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单词 由此
释义 〔figural〕Of, relating to, consisting of, or forming a pictorial composition or design of human or animal figures.具有人或动物的形象的:属于、关于或形成人物或动物的组织或形象的,或由此构成的〔Kruger〕South African politician. A founder (1852) and president (1883-1900) of Transvaal, he instituted nationalist policies that led to the Boer War (1899-1902).克留格尔,斯蒂凡诺斯·约翰内斯·保罗斯:(1825-1904) 南非政治家。他是德兰士瓦省的创立者(1852年)和省长(1883-1900年),他推行民族主义政策,由此引发了布尔战争(1899-1902年)〔Monarchianism〕Any of several Christian heresies of the second and third centuriesa.d. that attempted to maintain monotheism and the unity of the Godhead but thereby denied the independent hypostasis of God the Son. 神格唯一论:任一种流行于公元 2世纪和3世纪的基督教异端邪说,竭力主张一神论和上帝的唯一性,但由此否认了圣子的独立基督位格 〔clef〕A symbol indicating the pitch represented by one line of a staff, in relation to which the other pitches of the staff can be determined.谱号:一个标明五线谱一行所代表的音高,由此五线谱的其它音高标准可以确定〔winter〕Winter, spring, summer, fall.It is not too difficult to see how the season namesspring and fall came into being, but without some background information it is impossible to tell what the origins of the wordswinter and summer are. Summer goes back to the Indo-European root .sem-, meaning "summer.” From a suffixed form of this root came the prehistoric Common Germanic word.sumaraz, the ancestor of Old Englishsumor and its descendant, Modern English summer. This is the only Indo-European root referring to a season that has survived in an English name for a season.Of the other three,.wesr-, "spring,” has produced words such as vernal; ghyem-, "winter,” has given us words such as hibernate; andesen-, "harvest, fall,” has yielded earn ( from the prehistoric Common Germanic word.aznōn, "to do harvest work, serve"). Winter does, however, go back to the Indo-European root wed-, "water, wet.” From the formwe-n-d- of this root with the nasal infix -n- was derived the Germanic word .wintruz, with the underlying meaning "wet season" and the literal meaning "winter.”The Germanic word is the source of Old Englishwinter, the ancestor of Modern English winter. 冬,春,夏,秋。说出季节名spring 和 fall 的来历不是很难, 但如果没有一些背景知识,不可能知道winter 和 summer 的词源。 Summer 可追溯到印欧语中的词根 sem- ,意思是“夏天”。 给这个词根加后缀后又转化为史前的普通日尔曼词sumaraz, 这是古英语中sumor 的前身,由此又发展来现代英语中的 summer。 这是印欧语中表季节的词根在英语中作为季节名保留下来的唯一一个。另外三个wesr- “春”产生了象 vernal这类的词; ghyem-“冬”又给了我们单词 hibernate; esen- “收获,秋天”衍生出 earn ( 从史前的普通日尔曼词aznon “做收获的工作,服务”而来)。 然而winter 得追溯到印欧词根 wed- “水,湿的”。 由这个词根的we-n-d 形式和鼻音中缀 -n- 衍生出日尔曼语词 wintruz, 其隐含的意思是“湿润的季节”和字面意义“冬天”。这个日尔曼词是古英语中winter 的前身,也是现代英语 winter 的前身 〔trust〕The condition and resulting obligation of having confidence placed in one:托付:信任以及由此产生的义务:〔collotype〕A print made by this process.柯罗版:由此制版术制成的印刷品〔blastema〕A mass of embryonic cells from which an organ or a body part develops, either in normal development or in the regeneration of a lost body part.胚基:身体某部分或一器官由此发育的一组胚胎细胞,或正常发育或失去的身体某部分的再生能力〔touchhole〕The opening in early firearms and cannons through which the powder was ignited.火门:早期火器和大炮中的开口,由此将火药点燃〔Sagunto〕A city of eastern Spain north-northeast of Valencia. Founded by Greek colonists and later allied with Rome, it was besieged and captured by Carthaginian forces led by Hannibal (219-218b.c. ), thus precipitating the Second Punic War. Segunto was held by the Moors from a.d. 713 until 1238. Population, 57,380. 