单词 | 广播 |
释义 | 〔pip〕A short, high-pitched radio signal.短而尖的广播信号〔pitchman〕One who delivers commercials on radio or television.广告员:在电视或广播里推销商品的人〔network〕To broadcast over a radio or television network.联播:用广播或电视网播送节目〔carry〕To place before the public; print or broadcast:刊载,广播:置于公众面前;刊载或广播:〔playlist〕A list of musical selections for broadcast or performance:节目播放表,音乐播放表:广播或表演节目中的音乐选择名单:〔air〕The electronic broadcast media:广播:无线电传播媒界:〔space〕Blank sections in printed material or broadcast time available for use by advertisers.空白:印刷品空白部分或广播的空白时间,用以作广告用〔microphone〕An instrument that converts sound waves into an electric current, usually fed into an amplifier, a recorder, or a broadcast transmitter.扩音器,麦克风,话筒:将声波转变成电流的工具,通常接至扩音器,录音机或广播发射机上〔drama〕A serious narrative work or program for television, radio, or the cinema.用于电视、广播或电影的严肃叙事性作品或节目〔air〕To be broadcast on television or radio:广播:在电视或收音机里广播:〔clampdown〕"Advertisers and broadcasters would raise howls of protest against any strong clampdown"(Wall Street Journal)“广告商和广播商将发出抗议来寻求针对严厉制裁的保护”(华尔街期刊)〔announcer〕One that announces, especially a radio or television employee who provides program continuity, delivers announcements, or gives running comments on sports events.宣告者,播音员:宣告者,尤指连续提供节目,发布新闻公告或对体育赛事进行追踪评论的广播或电视播音员〔story〕A news article or broadcast.一篇新闻报导或广播报导〔sunbeam〕The period of European history from the 5th to the 11th century,although often called the Dark Ages,in fact did much to preserve and extend the light of civilization.One of the relatively minor contributions of the time, albeit a fortunate one for us, is the addition of the wordsunbeam to the English language. The word is believed to have entered English in the 9th century through the work of the English king Alfred the Great. A scholar as well as a king, Alfred undertook a number of translations of great Latin writings,rendering them into the English of his time, now known as Old English.Among the works translated during Alfred's reign was a store of narratives and information about England's earliest connections with the Church,called theHistoria Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, or The Ecclesiastical History of the English People, a work composed by the Venerable Bede. Several times in his book Bede uses the Latin phrasecolumna lucis, which we would today translate as "a column of light.”Since the Old English translator did not have the wordcolumn in his vocabulary, he substituted the word beam, which meant "a tree" or "a building post made from a tree.”Columna lucis thus became sunnebeām, or "sun post,” which survives as our sunbeam. Ifsunbeam is perhaps a less stately expression than "column of light,” it has nevertheless served us well. From it the wordbeam alone came to mean "a ray or rays of light"; it subsequently became a verb meaning "to radiate.”It now allows us not only to beam with pride or happinessbut also to beam our broadcasts to other countries and ourselves, as some would have it, through space.Column would never do. 欧洲历史上从5世纪到11世纪这段时期,尽管经常成为黑暗的年代,但为保存和发展文明之光做了很多努力。这个时期相对不太重要的贡献之一,但对我们来说 十分幸运的就是阳光光束 这个单词加进了英语语言中。 人们相信这个词是通过英格兰国王阿尔费雷德大帝的努力于9世纪进入英语的。阿尔费雷德不仅是位国王,他还是位学者,他着手翻译了许多部重要的拉丁文作品,他将它们译成他那个时代的英文,即现在所说的古英语。在阿尔费雷德统治时期翻译的作品中,有一部有关于英格兰与教会的最早联系的丰富叙述和信息,书名是Historia Ecclesiastic Gentis Anglorum 或 The Ecclesiastical History of the English People (英国人民的基督教历史),作者是尊敬的比德。 在这本书中,比德数次使用了拉丁文短语columna hucis , 今天我们将其译为“一束阳光”。因为古英语翻译家在他所掌握的词汇中还没有column (柱子)这个词,所以他用 beam 这个词代替, 当时的意思是“树”或“用树做成的建筑物的支柱”。Columna lucis 就这样成了 sunnebeam 或“光束”, 它以 sunbeam 的形式存在。 或许sunbeam(阳光光束) 这种表达方法不如“光柱”这么堂皇,但是它很合我们用。 由此,beam 这个词单独也可作“一束光或多束光”讲, 而且它逐渐地变成了动词,意思是“发射,发光”。现在我们不仅可以说因骄傲或幸福而散发光彩,还可以说通过大气向其它国家和我们自己广播,如果他们进行的话。Column 可不行 〔network〕A company that produces the programs for these stations.