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单词 朴素
释义 〔simplicity〕Absence of luxury or showiness; plainness.朴素:不豪华或不炫耀;简朴〔simple〕Having little or no ornamentation; not embellished or adorned:朴素的:装饰很少或没有装饰的;没有装饰过或打扮过的:〔quiet〕a room decorated in quiet colors.颜色朴素淡雅的房间〔tailored〕a neat, tailored dress; tailored curtains.一件干净而朴素的衣服;简单朴素的窗帘〔severe〕Extremely plain in substance or style:朴素的:内容或形式极朴实的:〔Erasmus〕Dutch Renaissance scholar and Roman Catholic theologian who sought to revive classical texts from antiquity, restore simple Christian faith based on Scripture, and eradicate the improprieties of the medieval Church. His works includeThe Manual of the Christian Knight (1503) and The Praise of Folly (1509). 伊拉斯默斯,狄赛德留斯:(1466?-1536) 荷兰文艺复兴时期学者,罗马天主教神学家,他试图使古代的古典经文复兴,恢复基于《圣经》的朴素的基督教信仰,消除中世纪教的一些不当行为,他的作品包括《基督教骑士手册》 (1503年)和 《愚人颂》 (1509年) 〔sober〕Plain or subdued:朴素的或柔和的:〔simple〕a simple dress.一件朴素的衣服〔Brummell〕British dandy who popularized new men's fashions, including simply cut clothing, trousers rather than breeches, and elaborate neckwear. An inveterate gambler, he died in poverty in an insane asylum in France.布鲁梅尔,乔治·布赖恩:(1778-1840) 英国的花花公子,其剪裁朴素的衣裤代替西装、领带而成为男士的流行服装。他嗜赌如命,穷困潦倒,死于法国一家精神病医院〔plain〕Marked by little or no ornamentation or decoration.朴素的,简朴的:具有无装饰品或装饰的特征的〔abstemious〕Restricted to bare necessities:朴素的:只有最基本的需要的:〔folksy〕Simple and unpretentious in behavior.朴素的,不做作的:行为简便且不矫揉造作的〔discreet〕Free from ostentation or pretension; modest.朴素的,谦逊的;端庄的〔dry〕Having no adornment or coloration; plain:朴素的;没装饰或渲染的:〔serendipity〕We are indebted to the English author Horace Walpole for coining the wordserendipity. In one of his 3,000 or more letters, on which his literary reputation primarily rests,and specifically in a letter of January 28, 1754,Walpole says that "this discovery, indeed, is almost of that kind which I call Serendipity, a very expressive word.”Perhaps the word itself came to him by serendipity.Walpole formed the word on an old name for Sri Lanka,Serendip. He explained that this name was part of the title of "a silly fairy tale, calledThe Three Princes of Serendip : as their highnesses traveled, they were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of . . . One of the most remarkable instances of thisaccidental sagacity ( for you must observe thatno discovery of a thing you are looking for, comes under this description) was of my Lord Shaftsbury [Anthony Ashley Cooper],who happening to dine at Lord Chancellor Clarendon's [Edward Hyde],found out the marriage of the Duke of York [later James II] and Mrs. Hyde [Anne Hyde, Clarendon's daughter], by the respect with which her mother [Frances Aylesbury Hyde] treated her at table.”我们非常感激英国作家霍勒斯·沃尔浦尔创造了单词serendipity。 他文学上的声誉主要依靠他的三千封或更多的信件中的一封,尤其是写于1754年一月二十八日的信中,沃尔浦尔说道“这一发现,实际上几乎是我称作意外发现珍奇事物的本领,一个非常有意味的词。”可能他得到这个单词也是靠意外发现珍奇事物的本领。沃尔浦尔创造这个词源自斯里兰卡的旧称Serendip 。 