单词 | 水生 |
释义 | 〔flipper〕A wide, flat limb, as of a seal, whale, or other aquatic mammal, adapted for swimming.鳍,鳍足:海豹、鲸或其它水生哺乳动物的宽而扁的适于游泳的肢〔ray〕Any of various marine fishes of the order Rajiformes or Batoidei, having cartilaginous skeletons, horizontally flattened bodies, and narrow tails.鳐;魟:鳐目或魟目中繁多的水生鱼类中的一种,骨软,身体扁平,尾窄〔flock〕 cast, the number of hawks or falcons cast off at one time, usually a pair;cete, a company of badgers; covert, a flock of coots; covey, a family of grouse, partridges, or other game birds; drift, a drove or herd, especially of hogs; exaltation, a flight of larks; fall, a family of woodcock in flight; gam, a school of whales, or a social congregation of whalers, especially at sea; kennel, a number of hounds or dogs housed in one place or under the same ownership; kindle, a brood or litter, especially of kittens; litter, the total number of offspring produced at a single birth by a multiparous mammal; muster, a flock of peacocks; nide, a brood of pheasants; pod, a small herd of seals or whales; pride, a company of lions; rout, a company of people or animals in movement, especially knights or wolves; school, a congregation of fish, or aquatic mammals such as dolphins or porpoises; shrewdness, a company of apes; skein, a flight of wildfowl, especially geese; skulk, a congregation of vermin, especially foxes, or of thieves;sloth, a company of bears; sord, a flight of mallards; sounder, a herd of wild boar; stable, a number of horses housed in one place or under the same ownership; swarm, a colony of insects, such as ants, bees, or wasps, especially when migrating to a new nest or hive;troop, a number of animals, birds, or people, especially when on the move; warren, the inhabitants, such as rabbits, of a warren; watch, a flock of nightingales; andwisp, a flock of birds, especially of snipe. See also Synonyms at crowd cast 指一次所放飞的鹰或隼的数目,通常为一对:cete, 一群; covert 一群大鹋; covey, 一群松鸡、石鸡或其它作猎物的鸟; drift, 一群或一堆,尤指家猪; exaltation, 一群云雀; fall, 一群飞行中的丘鹬; gam, 一群鲸或一伙捕鲸人,尤指在海上的; kennel, 一群住在一起或属同一个人所有的猎狗或狗; kindle, 一窝或一巢,尤指小猫: litter, 一产多胎的哺乳动物一次所生的幼仔的总数; muster, 一群孔雀; nide, 一窝野鸡; pod, 一小群海豹或鲸; pride, 一群狮子; rout, 一群在行进中的人或动物,尤指骑士或狼; school, 一群鱼或水生哺乳动物如海豚或小鲸; shrewdness, 一群猿; skein, 一群猎鸟,尤指鹅; skulk, 一群害兽或坏人, 尤指狐狸或小偷;sloth, 一群熊; sord, 一群野鸭; sounder, 一群野公猪; stable, 住在同一处或属同一个人所有的一群马; swarm, 一群昆虫,如蚂蚁、蜜蜂或黄蜂, 尤指当它们迁往一个新的巢或蜂房时;troop, 一群动物、鸟或人,尤指在行进中时; warren 养兔场的一群动物,如兔子; watch 一群夜莺; wisp 一群鸟,尤指鹬鸟 参见同义词 crowd〔muskrat〕A large aquatic rodent(Ondatra zibethica) of North America, related to the lemming and the vole and having a dense brown coat and musk glands under a broad, flat tail. Also called musquash ,water rat 麝鼠:一种美洲北部的大型水生啮齿动物(麝香鼠) ,与旅鼠和田鼠有关,长有深褐色皮毛和宽而扁的尾巴(下有放出麝香味的分泌腺) 也作 musquash,water rat〔naiad〕The aquatic nymph of certain insects, such as the mayfly, damselfly, or dragonfly.稚虫:某些昆虫的水生蛹,如蜉游、豆娘或蜻蜓〔leech〕Any of various chiefly aquatic bloodsucking or carnivorous annelid worms of the class Hirudinea, of which one species(Hirudo medicinalis) was formerly used by physicians to bleed patients. 水蛭,蚂蟥,欧洲医蛭:蛭纲环节幼物中几种主要水生吸血或食肉环节蠕虫中的一种,其中的(欧洲医蛭) 过去曾被医生用于为病人放血 〔pepperwort〕Any of various aquatic or marsh ferns of the genusMarsilea, having floating, four-parted palmate leaves rising from long runners. Also called water clover 苹:某种水生或沼泽厥类植物,苹属 ,有从长蔓上长出的浮动的四指掌状叶子 也作 water clover〔anabiosis〕A state of suspended animation, especially one in which certain aquatic invertebrates are able to survive long periods of drought.