广播公司:播送广播或电视节目的公司〔pickup〕The apparatus for transmitting a broadcast from an outside place to the broadcasting station.转播装置:把外界广播转入广播站的机器装置〔monitor〕followed the broadcast on the television monitor.跟着电视荧屏上的广播〔Paley〕American broadcasting executive who founded the Columbia Broadcasting System (1929).帕列夫,威廉S.:(1901-1990) 美国广播行政长官,建立了哥伦比亚广播体系(1929年)〔bulletin〕A brief update or summary of current news, as on television or radio or in a newspaper.新闻快报:电视,广播或报纸上的热门新闻的简短报导〔story〕The event, situation, or other material for such an article or broadcast.报道题材:这种新闻报导或广播报导的事件,环境或其他背景材料〔advertising〕The business of designing and writing advertisements for publication or broadcast.广告业:为出版或广播而设计和创作广告的行业〔Allen〕American humorist famous for his dry, satirical work in vaudeville, radio, and early television.艾伦,弗雷德:(1894-1956) 美国幽默作家,以其在综艺表演、广播和早期电视节目中冷静并具讽刺意味的作品而著称〔stand〕To wait for something, such as a broadcast, to resume.等待(广播重新开始)〔talkback〕A system of communications links in a television or radio studio that enables directions to be given while a program is being produced.对讲电话:电视或广播工作室中能在一个节目正在制作的同时下达另一指令的一种通讯联络系统〔earphone〕A device that converts electric signals, as from a telephone, stereo, or radio receiver, to audible sound and fits over or in the ear. Also called earpiece 耳机:一种传递电子信号的设备,比如从电话、立体声或广播接收器上传出可听的声音。这种设备嵌到耳朵上或耳朵里 也作 earpiece〔verbal〕Verbal has been used to refer to spoken, as opposed to written, communication by reputable writers since the 16th century, and the usage cannot be considered incorrect.But critics are right to observe that this use ofverbal may sometimes invite confusion with the use meaning "by linguistic means.” Thus the phrasemodern technologies for verbal communication may refer only to devices such as radio, the telephone, and the loudspeaker, or also may refer to devices such as the telegraph, the teletype, and the fax machine.In such contexts the wordoral is always available to convey the narrower sense of communication by spoken means. Verbal 自16世纪以来一直为优秀作家所使用,用来指与书面交流相对的口头交流, 而且不能认为这一用法是不正确的。但是批评家们却正确地评论说verbal 的这一用法有些时候可能会与意指“通过语言的方式”的用法相混淆。 由此modern technologies for verbal communication(用于语言交流的现代技术) 这一短语可能只用于指诸如无线电广播、电话以及扬声器之类的装置, 或者也有可能又指诸如电报机、电传打字机以及传真机之类的装置。在这种情况中,oral 一词总是用来表示用口头方式的狭义上的交流 〔Chelmsford〕A municipal borough of southeast England northeast of London. Guglielmo Marconi began the world's first broadcasting service here in 1920. Population, 58,500.切姆斯福德:英格兰东南部自治城市,位于伦敦东北。古里尔莫·马可尼于1920年在这里创建了世界上第一家广播机构。人口58,500〔report〕To write or provide an account or a summation of for publication or broadcast:报导:写或提供某一叙述或关于…的扼要说明以供出版或广播:〔promo〕A promotional presentation, such as a television spot, radio announcement, or personal appearance.宣传,广告:推销性的表达,比如电视广告、广播启事或个人的外貌特征〔news〕Information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio, or television.新闻:最近事件的信息,特别是通过报纸、期刊、广播和电视进行报导〔radio〕A radio broadcasting organization or network of affiliated organizations.广播电台:无线电广播组织或联合组织的网络〔remote〕A radio or television broadcast originating from a point outside a studio.实况节目:从演播室之外的地点传送的广播或电视节目〔script〕To prepare (a text) for filming or broadcasting.为电影或广播写剧本〔forbid〕was enjoined from broadcasting the news item;禁止广播这条新闻;〔airtime〕The time that a radio or television station is broadcasting. Also called airspace 广播时间:无线电广播或电视台广播的时间 也作 airspace〔bleep〕To edit out (spoken material) from a broadcast or recording, especially by replacing with an electronic sound:短促尖音:从广播或录音中删除(讲话材料),尤指以电子信号代替:〔listen〕To tune in and listen to a broadcast.打开广播,收听广播〔production〕A work produced for the stage, screen, television, or radio.电视、广播或演出节目:为舞台、银幕、电视或电台制作的作品〔edition〕A broadcast of a radio or television news program:新闻节目:广播或电视新闻节目的播出:〔dramatize〕To adapt (a literary work) for dramatic presentation, as in a theater or on television or radio.编剧:为剧场、电视或广播而将文学作品改编成戏剧表现形式 |
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