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单词 果实
释义 〔apple〕The firm, edible, usually rounded fruit of this tree.苹果:这种树坚硬、可食、通常为圆形的果实〔strobilus〕A conelike structure, such as a pine cone, the fruit of the hop, or a cone of a club moss, that consists of overlapping sporophylls spirally arranged along a central axis.球果:果状结构,如松果,啤酒花的果实,或石松果,由沿中心轴呈螺线型分布的重叠孢子叶组成〔peach〕The soft, juicy fruit of this tree, having yellow flesh, downy, red-tinted yellow skin, and a deeply sculptured stone containing a single seed.桃子:这种树上产的软而多汁的果实,果肉黄色,带绒毛,黄里泛红的皮,深刻纹的内核,内有一颗籽〔cucumber〕A tendril-bearing, climbing or sprawling annual plant(Cucumis sativus) widely cultivated for its edible cylindrical fruit that has a green rind and crisp white flesh. 黄瓜藤:一种有卷须的、一年生攀缘或蔓生植物(香瓜属葫芦科 黄瓜或胡瓜) ,因其结有可食用的圆柱形果实而被广泛培植,该果皮呈绿色且有松脆的白色果肉 〔calamondin〕A small evergreen citrus tree (×Citrofortunella mitis ), widely cultivated as a houseplant for its glossy foliage and ornamental fruits. 四季橘:一种小的常绿甘橘树(× Citrofortunella mitis ),由于其光滑的叶子以及具装饰性的果实可作为室内植物而广为栽培 〔cherimoya〕A tropical American tree(Annona cherimola) having heart-shaped, edible fruits with green skin and white, aromatic flesh. 切里墓亚番荔枝:美洲热带地区乔木(毛叶番荔枝), 结可食的心形果实,果皮为绿色,果肉白色且有香气 〔carpophore〕A slender stalk that supports each half of a dehisced fruit in many members of the parsley family.心皮柄:伞形科众多成员中,支撑裂开果实其每一半的细长叶柄〔canistel〕The fruit of this tree. Also called eggfruit 蛋黄果:这种树的果实 也作 eggfruit〔dogberry〕The fruit of either of these plants.上述两种植物的果实〔cherry〕The yellow, red, or blackish fruit of any of these plants.樱桃:这些植物所结的黄色、红色或近于黑色的果实〔maple〕Any of numerous deciduous trees or shrubs of the genusAcer of the North Temperate Zone, having opposite, usually palmate leaves and long-winged fruits borne in pairs. 槭树,枫树:任一种北温带的众多属于槭 属的落叶树木或灌木,生有对称的通常呈掌状的叶子和成对结的长翅状果实 〔stickweed〕Any of various plants having clinging seeds or fruit, especially ragweed.各种产生粘着种子或果实的植物,尤指豚草〔cattail〕Any of various perennial herbs of the genusTypha, widespread in marshy places and having long, straplike leaves and a dense, cylindrical cluster of minute flowers and fruits. Also called reed mace 香蒲属植物:一种多年生香蒲 属草本植物,广泛地分布于沼泽地区,有长条带状的叶子和浓密细小的圆形花朵和果实 也作 reed mace〔plum〕The fruit of such a tree.李属植物的果实:这种树的果实〔sapote〕The fruit of this tree. Also called marmalade plum 人心果:心果树的果实 也作 marmalade plum〔tamarillo〕A tree(Cyphomandra betacea) native to the Peruvian Andes and cultivated especially in New Zealand for its edible dark red or yellow plumlike fruit. 番茄树:一种原产于秘鲁境内安第斯山脉的树木(树番茄 树番茄属) ,因其结可供食用的深红或黄色李子状果实而在新西兰被广泛种植 〔pignut〕The nut of either of these trees.光滑山核桃:这两种树任一种的果实〔haw〕The fruit of a hawthorn.山楂:山楂的果实〔quince〕A western Asian shrub or tree(Cydonia oblonga) having white flowers and hard applelike fruit. 榅桲:一种产于西亚的灌木或乔木(榅桲) ,开白色花,结坚硬的、像苹果的果实 〔kiwifruit〕The fruit of the kiwi plant.奇异果,猕猴桃:猕猴桃树的果实〔raspberry〕The aggregate fruit of any of these plants, consisting of many small, fleshy, usually red drupelets.