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单词 弗朗索瓦
释义 〔Auber〕French operatic composer whose works includeLa Muette de Portici (1828) and Fra Diavolo (1829). 奥柏,丹尼尔·弗朗索瓦·埃斯普瑞特:(1782-1871) 法国歌剧作曲家,作品包括《波蒂奇的哑女》 (1828年)和 《Far Diavolo》 (1829年) 〔Rabelais〕French humanist and writer of satirical attacks on medieval scholasticism and superstition, most notablyPantagruel (1532) and Gargantua (1534). 拉伯雷,弗朗索瓦:(1494?-1553) 法国人文主义者,作品对中世纪经院哲学和迷信进行讽刺,最著名的作品为《庞大固埃》 (1532年)和 《卡冈都亚》 (1534年) 〔Truffaut〕French New Wave filmmaker whose works includeThe 400 Blows (1959) and Jules and Jim (1961). 特吕福,弗朗索瓦:(1932-1984) 法国新浪潮派电影制作人,作品包括《四百次打击》 (1959年)和 《朱尔斯和杰姆》 (1961年) 〔Guizot〕French historian and politician who advocated a constitutional monarchy, served as premier (1847-1848), and published several historical works.基佐,弗朗索瓦·皮尔·纪尧姆:(1787-1874) 法国历史学家及政治家,提倡君主立宪制,曾任首相(1847-1848年),发表过数本历史专著〔Couperin〕French composer who was court organist at Versailles during the reign of Louis XIV.库伯兰,弗朗索瓦:(1668-1733) 法国作曲家,路易斯十四统治时任凡尔赛宫皇家风琴乐师〔Sherbrooke〕A city of southern Quebec, Canada, on the St. François River east of Montreal. It is a trade and manufacturing center. Population, 74,075.希尔布鲁克:加拿大魁北克省南部的一个城市,位于圣弗朗索瓦河畔,蒙特利尔东部。它是一个贸易与制造中心。人口74,075〔Beernaert〕Belgian diplomat active in the peace conferences at The Hague (1899 and 1907). He shared the 1909 Nobel Peace Prize.贝尔纳特,奥古斯特·玛丽·弗朗索瓦:(1829-1912) 比利时外交家,曾活跃于1899年和1907年的海牙和平会议。于1909年获诺贝尔和平奖〔Mauriac〕French writer many of whose novels, notablyThérèse Desqueyroux (1927), are psychological studies of temptation, sin, and redemption in the lives of bourgeois characters. He won the 1952 Nobel Prize for literature. 莫里亚克,弗朗索瓦:(1885-1970) 法国作家,其著名作品《黛丽丝德克罗》 (1927年)对资产阶级人物生活中的诱惑、罪恶和赎罪进行了心理上的研究。他获得1952年的诺贝尔文学奖 〔Darlan〕French admiral. A leading member of Marshal Pétain's Vichy government, he was nevertheless instrumental in persuading French territories in northern and western Africa to side with the Allies after 1942.达尔朗,简·路易斯·泽维尔·弗朗索瓦:(1881-1942) 法国海军上将,他是贝当元帅的维希政府中的主要成员,然而他在劝说法国1942年后,在非洲北部和西部的地区同盟军联合作战上起了作用〔Babeuf〕French communist and revolutionary who was guillotined after his plot to overthrow the government was exposed.巴贝夫,弗朗索瓦·诺尔:(1760-1797) 法国共产党和革命家,当他推翻政府的阴谋暴露之后被送上了断头台〔Duvalier〕Haitian dictator. Elected president in 1957, he declared himself president for life in 1964 and ruled in an authoritarian manner until his death. His sonJean-Claude (born 1951), known as "Baby Doc,” succeeded him in 1971 but fled the country in 1986 after widespread civil unrest. 杜瓦利埃,弗朗索瓦:(1907-1971) 海地独裁者。1957年当选总统,1964年他宣布自己任终身总统并实行独裁统治直到去世。他的儿子杰·克劳德 (生于1951年),人称“多克宝贝”,1971年继承父位,在大规模的民众动乱之后,1986年逃离海地 〔mayonnaise〕possibly from Mahón [captured by Louis François Armand de Vignerot du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu (1696-1788), in 1756 (the duke's chef is said to have introduced mayonnaise in honor of this victory)] 可能源自 Mahón[该市于1756年被黎塞留公爵弗朗索瓦·阿尔芒(1696-1788年)占领。据说(为庆祝这次胜利,公爵的厨师第一次做了蛋黄酱)] 〔Quesnay〕French physician and pioneer political economist who emphasized the primary economic importance of land and agriculture.魁奈,弗朗索瓦:(1694-1774) 法国医生及政治经济学先驱,他强调了土地和农业基础经济的重要性〔Malherbe〕French poet whose works of rigid form and simple diction influenced French classicism.马莱伯,弗朗索瓦·德:(1555-1628) 法国诗人,他的作品格律严整,造词精炼,对法国正统文学有很大影响〔Villon〕French poet. His satirical lyrics are contained inLe Petit Testament (c. 1456) and Le Testament (c. 1461). 维永,弗朗索瓦:(1431-1463?) 法国诗人。他的讽刺诗收集在《小遗言集》 (1456年)和 《大遗言集》 (公元1461年) 〔Faure〕French politician who served as president (1895-1899) of the Third Republic.福勒,弗朗索瓦·费利克斯:(1841-1899) 法国政治家,第三共和国时期任总统(1895-1899年)〔Dupleix〕French colonial administrator who competed unsuccessfully with the British to extend French control over India.