失水休眠:一种休眠状态,特别指某些水生非脊椎动物能够经受长时间干旱的状态〔quillwort〕Any of several vascular, spore-bearing, aquatic or marsh plants of the genusIsoetes having short rhizomes and quill-like leaves. 水韭:一种水韭 属的、有维管的、含孢子的水生或沼生的植物,长有短根茎和羽管状的叶子 〔bloodworm〕The freshwater larvae of certain midges that are red as a result of the high hemoglobin content of their blood.血蚁:某些蚊子的水生幼虫,因其血液中血色素较高而使身体呈红色〔semiaquatic〕Adapted for living or growing in or near water; not entirely aquatic:半水生的,半水栖的:适应生活成长在水中或水边;不完全是水生的:〔bladderwort〕Any of various mostly aquatic carnivorous plants of the genusUtricularia, having small, specialized, urn-shaped bladders that trap minute insects and crustaceans. 狸藻属植物:一种水生狸藻属 食肉植物,有能捕捉微小昆虫和甲壳类动物的体积小且特殊的壶形囊 〔papyrus〕A tall, aquatic, Mediterranean sedge(Cyperus papyrus) having numerous drooping rays grouped in umbels. Also called Egyptian paper rush ,paper plant 纸莎草:一种高的地中海水生莎草(纸莎草 莎草属) ,有很多下垂的成伞状花序排列的舌状花 也作 Egyptian paper rush,paper plant〔hippopotamus〕A large, chiefly aquatic African herbivorous mammal(Hippopotamus amphibius) having thick, dark, almost hairless skin, short legs with four toes, and a broad, wide-mouthed muzzle. Also called river horse 河马:非洲的一种大型水生食草型哺乳动物(河马 河马属) ,皮厚且黑,几乎无毛,短腿,有四个脚趾,口鼻宽阔突出 也作 river horse〔rhizocephalan〕Any of various small aquatic crustaceans of the order Rhizocephala that are parasitic on other crustaceans.根头虫:寄生在其它甲壳类动物上的根头目中的任一种小型水生甲壳类动物中〔hydrilla〕A submersed Old World Plant(Hydrilla verticillata) having whorled, lance-shaped leaves and unisexual, solitary, axillary flowers. 黑藻:一种水生的东半球植物(黑藻) ,叶片呈螺纹形、矛状,雌雄异株,花为单生、腋生 〔mosasaur〕Any of various very large extinct aquatic lizards of the genusMosasaurus, having modified limbs that served as paddles for swimming. These lizards, thought to have been viviparous and carnivorous, may be early ancestors of the modern monitor lizard. 沧龙:任一种沧龙属 的形体很大且已绝迹的水生蜥蜴,长有退化肢,作为游泳的桨。这些蜥蜴,尽管是胎生的食肉动物,可能是现在蜥蜴的早期祖先 〔desman〕Either of two aquatic, insectivorous, molelike mammals,Desmana moschata of eastern Europe and western Asia or Galemys pyrenaicus of southwest Europe, having dense, brownish fur, a long snout, and a flattened, scaly tail. 俄罗斯麝鼹:两种水生的象鼹鼠一样的食虫哺乳动物,东欧和西亚的Desmamamoschate 以及欧洲西南部的 Galemyspyrenaicus 中任一种,有浓密的褐色的毛,长长的鼻子,扁平而多鳞的尾巴 〔arrowhead〕Any of various aquatic or wetland perennial plants of the genusSagittaria, having arrowhead-shaped leaves and panicles of white, unisexual flowers. 慈菇:一种慈菇属 水生或沼泽地生长的多年生植物,有箭头状叶子和白色的雌雄异花的圆锥花序 〔branchiopod〕Any of various aquatic crustaceans of the subclass Branchiopoda, such as the fairy shrimp and water flea, characterized by a segmented body and flattened, leaflike thoracic appendages.鳃足动物:一种鳃足亚纲水生甲壳类动物,如丰年虫和水蚤,特征是身体分节,具有平直叶状的胸腹附属结构〔swimmeret〕One of the paired abdominal appendages of certain aquatic crustaceans, such as shrimp, lobsters, and isopods, that function primarily for carrying the eggs in females and are usually adapted for swimming. Also called pleopod 桡肢:某些水生甲壳纲动物如虾、龙虾和等节肢动物的成对腹部附属器官,雌性的主要功能是怀卵并用于游泳 也作 pleopod〔euryhaline〕Capable of tolerating a wide range of salt water concentrations. Used of an aquatic organism.(水生生物)广盐性的:能够忍受各种浓度的盐水域。