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释义 | 〔miasma〕A poisonous atmosphere formerly thought to rise from swamps and putrid matter and cause disease.臭气,瘴气:有毒的空气,最初被认为源自烂池塘和腐烂物并可致病〔Chablis〕A very dry white Burgundy wine originally from east-central France.夏布利酒:最初源于法国中东部地区的一种无甜味干白葡萄酒〔cellophane〕[Originally a trademark] [最初为一商标名] 〔Wieschaus〕German-born biologist. His research on fruit flies resulted in the identification of the genes that are essential for embryonic development of the body segments. He shared a 1995 Nobel Prize in medicine.魏区豪斯,艾力克:德裔生物学家。他通过对果蝇的研究从而确定基因是身体部分最初发育必不可少的因素。他与人共获1995年诺贝尔医学奖〔through〕We are through the initial testing period.我们通过了最初的考试阶段〔meager〕"The report that first reached us through the newspapers was meager and contradictory" (Thomas B. Aldrich).“最初通过报纸传到我们这里的报道既不全面又互相矛盾”。 (托马斯B. 奥尔德里奇).〔Riga〕A city of western European U.S.S.R. on theGulf of Riga, an inlet of the Baltic Sea bordering on Latvia and Estonia. Founded as a trading post on a site originally inhabited by Baltic tribes, the city became a member of the Hanseatic League in 1282 and later passed to Poland (1581), Sweden (1621), and Russia (1710). It is the capital and largest city of Latvia. Population, 883,000. 里加:苏联西欧部分一城市,位于里加湾 沿岸,它是波罗的海的一个海湾,毗邻拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚,最初由波罗的海商旅居住而成为商贸中心,该城市于1282年成为汉萨同盟的一员,后来先后被划归波兰(1581年)、瑞典(1621年)和沙俄(1710年),该城是拉脱维亚的首府和最大的城市。人口883,000 〔sarcophagus〕A gruesome name befits a gruesome thing,as in the case ofsarcophagus, our term for a stone coffin, often a decorated one, that is located above ground. The word comes to us from Latin and Greek,having been derived in Greek fromsarx, "flesh,” and phagein, "to eat.” The Greek wordsarkophagos meant "eating flesh,” and in the phraselithos ("stone") sarcophagos denoted a limestone that was thought to decompose the flesh of corpses placed in it. The Greek term used by itself as a noun then came to mean "coffin.”The term was carried over into Latin,wheresarcophagus was used in the phrase lapis ("stone") sarcophagus, referring to the same stone as in Greek. Sarcophagus used as a noun in Latin meant "coffin of any material.” This Latin word was borrowed into English,first being recorded in 1601 with reference to the flesh-consuming stone and then in 1705 with reference to a stone coffin.恐怖的名字适合恐怖的事物,如Sarcophagus (指石棺的专有名称)一词,常指一个置于地上的装饰过的石棺。 该词源于拉丁语和希腊语,即从希腊语sarx (“肉”)和 phagein (“吃”)而来。 希腊词sarkophagos 意为“吃肉”, 而在短语lithos (“石头”) sarcophagos 中则指被认为能腐蚀其中尸体腐肉的石头。 该希腊词单独作为名词使用,后来指“棺材”。该词后来被引入拉丁语,sarcophagus 在短语 lapis (“石头”) sarcophagus 中指代其在希腊文中指代的同种石头。 Sarcophagus 在拉丁文中用作名词,指“任何材料做成的棺材”。 该拉丁词后来被借用于英语中,最初记载于1601年,指腐蚀肉的石头,后来在1705年开始指石棺〔emolument〕from Latin ēmolumentum [gain, originally a miller's fee for grinding grain] 源自 拉丁语 ēmolumentum [获得,最初是磨米工因磨米而得的工资] 〔Asturias〕A region and former kingdom of northwest Spain south of the Bay of Biscay. The original Iberian inhabitants were conquered by Rome in the second centuryb.c. 阿斯图里亚斯:西班牙西北部一地区和前王国,位于比斯开湾以南。最初的伊比利亚居民于公元前 2世纪被罗马征服 〔Maidstone〕A municipal borough of southeast England east-southeast of London. First chartered in 1549, it is a papermaking and brewing center. Population, 72,500.梅德斯通:英格兰东南部一个自治城市,位于伦敦东南偏东方向。最初于1549年批准设立,是一个造纸和酿酒工业中心。