杜普莱克斯侯爵,约瑟夫-弗朗索瓦:(1697-1763) 法国殖民官,曾与英国人争夺整个印度的控制权,但未成功〔Grasse〕French naval officer who during the American Revolution commanded the French fleet in Chesapeake Bay, thereby preventing British naval forces from aiding Cornwallis at Yorktown (1781).格拉斯,弗朗索瓦·约瑟夫·保罗·德:(1722?-1788) 法国海军军官,在美国内战期间指挥在切萨皮克湾的法国舰队, 阻止了英国海军对在约克敦的康华里的支援(1781年)〔Blanchard〕French aeronaut who was the first to cross the English Channel by balloon (1785). He invented and demonstrated a parachute the same year.布朗夏尔,简·皮尔·弗朗索瓦:(1753-1809) 法国气球驾驶员,是第一个乘气球飞越英吉利海峡的人(1785年)。同年发明和演示了降落伞〔Millet〕French painter whose works, such asThe Gleaners (1857) and Winter with Ravens (1862), portray peasant life and bucolic landscapes. He was a central figure of the Barbizon school. 米勒,简·弗朗索瓦:(1814-1875) 法国画家,其作品有《拾穗》 (1857年)和 《有乌鸦的冬天》 (1862年),描绘了农民的生活及田园风光。他是巴比松画派的主要代表人物 〔mirepoix〕After Charles Pierre Gaston François de Lévis, Duc de Mirepoix (1699-1757), French diplomat 源自查理·皮埃尔·加斯通·弗朗索瓦·得·引维斯·杜克·德 米瑞保伊克斯 ,(1699-1757年)法国外交官 〔Comte〕French philosopher known as the founder of positivism. He also established sociology as a systematic study.康德,(伊西多尔)奥古斯特(玛丽·弗朗索瓦):(1798-1857) 法国哲学家,以实证主义创始人闻名。他还使社会学成为系统的科学〔Rodin〕French sculptor whose innovative, sometimes controversial works include the lifelikeBronze Age (1877) and the uncompleted series Gates of Hell, comprising some of his best-known works, such as The Thinker. 罗丹,弗朗索瓦·奥古斯特·兰诺:(1840-1917) 法国雕塑家,他的作品富有创新精神且有时引起争议,如维妙维肖的《青铜时代》 (1877年)和其中包括最著名的作品 《思想者》 等的未完成的系列雕塑 《地狱之门》 〔Fourier〕French social theorist who believed that universal harmony could be achieved by reorganizing society into self-sustaining units called "phalanxes,” groups of 1,500 people who would share labor, wealth, and housing.傅立叶,(弗朗索瓦·玛丽)查尔斯:(1772-1837) 法国空想社会主义者,认为建立由1,500人共同劳动、共享财富与房屋的名为“法朗吉”的自我维持的基层组织构成的理想社会就能达到世界和谐〔Haiti〕A country of the West Indies comprising the western part of the island of Hispaniola and two offshore islands. A French colony after 1697, the country became independent in 1804 following a slave revolt led by Toussaint L'Ouverture. In the 20th century the country's history has been marked by the regimes of François ("Papa Doc") Duvalier, who ruled from 1957 to 1971, and his son Jean-Claude ("Baby Doc"), who was ousted in 1986. Port-au-Prince is the capital and largest city. Population, 5,053,791.海地:位于西印度群岛的一个国家,由伊斯帕尼尔奥拉群岛的西部和两个近海岛屿组成。自1697年后为法国殖民地,1804年在由杜桑·卢瓦杜尔领导的奴隶抗争之后独立。20世纪历史中的重要事件是弗朗索瓦·杜瓦里埃(老道克)从1957年到1971年的统治,还有他的儿子让·克劳德(小道克)的独裁统治,于1986年被赶下台。太子港是该国首都和最大城市。人口5,053,791〔Mitterrand〕French politician who became president of France in 1981 and was reelected in 1988.密特朗,弗朗索瓦·莫里斯:(生于 1916) 法国政治家,于1981年当选总统,并于1988年连任〔Champollion〕French Egyptologist. Working from the Rosetta stone, he became the first person to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics (1821).商博良,简·弗朗索瓦:(1790-1832) 法国埃及学家。他根据罗塞塔石碑铭于1821年第一个译解了埃及象形文字〔Delavigne〕French writer known for his dramas and for his satiric elegiesLes Messéniennes (1818). 德拉维涅,(简·弗朗索瓦)卡齐米日:(1793-1843) 法国作家,以写戏剧和讽刺诗《美塞尼亚人》 (1818年)而著名 〔Bichat〕French anatomist who pioneered the histological study of organs.比沙,玛丽·弗朗索瓦·泽维尔:(1771-1802) 法国解剖学家,器官组织学研究的先驱〔Grignard〕French chemist. He shared a 1912 Nobel Prize for his discovery of a group of reagents used in the synthesis of organic compounds.格雷利亚,弗朗索瓦·奥古斯特·维克托:(1871-1935) 法国化学家,因发现用于合成有机化合物的一系列试剂而获得1912年诺贝尔奖〔Boucher〕French artist whose paintings and tapestries are representative of the rococo style.布歇,弗朗索瓦:(1703-1770) 法国艺术家,其油画和挂毯是洛可可式风格的代表〔Chateaubriand〕After Vicomte François René de Châteaubriand 源自 子爵 弗朗索瓦·兰诺德 Châteaubriand〔Carnot〕French politician who served as president (1887-1894) of the Third Republic and was assassinated by an anarchist.卡诺,(玛丽·弗朗索瓦)萨迪:(1837-1894) 法国政治家,曾任法兰西第三共和国总统(1887-1894年),被一无政府主义者暗杀〔Jacob〕French geneticist. He shared a 1965 Nobel Prize for the study of regulatory activity in body cells.雅各,弗朗索瓦:(生于 1920) 法国遗传学家。由于他对身体细胞的调节活动的研究而获得了1965年的诺贝尔奖




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