单词 | 极大地 |
释义 | 〔Socinus〕Italian theologian who based his anti-Trinitarian teachings on the doctrine formulated by his uncleLaelius Socinus (1525-1562), originally Lelio Francesco Maria Sozzini. Their system of Socinianism greatly influenced the development of Unitarian theology. 索齐尼,福斯图斯:(1539-1604) 意大利神学家,他反对三位一体论,其教义以他的叔叔利力尔斯·索齐尼 (1525-1562年),原名莱利奥·弗朗西斯科·马利亚·索齐尼所构想的教义为基础。他们的索齐尼斯主义体系极大地影响了唯一神教派神学的发展 〔miniaturize〕To plan or make on a greatly reduced scale.使微型化:计划或使尺寸极大地缩小〔oligopsony〕A market condition in which purchasers are so few that the actions of any one of them can materially affect price and the costs that competitors must pay.寡头买主垄断:一种由少量买方控制的市场状况,由于买主极少,以至于任一买主的行为都有可能极大地影响价格及竞买者所必须偿付的费用〔too〕Very; extremely; immensely:非常;极其地;极大地:〔Young〕American jazz musician whose innovative tenor saxophone style greatly influenced jazz improvisation.扬,莱斯特·维利斯:(1909-1959) 美国爵士音乐家,他所创新的高音萨克斯风格极大地影响了爵士乐的即兴创作〔Labov〕American linguist who greatly advanced the study of sociolinguistics with his textThe Social Stratification of English in New York City (1966). 威廉拉玻夫,威廉:美国语言学家,以其著作《纽约市英语的社会分层》 (1966年)极大地推进了社会语言学的研究 〔galvanic〕The new leader had a galvanic effect on our morale.新领导极大地激励了我们的士气〔torment〕To agitate or upset greatly.极大地烦恼或使烦乱〔decimate〕Decimate originally referred to the killing of every tenth person, a punishment used in the Roman army for mutinous legions.Today this meaning is commonly extended to include the killing of any large proportion of a group.Sixty-six percent of the Usage Panel accepts this extension in the sentenceThe Jewish population of Germany was decimated by the war, even though it is common knowledge thatthe number of Jews killed was much greater than a tenth of the original population.However, when the meaning is further extended to include large-scale destruction other than killing,as inThe supply of fresh produce was decimated by the accident at Chernobyl, the usage is accepted by only 26 percent of the Panel.Decimate 最初指杀死每十人中的一个, 用于古罗马军队对反叛军团的一种惩罚。现在这一层意思通常引申为大批杀死。用法专题使用小组中66%的成员认为在德国的犹太人在战争中被大批杀死 一句中该词的这一引申义可接受, 尽管众所周知,被杀的犹太人的数目远比最初人口的十分之一要多。可是,当词义外延至包括大量毁灭而不是戳杀,如在新鲜农产品的供应由于车诺比事故极大地受到了破坏 一句中, 用法专题使用小组中只有26%的成员接受这一用法。〔Joab〕In the Bible, the nephew and adviser of David whose military victories greatly strengthened David's monarchy. His violent acts of revenge to protect David led to his execution under Solomon.裘柏:圣经中大卫的侄子及幕僚,所取得的军事胜利极大地加强了大卫的君主政体。他为了保护大卫王所实施的暴力报复行动令他被所罗门杀死〔miserable〕Causing or accompanied by great discomfort or distress:令人难受的:导致或伴随着极大地不适或痛苦的:〔Negress〕for whom higher education opportunities have been severely limited. See Usage Note at Jewess 对她们来说高等教育机会已被极大地限制 参见 Jewess〔miniature〕A copy or model that represents or reproduces something in a greatly reduced size.缩微模型:重现或代表某物但尺寸已极大地缩小了的复制品或模型〔James〕American psychologist and philosopher. A founder of pragmatism and the psychological movement of functionalism, he developed an approach to intellectual issues that greatly influenced American thought. His works includeThe Will to Believe (1897) and The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902). 詹姆斯,威廉:(1842-1910) 美国心理学家和哲学家。作为机能心理学的创始人和实用主义创始人,他提出的思想指导行为观点极大地影响了美国人的思想。著作有《信仰的意愿》 (1897年)和 《宗教信仰经验》 (1902年) 〔sacrilegious〕Grossly irreverent toward what is or is held to be sacred.See Synonyms at profane 渎圣的:对于神圣的或被认为是神圣的东西极大地不尊敬的 参见 profane〔Gilbert〕American architect whose design of the 60-story Woolworth Building in New York City (1913) greatly influenced the development of the skyscraper.吉尔伯特,卡斯:(1859-1934) 美国建筑家,矗立在纽约城的60层的伍尔沃斯大厦(1913年)就是由他设计的,他极大地促进了摩天大楼建筑的发展〔Wright〕American architect whose distinctive style, based on natural forms, had a great influence on the modern movement in architecture. His designs include private homes, the Johnson Wax Company Building in Racine, Wisconsin (1939), and the Guggenheim Museum in New York City (1943-1959).莱特,弗兰克·劳埃德:(1869-1959) 美国建筑师,他基于自然形式的特殊建筑风格极大地影响了现代建筑业。他的设计包括私人住宅,在威斯康星州的拉辛市的约翰逊制腊公司办公大楼(1939年),和纽约的古根海姆博物馆(1943-1959年)〔Greene〕American Revolutionary general whose strategies in the South significantly weakened British strength in the region.格林,内森耐尔:(1742-1786) 美国革命时期将军,其在南部的战略布署极大地削弱了英军在该地区力量 |
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