人口72,500〔gravlax〕grava [to bury (from the original process of curing it in the ground)] * see ghrebh- 2grava [埋葬(来源于埋入地下的最初过程)] * 参见 ghrebh- 2〔potash〕translated from obsolete Dutch potaschen [from the fact that this substance was originally obtained by leaching wood ashes and evaporating the leach in a pot] 由 已废荷兰语 potaschen翻译而来 [其得名原因是因为这种物质最初是通过过滤木灰然后将木灰放在锅中进行蒸发而得的] 〔harrier〕Any of a breed of small hounds originally used in hunting hares and rabbits.猎兔狗:最初用来猎捕野兔或野鼠的某种小猎犬〔Lausanne〕A city of western Switzerland on the northern shore of Lake Geneva. Originally a Celtic settlement, Lausanne became a center of Calvinism after the 1530's and was home to Voltaire, Gibbon, and Rousseau in the 18th century. Population, 126,200.洛桑:瑞士西部一城市,位于日内瓦湖北岸。最初是一个凯尔特人的住宅区。16世纪30年代后成为一个加尔文教中心。18世纪时伏尔泰、吉朋和卢梭均住于此地。人口126,200〔ragamuffin〕Perhapsragamuffin should be seen as an example of melioration, or improvement in the sense of a word, since it can now be used rather affectionately of children who are normally far from dirty or unkempt.In any event,even its use for an unkempt child or man represents something of an improvementover one of its earliest uses.Ragamuffin was a name given to a demon in Piers Plowman, an allegorical poem of the 14th century. This name was once thought to be the source of our word,but researches at theMiddle English Dictionary have shown that the word was used as the last name of a woman, Isabella Ragamuffyn, earlier in the 14th century (1344), before the poem was composed.The word even then had the sense "ragged lout, tattered oaf,”though it was found only in names.The elementraga- is probably from the Middle English adjective raggi, "ragged,” also used of the devil in the sense "shaggy" and as a name.The element-muffin is probably from Middle Dutch moffel or muffe, "mitten.” 也许ragamuffin 这个词应该看作词义变良或改善的例子, 因为它现在可以用来充满感情地指那些按常规来说远非肮脏或不整洁的孩子。不论如何,即使它被用来指那些不整洁的孩子或大人的时候,其用法较最初也有了很大提高。Ragamuffin 是14世纪的一部寓言诗 犁者码头 中一个魔鬼的名字。 这个名字一度被认为是本词的来源,但对中世纪英语词典 的研究表明这个词曾在14世纪早期(1344年)用作一位妇女的姓,伊莎贝拉·拉格姆芬, 这早于那首诗创作之前。这个词甚至还曾有衣裳破烂的粗人、褴褛的呆子的意思,尽管此词仅见于姓名。构词成分raga- 可能源自中古英语的形容词 raggi “破烂的”, 也曾以“毛长而参差不齐”这个意思用于魔鬼和人名。构词成分-muffin 可能来自中世纪荷兰语中 moffel 或意为“连指手套”的 muffe 〔croton〕Any of various plants of the genusCroton, which includes the sources of cascarilla bark and croton oil. 巴豆植物:任一种巴豆属 植物,包括卡斯卡里拉树皮和巴豆油的最初来源 〔cadmium〕A soft, bluish-white metallic element occurring primarily in zinc, copper, and lead ores, that is easily cut with a knife and is used in low-friction, fatigue-resistant alloys, solders, dental amalgams, nickel-cadmium storage batteries, nuclear reactor shields, and in rustproof electroplating. Atomic number 48; atomic weight 112.40; melting point 320.9°C; boiling point 765°C; specific gravity 8.65; valence 2. See table at element 镉:一种质软的,蓝白色的金属元素,最初存在于锌矿、铜矿和铅矿之中,这种金属易于用刀切割,用于制造低摩擦阻力和耐疲劳的合金、焊料、牙科用的混合填料、镍镉蓄电池、核反应堆防护层和防锈电镀之中。原子序数48;原子量112.40;熔点320.9°C;沸点765°C;比重8.65;原子价2 参见 element〔Lachine〕A city of southern Quebec, Canada, on Montreal Island and the St. Lawrence River. It was first settled as an estate by Sieur La Salle in 1668 and named for his futile dream of finding a westward passage to China. Population, 37,521.拉欣:加拿大魁北克南部一城市,位于蒙特利尔岛上,圣劳伦斯河畔。它最初是由拉萨尔先生于1668年作为一处地产而建,并且以他找到一条向西通往中国的道路的梦想命名。