单词 | 爆发 |
释义 | 〔embryo〕bruein [to be full to bursting] bruein [盈满而将要爆发] 〔solferino〕After Solferino , a village of northern Italy, from the discovery of a dye of this color in the same year that a battle was fought there (1859) 得名于 索浮里奥 ,意大利北部一村庄,在此发现了品红染料,并在同年(1859年)爆发了一场战争 〔Redoubt〕A volcano, 3,111 m (10,200 ft) high, of southern Alaska. The highest peak of the Aleutian Range, it erupted in 1989 for the first time in 25 years.里道特山:阿拉斯加南部火山,高3,111米(10,200英尺)。它是阿留申山脉最高峰,25年来于1989年第一次爆发〔blow〕To erupt in an uncontrolled manner. Used of a gas or oil well.爆发:以势不可挡之势爆发。用于指煤气或油井〔argue〕"The same reason that makes us bicker with a neighbor creates a war between princes" (Montaigne).See also Synonyms at discuss ,indicate 我们与邻国争吵的原因会使王公们之间爆发一场战争” (蒙田) 参见同义词 discuss,indicate〔outburst〕A sudden, violent display, as of activity or emotion:爆发:(力量,情感等)突然而剧烈的展现:〔breakout〕A forceful emergence from a restrictive condition or situation.爆发:从受限制的条件或情形下突然涌现〔erupt〕To force out violently.爆发:猛烈地爆发〔local〕local outbreaks of flu.流感的局部爆发〔Bonnet〕French politician and diplomat who was foreign minister (1938-1939) at the outbreak of World War II.邦里特,乔治斯:(1889-1973) 法国政治家和外交家,第二次世界大战爆发时任法国外交部长(1938-1939年)〔Gardiner〕British historian, educator, and editor known for hisHistory of England from the Accession of James I to the Restoration (10 volumes, 1863-1882). 加德纳,塞缪尔·罗森:(1829-1902) 英国历史学家、教育家、编辑,因其《从詹姆斯一世即位其到内战爆发时期的英国历史》 而闻名(共10卷,1863-1882年) 〔Pym〕English Parliamentarian who moved for the impeachment of the advisers to Charles I. The king's effort to arrest Pym in the House of Commons (1642) precipitated the English Civil War.皮姆,约翰:(1584-1643) 英国国会议员,他曾呼吁顾问们对查理一世进行弹劾。国王在众议院中逮捕皮姆的努力(1642年)加速了英国内战的爆发〔Aegospotami〕A small river and ancient town of southern Thrace in present-day western Turkey. The culminating battle of the Peloponnesian War, in which Lysander and the Spartans destroyed the Athenian fleet, took place at the mouth of the river in 405b.c. 伊哥斯波塔米:色雷斯南部一小河及古老城镇,位于现在的土耳其西部。公元前 405年在此河口爆发了伯罗奔尼撒战争的最后一战,在此战役中来山得以及斯巴达人击败了雅典舰队 〔flare〕An outbreak, as of emotion or activity.爆发:感情或行动的突然爆发〔Crittenden〕American politician who proposed the Crittenden Compromise (1860), an unsuccessful last-minute effort to forestall the Civil War.克里坦登,约翰·约旦:(1787-1863) 美国政治家,提出了克里坦登协议(1860年),该协议是阻止美国内战爆发所作的最后努力〔dismay〕horrified by the possibility of nuclear war. To 因有可能爆发核战争而害怕 〔Lamia〕A city of east-central Greece northwest of Athens. Founded c. fifth centuryb.c. , it was the site of the Lamian War (323-322 b.c. ) between the confederated Greeks and the Macedonian general Antipater, who was besieged in the city for several months before his ultimate victory. Population, 41,667. 拉米亚:希腊中东部的一座城市,位于雅典的西北部。该市大约于公元前 5世纪建立,希腊联邦与马其顿将军安提帕特之间的拉米亚战争( 公元前 323年-322年)就爆发于此地,安提帕特将军在该市被困几个月后最后取得胜利。人口41,667 〔lava〕Lava was appropriately named by people living near Mount Vesuvius.The only active volcano on the European mainland, Vesuvius has erupted frequently since Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried by it ina.d. 79. The Neapolitans who lived in the vicinity took a word in Italian,lava, meaning "a stream caused suddenly by rain,” and applied it to the streams of molten rock coming down the sides of Vesuvius. The term was then taken into Standard Italian,where it came to mean the rock in both its molten and its solidified states.The Italian word in all its senses was borrowed into English around the middle of the 18th century (1750 being the earliest date of record).火山岩这一恰当的名称是由生活在维苏威火山附近的居民命名的。维苏威火山是欧洲大陆唯一的活火山,自从公元 79年庞贝和赫库兰尼姆被它埋没以来,它一直频繁爆发。 生活在附近的那不勒斯人用意大利语中的一个单词lava 指代从维苏威火山上流淌下来的熔化岩石流,而这个词的本意是“由雨水骤然形成的溪流”。 这一词语被纳入标准意大利语,意为处于熔化或凝固状态的岩石。大约在18世纪中期,这一意大利单词和其含义都被借用到英语之中(最早的记录见于1750年)〔Serbia〕A historical region and former kingdom of eastern Yugoslavia. Serbs settled in the region in the 6th to the 7th century and formed an independent kingdom in the 13th to the 14th century but then fell under Turkish domination, which ended finally in 1878. The new kingdom of Serbia was an important Balkan power until the onset of World War I, precipitated in part by the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist. Serbia was later a major constituent of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, which formed the nucleus of modern-day Yugoslavia.