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单词 平和
释义 〔placid〕Undisturbed by tumult or disorder; calm or quiet.See Synonyms at calm 平和的,宁静的:不被吵嚷或打扰的;平静的或安宁的 参见 calm〔mild〕a mild pipe tobacco; a mild sedative.味淡的烟草;平和的镇静剂〔easygoing〕Living without undue worry or concern; calm.舒适的:生活不过于烦恼或担忧的;平和〔temper〕an even temper.See Synonyms at mood 1平和的性情 参见 mood1〔steady〕Her father, an equable and genial man, is tolerant of her spirited stubbornness.她的父亲,一个平和可亲的人,能容忍她倔强的脾气。〔piping〕Tranquil; peaceful:平静的;平和的:〔peace〕In a state of tranquillity; serene:平静的,平和的:处于宁静状态的;平静的:〔pay〕Given the unpeaceful feelings one often has in paying bills or income taxes,it is difficult to believe that the wordpay ultimately derives from the Latin word pāx, "peace.” However, it is not the peace of the one who pays that is involved in this development of meaning.Frompāx, meaning "peace" and also "a settlement of hostilities,” was derived the word pācāre, "to impose a settlement on peoples or territories.” In Late Latinpācāre was extended in sense to mean "to appease.” The Old French wordpaiier that developed from Latin pācāre came to have the specific application "to pacify or satisfy a creditor,”a sense that came into Middle English along with the wordpaien (first recorded around the beginning of the 13th century), the ancestor of our wordpay. 人常常在支付帐单或收入调节税时有不安之感情,因而很难令人相信单词pay 来源于拉丁词语 pax “和平”。 但是,并不是支付人内心的平和与这个词意义的延伸意有关连。因为意思是“和平”和“敌视的和解”的单词pax 源于 pacare “给人民或领土以安宁”。 在后拉丁语中pacare 的意义被引申为“抚慰,使缓和。” 古法语单词paiier 来源于拉丁语 pacave, 后来开始具有“缓和、平息或使债主满意”这个具体用意,这种意思随同单词paien (大约在13世纪初首次记录)进入中世纪英语, 这个词就是单词pay 的前身 〔gamut〕a face that expressed a gamut of emotions, from rage to peaceful contentment.一张表情丰富的脸,能表现从极其愤怒到平和的满意〔peace〕She is at peace with herself and her friends.她平和地对待自己和朋友〔repose〕Freedom from worry; peace of mind.安详:无忧虑;思想平和〔bland〕Pleasant in manner; smooth:态度和蔼的;平和的:〔Camelot〕A place or time of idealized beauty, peacefulness, and enlightenment.胜境:具有理想中的美好、平和和开悟的处所或时刻〔peace〕Inner contentment; serenity:平静;安宁:内心的平静、平和;宁静,沉着:〔equanimity〕from aequanimus [even-tempered, impartial] 源自 aequanimus [脾气平和的,不偏激的] 〔steady〕Not easily excited or upset:平和的:不容易激动或气恼的:




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