单词 | 有限 |
释义 | 〔triage〕A system used to allocate a scarce commodity, such as food, only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit from it.优先分配:一种将有限的物资,如食物,分配给那些能从中获取最大收益的人的制度〔far〕To a limited extent:到一有限的程度:〔triage〕A process for sorting injured people into groups based on their need for or likely benefit from immediate medical treatment. Triage is used on the battlefield, at disaster sites, and in hospital emergency rooms when limited medical resources must be allocated.伤员鉴别分类:将受伤人员按轻重缓急或立即治疗的可能性进行分类的过程。伤员鉴别分类用于战场、灾难发生地和医院急救室,有限的医疗设施和人员不得不进行分配〔Wallonia〕A French-speaking region of southern Belgium. It was granted limited autonomy in 1980.瓦龙:比利时南部的一个法语区。1980年被赋予有限的自治权〔engagement〕A specific, often limited, period of employment.聘用期间:特定且常有限的雇用期〔proof〕Any of a limited number of newly minted coins or medals struck as specimens and for collectors from a new die on a polished planchet.新铸币样:各种被作为标本新铸成的有限数量的钱币或金属,收集者们在光滑的硬币坯上涂上一层新色而锤炼〔magistrate〕A local member of the judiciary having limited jurisdiction, especially in criminal cases.地方法官:拥有有限司法权,尤其是在刑事案件中有司法权的司法官中的地方成员〔riverine〕An inland or coastal area constituting both land and water, characterized by limited landlines for communications, and extensive coastal waters and inland waterways providing natural routes for transport.流域,洲:由陆地和水域共同组成的内陆或沿海地区,其特征是用于通讯的大陆线有限、而有广泛的沿岸水域及内陆水道,提供了自然的交通路线〔narrow〕Limited in area or scope; cramped.狭小的,有限制的:在区域或范围上有限的;挤的〔coarctate〕artāre [to compress] from artus [tight, confined] * see ar- artāre [压缩] 源自 artus [密封的,有限的] * 参见 ar- 〔improve〕Help in this sense usually implies limited relief or change for the better: Help 在这个意思上是指为了变得更好而有限的帮助或改变: 〔tetchy〕"As a critic gets older, he or she usually grows more tetchy and limited in responses"(James Wolcott)“当一个批评家变老,他或她通常变得更易怒而且反应有限”(詹姆斯·沃尔科特)〔finite〕Possible to reach or exceed by counting. Used of a number.有限的:能数得到头或超得过的。用于数字〔semiskilled〕a semiskilled job.只需有限技术的工作〔modest〕Moderate or limited in size, quantity, or range; not extreme:适度的:在尺寸,数量或范围上适度的或有限的;不极端的:〔stint〕To subsist on a meager allowance; be frugal.节省:仅以有限的供给生存;节约的〔limited〕has only limited experience.只有有限的经验〔wedge〕To crowd or squeeze into a limited space.挤入,插入:挤入或插入到有限的空间里〔algorithm〕A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps.算法,规则系统:一种循序渐进解决问题的过程,尤指一种为在有限步骤内解决问题而建立的可重复应用的计算过程〔crowd〕To congregate in a restricted area; throng:聚集:在有限的空间里聚集;群集:〔algebraic〕Indicating or restricted to a finite number of operations involving algebra.代数运算的:在代数运算中指定或限制在一个有限数的运算之内的〔finitude〕The quality or condition of being finite.有限,限定:有限表现出的特征或状况〔taste〕A limited or first experience; a sample:尝试,初次体验:有限的或初次的经历;抽样:〔trivial〕"I regret the trifling narrow contracted education of the females of my own country" (Abigail Adams). “我对于自己国家给予女性的微不足道的、狭隘的、有限的教育表示遗憾” (艾比盖尔·亚当斯)。〔corridor〕A restricted tract of land for the passage of trains.铁路线:铁路经过有限的土地〔workhouse〕A prison in which limited sentences are served at manual labor.劳教所:以体力劳动服有限的刑罚的监狱〔jam〕A crush or congestion of people or things in a limited space:阻塞:人或事物在有限的空间之内拥挤或拥塞:〔small〕Limited in importance or significance; trivial:微小的,微不足道的:重要性或意义有限的;细微末节的:〔semiliterate〕Having limited knowledge or understanding, especially of a technical subject.知识浅薄的:了解或知识有限的,尤指技术方面的问题〔oligophagous〕Feeding on a restricted range of food substances, especially a limited number of plants. Used chiefly of insects.狭食性的:只吃一定范围内的食物,尤指有限范围内的植物的,主要用于昆虫〔morphallaxis〕The regeneration of a body part by means of structural or cellular reorganization with only limited production of new cells, observed primarily in invertebrate organisms, such as certain lobsters.变形再生:某一身体部位通过构造或细胞重组织的方式再生,并产生有限新细胞,主要发生于无脊椎生物体,如龙虾〔limited〕Confined or restricted within certain limits:有限的:限制或限定在一定范围之内的:〔railway〕A railroad, especially one operated over a limited area:铁路:铁路,尤指在一个有限区域内经营的铁路:〔transfinite〕Going beyond the finite.无限的:超过有限的〔temporary〕Lasting, used, serving, or enjoyed for a limited time.暂时的:在有限的时间内持续地、被使用、发挥作用或享受的〔moderate〕Of limited or average quality; mediocre.平凡的,普通的:有限的或一般的性质的;普通的〔determinate〕Not continuing indefinitely at the tip of an axis:有限的:在一根轴的尖端不是无限制继续的:〔semiskilled〕Requiring limited skills:只需有限技术的:〔far〕Our success has been limited thus far.就此而言,我们的成功是有限的〔squeak〕squeaked through the test; squeaks by on a limited income.勉强通过考试;依靠一点有限的收入生活 |
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