萨贡托市:西班牙东部一城市,位于巴伦西亚的东北偏北,由希腊殖民者建立,后来与罗马结盟,(公元 219-218年)被汉尼拔率领的迦太基人围攻并占领,由此导致了第二次布匿战争。摩尔人从 公元 713年到1238年一直控制萨贡托市。人口57,380 〔triangulation〕A surveying technique in which a region is divided into a series of triangular elements based on a line of known length so that accurate measurements of distances and directions may be made by the application of trigonometry.三角测量法:一种测量技术,通过将某一地区分成许多三角形,这些三角形是以一条已知长度的线为底,由此可通过使用平面直角三角形计算工具精确地测量距离和方向〔presbytery〕The district represented by this court.教务评议会管辖区:由此种评议会管辖的地区〔blastoderm〕The layer of cells formed by the cleavage of a fertilized mammalian egg. It later divides into the three germ layers from which the embryo develops.胚盘:由哺乳动物受精卵分裂而形成的细胞层。后期分裂为三层,胚胎由此发育〔moony〕Of or suggestive of the moon or moonlight.月亮的:属于月亮或月光的或由此产生联想的〔halftone〕A picture in which the gradations of light are obtained by the relative darkness and density of tiny dots produced by photographing the subject through a fine screen.照相(网目)铜版:一种照片,通过一个精制屏幕拍摄一个物体,由此产生光点的不同亮度和密度,从而形成光的明暗变化〔thereby〕In connection with that:由此,从而:与那个相关联:〔flunitrazepam〕A powerful sedative drug, C16H 12FN 3O 3, that is illegal in the United States but is used elsewhere as a hypnotic and in anesthesia. It is popularly known as the "date rape" drug because its ability to cause semiconsciousness and memory blackouts has led to its association with unwanted sexual encounters. 弗尼拉塞半,氟硝安定:在美国禁止使用的强效镇静剂,C16H 12FN 3O 3,但在其它地区用作催眠药或用于感觉缺失。氟硝安定就是广为人知的"约会强奸药",它能令人陷入半昏迷状态或暂时失去知觉,并由此同被迫的性行为联系起来 〔foregut〕The anterior part of the embryonic alimentary canal of a vertebrate from which the pharynx, lungs, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, and duodenum develop.前肠:脊椎动物消化道的前部,由此产生出咽、肺、食管、胃、肝脏、胰和十二指肠〔notochord〕A similar structure in embryos of higher vertebrates, from which the spinal column develops.脊索:更为高等的脊椎动物胚胎中的类似结构,脊椎骨由此发育〔blastema〕The formative, undifferentiated material from which cells are formed.芽基:细胞由此产生的处于形成期尚未显出差别的物质〔headquarters〕The offices of a commander, as of a military unit, from which orders are issued.司令部:军事分队指挥官的办公地,命令由此发出〔drugget〕A coarse rug of this fabric, made in India.粗毛地毯:由此种织物做的粗较长地毯,产于印度〔Dacron〕A trademark used for a synthetic polyester fabric or the fiber from which it is made.涤纶,的确良:一商标名,用于人工合成的涤纶织物或由此制成的纤维织物〔nephridium〕The excretory organ of a vertebrate embryo from which the kidney develops.原肾:脊椎动物胚胎的排泄器官,肾由此发展而来〔Koine〕A dialect of Greek that developed primarily from Attic and became the common language of the Hellenistic world, from which later stages of Greek are descended.古希腊共通语:一种希腊方言,最初从阿提卡语发展而来,后来成为整个古希腊地区的共同的语言,后来的希腊语就是由此发展而成〔culture〕"Culture is then properly described not as having its origin in curiosity, but as having its origin in the love of perfection" (Matthew Arnold). “由此修养被恰当地描述为源于对完美的热爱,而不是出于好奇心” (马修·阿诺德)。〔scuppernong〕A wine made from this grape.斯卡巴农葡萄酒:由此种葡萄制得的酒〔rumen〕The first division of the stomach of a ruminant animal, in which most food collects immediately after being swallowed and from which it is later returned to the mouth as cud for thorough chewing. Also called paunch 瘤胃:反刍动物的第一胃,食物被吞下后大多数立即在此聚集,由此返回到口中,作为反刍食物来细细咀嚼 也作 paunch〔flare〕An unwanted reflection within an optical system or the resultant fogging of the image.