单词 | 辱骂 |
释义 | 〔rail〕To express objections or criticisms in bitter, harsh, or abusive language.See Synonyms at scold 责骂,抱怨:用愤恨、粗俗、辱骂的语言表示反对或批评 参见 scold〔cut〕A wounding remark; an insult.辱骂,谩骂:伤别人感情的话语;辱骂〔invective〕Of, relating to, or characterized by denunciatory or abusive language.辱骂的:属于、关于或以谴责的或谩骂的言语为特征的〔scurrilous〕Given to the use of vulgar, coarse, or abusive language; foul-mouthed.粗鲁辱骂的:使用粗俗的、下流的、辱骂的语言的;恶言诽谤的〔hoot〕To shout down or drive off with jeering cries:用叫喊或辱骂轰下台赶走:〔gauntlet〕"The hostages . . . ran the gauntlet of insult on their way to the airport"(Harper's)“人质们遭到了飞机场通道两旁所有人的辱骂”(哈珀)〔vituperate〕To rebuke or criticize harshly or abusively; berate.See Synonyms at scold 谩骂,辱骂:严厉地或辱骂性地批评或指责;斥责 参见 scold〔revile〕To assail with abusive language; vituperate.See Synonyms at scold 谩骂,辱骂:用谩骂的语言攻击;辱骂 参见 scold〔scold〕"The incensed priests . . . continued to raise their voices, vituperating each other in bad Latin" (Sir Walter Scott).“激怒了的牧师提高了嗓音,用很脏的拉丁语相互辱骂” (沃特尔·司各脱)。〔indignity〕Humiliating, degrading, or abusive treatment.无礼举动:辱没人的、欺凌人或辱骂人的举动〔revile〕To use abusive language.谩骂,辱骂:使用谩骂的语言〔shoot〕She shot a retort to the insult.她对这种辱骂立即辱骂立即作出了反击〔baffle〕Perhaps blend of Scottish Gaelic bauchle [to denounce, revile publicly,] 可能混合了 苏格兰的盖尔语 bauchle [谴责,斥责,当众辱骂] 〔disgrace〕 Obloquy implies being subjected to abuse and vilification: Obloquy 含有遭到指责和辱骂之意: 〔abuse〕To assail with contemptuous, coarse, or insulting words; revile.辱骂,毁谤:用蔑视、粗俗或侮辱性的话攻击;谩骂〔scurrilous〕Expressed in vulgar, coarse, and abusive language.恶言诽谤的:用粗俗的、下流的、辱骂的语言来表达的〔vituperation〕The act or an instance of vituperating; abusive censure.谩骂,辱骂:责骂的行为或实例;辱骂性的责备〔take〕To abuse (someone) in venting one's own anger.通过…惩罚来出气:在发泄自己的怒气时辱骂(某人)〔scurrility〕A vulgar, coarse, or abusive remark or passage.粗鄙的话,脏话:粗俗的、下流的、辱骂的评论或一段话〔scold〕A scold is no poet and a scolding is not poetry, at least to the one being scolded,but it seems that the wordscold has a poetic background. It is probable thatscold, which is first recorded in Middle English in a work probably composed around 1150, has a Scandinavian source that is related to the Old Icelandic wordskāld, "poet.” Middle Englishscolde may in fact mean "a minstrel,” but of that we are not sure.However, its Middle English meanings, "a ribald, abusive person" and "a shrewish, chiding woman,”may be related toskāld, as shown by the senses of some of the Old Icelandic words derived fromskāld. Old Icelandicskāldskapr, for example, meant "poetry" in a good sense but also "a libel in verse,” whileskāld-stöng meant "a pole with imprecations or charms scratched on it.” It would seem that libelous, cursing verse was a noted part of at least some poets' productions and that this association with poets passed firmly along with the Scandinavian borrowing into English.骂人者不是诗人,谩骂不是诗,至少对被骂的人来说是这样的,但是scold 这个词似乎有着诗的背景。 Scold 这个词在中世纪英语中第一次被记录在一部大约于1150年创作的作品中,它有可能源于斯堪的纳维亚语, 与skald 这个在冰岛古语中表示“诗人”的词有关。 中世纪英语中的scolde 实际上可能意为“吟游诗人”, 但对此没有肯定说法。然而,它在中世纪英语中的意思是“说脏话、辱骂人的人”和“悍泼的、好骂人的女人”,可能与skald 有关, 如一些起源于skald 的冰岛古词语的意思显示的那样。 例如,古冰岛语中的skaldskapr 其褒义为“诗”,但也有“诽谤性的诗”的意思, 而skald-stong 意思是“刻有诅咒或符咒的杆子”。 看来,诽谤、辱骂性的诗歌至少是一些诗人作品突出的部分并与诗人这种联系稳步地随斯堪的纳维亚语被借入英语中〔swear〕To use abusive, violent, or blasphemous language against; curse.咒骂,诅咒:以肮脏、激烈或亵渎的语言辱骂;诅咒〔invective〕Denunciatory or abusive language; vituperation.辱骂:谴责的或谩骂的语言;责骂 |
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