人口37,521〔agin〕The spelling ofagin reflects both the raised vowel before a nasal consonant, typical of Southern dialects, and a reduced final consonant cluster, typical of several regional varieties.Agin has a wide spectrum of senses in the regional speech of those who pronounce it this way. Indeed, these regional senses are tied to the pronunciation,for standard Englishagainst does not quite capture the full implication of the assertion "I'm agin him" — that is, "opposed to him and all that he stands for.”Another regional sense recalls the original literal Old English sense of "facing; next to" (see the first four senses ofagainst in the Oxford English Dictionary), where standard English would haveby: Their house is agin the mountain.Agin may be used figuratively with regard to time chiefly in South Midland dialects,meaning "by or before (a specified time)”: "I'll be there agin daylight" (North Carolina informant in DARE).词汇agin 的拼写既反映了典型的南部方言──鼻辅音前的元音的提高, 又反映了压缩的后辅音群──几种典型的地方变体的特征。Agin 在它被如此发音的地方方言有广泛的意思。 确实,这些地域意义是和读音联系在一起的,因为标准英语中against 没有完全表达 "I'm agin him" 所隐含的意义── 即“反对他及他所代表的一切。”另外一个地域意义使人想起古英语中最初的文学用语“面对;紧靠着”(参阅《牛津英语词典》中against 的前四个释义), 而在标准英语中应该用by: 傍山而建的房屋。Agin 主要在中南部方言中可以比喻地用来表示时间,意思是“到或在…(特定时间)前”: “天亮前我可到达” (美国区域英语词典的北卡罗来纳提供资料者)〔citrulline〕An amino acid, C6H 13N 3O 3, originally isolated from watermelon, that is produced as an intermediate in the conversion of ornithine to arginine during urea formation in the liver. 瓜氨酸:一种氨基酸,C6H 13N 3O 3,最初从西瓜中分离出来,在肝部的尿素形成过程中,其作为中介物将鸟氨酸转为精氨酸 〔Herat〕A city of northwest Afghanistan on the Hari Rud east of Kabul. Located at a strategic position on an ancient trade route, it was ruled by numerous conquerors, primarily the Persians. Herat became part of Afghanistan in 1881. Population, 140,323.赫拉特:阿富汗西北部的一城市,位于喀布尔以东,在哈里河上。位于古代贸易通道的战略要地,曾被无数征服者统治过,最初的统治者为波斯人。赫拉特于1881年成为阿富汗的一部分。人口140,323〔protagonist〕prōto- [proto-] prōto- [前缀,表“最初的,首要的”] 〔Bayonne〕A city of northeast New Jersey on a peninsula in Upper New York Bay across from Staten Island. First colonized by the Dutch, it passed to the English in 1664. Population, 61,444.巴约讷:美国新泽西洲东北部一城市,位于与斯塔滕岛相对的纽约湾北部的一个半岛上。最初被荷兰殖民者占领,1664年转让给英国。人口61,444〔Quito〕The capital of Ecuador, in the north-central part of the country. Settled by the Quito people, it was captured by the Incas in 1487 and held by the Spanish from 1534 until 1822. The city has frequently been damaged by earthquakes. Population, 890,355.基多:厄瓜多尔首都,位于这个国家的中北部。最初由基多人定居,1487年被印加人占领,1534年至1822年为西班牙占领。该城经常遭地震破坏。人口890,355〔Westerly〕A town of extreme southwest Rhode Island on the border of Connecticut east of New London. It was first settled in 1648 and has a textile industry dating to 1814. Population, 21,605.韦斯特利:罗得岛最西南端一城镇,位于新伦敦以东康涅狄格州接境处。最初建于1648年,从1814年起有纺织工业。人口21,605〔Spock〕American pediatrician, educator, and writer. His bookBaby and Child Care, originally published in 1946, had a great influence on child-rearing. 斯波克,本杰明·麦克莱恩:(生于 1903) 美国儿科专家、教育家和作家,他的著作《婴幼儿保健常识》 最初发表于1946年,在育儿方面产生了很大的影响 〔zinjanthropus〕An extinct primate postulated from bones found in Tanzania in 1959 and originally designatedZinjanthropus boisei by Louis S.B. Leakey. It was later shown to be an australopithecine and renamed Australopithecus boisei. 东非人属:从1959年在坦桑尼亚发现的骨骼推测出的已灭绝灵长目动物,刘易斯S.B.利基最初将其命名为东非人属人 。