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单词 时常
释义 〔themed〕Their disapproval may stem from the inference that this adjectival participle must come from a verb "to theme,” rather than from the nountheme (as left-handed comes from the noun hand ). Although many common verbs, such as telephone, began their lives as nouns, there is often very strong resistance when a noun first begins to be used as a verb. There are indeed instances of theme being used as a verb, but they are relatively rare—a fact that seems to suit the Usage Panel. Ninety-two percent reject the sentence 他们不赞同的理由或许源自于此形容词themed应该自动词"to theme(设计主题)”而来,而不是从名词theme 而来(如 left-handed 源自名词 hand )。虽然许多普通动词原本是名词,如 telephone ,但当名词开始当动词用时常会引起激烈反对。事实上像 theme 这样用作动词的例子相对较少——看来它较迎合用法专家小组。92%的小组成员反对此句型 〔stiff〕a stiff collar); with reference to persons it often suggests a lack of ease, cold formality, or fixity, as of purpose: 硬领); 指人时常指缺乏轻松的、僵硬的礼节或目标的固定: 〔nemesis〕An opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome.强硬的对手:时常取胜或难以对付的对手〔than〕Since the 18th centurygrammarians have insisted thatthan should be regarded as a conjunction in all its uses, so that a sentence such asBill is taller than Tom should be construed as an elliptical version of the sentence Bill is taller than Tom is. According to this view,the case of a pronoun followingthan is determined by whether the pronoun serves as the subject or object of the verb that is "understood.” Thus, the standard rule requiresPat is taller than I (not me ) on the assumption that this sentence is elliptical forPat is taller than I am but allowsThe news surprised Pat more than me, since this sentence is taken as elliptical forThe news surprised Pat more than it surprised me. However,than is quite commonly treated as a preposition when followed by an isolated noun phrase, and as such occurs with a pronoun in the objective case:John is taller than me. Though this usage is still widely regarded as incorrect,it is predominant in speechand has reputable literary precedent.It is also consistent with the fact thatthan is clearly treated as a preposition in the than whom construction, as ina poet than whom (not than who ) no one has a dearer place in the hearts of his countrymen. Still, the writer who risks a sentence such asMary is taller than him in formal writing must be prepared to defend the usage against objections of critics who are unlikely to be dissuaded from their conviction that the usage is incorrect. · Comparatives usingas . . . as can be analyzed in a parallel way to those using than. Traditional grammarians insist thatI am not as tall as he is the only correct form, and though both literary precedent and syntactic arguments can be marshaled in support of the analysis of the secondas as a preposition (which would license I am not as tall as him ), one should treat this use ofas as a conjunction in formal writing. See Usage Note at as 1自18世纪以来,语法学家坚持以为than 在其所有用法中均应被看作连词, 因此,在诸如Bill is taller than Tom 的句子中应解释为句子 Bill is taller than Tom is 的省略说法。 根据这一观点,than 后跟随代词的情况取决于该代词作为所“理解”的动词的主语还是谓语。 这样,标准规则要求Pat is taller than I (而不是 me ), 考虑到这个句子是Pat is taller than I am 的省略, 但允许The news surprised Pat more than me , 因为这个句子被认当是The news surprised Pat more than it surprised me 的省略。 然而,当than 跟随一个独立名词短语时常被看作是介词, 如代词用于宾语的情况:John is taller than me 。 尽管这种用法仍然被广泛认为是错误的,但它仍在口语中占主要地位,并且有著名的文学先例。它也符合than 在 than whom 结构中显然被认为是介词的事实, 就象在a poet than whom (而不是 than who ) no one has a dearer place in the hearts of his countrymen 。 然而,冒险在正式写作中应用诸如Mary is taller than him 的作者必须准备针对那些不可能被劝服放弃坚信这种用法是错误的批评家们的反对意见而对此种用法进行辩护。 用比较级as…as 可以用与 than 相同的方式进行分析。 