反射,模糊景象:光学系统内一种多余的反射或由此而产生的物象模糊〔funky〕When asked which words in the English language are the most difficult to define precisely,a lexicographer would surely mentionfunky. The meaning offunky seems well captured by Geneva Smitherman in Talkin and Testifyin: The Language of Black America, where she states that funky means “[related to] the blue notes or blue mood created in jazz, blues, and soul music generally, down-to-earth soulfully expressed sounds; by extension [related to] the real nitty-gritty or fundamental essence of life, soul to the max.”Be that as it may,funky is first recorded in 1784 in a reference to musty, old, moldy cheese. Funky then developed the sense "smelling strong or bad,” which could be used to describe body odor.Butfunky was applied to jazz, too—a usage explained in 1959 by one F. Newton inJazz Scene : "Critics are on the search for something a little more like the old, original, passion-laden blues: the trade-name which has been suggested for it is ‘funky’(literally: ‘smelly,’ i.e. symbolizing the return from the upper atmosphere to the physical, down-to-earth reality).” Funky comes from the earlier nounfunk, which meant "a strong smell or stink.” This noun can probably be traced back to the Latin wordfūmus, "smoke.” 当被问及英语中最难准确定义的是哪些词时,词典编纂者肯定会提到funky 这个词。 Funky 的含义似乎被热纳瓦·史密斯曼在 语言和证明: 美国黑人语言一节中解释得很清楚,她认为 funky 指“主要在爵士乐、布鲁斯歌曲、灵乐这些发自灵魂深处的音乐中创造出的音符式的忧郁; 由此延伸为与生命本质精髓有关的,表现美国黑人及其文化特点到极致的。”Funky 最早可能被记录于1784年,用于指发霉的、过期的奶酪。 后来,funky 引申到这层意思“闻起来强烈或有异味的,” 可以用来形容身体的气味。但funky 也用于指爵士乐方面, 这种用法于1959年在一位名叫F·牛顿的人的书爵士舞台 中有所解释: “批评家们正在找一种有些更象原始的、激情洋溢的老布鲁斯歌曲一样的东西:用来表现后的词就是‘有气息的’(字面意义:‘有气味的,’也就是说,从高高在上的格调降回到自然而率直的风格)。” Funky 一词来自较早出现的名词funk, 意为“一种刺鼻的气味或臭味”。 这个词可能可追溯到拉丁词fumus, “烟” 〔amalgamation〕The act of amalgamating or the condition resulting from this act.汞齐化法:使汞齐化或使合并的行为或由此产生的状态〔Winnebago〕A lake of eastern Wisconsin traversed by the Fox River. It is a popular recreation area.温内贝戈湖:威斯康星州东部一湖泊,福克斯河由此穿过,是一个受欢迎的娱乐地区〔breakdown〕The condition resulting from this:故障:由此而致的状况:〔Humber〕An estuary of the Trent and Ouse rivers in northeast-central England. It is navigable for large vessels as far inland as Hull.亨伯河三角洲:特伦特与乌斯河的一个三角洲地区,在英格兰中部东北。大船可以由此向内陆航行至赫尔〔rhubarb〕The wordrhubarb may contain two hidden references to its origins. The first of these is in therhu- part of the word, which can be traced back to the Greek wordrha, meaning "rhubarb.”According to the Late Latin historian Ammianus Marcellinus,rhubarb was namedrha because it grew near the river namedRha, which we know as the Volga. The-barb part of rhubarb was actually added first to Late Latin rha, descended from Greek rha, in the form rhabarbarum, barbarum being the neuter form of barbarus, "foreign.” Another Greek word for rhubarb,rhēon, influenced the Late Latin word rhabarbarum, giving usreubarbarum, which yielded Old Frenchreubarbe. The Old French form gave us Middle Englishrubarbe, first recorded in a work written around 1390.In imitation of the way the Greek wordrha is spelled, anh was added, completing the long journey of this word into English from the banks of the Volga in classical times.单词rhubarb 可能包含两个关于其语源的隐藏的参考信息。 第一个是单词中的rhu- 部分, 它可追溯到希腊单词rha, 意为“大黄。”根据后期拉丁历史学家阿米亚诺斯·马塞勒斯的意见,大黄被命名为rha, 因为它生长在我们称之为伏尔加河的Rha 河附近。 Rhubarb 中的 -barb 实际上最初以 rhabarbarum 的形式加在由希腊语 rha 传下来的后期拉丁语 rha 上, barbarum作为 barbarus (“异族的”)的中性形式。 另一个表大黄的希腊单词rheon 影响了后期拉丁单词 rhabarbarum, 让我们得到单词reubarbarum, 并由此产生了古法语词reubarbe 。 该古法语形式产生了中世纪英语rubarbe, 首次记录在写于1390年左右的一本著作中。