worms find extremely disagreeable" (Charles Kuralt).Related tostub and stubby, stob is one of numerous Indo-European cognates, for example, Greekstupos, meaning "stump (of a tree or branch).” In Middle Englishstob seems to have been a variant spelling of stub, with one of its meanings being "the amputated stump of a human limb.”However, the word has chiefly denoted a short piece of wood,such as "a small post or stake or stump of a shrub, [and is] commonly so used in many, if not all, parts of the [American] South"(Charles F. Smith).南方语言stob 指一段短而直的树枝: 吉姆·罗泽尔的铁条或硬木树枝技术使大地呈现一片繁荣,苏普乔皮虫感到极为不快” (查尔斯·库拉尔特)。许多印欧语系同源词与stub 和 stubby,stob 有关, 例如,希腊语stupos 指 “(树或树枝的)树桩”。 在中古英语中,stob 看起来是 stub 的另一种拼法, 并有“人类肢体切断的残余”的意思。但是,这个词主要指一短块树木,如一小段桩子或柱子或树枝的残存部分,广泛用于[美国]南部大部分地区,如果不是全部地区的话”(查尔斯·F·史密斯)〔flex〕“‘Resolution’ has none of that modern flex we favor, with generous, built-in amounts of ‘maybe’”(Melvin Maddocks)“‘果断’没有我们所推崇的现代弹性的意味,即说一大堆暗含‘也许’的话”(梅尔文·马多克斯)〔mind〕Mind closely what I tell you.密切注意我告诉你的话〔waffle〕Evasive or vague speech or writing.无聊的话:胡乱或含糊的话或写的东西〔hesitate〕"A President either is constantly on top of events or, if he hesitates, events will soon be on top of him" (Harry S Truman).“一位总统要么经常地驾驭各种事件要么为事件所驾驭,如果他犹豫的话” (哈里·S·杜鲁门)。〔rant〕Violent, loud, or extravagant speech.See Synonyms at bombast 粗野的话,喧闹的话,夸大的话 参见 bombast |
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