传统的语法学家坚持认为I am not as tall as he 是唯一正确的形式, 尽管文学先例和语法规则都能支持第二个as 作为介词(即允许 I am not as tall as him )的分析, 我们仍应该把这个as 作为正式写作中的连词 参见 as1〔frequent〕Occurring or appearing quite often or at close intervals:经常的:时常或间歇很短的发生或出现:〔busy〕Diligent suggests constant painstaking effort,often toward the achievement of a specific goal: Diligent 表示时常辛勤劳作的意思,经常指为达到一个特定的目标: 〔percent〕Statistically speaking,a quantity can be increased by any percentage but cannot be decreased by more than 100 percent.Once pollution has been reduced by 100 percent, for example, it ceases to exist,and no further reduction is possible.In defiance of this logic, however, advertisers sometimes refer toa 150 percent decrease in lost luggage or a new dental rinse that reduces plaque on teeth by over 300 percent. On reflection,it is possible to infer the intended meaning in these examples—presumably the rinse is three times as effective as some other tooth-cleaning procedure—but the ostensible claim is logically nonsensical,and the phrasing serves mostly to obscure the fact that the standard of comparison has not been made explicit.The latter phrase was unacceptable to 66 percent of the Usage Panel.从统计学上说,数量可以按任意比例增长但不能按超过百分之一百的比例减少。例如,一旦污染减少百分之百,它就会消失,也就不再会有任何进一步减少的可能了。然而,广告商们时常忽视这种规律而提出行李丢失率下降了百分之一百五 或 一种新型爽口剂将牙病减少了百分之三百。 从观众的反应来说,不可能推断这些例句想表达的意思——假定这种爽口剂比其它洁齿措施有效三倍——但这种表面的说法却是不合逻辑的,并且短语的运用大大模糊了比较标准尚不清晰的事实。后一个短语是百分之六十六的用法小组成员不能接受的〔periodic〕Periodic has long been used loosely to mean "occasional, intermittent,” but this usage may be confusing for readers who are accustomed to using the word only in its narrower sense of "at regular or predictable intervals.”Thus the writer who saidParker's losses at the track were not covered by his periodic winners invited the (most likely unintended) inference that Parker had a system that enabled him to pick winners at regular intervals. Substitution ofoccasional in this context would have resolved the ambiguity. Periodic 长时间以来不严谨地用于指“时常的,偶而的”, 但这个用法常常使那些习惯于将这个词用于“在有规律或可预测的间歇内”这个狭窄词义的读者迷惑。因此写帕克在赛跑中的失败不如他的胜利多 这句话的作者(主要是无意中)造成帕克有在定期赢得比赛的方法的推论。 在上下文中用occasional 代替应该能解决这种模棱两可的问题 〔complement〕Complement and compliment, though quite distinct in meaning, are sometimes confused because they are pronounced the same. Complement means "something that completes or brings to perfection": Complement 和 compliment, 虽然在意义上截然不同, 但是因为它们发音相同所以时常被混淆。 Complement 意思是“补足或使…完美”: 〔every〕From time to time; occasionally.不时地,时常地;偶尔地〔reference〕She made frequent references to her promotion.她时常提到她的升迁〔haunt〕To come to mind continually; obsess:时常萦绕心头;使困窘:〔what〕"I've often wondered why some good crime writer . . . hasn't taken up with New Orleans, what with its special raffishness, its peculiar flavor of bonhomie and a slightly suspect charm"(Walker Percy)“考虑到它那特殊的大胆不羁,它特有的欢乐气氛的风味以及它略为人所怀疑的魅力,我时常纳闷为什么一些很好的犯罪小说作家还没有对新奥尔产生兴趣”(沃克·珀西)〔behalf〕Traditionally,in behalf of and on behalf of have distinct senses. In behalf of means "for the benefit of,” as inWe raised money in behalf of the earthquake victims. On behalf of means "as the agent of; on the part of,” as inThe guardian signed the contract on behalf of the minor child. The two senses are quite close, however,and are often confused, even by reputable writers.传统上in behalf of 和 on behalf of 有着不同的意思。 In behalf of 意为“为了…的利益”, 如我们为地震受灾者筹款。 On behalf of表示“作为…的代理人;代表…”, 如监护人代表那个小孩签了合同。 但这两种意思相当接近,因此经常被弄混,连一些名作家也时常混用〔kenning〕A figurative, usually compound expression used in place of a name or noun, especially in Old English and Old Norse poetry; for example,storm of swords is a kenning for battle. 隐喻语:尤指古英语和古斯堪的纳维亚语诗中,一种比喻性的,在表名字或名词时常用的复合表达方式,如“剑的风暴” 是 “战争” 的隐喻语 〔every〕At intervals; occasionally.时常,不时;偶尔地〔ever〕Now and then; occasionally.