他解释说这个名字是“一个朴素的神话故事,称作The Three Princes of Serendip (斯里兰卡的三个王子)的童话”的名字的一部分: 当这些殿下旅行时,他们总是通过意外和精明地发现他们并没有寻求的东西…这种accidental sagacity(意外的聪慧) 的最著名的实例( 你必须注意到根据这种描述你没有 发现你 正在 寻找的东西) 是我的沙夫茨伯里老爷,偶然在钱塞勒·克拉伦登老爷处用餐时,发现了约克的杜克同海德夫人的婚事是根据她的母亲在吃饭款待她时发现的”〔Avery〕American painter. Influenced by the works of Henri Matisse, his style of subtle colors and flat patterns influenced abstract expressionism.艾夫瑞,米尔顿·克拉克:(1893-1965) 美国画家,受亨利·马蒂斯作品影响,其微妙的色彩及朴素的图案风格影响了抽象表现主义派〔Crabbe〕British poet noted for his simple, realistic poems of middle-class life, includingThe Village (1783). 克雷布,乔治:(1754-1832) 英国诗人,以朴素手法描写中产阶级生活的现实主义诗而闻名,作品包括《村庄》 (1783年) 〔primitive〕Of or created by an artist without formal training; simple or naive in style.未经正式训练的:由未经正式训练的艺术家创作的;在风格上简单或朴素〔woodnote〕Natural, spontaneous verbal utterance.自然的、朴素的语言发声〔dewy〕Suggestive of the freshness or purity of dew, as in innocence or naiveté:纯洁的,清新的:表示象露珠一样纯洁,清新,如天真的或朴素的:〔understated〕"The waiting room is comfortable and understated"(Tony Schwartz)“客厅舒适且朴素”(托尼·施瓦茨)〔understated〕Exhibiting restrained good taste:朴素的,不惹眼的:展示不浮华的良好品味的:〔knockabout〕Appropriate for rough wear or use:朴素的,粗陋的:适合于便穿的或粗用的:〔rhetoric〕The wordrhetoric was once primarily the name of an important branch of philosophy and an art deserving of serious study. In recent yearsthe word has come to be used chiefly in a pejorative senseto refer to inflated language and pomposity.Deprecation of the term may result from a modern linguistic puritanism,which holds that language used in legitimate persuasion should be plainand free of artifice—itself a tendentious rhetorical doctrine,though not often recognized as such.But many writers still prefer to bear in mind the traditional meanings of the word.Thus, according to the newer use of the term,the phraseempty rhetoric, as in The politicians talk about solutions, but they usually offer only empty rhetoric, might be construed as redundant. But in fact only 35 percent of the Usage Panel judged this example to be redundant.Presumably, it can be maintained that rhetoric can be other than empty.单词rhetoric 曾主要是哲学的一个重要分支的和一种值得严肃研究的艺术的名称。 近年来,这个词已开始主要用于贬义,指夸大的语言和虚夸。这个词的改变可能源于一种现代语言的刻板做法,认为用于正当劝说中的语言应是朴素,没有人工雕饰的——它自身便是一种宣传性的修辞教条,虽然未常常被如此认为。但许多作家仍愿意记住这个词的传统含义。这样,根据这个词较新的含义,在The politician talk about solutions, but they usually offer only empty rhetoric 中,短语 empty rhetoric 可能被分析为多余的。 但事实上,用法委员会成员中只有百分之三十五的人认为在这个例子中是多余的。大概该词除了空的以外还有其他的意思吧〔primitivism〕A belief that it is best to live simply and in a natural environment.原始主义:认为最佳生活方式是在自然环境中过朴素生活的信仰〔unornamented〕Unadorned.朴素的,未装饰的〔simply〕In a plain and unadorned way:简朴地:以一种朴素和不装饰的方式:〔tailored〕Simple, trim, or severe in line or design:在线条或设计上简单、合身或朴素的:〔reedy〕"reedy businessmen in severe three-piece business suits"(Jimmy Breslin)“穿着朴素的三件套工作西装的瘦长商人”(吉米·布雷斯林)〔unadorned〕Without adornment or embellishment; simple or plain.未装饰的:未加装饰的;简单的,朴素〔undecked〕Not decorated; unornamented.无装饰的:未作装饰;朴素〔shoebox〕Something resembling or suggestive of such a box, as a plain, rectangular building or a cramped room or dwelling.似鞋盒的东西:类似于这种盒子或让人想起这种盒子的东西,比如朴素的长方形建筑,或者狭窄的房间或房子〔quiet〕Not showy or garish; restrained:不显眼的:不显眼或不鲜艳夺目的;朴素的:




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