通常是用于水生有机物〔otter〕Any of various aquatic, carnivorous mammals of the genusLutra and allied genera, related to the minks and weasels and having webbed feet and dense, dark brown fur. 水獭:一种小獭 属的及与该属动物有亲缘关系的水生食肉哺乳动物,与水貂和鼬鼠有亲缘关系,长有蹼足和黑褐色的密毛 〔cowfish〕Any of various small whales, porpoises, or similar aquatic mammals, especially a whale of the genusMesoplodon, having a pointed snout. 啄鲸:一种小型鲸、海豚或类似的水生哺乳动物,尤指啄鲸 属的一种有尖啄的鲸鱼 〔finfish〕An aquatic vertebrate of the superclass Pisces.长须鲸:双鱼座总纲中的水生脊椎动物〔fish〕Any of numerous cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates of the superclass Pisces, characteristically having fins, gills, and a streamlined body and including specifically:鱼:鱼纲冷血水生脊椎动物中的任意一种,具有鳍、鳃和流线体型,尤指包括:〔coypu〕A large aquatic South American rodent(Myocastor coypus) having webbed feet and a long tail. Also called nutria 河狸鼠:一种产于南美洲的大型水生啮齿目动物(河狸鼠属 河狸鼠) ,长有蹼状足和长尾巴 也作 nutria〔mayfly〕Any of various fragile winged insects of the order Ephemeroptera that develop from aquatic nymphs and live in the adult stage no longer than a few days. Also called dayfly ,shadfly 蜉蝣:蜉蝣纲的各种有纤细翅膀的昆虫,由水生的蛹发育而成,成年期仅存活几天 也作 dayfly,shadfly〔terrapin〕Any of various North American aquatic turtles of the family Emydiolae, especially the genusMalaclemys, which includes the diamondback terrapin. 水龟:各种产于北美的水龟科的水生乌龟的任何一种,尤指水龟属 的水龟,包括钻石背水龟 〔crab〕possibly from crabbe [crab (shellfish)] * see crab 1可能源自 crabbe [蟹(水生贝壳类动物)] * 参见 crab1〔screamer〕Any of several large aquatic birds of the family Anhimidae, of South America, that have a harsh, resonant call.叫鸭:一种产于南美的叫鸭科大型水生鸟类,它的鸣声尖厉,响亮〔backswimmer〕Any of various aquatic bugs of the family Notonectidae that swim on their backs by means of broadened, oarlike hind legs.仰泳蝽:一种属于松藻虫科的水生虫类,用它们宽阔的、桨状的后腿在水上仰泳〔snail〕Any of numerous aquatic or terrestrial mollusks of the class Gastropoda, typically having a spirally coiled shell, broad retractile foot, and distinct head.蜗牛:腹足科众多水生或陆栖软体动物中的一种,通常带有一螺旋似的厚壳,足宽且向内旋,脑袋清晰〔trochophore〕The small, free-swimming, ciliated aquatic larva of various invertebrates, including certain mollusks and annelids.担轮动虫:多种水生无脊椎动物,体型很小能自由游动的、有纤毛的幼虫,包括某些软体动物和环节动物的幼虫〔hydrocoral〕Any of various colonial marine hydrozoans of the order Hydrocorallinae, having a limestone skeleton and thus resembling the true corals.水珊瑚虫:属于水生珊瑚虫类的多种集群海生水螅虫的任何一种,其有石灰石结构,类似真正的珊瑚〔fish〕Any of various primitive aquatic vertebrates of the class Cyclostomata, lacking jaws and including the lampreys and hagfishes.鳗类,鳗:无颚的各种原始水生圆口纲脊椎动物中的一种,包括七鳃鳗和盲鳗〔turbellarian〕Any of various free-living chiefly aquatic ciliate flatworms of the class Turbellaria, which includes the common planarians of the genusDugesia. 涡虫:涡虫纲中的任一种自由生活的、水生的有纤毛的扁虫,包括涡虫 属的普通的三肠涡虫 〔mossback〕An old shellfish or turtle with a growth of algae on its back.绿毛龟:一种背上有绿色水藻的老的水生贝壳类动物或海龟〔eurypterid〕Any of various large, segmented aquatic arthropods of the order Eurypterida that existed from the Ordovician Period to the Permian Period.(古生)板足鲎目的:一种巨大的、有节的,属于板足鲎目的水生节肢动物,生存于奥陶纪到二叠纪时期〔crustacean〕Any of various predominantly aquatic arthropods of the class Crustacea, including lobsters, crabs, shrimps, and barnacles, characteristically having a segmented body, a chitinous exoskeleton, and paired, jointed limbs.甲壳纲动物:任一种甲壳纲的数量占优的水生节肢动物,包括有螯虾、蟹、虾和藤壶等,其特征是具有节状身体、几丁质的外骨骼以及成对的、有关节的脚 |
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