塞尔维亚:南斯拉夫东部的历史性地区和前王国。塞尔维亚人于6世纪到7世纪开始在这个地区居住,在13世纪到14世纪形成了独立的王国,但后来被土耳其统治,其统治到1878年最终结束。新的塞尔维亚王国在第一次世界大战爆发前一直是巴尔干半岛上重要的力量,第一次世界大战的爆发一部分是因为一名塞尔维亚民族主义者剌杀弗朗西斯·斐迪南大公而引发。塞尔维亚后来主要由塞尔维亚、克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚王国组成,斯洛文尼亚王国形成今天南斯拉夫的核心部分〔blaze〕Flash denotes a sudden momentary burst: Flash 意指突发瞬间的爆发: 〔erupt〕To become violently active:(尤指火山)爆发:剧烈活动:〔flurry〕A sudden burst or commotion; a stir:骚动,混乱:骚动或突然的爆发;骚动:〔erupt〕To emerge violently from restraint or limits; explode:发作:从约束和限制中突然冒出;爆发:〔probable〕War seemed probable in 1938. The home team, far ahead, is the probable winner.战争在1938年就很有可能爆发。主队得分遥遥领先,很可能成为胜利者〔upheaval〕A sudden, violent disruption or upset:突变:突然而猛烈的爆发或错乱:〔storm〕A strong or violent outburst, as of emotion or excitement:迸发:强烈的或猛烈的爆发,如感情或激动的爆发:〔firestorm〕An intense, violent outburst from many sources:大爆发:来自多个源地的剧烈汹涌的爆发:〔plosive〕Of, relating to, or being a speech sound produced by complete closure of the oral passage and subsequent release accompanied by a burst of air, as in the sound (p) inpit or (d) in dog. 爆发的:是、关于或成为由声道的完全闭合和而后伴有空气的爆发性释放而发出的一个语音,如pit 中的(p)或 dog 中的(d)这两个音 〔Scotland〕A constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides, Shetland Islands, and Orkney Islands. Inhabited by Picts in prehistoric times, the region was invaded but never conquered by the Romans and split into a variety of small kingdoms after the fifth centurya.d. . In the ninth century most of Scotland was unified into one kingdom, but conflicts with the English to the south soon erupted, leading to a series of bloody wars. When Mary Queen of Scots's son James VI succeeded to the English throne in 1603, the two kingdoms were united. Scotland became a part of the kingdom of Great Britain by a parliamentary act of 1707. Edinburgh is the capital and Glasgow the largest city. Population, 5,149,500. 苏格兰:英国的一个选区,它包括大不列颠岛北部、赫布里底群岛、设得兰群岛和奥克尼群岛。史前时代皮克特人曾居住在那里,它曾被罗马人侵略过但从来没有被占领,在公元 5世纪后分裂成许多小的王国。到了9世纪,绝大部分苏格兰都被合并成一个国家,但是与英国人在南方的冲突很快就爆发了,从而导致了一系列血腥战争。当苏格兰王子詹姆斯六世的玛丽女王在1603年继承了英国王位后,这两个国家合并了。通过1707的议会法案,苏格兰成为大英帝国的一部分。爱丁堡是其首府,格拉斯哥是最大的城市。人口5,149,500 〔explode〕To burst violently as a result of internal pressure.爆发:因内部的压力导致猛烈地迸出〔spurt〕A sudden short burst, as of energy or activity.迸发:突然而又快速的爆发,如能量和活动等〔rash〕An outbreak of many instances within a brief period:爆发:短时间内一连串事件的爆发:〔Hitler〕Austrian-born founder of the German Nazi Party and chancellor of the Third Reich (1933-1945). His fascist philosophy, embodied inMein Kampf (1925-1927), attracted widespread support, and after 1934 he ruled as an absolute dictator. Hitler's pursuit of aggressive nationalist policies resulted in the invasion of Poland (1939) and the subsequent outbreak of World War II. His regime was infamous for the extermination of millions of people, especially European Jews. He committed suicide when the collapse of the Third Reich was imminent (1945). 希特勒,阿道夫:(1889-1945) 奥地利裔德国纳粹党的创始人,曾任第三帝国(1933-1945年)的总理,他的法西斯哲学主要体现在《我的奋斗》 (1925-1927年)一书中,并得到广大的支持,1934后成为全权独裁者。他执行的侵略性民族主义国家政策,造成了对波兰的入侵和随后的第二次世界大战的爆发,他因对尤其是欧洲犹太人等数百万人口的灭绝政策而臭名昭彰,并于第三帝国即将崩溃时(1945年)自杀 〔exanthema〕from exanthein [to burst forth] 源自 exanthein [爆发] 〔eruption〕A sudden, often violent outburst.爆发:突然、往往是猛烈的喷发〔Pensacola〕A city of extreme northwest Florida onPensacola Bay, an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico. Originally settled by the Spanish in 1559, the city passed back and forth between the Spanish, French, and British until it was captured by Andrew Jackson in 1814 during the War of 1812. It formally became part of the United States in 1821. Population, 58,165. 彭萨科拉城:美国佛罗里达州西北一城市,濒临墨西哥湾的一个海湾佩沙科拉湾, 西班牙人于1559年首先在此定居,它曾由西班牙人、法国人和英国人轮番控制直到1812年爆发的英美战争中由安德鲁·杰克逊率军于1814年占领为止,并于1821年并入美国。人口58,165 〔burst〕To come apart or seem to come apart because of overwhelming emotion:爆发:由于不可抑制的情感而爆发或好象要爆发:〔starburst〕A shape or design with emanating rays that resembles the flash of light produced by an exploding star.星放射状:类似爆发的星产生的光芒那样的放射线的形状或图案〔plague〕A sudden destructive influx or injurious outbreak:突然的灾害:一种突发性破坏的汇集或有害的爆发:〔fulminant〕Exploding or detonating.爆炸的或爆发的 |
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