后来证明是南方古猿并更名为 南方古猿属人 〔toot〕[Ultimately of imitative origin] [最初的词源是拟声] 〔thromboxane〕Any of several compounds, originally derived from prostaglandin precursors in platelets, that stimulate aggregation of platelets and constriction of blood vessels.凝血氧烷:最初由血小板中前列腺素衍生而来的刺激血小板凝聚和血管收缩的多种化合物〔Geneva〕A city of southwest Switzerland located on Lake Geneva and bisected by the Rhone River. Originally an ancient Celtic settlement, it was a focal point of the Reformation after the arrival of John Calvin in 1536. Geneva was the headquarters of the League of Nations (1920-1946) and is still the home of many international organizations. Population, 159,500.日内瓦:瑞士西南日内瓦湖上的一座城市,被罗讷河一分为二。最初是古老的凯尔特定居点,1536年约翰·加尔文到来后它是宗教改革运动的中心。日内瓦曾为国际联盟(1920-1946年)的总部,现仍是许多国际组织的根据地。人口159,500〔situs〕Position, especially normal or original position, as of a body organ or part.位置:位置,尤指通常或最初的位置,例如身体器官或某部分〔mimeograph〕[Originally a trademark] [最初为一商标] 〔featherbone〕A lightweight corset bone originally made from the quills of domestic fowl as a substitute for whalebone.羽骨:最初家禽的羽茎制成的作为鲸须代用品的轻质胸衣骨架〔Decatur〕A city of northern Alabama on the Tennessee River north of Birmingham. Most of the original city was destroyed during the Civil War. Population, 48,761.迪凯特:阿拉巴马州北部一城市,位于伯明翰以北的田纳西河上。该城最初的大部分建筑,在内战中被摧毁。人口48,761〔couple〕The couple have their (less commonly has its ) primary residence in New York. · 这对夫妇(很少用 has its ) 最初的住处在纽约。 〔flap〕A variable control surface on the trailing edge of an aircraft wing, used primarily to increase lift or drag.襟翼:飞机后翼上最初用来增加上升力或拖力的可灵活控制的辅助翼〔pueblo〕The identity of the Pueblo peoples is undeniably connected to the stone and adobe dwellings they have occupied for more than 700 years—especially from an etymological point of view.Originally coming from the Latin wordpopulus, "people, nation,” the Spanish wordpueblo, meaning "town, village,” as well as "nation, people,”was naturally applied by 16th-century Spanish explorers to villages that they discovered or founded in the Southwest.The English wordpueblo is first recorded in an American text in this sense in 1808, marking it as an Americanism.The distinctive adobe or stone villages of the Pueblo peoples,with some buildings rising as high as five stories,must have impressed the Spaniards considerably,becausepueblo came to be transferred from a name for the village to a name for its inhabitants, perhaps in honor of their architectural achievements or simply as an obvious way to distinguish the Pueblo from other Native American peoples.The first recorded usage of this sense is found in 1834.无可质疑,普埃布洛族的象征是与他们已经居住了700年的土石结构房屋联系在一起的——尤其是从词源学的角度来看。最初源于意为“民族,国家”的拉丁语populus, 意为“城镇,村庄”的西班牙语pueblo , 同时也有“民族,国家”的意思,16世纪的西班牙探险家们很自然地用这个词来称呼他们在西南部发现或建立的村庄。英语中pueblo 的这个含义最早记载于1808年的一篇美国课文中, 这标志着它成了一个美语词。普埃布洛族有特色的石造和土造村庄,有些建筑高达五层,肯定给西班牙人留下了深刻的印象,因为pueblo 这个词是从这个村庄的名字转变成村庄中居民的名字的, 这可能是出于对他们建筑成就的敬仰或仅仅作为将普埃布洛族和其它美洲土著民族区分开的明显途径。这个词义是在1834年最早有使用记载的。〔buff〕[From the buff-colored uniform worn by New York volunteer firemen around 1920, originally applied to an enthusiast of fires and fire fighting] [源于约在1920年纽约志愿消防者穿的水牛皮颜色的制服,最初用于指一个对火灾和灭火感兴趣的人] 〔primary〕Being or existing as the first or earliest of a kind; primitive.原始的:某一种类第一或最早存在或出现的;最初的 |
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