不时地,时常地;偶尔地〔Windbreaker〕A trademark used for a warm outer jacket having close-fitting, often elastic, cuffs and waistband. This trademark often occurs in print in lowercase and in the plural:防风外衣,风衣:用于一种温暖的茄克式外套的商标,领圈和腰部通常有松紧带且紧身。这种商标印刷时常用小写和复数:〔quantasome〕One of numerous particles located on the inner lamellar surface of a chloroplast and sometimes considered to be the functional unit of photosynthesis.光能转化体:附着在叶绿体内表层的许多微粒之一,时常被认为是光合作用的机能单位〔much〕Frequently; often:时常:经常地;时常〔much〕"Happiness is an emotion not often spoken of at the magazine, much less experienced"(Brendan Gill)“幸福不是经常在杂志上提到的感情,更不用说是能够时常体验得到的”(布伦丹·吉尔)〔quark〕"Three quarks for Muster Mark! / Sure he hasn't got much of a bark / And sure any he has it's all beside the mark.” This passage of James Joyce'sFinnegans Wake is part of a scurrilous 13-line poem directed against King Mark,the cuckolded husband in the Tristan legend.The poem and the accompanying prose are packed with names of birds and words suggestive of birds,and the poem is a squawk,like the cawing of a crow, against King Mark.Thus, Joyce uses the wordquark, which comes from the standard English verbquark, meaning "to caw, croak,” and also from the dialectal verb quawk, meaning"to caw, screech like a bird.” But Joyce'squark was not what it has become: "any of a group of hypothetical subatomic particles proposed as the fundamental units of matter.”Murray Gell-Mann, the physicist who proposed these particles, in a private letter of June 27, 1978, to the editor of theOxford English Dictionary, said that he had actually been influenced by Joyce's word in naming the particle,although the influence was subconscious at first.Gell-Mann was thinking of using the pronunciation (kwôrk) for the particle,possibly something he had picked up fromFinnegans Wake, which he "had perused from time to time since it appeared in 1939. . . . The allusion to three quarks seemed perfect" (originally there were only three subatomic quarks).Gell-Mann, however, wanted to pronounce the word with (ô) not (ä), as Joyce seemed to indicate by rhyming words in the vicinity such asMark. Gell-Mann got around that "by supposing that one ingredient of the line ‘Three quarks for Muster Mark’was a cry of ‘Three quarts for Mister . . . ’ heard in H.C. Earwicker's pub.”冲马克王呱叫三声! / 很显然一声狗吠对他还不够 / 很显然他所有的一切都和盛名无关。 这一段出自詹姆斯·乔伊斯的为芬尼根守灵 , 是对马克王进行侮辱谩骂的一首十三行诗中的一部分。马克王是特里斯特拉姆传奇故事中被戴了绿帽子的丈夫。这首诗和随同的叙述中充斥着鸟类的名字和暗示鸟类的词。这首诗是对马克王的粗声抗诉,就象乌鸦的啼叫。所以乔伊斯用了quark 一词, 它来源于标准英语动词quark (意思为“呱呱地叫,乌鸦叫”)和方言中的动词 quawk (意思为“象鸟一样呱呱地叫、尖叫”)。 乔伊斯笔下的quark 一词并不是现在形成的意思: “任何一组假想的亚原子粒子,被认为是物质的基本单位”。这些粒子的提出者——物理学家默里·基尔曼在1978年6月27日写给牛津英语词典 编者的一封私人信件中说, 他给这种粒子命名时确实受到了乔伊斯这个词的影响,虽然这种影响起初只是潜意识的。基尔曼本想用(kwôrk)这个发音来代表这种粒子,可能也是从为芬尼根守灵 一书中汲取出来的。 自从1939年这书出版以来,他曾时常精读…关于三声呱叫的暗示看上去很完满(最初只有三种亚原子夸克)。但是基尔曼想让这个词发音为(o)而不是(a)——乔伊斯将韵押为与Mark 相近的音好象表明该发这个音。 基尔曼认为这行诗中的一部分“对马克王呱叫三声”,实际上是在酒店中听到的“给这位先生来三夸脱酒”叫喊声〔energize〕"His childhood—father in . . . prison, factory work as a boy—both haunted and energized him, and he wrote on a grand scale and worked his way free"(Frank Conroy)“他的童年——父亲入狱,在工厂做童工——时常索绕在他心头,并使他奋发向上且活力充沛,他大量地写作,并一帆风顺地半工半读的完成了他的学业”(弗兰克·康罗伊)〔haunt〕To be continually present in; pervade:时常出现在;弥漫:〔attack〕Muggers often assault their victims on dark streets.歹徒时常在黑暗的街道上攻击被害者。〔mask〕A grotesque or comical representation of a face, worn especially to frighten or amuse, as at Halloween.(万圣节带的)面具:古怪的或惹人发笑的面部面具,尤用于唬人或娱乐,如在鬼节时常佩戴的〔upo〕Possibly suffixed form*up-t- . oft , often , from Old English oft , often, from Germanic *ufta , frequently. 可能为添加后缀的形式*up-t- . oft , often , 源自 古英语 oft , 时常, 源自 日耳曼语 *ufta , 经常地.




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