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单词 巴伐利亚
释义 〔Erlangen〕A city of south-central Germany north-northeast of Nuremberg. Chartered in 1398, it passed to Bavaria in 1810. Population, 100,523.埃尔兰根:德国中部偏南一座城市,位于纽伦堡东北偏北,1398年经特许建立,该城于1810年并入巴伐利亚。人口100,523〔Hofer〕Tyrolese patriot who led a rebellion against the Bavarian government of the Tyrol (1809) and was later defeated by a combined French and Bavarian army.霍佛,安德烈亚斯:(1767-1810) 提洛尔的爱国者,1809年领导对提洛尔的巴伐利亚政府的反抗(1809年),后被巴伐利亚和法国的联合军队打败〔Bavarian〕A native or inhabitant of Bavaria.巴伐利亚人:巴伐利亚本土人或居民〔Regensburg〕A city of southeast Germany on the Danube River north-northeast of Munich. An ancient Celtic settlement, it was an important Roman frontier station and later a free imperial city before passing to Bavaria in 1810. Population, 126,681.雷根斯堡:德国东南部在多瑙河边上的一个城市,位于慕尼黑东北偏北方向。是古代凯尔特人的定居点,也是古罗马的一个重要边防站,后成为一个自由的帝国城市,于1810年并入巴伐利亚,人口126,681〔Uhland〕German romantic poet known for his lyrical ballads and plays, includingLudwig the Bavarian (1819). 乌兰备,约翰·路德维希:(1787-1862) 德国浪漫主义诗人,以其抒情民歌和戏剧闻名,包括《巴伐利亚路德维希》 (1819年) 〔Aschaffenburg〕A city of west-central Germany on the Main River. Once the site of a Roman garrison, it became part of Bavaria in 1814. Population, 59,088.阿沙芬堡:德国中西部的一座城市,位于莱茵河畔,曾是罗马要塞所在地,1814年成为巴伐利亚的一部分。人口59,088〔Oberammergau〕A town of southern Germany in the Bavarian Alps south-southwest of Munich. It is famed for its Passion plays, held every ten years since 1634 in thanksgiving for deliverance from the Black Death in 1633.上阿默高:德国南部的一座城镇,位于巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山区。慕尼黑西南部偏南,因耶稣受难复活剧而闻名,因1633年摆脱黑死病,从1634年复活节开始每十年上演一次〔Bavarian〕The High German dialect of Bavaria and Austria.巴伐利亚语:一种巴伐利亚地区和奥地利的高地德语〔Schweinfurt〕A city of central Germany on the Main River east of Frankfurt. First mentioned c. 791, it became a free imperial city in 1282 and passed to Bavaria in 1803. Population, 51,079.施韦因福特:德国中部的一座城市,位于法兰克福东部,美因河沿岸。791年第一次被提及,1282年成为一座自治城市,1803年归属巴伐利亚。人口51,079〔Palatinate〕Either of two historical districts and former states of southern Germany. TheLower Palatinate is in southwest Germany between Luxembourg and the Rhine River; the Upper Palatinate is to the east in eastern Bavaria. They were once under the jurisdiction of the counts palatine, who became electors of the Holy Roman Empire in 1356 and were then known as electors palatine. 帕拉廷:两个历史古迹之一,原来是德国南部的州。低帕拉廷 在德国西南部的卢森堡和莱茵河之间; 高帕拉廷 在巴伐利亚东部地区的东部,他们曾经是在大法官的管辖权限之下,他们在1356年成为神圣罗马帝国的候选帝宫并且以作为候选宫而闻名 〔Zugspitze〕A mountain, 2,964.9 m (9,721 ft) high, in the Bavarian Alps of south-central Germany. It is the highest peak in the range.楚格峰:德国中南部一山峰,属巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山系,高2,964.9米(9,721英尺),是该山系的最高峰〔lederhosen〕Leather shorts, often with suspenders, worn by men and boys, especially in Bavaria.吊带花饰皮裤:皮制短裤,常带有吊带,适于男子或男孩穿用,尤盛行于巴伐利亚地区〔Ebert〕German politician who as president of the German Republic (1919-1925) attempted to unite his country after its defeat in World War I and suppressed Hitler's attempt to establish a dictatorship in Bavaria (1923).艾伯特,弗雷德里希:(1871-1925) 德国政治家,任德意志共和国总统(1919-1925年)期间曾试图统一第一次世界大战中的国土,并遏制了希特勒在巴伐利亚建立独裁的企图(1923年)〔Montez〕Irish-born American dancer noted for her beauty and her love affairs with Liszt, Dumaspère, and Ludwig I (1786-1868), king of Bavaria. 蒙特兹,罗拉:(1818-1861) 爱尔兰裔美国舞蹈家,以其美貌和与李斯特、大仲马《父》 及巴伐利亚国王路德维格一世(1786-1868年)的恋情而著名 〔Hof〕A city of east-central Germany near the Czechoslovakian border north-northeast of Bayreuth. First mentioned in the early 13th century, it passed to Prussia in 1792 and Bavaria in 1810. Population, 51,183.霍夫:德国中东部一城市,临近捷克斯洛伐克边界,位于白莱特东北偏北。首现于13世纪初,1792年时归属普鲁士并于1810年归属于巴伐利亚。人口51,183




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