悬钩子果实,树莓:悬钩子植物的聚生状果实,包括许多肉多,通常红色的小核果〔breadnut〕A large tree(Brosimum alicastrum) native to Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies, having yellow fruits each with a large, edible seed. 面包坚果:原产于墨西哥、中美洲和西印度群岛的一种大树(面包坚果) ,结黄色带有一颗硕大可食种子的果实 〔avocado〕A tropical American tree(Persea americana) having oval or pear-shaped fruit with leathery skin, yellowish-green flesh, and a large seed. Also called alligator pear 鳄梨树:一种热带美洲乔木,(美国鳄梨 鳄梨属) 有椭圆形或梨形果实,果皮坚韧,果肉黄绿色,核大 也作 alligator pear〔hazelnut〕The edible nut of a hazel, having a hard, smooth brown shell. Also called filbert 榛子:榛木的果实,壳坚硬、光滑、呈褐色且可食用 也作 filbert〔sumac〕Any of various shrubs or small trees of the genusRhus, having compound leaves, clusters of small greenish flowers, and usually red, hairy fruit. Some species, such as the poison ivy and poison oak, cause an acute itching rash on contact. 盐肤木:一种盐肤木 属灌木或小乔木,长有复叶、绿色成簇的小花、红色覆毛果实有几个物种,如毒常春藤和毒橡树,接触后会引起急性的搔痒疹 〔morello〕A variety of the sour cherry(Prunus cerasus var. austera) having double flowers and fruit with dark red skin. 黑樱桃:一种酸樱桃(欧洲酸樱桃 变种 酸樱桃) 开有双层花朵,结有黑红色果皮的果实 〔tangelo〕The fruit of this tree.橘柚:这种树的果实〔breadfruit〕The fruit of this tree.面包果:这种树的果实〔plum〕The fruit of any of these trees.李子:这些树的任一种果实〔bean〕Any of various New World twining herbs of the genusPhaseolus in the pea family, having leaves with three leaflets, variously colored flowers, and edible pods and seeds. 豆:一种豆科菜豆 属的西半球缠绕草本植物,长有三片嫩叶、花朵各异、豆荚和果实可食用 〔soursop〕A tropical American evergreen tree(Annona muricata) bearing spiny fruit with tart edible pulp. 刺果番荔枝:一种热带美洲常青乔木(刺果番荔枝 番荔枝属) ,结锥状、酸和可食的果实 〔overbear〕To bear an overabundance of fruit or offspring.结实过多,繁殖过度:拥有过多的果实或后代〔bittersweet〕A woody vine of the genusCelastrus, especially the North American species C. scandens and the eastern Asian species C. orbiculata, having small, round, yellow-orange fruits that open at maturity to expose red seeds. Also called staff tree 美洲南蛇藤:一种南蛇藤属 的木本攀沿植物,尤指北美品种 攀缘南蛇藤属 和东亚品种 正圆形藤属 ,有小而圆的桔黄色果实,成熟时开裂露出红色种子 也作 staff tree〔atemoya〕The tree producing this fruit, a hybrid between the cherimoya and the sweetsop.杂交番荔枝树:结这种果实的树,由番荔枝和南美番荔枝杂交所得〔rag〕The stringy central portion and membranous walls of a citrus fruit.橘络:柑橘果实中间多纤维的部分和膜壁〔lemon〕A spiny, Asian evergreen tree(Citrus limon) widely cultivated for its yellow, egg-shaped fruit. 柠檬(树):亚洲一种多刺的四季常青树(柠檬 柑桔属) ,因其黄色蛋状的果实而广泛栽培 〔poblano〕A cultivar of the tropical pepper(Capsicum annum) having a mild or fairly pungent dark green, thick-skinned fruit used in cooking. 普韦布洛辣椒:辣味温和或刺激性较小的热带胡椒转育种(辣椒) ,有深绿色的厚皮果实,当作食物食用 〔baobab〕Possibly from North African Arabic bū ḥibab [fruit of many seeds] 可能源自 北非阿拉伯语 bū ḥibab [含有许多种子的果实] 〔ripe〕Resembling matured fruit, as in fullness.结实的:象成熟的果实一样,如丰满的〔angelica〕Any of various herbs of the genusAngelica in the parsley family, having pinnately compound leaves and small white or greenish flowers in compound umbels, especially A. archangelica, whose roots and fruits are used in flavoring liqueurs and whose stems are candied and eaten. 独活:一种伞形科当归 属草本植物,有羽状复叶和白色或淡绿色的小花组成散状花序,特别是 圆当归 ,它的根和果实可用作酒的香料,茎有甜味可食用




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