模仿希腊单词rha 拼写的方式, 再加上一个h, 从而完成了这个词从古代伏尔加河岸转变到英语的漫长历程〔Picard〕French cleric and astronomer who made an accurate measurement of a degree of meridian and subsequently calculated the circumference of the earth (1668-1670).皮卡尔,简:(1620-1682) 法国教士和天文学家,曾做过一次经度的精确测量,并由此而计算出地球的周长(1668-1670年)〔orange〕Oranges imported to China from the United States reflect a journey come full circle,for the orange had worked its way westward for centuries, originating in China,then being introduced to India,and traveling on to the Middle East, into Europe,and finally to the New World.The history of the wordorange keeps step with this journey only part of the way. The word is possibly ultimately of Dravidian origin, that is, it comes from a language or languages in a large non-Indo-European family of languages,including Tamil and Telugu, that are spoken in southern India and northern Sri Lanka.The Dravidian word or words were adopted into the Indo-European language Sanskritwith the formnāraṅgaḥ. As the fruit passed westward,so did the word,as evidenced by Persiannārang and Arabic nāranj. Arabs brought the first oranges to Spain,and the fruit rapidly spread throughout Europe.The important word for the development of our term is Old Italianmelarancio, derived from mela, "fruit,” and arancio, "orange tree,” from Arabicnāranj. Old Italianmelarancio was translated into Old French as pume orenge, theo replacing the a because of the influence of the name of the town of Orange, from which oranges reached the northern part of France.The final stage of the odyssey of the word was its borrowing into English from the Old French formorenge. Our word is first recorded in Middle English in a text probably composed around 1380,a time preceding the arrival of the orange in the New World.从美国进口到中国的桔子恰恰反映出兜圈子似的行进里程,因为原产于中国的桔子几个世纪以来不断向西行进,先是被引入印度,之后传播到中东国家、欧洲,最后引进了新大陆,orange 这个词的发展历史只与桔子的发展历程在一部分时段上是有其同步性的, 它最可能是来源于达罗毗荼,也就是说,它来源于非印一欧语系中的一种或多种语言,包括用于印度南部和斯里兰卡北部的泰米尔语和泰卢固语。达罗毗荼语是以梵文形式引入印欧语系的,形式如narangch。 当这种水果向西传播时,这个单词也同样西传,从以下可得到明证,如波斯语中的narang 和阿拉伯语中的 naranj。 阿拉伯人把第一批桔子带到西班牙后,这种水果又迅速传遍整个欧洲。我们现时所用的这个词的发展期中重要的一词便是古意大利语melarancio ,源于 mela, “水果”及 arancio, “桔树”, 来源于阿拉伯语naranj。 古意大利语melarancio 翻译成古法语为 pume orenge, o 变换为 a 是因为受奥伦奇城名的影响, 桔子即由此地进入法国北部。这一单词长途跋涉的最后一站是它由古法语orenge 进入英语词汇。 我们所用的这一词汇最初载入中世纪英语是在大约1380年左右的一份文本当中,早于桔子进入新大陆的时间〔adage〕It is sometimes claimed that the expressionold adage is redundant, inasmuch as a saying must have a certain tradition behind it to count as anadage in the first place. But the word adage is first recorded by the OED in the phrase old adage, showing that this redundancy itself is very old.Such idiomatic redundancy is paralleled by similar phrases such asyoung whelp. 有时人们认为old adage 这种表达方式很累赘, 因为谚语首先必须具有一定的传统才能成为adage 。 但是adage 这个词首次是以 old adage 这个词组形式收录于 《牛津英语词典》, 由此可表明这种累赘本身就很古老。这种谚语上的累赘与类似的词组对等,如年轻的幼犬 〔yolk〕A corresponding portion of the egg of other animals, consisting of protein and fat which serve as the primary source of nourishment for the early embryo and protoplasmic substances from which the embryo develops.卵黄:其它动物蛋内的相应部分,由蛋白质和脂肪组成,用作早期胚胎的主要营养来源和胚胎由此发育的原生物质〔ectoderm〕The outermost of the three primary germ layers of an embryo, from which the epidermis, nervous tissue, and, in vertebrates, sense organs develop.外胚层:胚胎最初三层胚层中的最外一层,由此发育成为表皮、神经组织和脊椎动物的感觉器官




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