单词 | 政治 |
释义 | 〔Carroll〕American political pamphleteer and adviser who wrote prolifically for anti-Catholic and pro-Union causes. In 1862 she published a pamphlet that outlined what was to become President Abraham Lincoln's constitutional theory concerning the rebellious states.卡洛尔,安娜·埃拉:(1815-1893) 美国政治小册子作者及顾问,为反对天主教和拥护联邦的事业而撰写了大量著作。她于1862年发表了一本小册子,描画了日后成为亚伯拉罕·林肯总统论述叛乱各州的宪法理论的大致轮廓〔crisis〕An unstable condition, as in political, social, or economic affairs, involving an impending abrupt or decisive change.危机:政治、社会或经济等方面的包含即将来临的突然变化或决定性变化的不稳定状态〔geoeconomics〕A combination of international economic and political factors relating to or influencing a nation or region.国际经济政治环境:有关或影响一个国家、地区的国际经济和政治因素的组合〔Orangeman〕A member of a secret society founded in Northern Ireland in 1795 to maintain the political and religious ascendancy of Protestantism.奥兰治社团成员:1795年在爱尔兰北部成立的以支持当时政治和宗教的新教势力的秘密社团的成员〔sovietize〕To cause to conform to Soviet political, social, and cultural policy.使苏维埃化:使与苏联的政治、社会与文化政策等一致〔Hamilton〕American politician. The first U.S. secretary of the treasury (1789-1795), he established the national bank and public credit system. Hamilton was mortally wounded in a duel with his political rival Aaron Burr.汉密尔顿,亚历山大:(1755?-1804) 美国政治家。美国第一任财政部长(1789-1795年), 他建立了国家银行和公众信用贷款制度。在一次与他的政治对手艾伦·伯尔的决斗中受到致命的伤害〔genocide〕The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.种族屠杀:有组织地、蓄意地进行的对整个国家、种族、政治或文化群体的灭绝〔Grass〕German writer whose novels, notablyThe Tin Drum (1959) and Dog Years (1963), concern the political and social climate of Germany during and after World War II. 格拉斯,金特尔·威廉:(生于 1927) 德国作家,其著名小说《铁皮鼓》 (1959年)和 《非人的岁月》 (1963年),涉及了德国在二战期间及战后的政治和社会面貌 〔presence〕The diplomatic, political, or military influence of a nation in a foreign country, especially as evidenced by the posting of its diplomats or its troops there:势力:某国在他国的外交,政治或军事实力,尤指从委派到那的外交官和驻军显示出来的:〔Machiavelli〕Italian political theorist whose bookThe Prince (1513) describes the achievement and maintenance of power by a determined ruler indifferent to moral considerations. 马基雅维利,尼克尔:(1469-1527) 意大利政治理论家,他的著作《君主论》 (1513年)阐述了一个意志坚定的统治者不顾道德观念的约束如何获得并保持其权力 〔fulminate〕fulminated against political chicanery.强烈谴责政治欺骗〔quarantine〕To isolate politically or economically.隔离,使孤立:政治或经济上使孤立〔shirtsleeve〕shirtsleeve politics; a shirtsleeves conference.直来直去的政治;非正式会谈〔trilateralism〕The political and economic policy of encouraging friendly relations among three nations or regions, especially the United States, Western Europe, and Japan, or North America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim.三边主义:鼓励在三个国家或地区之间发展友好关系的政治和经济政策,尤指在美国、西欧和日本之间或在北美、欧洲和太平洋地区〔independent〕Often Independent Affiliated with or loyal to no one political party or organization. 常作 Independent 无党派的:没有加入或并不忠于任何一个政治党派或组织的〔liberal〕Liberal Abbr. Lib.Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States. Liberal 缩写 Lib.自由党的:属于、表明或有自由主义特征的自由党的,该党以社会和政治自由主义原则为基础或与之相关,尤指英国、加拿大和美国的自由党〔campaign〕an advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign.一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划;一项候选人的政治计划〔Azuela〕Mexican novelist whose work chronicles the social and political conflicts of the Mexican Revolution and its aftermath.阿苏埃拉,马里奥诺:(1873-1952) 墨西哥小说家,其作品依年代记载了墨西哥革命中的社会和政治争斗及其后果〔Tory〕Often tory A supporter of traditional political and social institutions against the forces of democratization or reform; a political conservative. 常作 tory 保守主义者;顽固派:留恋过去的政治和社会体制,反对民主或改革力量的人;政治上的保守主义者〔agitation〕The stirring up of public interest in a matter of controversy, such as a political or social issue.鼓动;煽动:引起公众对有争议的问题,如政治或社会问题的注意〔gerrymander〕"An official statement of the returns of voters for senators give[s] twenty nine friends of peace, and eleven gerrymanders.”So reported the May 12, 1813, edition of theMassachusetts Spy. A gerrymander sounds like a strange political beast,which in fact it is, considered from a historical perspective.This beast was named by combining the wordsalamander, "a small lizardlike amphibian,” with the last name of Elbridge Gerry, a former governor of Massachusetts— a state noted for its varied, often colorful political fauna.Gerry (whose name, incidentally, was pronounced with a hardg, though gerrymander is now commonly pronounced with a soft g ) was immortalized in this way because an election district created by members of his party in 1812 looked like a salamander.According to one version of howgerrymander was coined, the shape of the district attracted the eye of the painter Gilbert Stuart,who noticed it on a map hanging in a newspaper editor's office.Stuart decorated the map with a head, wings, and clawsand then said to the editor, "That will do for a salamander!”"Gerrymander!” came the reply.A new political beast was created then and there.The word is first recorded in April 1812 with respect to the creature or its caricature,but it soon came to mean not only "the action of shaping a district to gain political advantage"but also "any representative elected from such a district by that method.”Within the same yeargerrymander was also recorded as a verb. “一份答复参议员选举人的官方声明宣布了二十九个和平伙伴和十一个不公正划分的选区。”在1813年3月12日的一期马萨诸塞州观察报 上有如上报导。 一个不公正划分选区听起来象是一个奇怪的政治怪兽,事实上它是来自历史上的观点。这个怪兽是由两个词合并而命名的,即salamander “一种蜥蜴状的两栖动物,”及马萨诸塞州州长埃尔布里奇·格里的姓。 而马萨诸萨州以其多变的、通常多姿多彩的政治动物群而闻名。格里(他的名字碰巧发重音g, 尽管 gerrymander 现在普遍发轻音 g, )以此种方式而垂名史册, 因为1812年由他所在党成员组建的选举区就象一只蝾螈。根据一种gerrymander 如何被创造的观点, 该区的形状吸引了一位画家基尔伯特·斯图亚特,他在一家报纸的主编办公室里挂在墙上的地图中发现了它。斯图尔特又画上头、翅膀和爪子,然后对主编说,“那就象只蝾螈了!”"Gerrymander!”主编回答道。此时此地一个新的政治怪兽产生了。这个词于1812年4月首次被记录是在谈到这种牲畜或讽刺的画中,但很快,它就不仅意味“为赢得政治优势的改变区划的行动”,而且有“用此种方法选出的任何代表”的意思。同年gerrymander 也被作为一个动词而记载下来 〔Aesopian〕So veiled in allegorical suggestions and hidden meanings as to elude political censorship:寓意的,隐藏真意的:以讽喻的暗示及暗含的意思作掩饰以躲避政治审查的:〔Hobbism〕A political theory promulgated by Thomas Hobbes, advocating absolute monarchy as the only means of adequately controlling the inevitable problems created by the inherently selfish, aggrandizing nature of human beings.霍布斯的哲学理论:托马斯·霍布斯倡导的一种政治理论,认为集权君主制是唯一能有效控制人类与生俱来的自私及渴望的天性引起的一系列问题的方法〔feminism〕Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.男女平等主义:主张在社会、政治以及经济方面性别平等的信条〔sociopolitical〕Involving both social and political factors.社会政治的:同时涉及社会和政治因素的〔power〕Of or relating to political, social, or economic control:权力的:关于政治、社会或经济控制的:〔fanatic〕"those furious zealots who blow the bellows of faction until the whole furnace of politics is red-hot" (Washington Irving).“那狂热分子散播小派别的嚣张气焰直至整个政治白热化” (华盛顿·欧文)。〔like〕Writers since Chaucer's time have usedlike as a conjunction, but 19th-century and 20th-century critics have been so vehement in their condemnations of this usage that a writer who uses the construction in formal style risks being accused of illiteracy or worse.Prudence requiresThe dogs howled as (not like ) we expected them to. Likeis more acceptably used as a conjunction in informal style with verbs such as feel, look, seem, sound, and taste, as inIt looks like we are in for a rough winter. But here tooas if is to be preferred in formal writing. There can be no objection to the use oflike as a conjunction when the following verb is not expressed, as inHe took to politics like a duck to water. See Usage Note at as 1together 自乔叟年代起,作家就把like 当作连接词用, 但19世纪和20世纪的批评家强烈谴责这种用法,在正式文体中使用这种结构的作家就有可能被指责为文盲或者更糟。为谨慎起见,就写狗不象 (而不是 like ) 我们想的那样叫。 Like在非正式文体中可作为连词和动词如 feel, look, seem, sound 及 taste 连用, 如在看起来我们将有一个难熬的冬天 中。 但这句如果出现于正式文体中人们更倾向于用as if 。 如果其后的动词无明确含义时,将like 作为连接词是不会有任何异议的, 如他对政治简直是如鱼得水 参见 as1together〔unreconstructed〕Not reconciled to social, political, or economic change; maintaining outdated attitudes, beliefs, and practices.顽固的:不妥协于社会,政治,或经济的变化的;固守过时的态度,信仰和做法的〔dynasty〕A family or group that maintains power for several generations:王朝:一个家族或一个团体维持几代的政治统治权:〔contractarianism〕Any of various theories that justify moral principles or political arrangements by appealing to a social contract that is voluntarily committed to under ideal conditions for such commitment. Also called contractualism 契约论:任何一种可以借着诉诸在理想的情况下所自动做出的社会契约,来为道德理念或政治安排做辩护的各样的理论 也作 contractualism〔egalitarian〕Affirming, promoting, or characterized by belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all people.平等主义:坚信、促进或以如下信仰为特征的,即相信人门在政治、经济、社会和公民权利方面是平等的〔participle〕The "dangling participle" is quite common in speech,where it often passes unremarked;but its use in writing can lead to unintentional absurdities,as in He went to watch his horse take a turn around the track carrying a copy of the breeders' guide under his arm. Even when the construction occasions no ambiguity,it is likely to distract the reader,who will ordinarily be operating on the assumption that a participle or other modifying phrase will be associated with the noun phrase that is immediately adjacent to it.Thus the sentenceTurning the corner, the view was quite different would be better rewritten as The view was quite different when we turned the corner or Turning the corner, we saw a different view. · A number of expressions originally derived from active participles are now well established as prepositions of a kind,and these may be used freely to introduce phrases that are not associated with the immediately adjacent noun phrase.Such expressions includeconcerning, considering, failing, granting, judging by, and speaking of. Thus one may writeSpeaking of politics, the elections have been postponed or Considering the hour, it is surprising that he arrived at all. “不连结分词”在口语中十分常见,只是常常被忽略;但它在书面中却会无意地导致语义模糊,如:他胳膊下夹着一本饲养员指南书去看他的马转过跑道的拐弯处。 即使这种结构不会产生语义不清,它也很可能迷惑读者,他们通常会假定分词或其它的修饰性短语会跟其紧接的名词性短语相联系。这样,最好把句子转弯后,景色大为不同 写成 我们一转弯就发现景色大为不同 或 转弯后我们看到景色大为不同。 · 一些最初由主动分词派生出来的表达方式现在已经作为某类介词而被固定下来,这些表达方式可以用来引入一些与紧接的名词短语没有联系的短语,这些表达方式包括concerning,considering,failing,granting,judging by 和 speaking of。 由此我们就可以这样写考虑到政治因素,将选举延期了 或 就时间来说,他在任何情况下到来都令人惊讶 〔kingdom〕A political or territorial unit ruled by a sovereign.王国:由一名元首统治的政治或领土单位〔politics〕(used with a sing. or pl. verb)Intrigue or maneuvering within a political unit or a group in order to gain control or power:(与单数或复数动词连用)政治阴谋;政治手段:政治单位或团体内部为获取统治地位或权力所进行的阴谋或操纵:〔nihilism〕The belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary for future improvement.无政府主义:认为对现存政治或社会组织的破坏是有利于未来改进的一种信念〔heartland〕A central region, especially one that is politically, economically, or militarily vital to a nation.核心地带:尤指对一个国家的政治、经济或军事有重要作用的中心地区〔Rogers〕American humorist noted for his wry, homespun commentary on American society and politics.罗杰斯,威廉·佩恩:(1879-1935) 美国幽默作家,以其对美国社会和政治幽默而尖刻的评论而著称〔instability〕emotional instability; political instability.情绪不稳定;政治不稳定〔yuppie〕influenced by yippie [politically active hippie] 受 yippie的影响 [政治活跃的嬉皮士] |
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